There Will Be Freedom (not mi...

By turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Two years have passed. Maddie and Justin are... More

There Will Be Freedom
1. Prologue
2. Mirage
3. Rio
4. Normandy
5. Paper Promises
6. Hills of Montecello
8. Ides of March
9. Francis the Bulldog
10. The Animal Kingdom
11. White
12. Philosophy of War
13. Valentino the Python
14. Choke
15. Easter Sunday
16. The Weapons Manufacturer
17. Late Night Shopping
18. Holding the Apples Hostage
19. Spanish Heat
20. The Heist
21. Suspicion
22. Execution
23. The Time that Passes
24. Caged
25. Big Bang
26. The Lake House
27. Genesis
28. Health
29. Real Estate
30. Social Law
31. Reunion
32. Carnal
33. Holiday Decorations
34. Black Christmas
35. Angel of Death
36. Hands of Lucifer
37. Personal Assets
38. Confessions
39. Opening Day
40. End
5 years later...
5 years later...

7. Return

18.3K 268 134
By turntojelena


Jeremy lifted Pattie up and quickly left the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind him.

"This is going to be hell." Finn straightened himself out after getting off of the floor. "She is going to shit her pants."

"After she kills you guys." Keegan pointed to Justin, Jaxon, and I.

"Pattie's the one I'm worried about the most," I admitted.

"She has the right to be mad, though," Olivia said. "Mostly at Jeremy, but still..."

"How do you think she'll handle it?" Jaxon wrung his hands together.

"She just fucking fainted. What do you think?" Bridget got up from her seat and walked around the room in frustration.

Everyone kept the conversations around the table going, catching up and trying to figure out what we had missed in each other's lives. I think they realized that things were getting too hard for Justin to stay alive, and they understood why he had to be hidden. It was harder for me to justify disappearing into thin air after I got out of prison, but they knew how much I loved Justin. Olivia and Bridget would have done the same thing. I could tell just from the look of approval in their eyes when I explained it to them.

Nothing of importance had happened since we'd been gone. Justin kept tabs on everyone back in Chicago throughout the years so we were still in the loop, but it was nice to hear it from them. We missed not only Olivia and Finn's wedding, but also Bridget and Keegan's. Of course, Olivia had pictures and wasn't afraid to pull them out for viewing.

We told them what we did on the island, and they just kept staring at us like we weren't really here. I had made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to be mad at them forever. I would say my peace and be done with it. I had said a lot earlier, but I wasn't finished yet.

It did feel good to see everyone again, though. There was that awkward hour of testing each other, where we just talked about the weather and shit. There wasn't much to say after the initial introductions then Keegan cracked a dirty joke and we all laughed-except Justin who just produced a lopsided smile.

Nothing had changed.

While Keegan, Justin, and Finn talked about things within the family, I got up from my seat and went to the window. Cars were pulling up in the driveway, and Olivia told me that they were having a small gathering here. A lot of people were expected to show up, but it wasn't supposed to be a sad thing. Nicola wouldn't have wanted that.

I had been watching Justin all day, trying to judge if he would crack any time soon. I knew he wouldn't cry, but I expected... something. He had barely uttered a word about the funeral, and I was starting to get worried. I knew he had to have some kind of feelings on the subject. He would tell me later.

"Maddie, how are you doing, really?" Olivia said from behind me.

I sat on the windowsill. "I'm good."

"Happy to be back?" She smiled brightly.

"I am and happy to see you."

Her face fell a little and she sat next to me. "I, um, really did want to go visit you... that last year. I just couldn't. My dad died, on my birthday no less, and I was pretty shaken up."

"I didn't know that." My forehead scrunched as I tried to remember. "What happened?"

"He got hit by a car. He and his girlfriend died, so I was kind of a mess for a long time. I wasn't even thinking about you and for that, I'm sorry. I know it's not really an excuse..."

"No, no, Olivia. I understand." I took her hand.

"I didn't even realize that we weren't visiting. Did we really leave you?"

"Everyone except Jaxon and Pattie," I said. "I got used to it after a while."

"I'm sorry. And then after you got out, we all thought you went back home until Freddie came to Chicago. He was screaming at Jeremy for days. No one knew where you were. We should have gone looking for you, but Jeremy said it wouldn't do any good. I was so stupid."

"It's okay, Olivia. I'm not mad."

"You're not?" She raised her head. "Really?"

"No, I let go of my anger a long time ago. Well, I do get mad sometimes when I think about everything, but I don't hold a grudge," I confessed. "It's not worth it."

