Because Of You

By iclaimeditforhell

9.6K 261 38

For Detective Kevin Ryan there's always been a clear line between the good and the bad; The cops and the crim... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

297 12 6
By iclaimeditforhell

Ryan follows Malone around the room with his eyes. It's all he can do - watching as his kidnapper nervously paces up and down in front of him. Every time he stops, he looks at the doors and checks his watch. If this rag wasn't in his mouth then Ryan knows he would be making a smart ass remark right about now. Malone gets more and more agitated, which causes Ryan to smile. Unfortunately this facial movement causes him to start coughing rather loudly. Malone's head snaps round to see his captive staring right at him. The coughing fit has caused tears to fill his blue eyes. Now it's Malone's turn to smile as an evil thought suddenly crosses his mind.

"Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of it before!" the mercenary takes a step closer to him.

The powerless detective wishes he could say something, but all he can do is watch as Malone continues "For months I've treated you and Mick as father and son, but you're not really, are you? I've known for months, but you didn't have a clue until today! I don't know if you've noticed, you're a smart guy so you probably have, but I've been trying to get under your skin. Much to your amusement and my disappointment, I'm sure, I've been failing, however I think that's because I haven't been pressing the right buttons, have I?"

Malone advances on the helpless detective until his face is but inches away from him. Cautiously, Ryan shifts in his restraints. The close proximity is an uncomfortable feeling for him, but he's not about to let this psycho know that. Malone inhales as if he's trying to consume his captive's pure essence. Strangely, his entire body relaxes as he exhales. It's as if he's getting high off Kevin and what he's doing to him. Slowly, this psychotic man lowers himself until he's literally sat on his poor captive's lap (much to the discomfort of Ryan).

"This is it! I've finally worked it out! I told you before how I find you completely and utterly fascinating. Your ability to be able to shut off any emotion you choose, or at least to conceal it, is one I envy. How could I expect you to show emotion over a man you just learnt was your father? Now that was foolish of me, but there is someone, isn't there? Someone you've known for a very long time" Malone leans over so his mouth is right next to Ryan's ear "Detective Javier Esposito. Your partner for over a decade now. That's an awfully long time to hold back your feelings for someone. Poor Esposito pines after you every single day. All he wants to do is reach out and touch you"

As Malone says his last few words, his sick and twisted mind decides to reach his hand down and grab Ryan by the crotch, hard. Kevin struggles against his restraints. Wrists red raw from the rope digging into his wrists. Before he moved so subtly as to not appear to be in distress, but now he can't hide his emotions. Distress is the all consuming emotion that has taken hold of him. It has him in its grip. Malone has him in his grip! With an evil grin, Malone knows he's found the right button to press, and he's going to continue to press it until the struggling detective can't take anymore. Ryan tries to yell something in frustration, but of course his voice is muffled.

Malone hushes his struggling captive as he grips even tighter "Don't hurt yourself trying to resist me, because it won't work. You know after the Russians get here and do what they want with you, I might just go and pay a visit to Esposito. I think I'm going to torture him nice and slowly and tell him about all the fun we had together. No doubt my employers will kill you. I might even be there to witness it so maybe I should tell him about how you screamed when they broke your fingers, one by one, snapping them like twigs. Do you think I should do that, Ryan? Do you think he'd enjoy hearing about the pain you're going to endure? How by the end of it you're a bloody, broken mess, just begging for death?"

Both the words and actions cause the detective to grunt in disapproval. The smirk spreading across Malone's face makes Kevin's stomach twist. Slowly his captor leans down and lifts his head up towards his lips. Ryan knows exactly what's about to happen and he prays that something or someone can just burst through the doors. Please let it be Javi! In fact, as of right now, he would accept the Russians walking through the door. Anything to prevent this pervert's lips from making contact with his own!

"Freeze! NYPD! Hands in the air, Malone!" a voice shouts, but the blood pumping loudly through Kevin's ears means he only just about heard it.

It sounded an awful lot like his partner. God, he hopes it's Javier! When Malone reers his head up, this is when Kevin knows he didn't imagine it. Someone really is here to rescue him! Desperately Kevin tries to turn to see who his saviour is. As his eyes lock on to the approaching figure, his heart jumps for joy. A very determined and extremely angry Esposito heads towards them with his gun tightly grasped in his hands. Ryan's whole body sighs with relief as Malone gets up off his lap, and most importantly, he lets go of what he's holding on to.

"Detective Esposito, here to save your boyfriend I see" the hired mercenary teases as he puts his hands on the back of his head.

Cautiously, Malone starts to walk to the left, causing Esposito to walk to the right towards Ryan. The two of them never take their eyes off each other as they prowl around the restrained detective like lions circling their prey. Suddenly Malone reaches down, out of sight of Esposito, whose view is blocked by Ryan. The detective tied to the chair can see exactly what his captor is doing and screams through the rag in his mouth to warn his partner. Without even understanding what his partner is trying to say, Esposito just knows something is wrong. Instantly, he dives out to his side to see Malone reaching for his gun. On instinct Esposito fires!

The gun falls from Malone's hand. It crashes on to the floor. The man's body not far behind. Quickly, Esposito races over and kicks the gun away. As he looks down he sees the blood pouring out of Malone's neck. There's no way he can survive this. It looks like the bullet hit a major artery. Sure enough, within the space of less than a minute, the hired mercenary is dead.

"You okay Kev?" Espo shouts breathlessly as he looks up at his partner.

