Don't Close Your Eyes

By booknerdz2

2K 46 49

Liz Barrymore's life is perfect or so it would seem that way. She's in a stable relationship, has a job, and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Twelve

122 4 7
By booknerdz2

Don't Close Your Eyes Chapter Twelve

Zac glared as he sat in his bedroom at his parents house. It had been two days since he broke up with Fiona and came back home, though he had gotten a surprise. He obviously wasn't the only one coming home. Taylor too had come back. Apparently Natalie had left him.

He would have been okay if he didn't have to share a room with his brother. He hadn't known what his mom had been thinking when she told him he would have to be rooming with Taylor. She had to have known that was the last possible thing he wanted right now. It was the last possible thing he wanted ever really.

"You know I can feel you glaring at me," Taylor mumbled from the bed he was laying in. Opening his eyes he turned to face Zac who was sitting in one of those computer chairs. "If you have something on your mind, please, go ahead and say it," he said his tone going sarcastic.

Glaring more at Taylor's sarcastic tone Zac shook his head, "All I have on my mind is how much I hate sharing a room with you," he answered honestly. "I hate that you even came here after Natalie left you, no wait, I hate that you even came to Tulsa again at all. I wish you would have just stayed gone. Maybe if you had stayed gone my life would still be going good and I could be with the woman I love."

Taylor stayed silent while Zac talked, his eyes rolling occasionally at certain things that were said, "Yeah well I did come back," he shook his head when speaking after Zac finally stopped. "I came back because I thought Liz would be waiting on me. That was my mistake, I know that now," he shrugged. "But I'm not going to go back to Georgia. I'm not going to just leave again."

"Why not?" Zac asked his voice and tone coming off serious. "Liz will never take you back," he said trying to sound sure of that. He wasn't sure though, not after what she had admitted they day they had sex again. She loved them both and now they were both single again or well in Taylor's case closer to single. Liz could very well chose to be with Taylor again if she wanted too and that thought scared Zac shitless.

"Is that so?" Taylor asked his tone changing just a bit slightly. "She would never take me back? Is that why she was kissing me when you showed up at her house?" he asked his arms crossing on his chest. Zac was sure he was challenging him and that made his blood boil even more than it already was.

Running a hand through his hair he looked away from Taylor, the confidence he had been trying to use earlier wearing off. Damn Taylor for pushing just the right buttons.

When Zac didn't answer Taylor smirked, "That's what I thought," he said laughing some. "You know as well as I do she could take me back and if that kiss meant anything she very well might pick me," he winked as he grabbed a book he had laying on the bedside table and opened it.

"She had sex with me," Zac revealed using his final card he had against Taylor. "I mean after you left," he said smirking some now. "It was good enough that after she knew I was done with Fiona she went back for seconds."

Closing the book, Taylor eyed Zac, "You are lying," he said though his voice portrayed that he wasn't sure of his own words.

Shaking his head no Zac stood from the chair, "Not joking. Ask her yourself," he said as he shrugged and went to lay down on his bed. He didn't actually think Taylor would do it though. He wasn't one for openly getting his heart hurt.

"I think I will," Taylor said as he stood up. He gave Zac a tiny wink before leaving. Zac was right now kicking himself for even suggesting what he had. He didn't really think Taylor would do it, yet Taylor had proved him wrong.
Humming to herself as she did housework, Liz stopped when she heard a knock on her front door. Putting down the dust rag in her hand she left the kitchen and headed to the front door. Opening it she was surprised seeing Taylor standing there. She hadn't seen him since the day they kissed.

"Did you have sex with Zac?" Taylor questioned Liz as soon as the door was open. Liz was shocked and she felt her mouth drop open slightly. How had he even known she had sex with Zac? She wouldn't think Zac would have told him.

Looking down she moved away from the door so he could come in. When he did she shut the door behind him, "Yes, I did have sex with Zac," she confirmed once the door was shut. She didn't even know why she was answering. She was half sure her facial expressions when he first asked the questions had probably given her away.

"Why?" Taylor asked as he stood in the middle of her living room. He wasn't making an effort on moving at the moment and Liz was sure his face was a mix between hurt and pissed.

"Because I wanted too," Liz shrugged as she walked past Taylor and headed into her kitchen again. Grabbing the dust rag where she had left it she went back to dusting. "Why do you even care? You have Natalie and she is your wife and you really shouldn't give a fuck about what I do."

Taylor sighed, following Liz into the kitchen. At her words he was silent for a long while before answering her. If Liz could see him she would guess his face looked like he was contemplating his next set of words carefully.

"Natalie left me and went back to Georgia," Taylor spoke breaking the silence that had passed between them. "I told her about the kiss and she left me. I'm staying at mom and dad's for the time being."

Hearing him, Liz stopped what she was doing. Turning to face him she didn't care that the dust rag was still in her hand, "She left you?" she asked shocked by that. "And you told her about the kiss?" she asked another question still shocked.

Nodding, Taylor looked down, "I was sick of lying to her," he said as he looked back up. "She deserved to know the truth and once she did she left. I'm still in shock she left but maybe it was for the best. You and I both know I didn't love her and that I was miserable."

"True," Liz sighed knowing that Taylor had been miserable. She was still just in shock Natalie had left so easy. Natalie seemed like she was a stubborn little witch. "So you are staying at your parents?" she asked knowing Zac was staying there too. Realizing then that Taylor had heard about their sex from Zac she closed her eyes, "Damn him," she muttered under her breath.

"Damn who?" Taylor asked confused by her reaction.

Liz shook her head, "Zac," she said as she rolled her eyes. "He is the one who told you about the sex isn't he?" she asked though she already knew the answer.

Taylor chuckled, "Who else could have told me?" he asked as he crossed his arms. At Taylor's confirmation Liz was sure she could have killed Zac if he was in sight. He had no right to go and tell Taylor something like that. He had no right what so ever.

"I'm sorry," Liz said after awhile. "I mean that Zac told you. He had no right to do so," she said shaking her head, some of her hair falling in her eyes.

Taylor shrugged and walked closer to Liz. Reaching her he moved the hair out of her eyes, "It's fine. He's just being a prick because he is still jealous you kissed me," he smirked saying those last few words.

Looking at Taylor, Liz sighed figuring Zac telling was more than likely out of jealousy. The Hanson brothers were going to be the death of her, "He still had no right," she said as she shrugged.

Taylor laughed again and soon leaned in kissing Liz on the lips. Liz froze as soon as their lips connected and she knew like she did the last time it would be best to push him away, yet she kissed him back. At least this time he was one step closer to a divorce so maybe it wasn't that bad.

Feeling him push her into the counter she felt her hands drop the dust rag and she kissed him harder, her hands moving up and tangling in his hair. She knew how this story would end. They were about to have sex right here in her kitchen.
Coming back home a few hours later, Taylor went to the bedroom he was sharing with Zac. Seeing Zac on the bed reading a comic book he took the pair of panties he had stolen from Liz out of his pocket, "Guess you aren't the only one who can get her to have sex twice," he winked as he plopped down on the other bed.

Looking up from the comic book, Zac glared when he saw the panties in Taylor's hand, "You had sex with her and then stole her panties?" he asked as he shook his head.

"Had to do something to show you it actually happened," Taylor shrugged as he pocketed the panties again. He planned on eventually washing them and returning them. "I guess we both know what this means," he said eying Zac. "This has now became an official war."

"No, it hasn't" Zac muttered as he stood from the bed, "If you want Liz, have her," he sighed as he stood from the bed. He was done fighting for someone who clearly didn't want him.

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