"You're so mature." She giggled. "What happened to the freshman who didn't want to go out with me on her birthday? She was just a little girl."

"God, that was so long ago. We were so young." I laughed.

"We're still young," she corrected me.

"So, what are you doing now?" I asked her.

"Well, I went to fashion school, but decided I didn't want to design my own line."

"Really? Why not?"

"I don't know. I don't think I have the patience for something like that and no one would get my style." She shrugged. "I work for WGN now. It's the big Chicago TV station. I'm the head of the wardrobe department. I get them all prettied up for the camera."

"That sounds like something you would do."

"It's so much fun. I love it." She beamed proudly. "What about you?"

"Well, I got a degree in English in jail, and then when I went to Brazil, I took a few classes at the university there. I'm going to look for something in Chicago, maybe at a newspaper or publishing firm."

"You'd be good at that, definitely."

"Um, Olivia?" I leaned in. "What's wrong with Bridget?"

We both shot looks at her. She was in a corner of the room with crossed arms and a bouncing leg, as if she would rather be anywhere but here.

"She's really mad at the world right now." Olivia rolled her eyes. "Normal drama. You do realize that we are her only female friends, right?"

"I'm shocked," I replied sarcastically. "Bridget doesn't get along with women?"

"She's just one of those chicks, I guess. But after you got out of jail, she really missed you and you just never came home. She's pissed."

"Bridget doesn't have the right to be pissed." I squinted in her direction. She still wasn't paying attention.

"You know it always has to be about her."

I still thought of Bridget as a sister, but it was sometimes hard to get along with her when she went into her bitchy modes.

"Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this," Olivia whispered, "but they're trying to get pregnant."


"Yeah, it's not really working, though. She's lost like four so far. The doctors say she has a T shaped uterus. The sperm has to go over..." Olivia started making hand gestures.

"I get it," I stopped her.

"They've tried everything, but it's just not working. She doesn't want to adopt or use a surrogate though." Olivia sighed. "She can get pretty moody. You just learn to roll with it."

"That must be hard for her." I softened a little when I thought about what Bridget was going through. Losing Elizabeth was the hardest thing I'd ever had to experience. I could only imagine how it felt to lose as many as Bridget had. She must be torn up inside, but would never show that to anyone.

"She still missed you, though. She always talks about you." Olivia patted my knee.


"Yeah. She really liked that Thanksgiving we had when she almost burned the house down trying to make the vodka sauce. She laughs at that all the time."

"I missed you guys a lot. Even when Bridget was a super bitch, she was a good friend."

"We missed you too," Olivia hugged me tightly, "and Justin of course."

"He won't admit it, but he wanted to come back, I think. He wants to get knee deep in blood again."

"They can never stay away." She looked me up and down. "You look really good. Like, really good, Maddie!"

"Thank you." I stared down at myself. "Just regular me."

"Hot you is more like it. I approve of this whole thing you have going on here. The shoes are divine."

"I bought them myself. I knew you'd be proud." I changed the subject. "Tell me about your wedding."

"Oh, it was beautiful. Surprisingly, it was kind of small. Only the family, but it was fun." She showed me her ring, which was way too big for her finger, but perfect for Olivia.

"Wow," I commented. "You two look so happy."

"We are."

"No babies yet?"

"Oh, God, no." She shuddered. "Not for another five years, at least. That's the plan. We're not ready."

I nodded in understanding.

"And what about you and Justin? No wedding yet?"

"Soon, hopefully."

"He loves you. I can tell just by the way he acts around you. It's overwhelming."

I opened my mouth to speak, but stopped suddenly. A certain chill filled the air instantly, and everyone stopped talking at the sound of loud footsteps.

"I want to see him for myself!" Pattie's voice carried from the hallway. "Justin!"

"Oh, boy," Olivia said.

The doors were thrust open dramatically and a furious looking Pattie stood, actually shaking. There were angry tear tracks down her cheeks and her auburn hair was in complete disarray. It was the worst I had ever seen her.

"You better be dead!" She stomped towards him. "He's not dead. Why is he not dead?"

"Hi, Ma." Justin waved hesitantly.

"I... I... I can't breathe." She clutched the chair in front of her.

"It's really me."

I should have seen it coming because Pattie and I were so much alike. First came the rage, and then the compassion. She slapped him so hard that his head jerked back and a deafening sound echoed throughout the room. His cheek turned a bright pink, but he just cracked his neck and stood straighter.

