The Angel Queen

Bởi Warrior_Izzy

3.7K 103 17

Lisanna came back from the dead, celebrate and move on, right? Not for Lucy, Fairy Tail moved on from her, on... Xem Thêm

♦️ Chapter Two ♦️
♦️ Chapter Three ♦️
♦️ Chapter Four ♦️
♦️ Chapter Five ♦️
♦️ Chapter Six ♦️
♦️ Chapter Seven ♦️
♦️ Chapter Eight ♦️

♦️ Prologue ♦️ And ♦️ Chapter One ♦️

1.1K 36 2
Bởi Warrior_Izzy

Short Prologue Scene

"My dear, you are destined for greatness. And when the time comes, you will rule like I once ruled. My death will come swift and painless and the heavens will be closed and the angels will be imprisioned in their homes until you set them free. My beautiful angel, I will miss you." A young looking Layla Heartfilia spoke to her daughter. "When you are given the chance to escape, take it."

Lucy was a young girl at the time. She did not understand the meanings of the words and the naive child was unaware of the morning to come.

That next morning she woke up with a feeling of dread, but she did not know why she felt such as way. Lucy made her way to her mother's room only to find it empty and untouched. The room felt pure but closed in on the girl, it felt like a cage rather a bedroom.

Lucy had run through the mansion shouting for her mother, only to run into her father.

"Father? Where is mummy?" A worried look filled the child's eyes.

"Tch. Your mother is gone. The damn witch lived too long anyway." Lucy's expressionless father stated in disgust.

Lucy did not understand. Her mother was gone? Witch? What? Why is father being so rude to his own wife? What really made her mother disappear...

♦️ Chapter One ♦️

Lucy woke up with a yawn and headed towards her guild like any other day. She opened the large guild doors quietly and walked into the guild.

She remembered when she used to be so excited that she actually was a part of the famous Fairy Tail guild. She had so many wonderful adventures with the guild she called family. She didn't realize that once Lisanna "came back from the dead" it all would change. Turns out they only thought of her as a replacement for Lisanna.

After white-haired mage returned from the dead, nothing ever was the same for Lucy. She was ignored and treated like a maid. They never laid a hand on her in fear of being questioned by the guild master, Makarov. Lucy struggled to pay for her rent, taking small jobs that paid little of what she needed.

Months went by and she was still ignored, left behind and forgotten. They called her weak and started to throw things at her, but never causing harm. The only person who remained kind to her was Mirajane, the older Strauss sister was as kind as ever to Lucy. Telling the other to back off and saving small jobs that Lucy would be able to handle.

Lucy always felt like she was missing something, there always seemed to be something calling her away from where she was. She knew that she needed to escape from the so-called light guild. The media was unaware of what went on behind closed doors and thought that Lucy just wanted to go solo and not drag down Fairy Tail.

She ordered her regular strawberry milkshake from Mirajane, who was more than happy to make for her and sat down on a bar stool far away from the rest. Mirajane could only look at her in pity and do her best to pick up the pieces that the rest of the guild broke off her.

She was slurping her milkshake, only for it to be knocked out of her hand by nonother than Natsu himself.

"Oi! Why did you make Mirajane make that for you? You should have made it yourself! And put on some real clothes!" Natsu shouted at the blonde mage.

"Yeah, tch, slut."

Your tits are hanging out ya bimbo."

Her eyes burned with tears, threatening to fall and bring satisfaction to the bullies around her. "Shut the fuck up." Her voice came out quiet and timid, scared to provoke the anger.

Then she was on the floor.

Her cheek stung with raw pain from a hard slap. Lucy looked up, not all that shocked that they finally decided to hit her. What hurt her the most was the onyx eyes that stared down at her, hand still raised from slapping her.


"Don't." Natsu's lips curled in disgust. "I don't ever want to hear my name from your lips again."

Lisanna looked at Natsu with disappointment. "Natsu! Don't hit her! She is a part of our guild!" The animal takes over mage tried to defend Lucy.

"Well, maybe she shouldn't be a part of it anymore."

Gasps were heard from the few that didn't seem to despise her, but most nodded in agreement.

Lucy thought she would cry, but her tears dried up, never to escape again.

Just as Lucy stood up, the doors of the guild doors burst open. The amount of power emitted from the being caused some of the weak mages to faint and the others to tremble. The power that washed over Lucy awoke her from her submissive state.

A cloak covered the mage at the guild doors. They were bulky but stood at the height of a little over six feet.

"Lucy." A feminine voice called out into the sea of Fairy Tail mages.

