
By AwkwardlyMegs

20.1K 533 323

Family is always there for you, but what happens when you throw them away? Selfish reasons and bitter pride h... More

1: Maybe He Needs A Hug
2: You're Not Wanted Here
3: Fighting Inside Himself
4: I Don't Trust People
5: Andrew Kline
6: Banana Pancakes
7: There's A Chance
8: Pick Up The Pieces
10: Risky
11: Leaving
12: Mr. Worthington, meet Mr. Worthington
13: Lovingly yours, Brooke Elise
14: The Moon Makes Three
15: For You
16: An Empty Mansion
17: Ambition
18: Little Women
19: The Yellow Envelope
20: The Bellboy
21: Battlescarred
22: You Again
23: The Promise
24: The Shattered Glass

9: Flowers In Your Hair

792 18 32
By AwkwardlyMegs

Author's Note: Due to lovely advice given by many of my fans, I feel like in the past week I have learned a lot about writing descriptions. This is why this chapter is so long, and I hope you will see a tremendous difference in my writing. I love this chapter to pieces, and I hope you do as well! When I have the time, (I'm not lazy, only busy) I plan to correct the previous chapters. My dream is to enter this into the 2012 Watty Awards, but I'm far from ready. Thank you all once more for your support, this story has reached 1,000 reads! Enough rambling, you're here to read the chapter!

Thanks again,


With tears freshly falling down her face, and a burning sun hot on her back, Brianna headed quickly down the wooden stairs that would lead her away from the apartment. She heard Mica's sympathetic and scared voice call after her, but she ignored it. 

  Her hair, which fell in golden curls halfway down her back, flew behind her as she jogged down the road on the sidewalk. She passed no one as her pace slowed into a fast walk. Not even a car drove by, for on that November Sunday, there was nothing better to do than to stay at home. 

 She passed her high school, which was the last building before you entered the next city, and walked around the chain link fence. The distance around the fence was barely fifty yards, for the school was just an old brick house. There were thistle and weeds around the house and fencing, and the peeling letters above the door appeared to say "Jnngs igh Sool etabhed 19"

  But Brianna took no notice of such things, for having seen it her whole life, it had no effect on her. She struggled past the thorns on the outside of the fence, and after slightly tearing her cotton dress at the bottom, emerged in the field behind the school.

  Looking at the tattered school, you would never guess that something so beautiful could be hidden behind it. Amidst tall grasses that hid your feet from view, and dirty grounds, were hundreds of wildflowers. Tall, whimsical, and bright, they seemed to welcome whoever observed them.

  With her dress blowing in front of her, and the tall grass scratching at her legs, she sat down, obstructing her lower body from view, were anyone to come. She took a deep breath, as the roaring wind blew her hair in front of her eyes. 

  She fiddled with a piece of grass; the dew rubbing onto her fingers. It was her place to think; to escape. It was the only place where she felt safe.

  As she pushed her hair back with sticky fingers, a figure sat down beside her. Her companion stared ahead with her large, light brown eyes, seemingly lost in thought. Her jean shorts were torn like Brianna's dress, but more so, since she was not as familiar with navigating around the thorns. 

  Moments passed in silence, and Mica still had not said anything. WIth the atmosphere eating away her emotions, Brianna spoke.

  "Lovely day."

  Mica snorted. "Classy," she said sarcastically, spitting her windblown hair out of her mouth. She paused before continuing. "What are you feeling like?"

  Brianna thought for a moment. She leaned back on her hands, digging into the dirt sodden ground. "I am feeling like...Garfield on a Monday."

  "I would say something, but I kind of set you up for that one," said Mica, her lip trembling as she fought the impulse to laugh. Brianna's smile faded as she prepared to be serious about the question.

  "I feel," she began, speaking freely, "kind of torn."

  Jacob spoke to the two girls with animosity and hatred as he recollected his version of the story.

  "I hate that man," he spat, as he leaned forward, with his arms rested on his knees. "He had no business coming here."

  Blinking rapidly, to fight back tears, and clenching her fist, Brianna tried to block out the words he was speaking.

  "The man's messed up. There's not going to be any forgiveness."

  Brianna had reached her breaking point, and before she could calm down, jumped to her feet.