Then she hugged him. From the look of Justin's face, it was almost as painful as the slap. She was probably breaking ribs.

"Why are you here?" She pulled back, wiping tears. "How are you here?"

"I was being hidden. I couldn't come home."

"Did you miss me?" she asked.

"Of course I did."

"You couldn't call and tell your mother that you were alive? Do you know how much I've cried?"

"I just couldn't. It was for your own good." Justin hung his head. "I'm sorry."

Pattie was one of the only people he would apologize to. Even on this occasion, his voice was so low that it was hard to hear.

Pattie ran her hand over the spot where she hit him and felt his face. She didn't say anything for a long minute, just looking at him.

"How could this be happening?" she whispered quietly.

"People wanted me dead and I wasn't ready to go yet. I had too many things to fight for. I had to lay low for a while, but now I'm here. I had to come home," he said. "It's really me."

Jeremy cleared his throat. "Pattie, dear, I think we should talk about this in private."

"Jeremy, our son is home," She cried happily, turning around. "Look at him."

He smiled tightly. "I see that."

It took her a second, but I could've sworn I heard the click in her brain. "Why don't you look as surprised as I do?"


"Answer my question." She cut him off before he said anything more. "Tell me you didn't know about this."

He didn't reply.

"Everyone out!" Pattie shouted. "I want everyone out, now!"

There was a shuffling of feet as Keegan, Bridget, Finn, and Olivia left the room quickly. I was getting up to leave and, of course, tripped over the carpet, but caught myself before I did a complete faceplant.

Pattie spun around so quickly that I thought her head was going to do a full three-sixty. "Maddie, is that you?"

I felt the heat in my cheeks. "Hi, Pattie."

"What are you doing here?" The confusion of her face was evident; she was going to start demanding answers soon.

"I... came with Justin."

"You've been with Justin?" she asked slowly.


"Pattie, I know you have questions, but let's just sit down and talk about this." Jeremy pulled her toward a chair. She had gone almost catatonic.

"You knew, didn't you?" she asked him. "You knew the whole time that he was alive."

"Yes, I did know but..."

"How could you do that?" Pattie's face turned red with anger.

"I was trying to keep our son safe and he needed to be hidden without anyone knowing."

"I'm his mother. You watched me cry myself to sleep for months and you couldn't say anything?"

"I'm sorry, Pattie. I was doing what was best for the family."

"For the family?" She spoke in a hushed voice that was eerily dangerous. "My family, Jeremy. You aren't the only one who calls shots around here."

"Aro was out for blood. Justin had to be moved quickly and quietly. I'm sorry for not telling you. It killed me every day just thinking about it, but I did what I thought was best."

"That's what scares me, Jeremy. Did it ever occur to you that was going to get hurt in this scheme of yours?"


"Obviously not. You lied to me in the worst way. I can never trust you again." She struggled to take off her wedding ring but when it was free from her finger, she threw it at Jeremy. It hit his nose and then fell to the floor with a small clattering. "I want a divorce."

"Pattie, listen to me..."

"No, you listen!" she snapped. "I couldn't eat for months. I was so sick that I barely moved out of bed. I lost my fucking hair because I was so stressed and you didn't say a word. For two years, I've thought about him every single day and now he just shows up out of the blue?"

"There's no excuse for what I did," he confessed, "but you're being irrational."

She slapped him, so hard that I cringed at the sound. Then she pushed up from the table and started to pace, just like Justin did.

"I can't believe you, Jeremy! I'm your wife. We've been together since I was twenty years old and you couldn't trust me enough to tell me that our son was still alive?"


"I can't even look at you right now." She turned to Jeremy, "I need your gun. I know you have it on you."

"Ma, I'm not giving you a gun."

Pattie went to him and started patting down his suit, "Give me something so I can kill this man."

Justin took her hands and held them tightly, "You have to listen to him. He has an explanation and I know you're hurt, but..."

"You couldn't call? You must have known what this would do to me." She interrupted and her voice was starting to crack again.

"I know, but if I hadn't done what I did, I would probably be dead for real."

"Who else knew about this?" she asked Jeremy.

No one said anything.

She grabbed Jaxon by the back of the shirt. He was literally crawling out of the door. "Where were you because I know there's more to this story?"

"I... I was... with him." He pointed at Justin.

"So, you knew?"

"Yes, but..."

"I don't want to hear it!"

She pushed him out of the door, and he stumbled into the hallway.

"Pattie, let us explain," Jeremy said.

"Explain what? How I was lied to? Made a fool of? You don't get to explain yourself."

