The Legend of Zelda: Shadows...

By FanMadeBooksdude

211 5 3

"I was walking through the woods, but the woods looked.....Different; they had a dark powder or something on... More

Prologue - "How everything began"
Chapter 1 - "Just a Dream"
Chapter 3 - "The day of Shadows"
Chapter 4 - "The Shadow Sword"

Chapter 2 - "My Shadow"

33 1 0
By FanMadeBooksdude

Aryll was sitting in the house serving herself a tenth bowl of soup. She sat down and stared at the hookshot Link had given her. Link had acted strangely so far towards the day, but has not mentioned anything. Aryll knew just by looking at him that he was troubled by many things. She could list all the things that were troubling Link to those who would take the time to listen.

-   The loss of his friend RL

-   He has a crush on a pirate girl that he saved on his previous quest, and (of course) misses her, (Don't tell anyone!!)

-   He had to sacrifice one of the most OP items he ever had in his life

But Aryll just couldn't wrap her finger on the last thing that haunted Link. He was (at the training plantation) almost, Blank and paleish. He had no true facial expression, like something was sapping the energy out of him. The thought made Aryll shiver in fear, but she never had felt this type of fear before. Not since the time when she got kidnapped by the helmaroc king (Which is a giant bird that Link killed with a giant hammer).

There it was again, that shiver of fear, almost as if something was...reaching out to her. She stiffened, for she heard a faint voice in the wind. She could almost make out the words; " me...Child...I have come...with a task for...thee who stands...before". Aryll could not believe her ears, but she has heard Legends that the people in the world who have long pointed, elf like ears, like herself, are descendent to an ancient society that were supposedly were able to hear the words of the gods. "I...I do" Aryll said in bewilderment.


I watched, well not really for I fainted, but it seemed so real; as my surroundings shifted and changed before my eyes. Never have I seen such an event in my life, not

even my Adventure/Quest. Suddenly everything froze, and slowly arranged themselves to piece together the Island that I grew up on. Then, I woke and stood up, but I woke from the farthest part of the island, in the shade. Puzzled I gazed onward to view the island, everything looked the same; everyone was doing there daily tasks, Grandma and RL discussing who knows what, and Aryll....Probably eating her tenth bowl of soup. But everyone looked...pale, in fact everything looked pale. I started walking towards our small, but humble village.

But, there was one itsy bitsy problem; I couldn't walk in the sun, only in the shadows. It felt as if my life was being drained from me when I walked out of the shade. Carefully, I analyzed the situation that I was in and slowly made my way to the village. Step quickly and Cautiously I made my way to my house, and looked onwards towards everyone. I watched as everyone walked past me doing their daily jobs, ignoring me. I watched as Zill, the little boy that came over a few moments ago, played. He was playing with a stick and was poking a bush with it. He raced over to where I was standing, then walked through me. Like I was some mirage or something like that. I turned to see his destination; towards his house, to his calling mother.

Then, I heard the voice, again. This time it was louder and more commanding. I looked towards the top of the mountain, and heard the voice speak in my head. "Well? What are you waiting for? Get up here, we need to talk" the voice said. I stared for half a second, then started walking. I did the whole shadow routine all the way to the hill. Then started walking upwards.

Walking up to the top of the mountain is one, no, my most favorite thing to do. But doing it now, at; it seemed distant, it became a thing than a something. I walked up to the bridge to see a figure on the other side. "Who are you?" I said, taking a step towards the figure. "You know who I am" the figure said turning his back on me. "I don't understand," I said, refusing to take my eyes of the figure. "Well, I guess you going to have to find out then" the figure said disappearing into the fairy woods. Hesitantly, I followed the strange figure into the woods.


Aryll walked out of her house, with a bewildered expression on her face. She quickly removed that expression and replaced it with a plain expression. Aryll walked towards her Grandma and RL who were talking. "Grandma," Aryll started walking up to her Grandma and RL. "I got something to tell you" Aryll said waiting patiently. "Oh, can you tell me later dear? We're discussing.......stuff" Her Grandma said turning around to put her hand on Aryll's shoulder, then turned back around to 'discuss'.

Aryll turned around and mumbled, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to tell him firsthand then." Then she pulled out her hookshot and once again the sound of grinding metal was heard, and she took off.


(Again, Whyyyyyyy?)

I stepped into the hollow, dusty woods.....Again; I remember this place I've.....been here in my dream. Then I saw the figure, he was standing 20 feet away from me. " So you're interested, huh? Just as I expected, Brother" The figure said with a smile on his face. The information shocked me to the core, what did he mean by 'Brother'? "What are you talking about?" I said taking a step forward. "Again, you're going to have to find out; but don't keep me waiting, we're behind schedule." The figure said turning around, and began walking. "Behind....schedule?" I said as I following the figure, which was one of most stupid things that I could do. "Yes, now hurry up" the figure said then disappeared once more.