  "That's a lie!" she shouted, for the first time in years. It was a shout worthy of stored up anger. It felt good; a burning passion being released from her soul. 

  More confused than offended, Jacob asked her what she was talking about.

  "I'm talking about you," she said, not caring that she was crying in front of both he and Mica. "He's my brother, please don't talk about him that way."

  Not wanting to hear a response, or another word from anyone, she tore out of the living room, making the first scene she had ever made in her life. Managing to control her tears, she closed the door quietly behind her, only to have it opened a moment later by Mica, and slammed shut. 

  Jacob's voice, which Brianna usually heard with humor or kindness, floated in her head. This time, it was filled with disgust, and the words it replayed sickened her. She couldn't escape the lying insults that had been told about her brother. Jacob did not know him like she once had.

  "I love Jacob like a brother," said Brianna, staring straight ahead at the back of the school building, "but there's a difference between someone being like a brother, and an actual brother."

  Mica nodded, taking in the words her friend spoke. Knowing then was not the right time to speak, she waited for Brianna to continue. 

  Brianna took a small breath. "Mica, am I crazy for loving my brother?"

  Slightly startled by such an important question, Mica hesitated.

  "Well- uh-" she stuttered, struggling to decide. She stopped speaking, and cleared her throat. She smiled smugly, and turned to face Brianna.

  "No," she said confidently.

  Brianna smiled.

  "I actually think you're awesome for loving your brother," Mica continued. "He may be somewhat of a douche, but I think that people can change."

  "Yeah, I have confidence in him," said Brianna, fiddling absent-mindedly with the grass again.

  There was silence again, which both thought was pleasant. It was nice to just relax.

  A few minutes later, Mica erupted into a fit of laughter. Brianna stared at her questioningly.

  "Did you see what Jeyna was doing during church?" asked Mica, struggling to contain her laughter.

  "No, unlike you I'm not obsessed with what she's doing all the time," said Brianna, nudging her laughing friend while she smiled mischievously.

  "I'm not obsessed," said Mica quickly, "I'm just...interested."

  "Sure, Miss Stalker," said Brianna with an eye roll. Mica punched her in the arm, causing her to fall on the ground.

  She sat up, brushing the dirt from her entire left side, while glaring at Mica. 

  "Sorry about that," said Mica, but she could not help grinning.

  "I'm used to it with you," said Brianna in an undertone. "Well, what was Jeyna doing?"

  "Her makeup, as well as texting, making kissy faces to her boyfriend who was inconveniently seated behind me, and hitching her skirt up as far as she could without stripping," said Mica, rolling her eyes as she spoke; bitter dislike in her voice.

  Brianna's eyes bulged with every word. "How long exactly were you watching her?" 

  "I wasn't 'watching' her!" said Mica, looking around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. When she saw that no one was around, she added in a whisper: "If I'm going to make fun of her, I at least need to know the facts."

  Brianna shook her head at her gossiping companion, and gave her a quite disapproving look. "You used to be friends with her," she told her.

  "Don't remind me," moaned Mica. "Besides, you know what she thinks about us."

  "How could I forget?" said Brianna, recollecting the choice words Jeyna had used on the pair of them. "I don't see how she can call us...that...when she is one herself."

  "Say it outloud, Brianna," said Mica, enjoying Brianna's rising temper.

  "I can't," said Brianna, looking guilty. "I'm not allowed to use that kind of language."

  Mica slumped her shoulders. "Oh well, we'll get there one day."

  Brianna laughed under her breath.

  Sighing with laughter, Mica leaned her head on Brianna's shoulder. "Let's do something crazy, Brie," she said unexpectedly.

  "I told you to stop watching those TV shows, Mica," Brianna said in a hurriedly panicky voice.

  "You can take my life but you can't take my reality TV," said Mica firmly. "Besides, I wasn't talking about risking our lives-"

  "Oh good."

  "-just yet."

  Brianna scowled. 

  "All in good time, my dear," said Mica. "What I meant was let's do something fun for once in our lives. "

  "Does making dinner count as 'fun'?" asked Brianna monotonously. "Because I kind of need to."

  "Of course not," said Mica with a snuff. "Just give me time to think of something. I shall get back to you."