And then she turned to me.

"And what about you?"

"I was with Justin," I said tepidly.

"I really did expect more from you, Maddie. I loved you like my own daughter. I know you're not a mother, but you should have said something to me. You of all people should know what it's like to lose a child."

I took in a short gasp of air at her words and my eyes immediately started to blur.

"That is completely uncalled for," Justin snapped and stood in front of me.

Pattie didn't even look at us as she stamped out of the door and slammed it shut behind her. The windows shook from her fury.

I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks, and the air was sucked out of my lungs. No matter how much I tried to breathe, it just wouldn't work. I doubled over in my chair and felt someone's hand on my back, trying to soothe me. I must have looked a mess.

"Maddie, are you okay? What's going on?" Justin asked me hurriedly.

"I'm fine." I pushed him off. "I'm fine."

I wobbled up from my chair and followed Pattie out of the door.

"What the hell does that mean?" I shouted down the hall.

She stopped at the door she was about to go into and turned around. "I wasn't stupid, Maddie. I knew what was going on."

"And you didn't say anything?"

"What did you want me to say?"

"I don't know, anything! I had a hole in my heart for a year after I lost her. I still have a hole that will never go away. All those times you came to see me and saw my red eyes, you couldn't have said anything?"

"I figured you didn't want me to..."


That's what I realized that even though Pattie was there for me physically, it was almost worst as if she hadn't been there at all. She knew and never said a word.

"I was trying not to bring it up, but that's not the point. After what you felt for losing that baby, whom you didn't even know I might add, did you ever think that I felt the same thing for losing Justin?"

"That was a low blow, Pattie and you know it." I stopped myself from crying.

"And not calling me wasn't? I spent two years sobbing over my son, thinking that he was dead, and no one told me a thing. I think I have the right to be pissed."

"Of course you do, but you don't need to take it out on me. I'm sorry that you didn't know, but Jeremy thought it was best. You'll have to ask him about his reasoning because I don't know. It wasn't my responsibility."

"Maybe it's best that you didn't have that baby because you obviously don't have the maternal instincts to care for one." She wiped her face angrily.

"Ma, stop it!" Justin commanded, "Don't you ever talk to her like that again..."

"Or what, Justin?" She challenged, "What are you going to do? I'm already dead inside so I don't care. I can't trust any of you ever again." Pattie backed into the room and shut the door in my face. Jeremy pushed past me and went inside.

I collapsed against the opposite wall and slid down to the floor. I forced myself not to cry. This wasn't about me, but what she said hurt. I knew what it was like to lose a child; she was right. But was it my responsibility to inform her that Justin was alive? No.

"Maddie, she had no right to say that." Justin crouched next to me.

"I can't believe she said those things." I was almost in a daze and my head started to swirl.

"Nothing was your fault...the baby, me being dead; nothing was your fault. Don't take blame for anything that happened. This is all on Jeremy and me, understand?"

I nodded.

"I'm going to go talk with her." He got up from the floor with a purpose and went into the room.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but there were a lot of voices.

"Come on, Maddie. Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." Keegan lifted me up out of nowhere and cradled me in his arms as we walked further down the hallway.

I was suddenly tired and as much as I tried to keep my eyes open, it just wasn't happening. I went to sleep as soon as I felt a soft pillow under my head.


The next two days flew by. Everyone got reacquainted, and we tried not to think about the time we had spent apart. Even Bridget warmed up to me somewhat, but it was still like walking on eggshells with her. I didn't see much of Pattie or Jeremy, though. They stayed holed up in a room, talking or yelling at each other. Justin told her everything, but it didn't seem to change her attitude toward the whole situation. I didn't expect it would.

She was hurt, she was lied to, and she was pissed. Justin said to just let them work it out.

I was still mad at her, but got over it quickly. I knew she didn't mean what she said. Well, maybe she did, but Justin made sure that I knew nothing was my fault. He would repeat it any chance he got. That made me feel better. I just stayed away from Pattie, but I figured we shouldn't be talking right now.

People stopped by to give their well wishes to the family. Most of the massive Bieber clan left the day after the funeral, so I never really got to see anyone. They brought flowers and food. We took them all graciously and sent thanks. By the time we got ready to leave, the place was overflowing with gifts. The housekeepers were having a hell of a time sorting them all out.

"I can't believe we're really going back," I said as I packed the small amount of things that Justin and I had brought with us. We were in our hotel on our last night in Rome. Tomorrow, we would make the journey back to Chicago.