Puzzled, shocked, and with utmost curiosity I walked towards the last place where the figure disappeared; which, well in the normal world, was supposed to be a wall, But there wasn't. So I kept walking until a small outhouse looking building came into view. The figure, suddenly out of nowhere, walked out from behind the building. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked, trying to be intimidating. "Just to let you know, you're pretty horrible at being intimidating, so don't bother trying" The figure said looking at his hands. I said nothing but got a little creeped out by the way he said that.

"Ok?," I started then added "Where are we?". The figure walked towards me, but I didn't move a muscle. "We are inside your conscious, well not really, we are in a some sort of dimensional-conscious realm. Or, as I like to call it, the 'Ghost realm'." The figure replied. "Now, any more questions? Ah yes, you do have quite a few do you?" The figure said with a menacing smile, and if that wasn't creepy enough, he just HAD to be walking around me in circles. "Uh, who are you, and why did you say brother?" I asked, taking a swipe at the figure, he dodged the silly attempt and backed up with a hurtful expression. "Aww, why u hit me?" The figure said in a baby voice. "Anyways," The figure said returning to his in-a-way creepiness. "Back to your question, about me being your brother; it's quite complicated, so here's the short version, you: A being of light, Who in which can run in the sun and enjoy life. Me; a being of shadow, the opposite of the lights potential being, but really isn't, cannot be in the light worlds sun,, and then a whole bunch of stuff, blah blah blah." the figure said, or, apparently, my shadow 'Brother'. "Ok, but why get me here, tell me all of this? You want something, and you, apparently need my help." I said taking a step towards my shadowy counterpart. "Yes, indeed, nothing less from you my friend." The shadow being said, "Alright, so what do you want?" I said, taking a step towards my shadowy counterpart. "Ah, trying to turn the tide to your end? No, no, no. In case you forgot, I'm the only person who can get you out of here, and I can just as easily bring you back here. So I would recommend that, you do exactly what I say, get what I want, and then," the shadow being said, pausing for a brief moment before saying "You will be free to go, Now it isn't much of a tight leash is it now?" He added, stepping towards me again. I stood there and thought back to the time when I first met RL; He had found me in the middle of the ocean after I got flung by the helmaroc king (who in cause you don't know who that is, he is a giant bird that I killed with a giant hammer, what? He was evil) He then, (Somehow) brought me to windfall island, there, in which he informed me of ganondorf, offered help to save my sister, and other stuff. "Ah, yes I remember that event, it was so boring just sitting there listening to that old fellow." The shadow being said, then said "Yes, I can read your mind, I'm part of your subconscious so yeah, have fun with that." I turned to look at him with big, shocked eyes before saying "Alright I'll help you, but what should I call you?" I said, pointing to the figure. "Linek, but I was never fond of that name; so, you're going to call me...kinel" Kinel said with a thoughtful expression on his face. I just looked at him and wondered how he could be so bad at naming himself. "It's not that bad!!" Kinel said with an angry expression on his face. I said nothing, then I gestured to the building in front of me and said

"Where are we? Like in terms of this building that we had ignored for the entire time we had been standing here." Kinel slowly started walking around the building, which to refresh your mind, was a small outhouse shape building. "Well, this place is home to a forbidden sword known as the shadow sword" kinel said pausing before adding "Since it is forbidden, it has been casted into your world, and no one has been able to get into it due to the fact that there is no 'shade'." I started walking closer to the mysterious building and said "So you want me to get this, 'Shadow Sword' and that will be all?" Kinel walked up to me, and with a menacing smile said, "No, not even close to done after that." I stared at him with an expression that showed that I was probably going to regret doing what i'm about to do.

"Now are you ready to go back and get what I want?" Kinel said with a another menacing smile. I backed up and said "Yeah, just hurry up, you're really creeping me out" "Okay, fine but you will do everything I tell you, well not EVERYTHING, but you get the point" Kinel said, taking a step back as well. "Now," Kinel began "Let's begone!" Then everything started to disappear, well not disappear; More like everything was being engulfed in a ball of light. Then I woke up.

I woke, again, to see bright blue skies. I had this major headache, but as sudden as I got it, it dissipated. I looked to see where I was; I was back on the edge of the bridge, Confused on how I was in the middle of the forest then somehow was on the bridge, turned towards fairy woods. Now, now you need a weapon before you enter those treacherous woods. "Who said that?" I asked, out loud. Whoa bro, chill; its me! Kinel!! "Oh, how are you speaking to me?" I asked, looking around. Part of your conscious remember? And you can talk to me by thinking to, so you won't have to say anything out loud. Like this? I thought back to kinel. Indeed, now where did you put your so called "Hero's Sword" at? At Orca's I thought back to Kinel, as I started walking down the mountain. Now, just to make this clear; you must NOT tell ANYBODY about me, or all of this, OK? I paused, before saying (Or thinking,) Sure, but if one little thing happens then I'll, You'll what? Nothing, I thought, as I continued down the mountain. That's when I bumped into Aryll.

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