Emerald Forest And The Black...

By dayjahhhh

82 7 15

***Dark fantasy & horror*** Hidden within the town of Islesbury lies a snow glazed forest. To some, it's just... More

Ch.1~ (Freya's POV)
Ch.2~ (Anneska's POV)
Ch.4~ (Anneska's POV)

Ch.3~ (Freya's POV)

20 2 8
By dayjahhhh

I slammed the door to my bedroom shut and leaned against it as I took a deep, shaky breath. Everything seemed to have happened in a blur of movement. My vision was blurred with tears and my ears felt hotter than the orange-hued moon that hung in the indigo sky. I staggered towards my bed and collapsed beside it; propping my face in my hands as I began to sob. My body trembled like that of a leafy tree swaying in the breeze.

I swallowed hard. My phone vibrated and I quickly turned it on and checked my notifications. It was my mother..

Mom: What are you doing?

Me: nothing.

I couldn't tell her what had just happened; at least not now. I would wait until she got home so she could hug me and kiss me and tell me that I was okay.

Mom: Your father just called me. He says that you punched him.


Me: Mom, he's lying! Dad touched me. He's drunk!

Mom: Your a fucking liar Freya.

Me: Mom, I'm not lying! please

Mom: Fuck you

"I'M NOT LYING YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I screamed at my phone before smashing it onto the hard, wood floor. I kicked my bed frame and collapsed on my bed; breathing heavily as my wired nerves began to burn. Footsteps began to move quickly up the steps and my dad kicked open the door.

"Who are you screaming at?" He questioned. I didn't respond. I knew that if I did, I would say the wrong thing and when you say the wrong thing to my dad, he flips out. My mom has the bruises to prove it.

"Hey, don't ignore me Freya." He threatened.

"Or what?" I retorted. I could feel him creeping closer towards me and I quickly turned around and kicked him in the gut.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He howled. I jumped up and attempted to run out the door, but he wrapped his fingers in my hair and pulled me to the ground.

"GET OFF ME DAD!" I cried as he got on top of me and punched me in the face. I could feel warm blood trickle out of my nose as I began to kick my feet.

The doorbell rang and we both paused. My father silently got off me and went downstairs to get the door.

I threw on my shoes and decided to make a run for it. I ran downstairs, into the kitchen, out the backdoor, and into the inky darkness of the night. Streetlights lit the indigo night like little moons. I had no idea where I was running; where my feet were carrying me, but I had to keep going. I had no choice. my breath came out in clouds of smoke and I felt like my tears would freeze onto my pink cheeks.

Everything was happening in slow motion, or so it seemed. I felt like I was slowly, but surely, rising off the ground. My body felt so light, I swore I could fly! I snapped back into the moment when I crashed into someone, sending us both into a pile of icy snow. I opened my eyes and saw someone's amber eyes glaring at me.

"Watch it!" A linky woman sneered as she got up and brushed the snow off her fur coat. I stared at the woman, not saying a word. She looked like a rich woman. One who spends her money at boutiques and gets her hair dyed at a salon; never working a day in her life. I watched as she walked away, disappearing into the foggy shadows.

The streetlight above began to flicker, before sparking off. I shivered in my black jacket and climbed to my feet. In the distance, I saw a gathering of trees. Woods maybe? The bloody moon hid behind the tall bare trees that danced in the wind. I had never really noticed the forest. How mystical it looked with the sparkling snow gathered on the lifeless tree branches, or how eerie I felt when I gazed in it's direction for too long. For some odd reason, this compelled me to go there.

Once again, I found myself trotting down the icy road. As I grew closer and closer to the forest, the more I wanted to turn back. I'm not sure why, but I felt something evil within the woods. However, I couldn't turn back. Where else would I go? As I approached the gate surrounding the forest, I came across a wooden sign with: NO TRESPASSING. PRIVATE PROPERTY painted on it in bright white letters.
I grazed my hand over the sign, its cold, damp wood sending a chill down my spine. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket and began to trudge along the snowy path. It was a beautifully mesmorizing night. The snow sparkled in the light of the full moon that glowed a bloody orange. My numb fingers tingled as I picked up a hand full of icy snow and rubbed it over my burning skin. 

A sigh escaped from my lips and I continued to walk through the ankle-deep snow. The low crowing of magpies echoed throughout the silent night. One of them swooped down, down, down; flying over my head and causing me to duck. 

"Dumb bird." I muttered. 

"Who are you calling dumb?" 

I quickly spun around and stared at the black crow that was propped on a low tree branch. 

Did that bird just talk? I'm losing my mind! 

" Yeah, I'm talking to you." It hissed. 

Bewildered, I began to back away as it laughed hysterically, and before my eyes, it morphed into a human boy. 

"WHAT THE HELL? WHAT ARE YOU?!" I shouted in fear. The boy had skin as pale as snow and hair as black as night. His eyes were black with accents of purple and he smiled menecingly. 

"You're obviously not from this part of the woods, aye?" He sneered. I swallowed hard as he took a step towards me. 

"I said, what the fuck are you?" 

The boy curled the corners of his lips and furrowed his thick, black brows. 

"I'm a magpie, duh." He said, sticking his nose in the air proudly. 

"But, but other- I've never seen- how did you just morph!?" I stuttered. 

"Pssh, all magpies can do that here. You should know that you naive girl." 

I watched as he leaned against a tree trunk and inspected me. His dark eyes sent a cold chill down my spin. 

"Your lucky I'm nice. I'll let you go; this time. But watch your step around these woods cause there gonna get you." He warned me. 

"Wait, who's gonna get me? Where am I?" I cried 

"Why, your in Emerald forest. You must be an outsider." He said in awe. 

"Emerald forest?" I whispered looking around the eerie woods. The crow-boy came close to me and gripped my wrist. 

"You listen to me. Your not welcome here; this is no place for a girl like you. You're gonna get yourself killed if you stay here." 

As he said this, a group of crows came flocking around us and began to hiss as the morphed into black-eyed people. 

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!" He shouted, shoving me forward. I began to run as fast as my legs could carry me. I could hear the cawing of the magpies behind me growing closer and closer which only make me run faster. My legs became weak and shaky and I felt that my lungs would burst, but I couldn't stop or the concequences would result in my death. I tipped over a tree root and skitted across the snow and suddenly, they were gone. Along with everything but the forest. And I was very scared. Even more scared then I was with the crows, because I felt like something was waiting for me. I felt like it was right behind the tree I was leaning against, and sure enough when I looked behind the tree; I saw her. 

A/N: Pop quiz!~ what is it called when the moon is orange? is it.. 

A) A blood moon 

B) A harvest moon 

C) A wolf moon                                  First person to get this right gets a virtual hug! :)

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