"This is just very... awkward." He smoked his cigarette at the window. "What am I going to do back there?"

"Whatever Jeremy wants you to do."

"That's just it; I'm tired of following him around like some puppy dog. His time is up."

"Don't think like that, Justin. He does what he thinks is best."

"And he gets us in a hell of a lot of trouble. Pattie won't even look at him. She said he has to move out when we get back to Chicago."

"She still wants a divorce?"

"Well, she would rather he be dead, but she'll take a divorce."

"That's... sad." I never thought Jeremy and Pattie would be at this point. They almost never even fought. I guess it was understandable, though.

Justin blew out a plume of smoke into the chilly night air. "I have no idea what the situation over there is, but I have a bad feeling."

"Jeremy will know what to do."

"He's not God, Maddie. He makes mistakes too."

"I know, but I trust him."

"More than you should." Justin looked at me seriously. "He's running us into the ground. Our whole family is falling apart because of him."

"Don't say that."

"Why? It's true. His methods don't work; that's been proven time and time again. He's caused too much of a mess to clean up and he doesn't even know how to fix it."

"What are you talking about?" I sat on the bed.

"Keegan told me that it's changing in Chicago. The Biebers are still on top, but people aren't scared of us like they should be. He's fucking it all up. This is not what Nicola worked so hard for."

"And you could do better?"

"Of course I could do better, Maddie," Justin said as if I had offended him. "He's weak. He lets his friendships rule his decisions and that's not right. Shoot first, ask questions later."

"That's one way, but I'm sure Jeremy..."

"Stop defending him," he cut me off.

"I'm just saying. His job is hard and he's cracking."

Justin stubbed out his cigarette. "What's my legacy going to be?"

"You're a little too young to be thinking about a legacy, aren't you?"

"I'm ancient in this game. Shinobu started when he was twenty-five, and James fucking Denali was twenty-one. Who knows when I'll get my chance?"

"Aren't you still in training?" I asked.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but the time for training is over." He plopped down on the bed next to me, stretching his legs out. "This is real, Maddie."

"Just don't start any war." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Where are we going to live?"

"I built a house," he said, like it was normal.

"You built a house?" I asked slowly.

"Well, not me. I had a house built for us."

"Where?" I raised my head.

"In the same neighborhood as everyone else." He shrugged. "It's pretty big and it's nice, I guess."

"How long has this been going on?"

"For about a year. I started it just in case."

I was actually kind of speechless, even though I shouldn't have been. This was just the type of thing that Justin would do.

"What does it look like?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you." He grinned. "You'll just have to wait until we get there."

Neither of us slept that night. I think we were both too anxious, but by the time the sun came up, I wasn't even tired.

We waited in the room until Jeremy called us. Justin and I rode the elevator down with our minimal amount of stuff and met the family in the lobby. Pattie was there but didn't speak or even look at anyone. Her eyes were puffy from crying, and her face was unhealthily pale. The only one who was absent was Cici. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her since being here.

There were 'good mornings' from everyone else and smiles at the prospect of going home.


Justin spoke with Jeremy in the back, talking for almost the whole flight. I sat next to Keegan who challenged me to a game of Scrabble. Of course, I couldn't pass that up and spent a long time trying to obliterate him with large words. Thankfully, he wasn't as good as Justin, so I beat him all four times we played.

We had a layover in New York and when the plane took off again, Keegan's seat was replaced with Jeremy.

"I think we should talk." He fixed his jacket and crossed his legs, preparing for what I assumed was a speech.


"First of all, I'm sorry," he said. "I am very sorry for... everything. You lost your life and your family and your education all because of us. It wasn't right of me to put all of that on your shoulders."

"No, it wasn't." I didn't bother sugarcoating it.

"I know you probably hated me for a long time and I understand that..."

"I don't hate you, Jeremy. I did, but I don't now."

"You should hate me. I betrayed you, Maddie. I should have fought harder, but I was just so focused on Justin. I'm sorry."

"You have to stop apologizing."

"I will never stop apologizing to you for what you did." He looked at me so tenderly that I had to occupy my eyes with something else. The carpet suddenly became interesting.

"I just want to put it all behind me. I'm looking forward now."

"Well, you'll be happy to know that your record is expunged. Your criminal record is swiped clean."

"How did you do that?" I raised my head.

He shrugged. "I'm Jeremy Bieber. I also set you up with... physical compensation for your troubles."

"I don't want your money. It's not all about money."

"I felt like you should have it. I don't know how else to repay you."