Natsu was the first to speak up. The salmon haired mage composed himself and scowled. "What you want with that bitch? This another enemy, I bet I could take you out right now! And what's with that cloak? You think people care who you are?" He walked up the woman and ripped her cloak off.

The woman didn't flinch and kept her head down. Her long lilac hair fell out of the cloak and hung around her face. She sported a scaly fitted armor, hand guards like claws.

The lilac-haired girl started shaking and Natsu laughed. "Ha! You're scared now? You barge in our guild and act all mighty, but now that you are exposed you are scared? What a weakling!"

The other Fairy Tail mages joined in on his laughing and called her names, most which included: wimp, weakling, coward, slut, and many more.

Mirajane, who had been in the pantry, came out to investigate what all the noise was about to see the shaking lilac haired mage. She felt her power and immediately knew who she was.

"Lee!" She immediately bowed her head and courtesies. "What brings you to Fairy Tail?"

Members murmured in confusion.

"Wait you know her?"

"Lee? As in Queen Lee of the Five Royals?"

"Shit! THE Queen Lee?"

Chuckling was heard and everyone turned back to Lee. Her chuckling soon turned to full out laughing and soon she lifted her head. A crazed smile stared them down as well as her heterchromia eyes, one deep blue and the other striking grey.

"You want to take me on? And you think you'll win!? You say I'm weak but any one who has tried to defeat me is dead! Ha! You insult someone you have never met! I only said 'Lucy' and I get treated with such inhospitility! This is THE Fairy Tail? This is the Fairy Tail that won the Grand Magic Games the year I left? This is the Fairy Tail that loves their nakama and is kind to everyone? This is not what I thought Fairy Tail would be like, such....disappointments. Shame, I thought I wouldn't make anymore enemies on this trip, but alas I have found a full guild of them."

"We are not weak!" Many called out.

Lee only smiled and let a burst of power out, sending pain in to everyone who laughed and insulted her. "Then stop me."

But those under her power could only writhe and scream in pain. The guild who was laughing was now screaming. Mirajane hung her head in disappointment, and went to inform Makarov of the current events.

With a snap of her fingers she stopped the pain, "Now where is Lucy?"

Lucy, who had stood frozen, looked up, her brown eyes swirling with white stars. "Lee...I feel...I POWERFUL! I feel FREE!" Her eyes glazed over white and she chanted. "May the heaven hear me, the Queen has returned and she is ready to set the angels free. The chains that burdened us are melted by our grace, and our enemies will burn in the holy light of the Royals." And with that, white feathered wings clawed their way out of her back, extending their full length. The mages beside her were thrown against the walls and the ground beneath her formed a small crater.

"Your mother new you'd be chained, and when I come to lead you freedom, take my hand." Lee smiled and held out her hand, her own black leathery wings extended from her back.

Lucy walked towards her, wind whipped around her and cut the members she passed causing blood to fly around. The blonde took Lee's hand and a their power combined swirled around the kingdom of Fiore, causing people to faint and shiver. They both turned to leave, but an angry lizard called out.

"WAIT YOU BITCH! FIGHT ME!" Natsu growled out.

Lee looked over her shouldn't and sized him up. "Igneel's son....such a failure."

"You know Igneel? Where is he?"

"Oh? You never found him? Shame." She turned back with a knowing smirk. "And as for that fight? Wait until the Grand Magic Games, then I can slaughter you all."

Erza shivered at her words, still processing that Lee was in front of her. She only heard the stories, a lilac haired girl that resembled a dragon of her own. Her dual colored eyes would hypnotize her victims and she'd burn them with flames of hell. Only rumors and stories, but after she felt her power she didn't doubt that they could be true.

She finally turned away from the door when Lee and Lucy left and her trance was broke. Erza then recalled Natsu's words and Lee's proclamation.

Erza saw red and grabbed Natsu by the scarf. "Are you a complete idiot? Do you have any idea who that was? That was Lee Deimos, the Demon Queen of herself! She's known for no mercy! They say she keeps your head as a trophy after she paints the ground with your blood! Her and her Royals are on a totally different level than the Wizard Saints, than the Dragon Slayers, than ZEREF AND ACNOGNOLIA! And you just declared war on her...and she promised blood shed... Now you've done it. You took on a battle that we may not come out alive."


Well here it is! The first rewritten chapter of The Angel Queen! It may get a title change since that isn't really the focus anymore.. but who knows! I am sorry I fucked everything up and changed this lol, but I don't want to have the OG bad version lol and for people to read it and then find out I'm done with it at the end. Plus everything got fucked up too so idk yall


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