Finding Daddy [Book 1; Daddy...

By _DatWriterChick

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Finding Daddy // A.I. // Daddy Series; Book One
1: I Can't Do This
2: Well, He's Cute
3: Michael
4: It Will Be Worth It
5: Nightmares
6: I'll Be Back
7: That Night
8: Postive or Negtive
9: Will You?
10: The Answer
11: Ella
12: Ashamed
13: Family?
14: How Bad Is It?
16: Rumors Don't Stop
17: Morning Sickness
18: Phase Two; Scary Movies
19: Phase Two; Status-Failure
20: I Care!
21: Awkward Shops and Pizza
22: School Days
23: Five More Minutes?
24: Goodbye
25: Visiting
26: Apologizes
27: Just A Bump in the Road
28: We Need to Talk
29: It Feels Real
30: The End...For Now

15: Role Switch

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By _DatWriterChick

“You’re pregnant?” I ask her, she nods her head looking in her lap.

“Hey, it’s okay, remember I was pregnant at your age too,” I smile and she nods, not returning the smile. I remember trying to explain to my grandma what happened, yeah, that was hell.

“She wouldn’t even let me explain!” She cries propping her elbows on the table, burying her face in her hands. I slide over next to her and comfortably rub her back as she cries. Her breathing slows and she wipes her tears off her face again.

“I was walking home from the store and I heard someone calling my name, I turned around and saw Malachi, my boyfriend, walking down this street. I thought it was him so I turned around and followed him down the road. I turned the corner and felt someone’s hand covering my mouth. They told me to take off my clothes so I did and they did it. They said if I told anyone they’d hurt me, I tried to tell my mom but she just yelled at me and told me she never wanted to see me again, she didn’t believe me!” She says not crying as much. I pull her into a hug and rub her back again.

“Do you have anywhere else to go?” I ask her she shakes her head.

“No, my mom and I moved here from the states last year so none of my relatives are here,” she says and I nod

“Let’s go talk to Ashton,” I say we both stand up and throw away our garbage and walked back to the park.

“I’m scared, this is my idol we’ll be talking to and he’ll think I’m stupid or something,” She says stopping by the same bench we were at just a little bit ago.

“If he thinks you’re stupid I’ll slap him, I swear. Plus, we were the same age, El, you keep forgetting that. We made the same mistake, it’ll be okay, I promise,” I say smiling, she smiles back and we walk toward Ashton who is now pushing the twins on swings.

“Ashton, we have to go now,” I say to him, he gives me a questioning look and I shake my head.

“Aright, out you go!” He says pulling them off the swings then walking over to me, the twins a little bit ahead of us.

“Why are we going home? Why is Ella coming with us? What’s going on?”

“Ashton! Just chill, we just need to go home okay? We’ll talk about it there.” I say and he nods. We walk in silence the short way there; the twins go upstairs and practically immediately fall asleep.

“So why did we have to leave early? And why is Ella with us?” Ashton says sitting in the chair he normally does while Ella and I sit on the couch. I look over at Ella and she nods, looking down at her lap and fiddling with her fingers.

“I-I-erm-uh-got kicked out,” she says, Ashton sits up from his relaxed position and leans in closer.

“What? Why?” She looks up at me her eyes watering

“Do you want me to tell him?” I ask her and she nods.

“She was raped a couple weeks ago and she’s pregnant. She tried telling her mom, but she wouldn’t listen, said she was lying and kicked her out.”

“Are you serious?” Ashton says, shock covering his face as he looks at Ella, “What do you plan to do, Ella?” He asks still shocked

“I’m not getting an abortion,” She says shaking her head furiously.\

“What about adoption?” Ashton asks her. Ella shrugs.

“I think she needs to figure out where she’s gonna stay first, Ash,” I say. It’s strange how someone I practically just met can feel so much like a sister. I feel strangely protective over El and I feel the need to help her. She’s like a long lost sister that I finally found, she feels like a best friend.

“Where do you want to live, then?” Ashton asks her

“I don’t know I have nowhere to go. I didn’t exactly plan on getting kicked out,” she says.

“Aria can I talk to you?” Ashton asks I nod

“We’ll be right back,” I tell Ella and we walk down the hall towards the bathroom, we stop at the end of the hall.

“What can we do?” he whispers.

“I don’t know, I mean her mom kicked her out. She moved here from the states a year ago so she has no family nearby so she can’t go to any family member’s house.” I whisper back.

“Is there anything we can help? Maybe pay for a hotel? I need to help her, Aria, it’s weird,” he says.

“A hotel is an option, but she needs food and everything. Plus I think it’s illegal for a minor to live alone, so I’m pretty sure that’s out of the question.”

“What if she lived with us? Just for a little while?” Ashton suggests

“I don’t know, Ash, what if she’s not really pregnant and just lying about the whole thing,”

“Aria, I have this weird protective feeling over her, like I need to help her out. We have to do something, and there isn’t much else of a choice. I know we’re in this complicated stage of our own right now, but I can just move into your room, give El the spare bedroom. I can even sleep on the couch if you want me to, I don’t have to stay in your room, but Ella has to stay in the spare bedroom,” he finishes.

“I feel that whole protective feeling over her too, but there has to be another way, Ash,”

“Let’s just try it; you remember how you felt about it when you were her age. When you found out you were pregnant and even though you had your grandparents you would’ve taken any help you could get right? Let’s just try it, please. She needs someone to be there for her right now, she’s young and confused.”

“Then I guess we should go tell her, then tomorrow we can go get some prenatal vitamins, clothes and stuff for her room,” I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

It’s weird, looking back on it, it was only a week or two ago when I gave her my number, expecting maybe one call or something. Not having her moving in, pregnant of all things. I don’t even know how I feel about it.

I unwrap my arms from Ashton and we walk out to the living room, Ella sitting there as we left her. She hadn’t moved or anything, no tears, nothing.

“So, Ella, we’ve come to an idea,” Ashton says motioning me to continue.

“Since you have nowhere else to go, we thought you might want to come live with us for a while,” I say

“Really?” Ella asks, hope in her eyes for the first time since I’ve seen her.

“Yes, but there need to be rules,” I say then motioning Ashton to continue.

“You can keep your phone and everything; we’ll pay for it if you need it. You have to keep going to school and get good grades or the phone is going away, and no boys,” Ashton says

“Yes, of course,” she says smiling. She jumps up from the couch and gives me and Ashton both hugs.

“Tomorrow we’ll be heading out to get some clothes for you, prenatal vitamins and some random bedroom things,” I say

I’ve switch roles, I’m no longer the desperate, pregnant teenager, and I’m the caretaker. The one who needs to be strong, the one who will need to help her through this, the bullying from school kids, the struggles of being pregnant, but doing all of this while dating a pop star. It won’t be easy, but if life were easy it wouldn’t be worth living, that’s why we have obstacles to overcome and friends to help so we don’t have to do it alone.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

I have drama to come, I just am trying to space it out because everything happened pretty quick previously, and I want to make this about 30-40 chapters so I need to space it out:)

I deleted Taking Off the Wig; it wasn't going how I expected and I didn't like writing it, I felt bored with it, so I deleted it. Sorry guys:(

How do you feel about Ashton and Aria taking Ella in?
What about how Ella's mom reacted?

Well I don't have anything else to say....ermmmm yeah, oh by the way this is taking place in about August, so 'school' in the book will be taking place in about chapter 18-20ish just so you guys know...


Ashton on the side------->


Vote/Comment/Fan if Ashton is hot ;)

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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