"I see." I paused, "Well, thank you."

"If there's anything you need or anything I can do for you, please ask me." He leaned towards me and took my hands in his. "Lo sono sempre in debito, Madeleine."

I'm forever in your debt.

"Grazie." I smiled tightly.

He kissed my cheek before getting up from his seat and walking down the plane.

I felt eyes on me and looked over to see Pattie glaring in my direction. She lowered her head back into a magazine.

We landed in a private airfield right outside of Chicago, and I let out a deep sigh of relief that we had finally made it. I was surprised at how warm it was. There was snow on the ground, but the air was calm and mild in temperature. I almost had to take my coat off.

There were cars waiting for us and Justin opened the door of the last one in line. I slid into the backseat.

"There was no one to check you at the airport," I commented as we pulled out.

"They're watching me." He pointed across the street at a car that was waiting. They started to follow us as the car picked up speed.


"I think I can see it." I pointed out of the window to a giant white, stone house that could have probably accommodated a small country.

"Yup, that's it. Eight thousand square feet of pristine, Italian marble."

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I almost couldn't speak.

We drove onto the expansive cobblestone driveway of our new home.

"Do you like it?" Justin asked as he helped me out of the car.

"I'm speechless. I have no I idea where to look first," I said truthfully.

There were trucks outside, and I saw men unloading furniture into the house.

"It's not fully done yet, but it should be in a couple of hours," Justin told me. "They're putting the final touches on it now."

The whole compound was in the European architectural style with beautiful arches and huge, open windows that reflected the sunlight. It looked like a giant Spanish villa with connecting sections of the house that was held together with a red tiled roof and a massive green lawn. To the side of the house was a garage that looked like it could hold at least ten cars, which wouldn't be much of a shock if anyone knew Justin.

"Did you build all this?" I asked.

"I designed it, yes. I just wanted to make this our home," he whispered in my ear.

"It's perfect and I haven't even seen the inside yet." I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"They started it over a year ago but I've made them start over about five times until it was to my specifications. Jeremy's been keeping an eye on the construction. Would you like to go inside?"

I nodded dumbly.

Everything was made of a gleaming, shiny neutral colored marble that was actually blinding. A massive round, hardwood table sat in the middle of the room under a hanging chandelier that I had to crane my neck to see because it was lifted so high up on the ceiling. To my left was the family room and to my right was the dining room, both accessible by large arch walkways. There were dual winding staircases that were made out of a dark wood and had a wrought iron railing, which led up to the second floor.

I didn't even know what to do.

"Do you like it?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"Its... a lot, but yes."

"I tried to tone it down a little." His shoes clicked on the floor as he walked around it. Men were sawing and clambering around the house, making a hell of a lot of noise.

"What are they doing?"

"Putting in light fixtures and finishing up the small things like sinks, outlets, and the air conditioning."

"Thank you so much for this. I really don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I did this for you."

"This is our house?" I asked with a smile. "We're going to be living here?"

"Yes. I was serious about that promise I made you. I want a future together."

"Wow, this is hitting me like a freight train." I let out a deep breath.

"If you don't like it we can..."

"No, absolutely not. I love it." I kissed him shortly and sweetly.

"Come on, let's see the rest." Justin took my hand.

We first went through the archway on the left into the family room that was floored with a thick, white carpet. The soft couches and chairs were all a dark, chocolate brown. They looked large enough to swallow me whole.

There was a gigantic white fireplace that I couldn't wait to use when it got colder. I saw an ebony baby grand piano sitting in front of the window in the corner. I ran my fingers over the new keys.

"I put in all the latest technology," Justin gestured expansively. "And everything is new. I couldn't see myself living in a house that someone else already owned. Closets are stocked with clothes, rooms have furniture, and everything's ready for us to move in."

Next was the kitchen. The counters were made of granite with a speckling of bright pink and black throughout.

"We have all brand new, stainless steel appliances," he continued.

I opened the cabinets to see blenders, baking sheets, mixers, and every other kitchen appliance ever made. The drawers held silverware and cooking utensils. The granite island in the middle of the kitchen looked like it could hold a huge Thanksgiving feast, and I couldn't wait until the time when I could hold my own dinners here.

There was a large window that let me look out over the backyard, but I couldn't even think about seeing that right now.

"This is too much. I still can't believe that this is my house," I said in awe.

"This isn't even half of it."

The archway to the right of the foyer held the formal dining room that was complete with a dark, cherry table that had twenty chairs situated around it and an oriental rug, which had intricate designs.