  "Lovely," said Brianna, curious but scared to find out what Mica would come up with that time.

  Mica stood up, brushing the dirt off of her shorts, and offered a hand to Brianna. She pulled Brianna up, and began fixing her hair.

  "Remind me to not push you in the mud again," said Mica, as she ran her fingers through Brianna's dirty hair.

  "Right," said Brianna, cringing from Mica's fingers in her hair.

  After getting most of the tangles and half of the dirt out, Mica bent over, and snatched up a bouquet of wildflowers.

  Without saying anything, she began to weave the flowers into Brianna's hair. The royal purple and brilliant yellow looked angelic in Brianna's golden waves. 

Although rough handed, Mica was a genius with hair, and before long had stepped back to admire her work.

  "Beautiful," she declared.

  "Thanks," said Brianna, feeling her hair with her hands. "Now let's go home before Jacob starts making dinner. I would like a good meal tonight."

  "As would I," said Mica, smiling.

  Together the two girls crawled through the thistle, with Mica shrieking every five seconds. They made it to the front of the schoolhouse, and slowly walked down the sidewalk in the direction of their apartment. 

  The sun was beginning to set, gratifying Brianna. The day had felt like an eternity, and she was ready to go to bed and start fresh in the morning. 

  They walked past the freshly painted church building, the gas station and a few residential homes before reaching the parking lot where the apartment was. 

  Brianna noticed that the black Ferrari remained where it had been since the previous night. She smiled slightly, praying that she would get a chance to speak with her brother before he up and left again. She believed in forgiveness, and something in her heart told her to love him. Besides, she had gone five years without him, and they had a bit of catching up to do.

  She was no genius, but she did know a thing or two about family. She was willing to try and help him, and to help Brooke. In need of more people in her life who could love her, she was willing to do anything.

  "Hey do you wanna spend the night?" asked Brianna as they stopped in front of the apartment door.

  "Sure, let me tell my mom," said Mica casually. She quickly walked down the stairs, slipping out of sight. Brianna heard her yell at her mom what her plans were, and as quick as she had left, was right by Brianna's side again.

  Hesitantly, Brianna knocked on the door. She knew Jacob was inside, and was unsure and a bit nervous as to how he would react when he saw her. Embarrassed by her earlier scene, she half-hid herself behind Mica.

  A moment later, the door was opened by Jacob, his hair standing in odd places. His mouth was open, looking like he was hoping to say something, but no words came. His gape changed into a shy smile, which Brianna returned. Whatever disagreements they had had earlier seemed to somewhat be forgiven by the exchange. 

  Quietly, the two girls slipped into the apartment, no one daring to speak a word for fear that they would interrupt another's speech. Brianna grabbed a skillet from the bottom cabinet, and put it on the stove. 

  "Is grilled cheese alright for dinner?" she asked, facing the stove.

  "Yeah, that's- that's great," said Jacob. He smiled, but only Mica saw it, before entering the living room.

  Mica helped Brianna prepare dinner. She did not speak, for she knew Brianna was deep in thought. They would have time to talk later, when Brianna was ready.

  It was late when Brooke returned from work. Her whole appearance was tired as she collapsed on the couch in the living room. Brianna hated seeing her like that, but there was nothing she could do about it. Although she looked like she could pass out, Brooke still had to study for most of the night, for she had class early in the morning.

  "Brianna, can I talk to you?" asked Brooke, yawning as she spoke. 

  Nervous but in no mood to argue, Brianna nodded and followed her sister into her room.

  With cream colored walls, a patchwork quilt on the small bed, and a measly picture of the two sisters, Brooke's bedroom was nothing shy of pathetic. Of course in Brooke's mind, it was what they could afford, and did not need to be judged.

  The two sat down on her bed, and with Brianna's mind racing, Brooke sighed.

  "You obviously know our dear brother is in town," she said sarcastically. 

  Brianna's fist clenched again involuntarily. She had a slight feeling where that conversation was headed.

  "Y-yes," said Brianna quietly. "What about him?"

  Brooke gave her a look so pitiful, Brianna felt that her sister thought she was a child.