Kevin nods, looking very tearful. This causes Esposito to race to his fellow detective's side. Never before has he seen his best friend look so fearful before, but to be fair to him, he has had one of the longest most hardest days anyone could ever have. The things he's been through in the space of 24 hours is bound to overwhelm anyone. The fact that he's just feeling the effects now only proves to Esposito how strong his partner really is.

Gently, Javier unties the cloth around Kevin's mouth. Once he removes the last part of the gag, Ryan sucks in a breath.

"Just hold on, Kev" Espo tells him as he works on untying his ankles and wrists.

Kevin just sits there, in a state of shock, as his partner frees him. The release of his tight restraints causes an exhausted detective to fall forwards into his partner's strong awaiting arms. It's not like Ryan was planning to fall into Esposito's arms, but now he's here, he's not complaining . The safety and security he's now feeling causes a few tears to escape from the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay, Kev. I got you. You're safe with me" Javier coos as he rubs small circles in his weeping partner's back.

Kevin nuzzles his head into Javier's neck. Hands latched on to his Kevlar vest. This is exactly what he'd been hoping for. Yet somehow, it's even better than he ever could have imagined, being in his best friend's arms and feeling the warmth, the safety of his gentle hold. Espo said he's safe with him and he...

"No! Wait, Javi! We gotta go right now!" the Irishman jolts up out of Esposito's arms.

The sudden loss of warmth causes Espo to frown, but he's more concerned as to why his partner has a terrified look in his eyes.

"It's alright, Kev-" Esposito starts to reassure him.

"-No, Javi, it's really not alright. Malone h-he worked for the Russian mob. They're coming here right now! We have to go!" Kevin grabs his best friend's hand and drags him towards the doors.

As the two detectives make their way across the warehouse, hand in hand, the metallic double doors slide open. It's roles reversed now as Espo drags his partner back behind him. Esposito's eyebrows furrow in confusion as Mick McConnell and a large group, of what he can only assume are his men, walk through the doors all armed to the teeth with guns. Esposito walks forwards, leaving his partner a few paces behind him. Mick spots his son's partner walking towards him and gestures to his men not to fire as he makes his way over to him.

"What are you doing here, McConnell?" Esposito growls.

"Let's just say we have a mutual interest, Detective" Mick replies, flicking his eyes over to Ryan, who hasn't moved an inch.

Javier and Mick glare at each other, but before Esposito can reply, loud gunshots start to ring in his ears. Instinct draws him to his partner. Kevin stands with his back to him, facing the other side of the warehouse where the huge doors have been opened. Another gun shot is heard, but this time Kevin's body twists violently as he falls to the floor.

"Kevin!" Javier yells, eyes widening in horror as he watches his partner go down.

What happens next is all a blur for the Hispanic detective. With no concern for himself, he rushes over to Ryan's side and drags him over to the concrete pillar in the middle of the warehouse, just as the gunshots start up. Both the Irish and what appears to be the Russians start firing at each other. Esposito drags his wounded partner on to the side facing Mick's crew. As much as he hates to admit it, the Irish mob seems like the friendliest side in this. Common sense is telling him that the Irish haven't shot at him or Kevin yet. Besides, their leader seems pretty intent on keeping Kevin safe. Speaking of Mick, he has followed Esposito over to the horizontal concrete pillar to take cover with them. Ryan is caught in the middle of his father and his partner.

"Kev, where are you hit?!" Esposito yells over the sound of bullets exiting their chambers.

"My shoulder, but it's not too bad. Bullet made a clean exit, I think" Ryan groans loudly as he grips his arm. The red hot pain races through his body like a wildfire would through a forest.

"What the hell is going on here?" Espo questions just as a bullet rips into the part of the pillar between his and Ryan's heads.

Mick comes up closer behind his son and pulls him down lower to the ground away from the gun fire. Esposito looks at the odd pair in confusion, but he follows suit getting down lower and closer to his partner.

"Javi, listen to me. I don't have time to explain things like that. It doesn't look like we've got long left so I just want to tell you how much you mean to me!" Kevin shouts over the commotion inside the warehouse as best he can "I should've talked to you about all of this a long time ago!"

"Yeah I know. You've been the best partner I've ever had and I know you think of me like your brother-" Esposito starts to explain.

"-No, you idiot! I'm in love you!" Ryan finishes.

"I-I'm in love you too, Kev" Javier stutters, shuffling closer to his partner until their bodies are practically moulded together. Their hearts start to beat as one as Esposito lifts his hand up to caress Ryan's cheek.

"Javi, if this is our last moment together then I want you to-" the blue eyed detective starts to explain, but Espo cuts him off by connecting their lips.

In terms of first kisses, this could arguably be one of the greatest in the history of the world. All that built up love, passion and sexual tension over the years is finally being released into one all mighty kiss. The two of them kiss long and hard as they truly believe this is their last moment together. Their lips slide over each other in sync.

Eventually they pull apart, wrapping their arms around each other, although it's a little awkward to do with Mick right behind Kevin. The Irish detective is lying flat on his back, but his body is twisted more towards Esposito. The kiss has slightly numbed the pain he's feeling. Kevin keeps his arm, connected to his injured shoulder, close to his chest and wraps the other one around his partner's neck. Esposito places one hand on Ryan's hip and protectively pulls him in closer to him.

"If this our last moment, Kev, then I'm going to die a happy man, knowing I have you in my arms" Esposito whispers as he softly plants a kiss on Ryan's forehead. All thoughts of who can hear and how soppy he might sound is of little consequence to him right now. As long as Kevin hears. As long as Kevin knows.

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