"I imported this table from Italy," Justin said proudly as we walked around the dining room. He turned on the light and another chandelier illuminated the room in a soft glow. There was china cabinet on the far wall that held beautiful crystal and sparkling plates.

"You're just gloating now," I laughed. "Is this still a 'my dick is bigger than yours' thing?"

"Of course it is. Once I got started, I couldn't stop. I kind of went overboard with everything," he chuckled.

"Please don't tell me that you bought a spaceship or something."

"Almost. If you want one, it'll be here in the morning."

He led me to the laundry room, which could have been its own guest bedroom if we wanted it to be. There were stairs that led to the carpeted basement and we went downstairs to see a "man palace" as Justin called it. There were weights and exercise equipment, along with a monstrous flat screen with recliners situated in a separate room.

There was a whole kitchen downstairs with a pool table and gaming equipment.

As we made it back up to the first floor, a muscular, tanned man was coming through the opened front door.

"Oh, Mr. Bieber. I wasn't expecting you back until tomorrow," he stuttered.

"There was a change of plans. I left a message on your phone," Justin replied.

"I'm so sorry. I haven't checked it all day, I've been so busy finishing up," he wiped his hand on his jeans and held it out for Justin to shake.

"It's no problem. I like what you're doing here."

"We tried to get it right this time."

"This is my wife, Maddie." Justin pushed me forward. I had been Justin's "wife" now for a couple years so that name didn't shock me. "Maddie, this is the man who built the house, Mr. Lynn."

"It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "This is beautiful. It really is. You did an amazing job."

"We got our asses kicked a couple of times until we got it right, but I'm very proud. I think this is the biggest one we've ever done."

Justin and Mr. Lynn talked for a little while longer as I walked the first floor again, just taking everything in. I didn't dare got upstairs because I might pass out. Somehow, even though this house was massive and overwhelming, Justin knew I would love it. This was our home.

"Jesus, this place is huge!" Jaxon's booming voice made me jump slightly.

"I know. Your brother got a little crazy."

"It's impressive."

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as we went into the kitchen. I was suddenly very hungry and, of course, found the fridge stocked with anything I could ever want. I started pulling out stuff to make a sandwich.

"I came to ask you something." He sat on a chair at the table.

"Okay. Shoot."

"Um, I like being back and all, it's great, but... can I stay here with you and Justin?"


"Jeremy and Pattie are going through kind of a rough patch, as you could imagine. I can already tell that I won't be able to stay there with them fighting the way they are. It's driving me crazy."

"It's fine with me, but you know you have to ask Justin."

"I thought maybe I could just move in and we spring it on him. He won't even know I'm here."

"I don't think so. You have to ask him first..."

"Ask me what?" Justin came into the kitchen.

"Jaxon wants to live here," I said.

"Absolutely not." He didn't even think about it. "Hell no. You have places to go now."

"But I feel more comfortable with you guys. Please..." Jaxon begged. "I promise I'll keep everything clean and I'll be super quiet."

"I said no. Go stay with Keegan or Finn. They'll gladly take you."

"I don't want to stay with them."

"Well, go get an apartment in the city."

"I would love that, but I don't have any money. It's not like I can dip into my trust fund. I'm too young," Jaxon argued.

"Then go get a job." Justin leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. "You're not staying here."


"Let him stay," I whispered to Justin. "He can't live with Jeremy and Pattie right now. Where else is he going to go?"

"I don't care. Anywhere. I just want alone time with you."

"I said I'd be quiet." Jaxon said.

Justin pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed, "Okay, fine, but I have a few rules."

"I'm listening." Jaxon sat up straighter.

"Curfew is midnight..."

"Two," he challenged.

"Midnight! Not a minute after. No friends over, no loud music, you keep your room clean, and you stay out of my things."

"Lock me up, why don't you?"

"And you have to go to school," Justin finished.


"Yes. You're eighteen. Eighteen year olds go to college."

"I've never been to school before."

"You're smart enough to figure it out."

"What about records? I don't have any." Jaxon shrugged. "I can't register for school without papers."

"When have you ever had to worry about something like that?" I asked. "This could be good for you. You can meet new people and get an education."

"Do I have to?"

"If you want to live here, then yes."

"Fine." Jaxon pushed up from the table. "But I get to pick my own room." He hurried out of the kitchen, and I heard his feet on the stairs.

"I thought we were through with him," Justin sighed.

"He likes you best. He's not going anywhere." I cut the sandwich I made in half and handed him a piece.