  "He's not a good person, Brianna," she said firmly. "He's not good for us. All he's going to do is bring us more heartbreak."

  "Speak for yourself," said Brianna quietly. Brooke raised an eyebrow at her.

  "I'm not kidding," said Brooke. "I don't want you speaking with him. He's just trying to use you."

  "Did it ever cross your mind," said Brianna, staring intently at her sister, "that he is trying to change his ways?"

  "Bradley?" said Brooke. She paused for a moment, thinking hard. "Never."

  "People can change," said Brianna, looking away from Brooke. Amidst the paused silence, they heard Mica and Jacob's laughter from the living room.

  "Some people can't, though," said Brooke in a soft voice. Her gentle tone angered Brianna more than the words she spoke.

  "Why can't you give him another chance? You're so hung up on the past, that you can't even accept the miracle that has happened in the present," said Brianna in a hushed but furious voice. Brooke seemed shocked that such words could come out of her mouth, but Brianna did not back down.

  "But you were exactly right this morning, Brianna," said Brooke quickly. "He shattered our family, he's not good for us!"

  "I was speaking what you told me when I was younger," said Brianna. "I don't believe one word of it."

  Brooke tilted her head, processing all that her sister had been saying. It was time for her to step up and take control. She knew what was best for their family, and she would make see that it happened.

  "Brianna," she said firmly, as her hazel eyes stared into nothingness, "I forbid you to speak with Bradley."

  With her priorities taken away in a matter of minutes, the least Brianna could keep was her dignity. She gave her sister a curt nod, and exited the room, shutting the door as loudly as she could without slamming it. As soon as she left, she called for Mica, and escaped into her bedroom before anyone could see the tears that were due to escape any second.

  She collapsed on her bed and quietly wept into her pillow. A moment later, Mica was by her side, rubbing her back in an almost motherly way.

  Brianna could not believe the despicable attitudes of Brooke and Jacob. She always looked up to them, believed in them. They were the only parental figures she had in her life, but now they were almost gone, too. Was there anyone to trust?

  "What happened?" Mica asked quietly. 

  "I'm apparently forbidden to speak to my brother," said Brianna. Her face was already tearstained as she turned to look at Mica.

  "Well that's dumb," said Mica, her mouth slanted in incomprehension.

  "Tell me about it," said Brianna, wiping her eyes. She sat up, leaning against her pillow. She looked around her room, as Mica sat there, deep in thought.

 It was similar to Brooke's in the way it was small and somewhat pathetic. But Brianna's room had color and personality in it. She at least had pictures of her and Mica, as well as drawings and song lyrics. On the bookshelf, were dozens of books, each as inviting as the next.

  "I have an idea," said Mica, snapping Brianna out of her trance.

  "Oh dear," said Brianna, eyeing her mischievous friend.

  "You say you're 'forbidden' to speak to Bradley?" said Mica, her tone more declarative than interrogative. 


  "Well, I have a crazy idea, and this time it's legal," said Mica, smiling at her brilliance.

  "Go on, let's hear it," said Brianna tiredly. 

  "We're going to go talk to your brother," said Mica.

  "But Brooke-"

  Mica cut her off by vigorously shaking her head. "What dearest Brookey doesn't know won't hurt her."

  Brianna considered. She desperately wanted to talk to her brother; to know why he had come back. On the contrary, she would be disobeying her sister. As she thought more, she concluded that Brooke was not the boss of her. She was only nineteen; she didn't know everything. She especially did not know Brianna. No one except perhaps Mica knew who the real Brianna was. She needed to depend upon making the right choice, not what Brooke thought was the right choice. There was nothing wrong with speaking to someone who she knew would not hurt her. Maybe she could turn everything around. It was time to make a change, and a good one at that. She was ready to have a brother; a family.

  "When do we do it?" she asked, as she considered the plan.

  "Tonight," replied Mica, enjoying herself. "I would say tomorrow, but I know you won't ditch school."

  "Of course not!" interjected Brianna.

  "We'll get there one day, my friend," said Mica, patting Brianna's shoulder. With a sigh, Brianna fell down onto her bed.

  "You're killing me, Mica," she said.

  Mica reclined next to her. "How so?" she asked with a grin spreading across her face.

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