"Where There Legend Begins"

By kayle_winxs

1.7K 768 24

//Discontinued//#67 Every Champion has a Story. Who are they? Where they live? What happen in the past? How... More

Ashe the Frost Archer
Kayle the Judicator
Lux the Lady of Luminosity
Orianna the Lady of Clockwork
Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman
Star Guardian
Jinx the Loose Cannon
Irelia the Will of the Blades
Volibear the Thunder's Roar
Zed the Master of Shadows
Yasuo the Unforgiven
Sona the Maven of the Strings
Quinn the Demacia's Wings
Aatrox the Darkin Blade
Fizz the Tidal Trickster
Caitlyn the Sheriff of Piltover
Nami the Tidecaller
Sejuani the Winter's Wrath
Riven the Exile
Braum the Heart of the Freljord
Anivia the Cryophoenix
Karma the Enlightened One
Brand the Burning Vengeance
Heimerdinger the Revered Inventor
Gnar the Missing Link
Rengar the Pridestalker
Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow
Lulu the Fae Sorceress
Vi the Piltover Enforcer
Lissandra the Ice Witch
Vel'Koz the Eye of the Void
Zac the Secret Weapon
Trundle the Troll King
Udyr the Spirit Walker
Shyvana the Half-Dragon
Syndra the Dark Sovereign
Zyra the Rise of the Thorns
Tryndamere the Barbarian King
Nunu the Yeti Rider
Twitch the Plague Rat
Swain the Master Tactician
Soraka the Starchild
Morgana the Fallen Angel
Janna the Storm's Fury
Katarina the Sinister Blade
Teemo the Swift Scout
Blitzcrank the Great Steam Golem
Lee Sin the Blind Monk
Jax Grandmaster at Arms

Gragas the Rabble Rouser

27 15 0
By kayle_winxs

  The only thing more important to Gragas than fighting is drinking. His unquenchable thirst for stronger ale has led him in search of the most potent and unconventional ingredients to toss in his still. Impulsive and unpredictable, this rowdy carouser loves cracking kegs as much as cracking heads. Thanks to his strange brews and temperamental nature, drinking with Gragas is always a risky proposition.

Gragas has an eternal love of good drink, but his massive constitution prevented him from reaching a divine state of intoxication. One night, when he had drained all the kegs and was left wanting, Gragas was struck by a thought rather than the usual barstool: why couldn't he brew himself something that would finally get him truly drunk? It was then that he vowed to create the ultimate ale.

Gragas' quest eventually brought him to the Freljord, where the promise of acquiring the purest arctic water for his recipe led him into uncharted glacial wastes. While lost in an unyielding blizzard, Gragas stumbled upon a great howling abyss. There he found it: a flawless shard of ice unlike anything he had ever seen. Not only did this unmelting shard imbue his lager with incredible properties, but it also had a handy side effect - it kept the mixture chilled at the perfect serving temperature.

Under the spell of his new concoction, Gragas headed for civilization, eager to share the fermented fruits of his labor. As fate would have it, the first gathering to catch Gragas' bleary eyes would shape the future of the Freljord. He blundered into a deteriorating negotiation between two tribes discussing an alliance with Ashe. Though Ashe welcomed a break in the tension, the other warriors bristled at the intrusion and hurled insults at the drunken oaf. True to his nature, Gragas replied with a diplomatic headbutt, setting off a brawl matched only in the legends of the Freljord.

When the fallen from that great melee finally awoke, Ashe proposed a friendly drink as an alternative to fighting. With their tempers doused in suds, the two tribes, formerly on the brink of war, bonded over a common love of Gragas' brew. Although strife was averted and Gragas hailed a hero, he still had not achieved his dream of drunken blissfulness. So once more, he set off to wander the tundra in search of ingredients for Runeterra's perfect pint.

''Now this'll put hair on your chest!''
-- Gragas  

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