"He needs to grow up sometime."

"We baby him too much for that." I shrugged. "He's still younger than a lot of normal eighteen year olds."

"I know, but he can't hang on us forever."

"Give him a year," I compromised, taking a small bite of my sandwich.

"A year." He nodded. "That sounds reasonable."

"How's everything with the house?"

"Good. They'll be gone within the next hour, and it will be finished."

"I'm really excited for some reason."

"This is a new chapter for us. I hope you're ready."

"I'm definitely ready."

Mr. Lynn rushed into the kitchen. "Mr. Bieber, we need you for something."

"Okay, I'm coming." Justin put his sandwich down and followed after him.

I was about to take another delicious bite when I heard the doorbell ring. At first, I didn't know what it was and it took me a second to realize that the chime was to my house. I went to the front door and opened it to see a young couple standing there with bright smiles.

"Neighbor!" The lady jumped up and down. She had blond hair and must have been around thirty. "I can't believe it. We saw the trucks delivering things last week. They've been building this place forever. Hi!"

"Hi," I was in no way going to match her enthusiasm. It wasn't in me. I just smiled politely.

"I'm Carrie Sed and this is my husband Barry." She pointed to the man standing next to her. He looked just as happy as she did and almost had the same features: blond hair, nice face, but short in stature.

Carrie and Barry?

"Hi, I'm Barry." He shook my hand so overzealously I vibrated from the motion.

"We just had to come over and meet you." Carrie twirled around. "Finally, some neighbors."

"Do you live close by?" I asked.

"Two houses down," Barry answered. "We've been married for about three months, but moved in a year ago, right before they starting building this place. It's amazing."

"I would invite you in, but it's kind of a mess with the construction and everything."

"No, it's no problem at all. We just wanted to say hi. Oh, and I brought you a pie." Carrie handed me something wrapped in tin foil. "It's apple."

"Well, thank you. That's very nice." I was kind of surprised at how overly happy she was.

"We can be best friends and have girl talk all the time." She beamed.

"Oh, right. Of course." I didn't have it in me to tell her that I wasn't "that girl". Maybe I could try.

I didn't even hear Justin behind me until he opened the door a little wider.

"Hi, I'm Justin. Maddie's husband." He shook Barry's hand.

"Nice to meet you. This is my wife, Carrie."

"Hi," she waved, "we just came by to say hello. It's been too long since we had someone new on the block, especially a young couple."

Justin smiled painfully, masking his discomfort. He obviously wasn't into this, but I could see he was trying.

"I made you a pie." Carrie pointed to the thing I was holding. It smelled horrible.

"It's apple," I said to Justin. "We can eat it later."

He gave me a "hell no" look, but nodded.

"What should I major in? There're so many options." Jaxon came into the doorway.

"Oh, this must be your son." Barry almost yelled with enthusiasm. "This is great. A whole family for us to get to know."

"They're too young," Carrie replied skeptically.

"We adopted," Justin said quickly. "This is Jaxon."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Jaxon nodded.

"You too," Carrie answered. "We won't take up any more of your time. We just wanted to say hi. I'm sure we'll have you over soon."

"We'll be looking forward to it," I replied with as much joy as I could muster.

"One more thing actually," Barry said. "I don't think we caught your last name."

"No, you didn't," Justin replied. That was all he said.

We stood around in awkward silence for a second before I decided to fill it. "Well, it was nice meeting you two."

"Okay, bye!" They almost skipped off of the front steps, hand in hand, as they walked back down the driveway.

I shut the door and let my face fall into something other than a smile. My cheeks hurt.

"Weirdos," Jaxon muttered and bounded up the stairs.

"We have neighbors, Maddie." Justin leaned against the door. "Peppy, cookie-cutter, happy neighbors."

"Maybe they're not that bad," I said hopefully. "They seemed nice enough."

I went into the kitchen and opened up the "pie" Carrie had made. It was burned black and had gooey apple filling coming out of the sides. Justin snatched it up and threw the thing away.

"Hey, what if I wanted to eat that?" I complained. "We should at least try it."

"And die? I don't think so."

"Could you at least try to be nice to them?"

"I did a pretty good job for the two minutes that I was standing there."

"You did." I bit my lip. "Why did you tell them that Jaxon was our son?"

"I didn't. They assumed and I didn't correct them. It will explain why he's always here and I won't have to go into the family story if anyone asks. It's simpler that way."

"I guess."

"Besides, it's not any of their business."

I guess living the suburbs was going to be something I had to get used to.

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