Pride and Prejudice: A Modern...

Por chadelock

4K 64 23

This story is a modern take on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Fiery tempered Isabelle is self reliant and... Mais

It's a Fine Line
Isabelle Bennett
The New Arrivals
Math Sucks
Interesting News
Credit Cards and Frozen Glares
Period Ball
Shall We Dance
Tears and Pride
About D*mn Time
Ladies Can Dodge Too
Author's Note
I am at the enemy's house- and I'm not even mad?

Me, a Sick Sister, and an Ice Princess

184 2 0
Por chadelock

The next day I wake up with a a feeling of intense dread. Today is the day that the rosters for the lacrosse team will be posted. After my little display on Saturday and Caroline's ensuing outrage, I don't have much confidence that I'll be admitted to the team. At this point I don't even care, I just want to be free of the drama, God knows I've had enough for a lifetime. With a groan, I roll out of bed and try to make myself look halfway presentable for school. My relationship with Darcy has begun to thaw, and though I still consider him exceedingly lacking in the personality department, I can't help but want to look good just in case I run into him. Pathetic, I know.

Jane is uncharacteristically quiet during the ride to school, her normally rosy color replaced by a sallow pallor.

"Jane?" I ask.


"Are you feeling alright?"

Jane looks at me quizzically, "Why of course, what makes you ask?"

I shrug, "You just don't seem like your normal self this morning."

"I'm fine," Jane says, sending me a reassuring smile, "I'm just tired, and I have a bit of a headache, but it's nothing."

"Okay," I say, unconvinced. Jane is not the best at self-care. She's usually so fixated on everyone else that she forgets to take care of herself. Last year she contracted mono from a water fountain during a family vacation, and she refused to get treatment because she didn't want to "ruin the fun." She ended up passing out at a tiki bar and we had to rush her to the hospital to get an emergency iv. Needless to say, I've kept a close eye on her eve since to ensure that she doesn't allow herself to get too run down. God knows what I would do without my older sister.

Once we get to school I send a quick text to my friend Charlotte, telling her to meet me at my locker. Before Jane and I part ways I stop her, "J, please take care of yourself ok? Let me know if you need to go home." Jane nods and slips out of my grasp, heading to her first class with a little bit of a wobble in her gait. I swallow my concern and head towards my locker. As expected I find Charlotte planted in front of my locker and I am immediately engulfed in a bearhug.

"Sooooo, what's this I hear about a boy named Darcy?" Charlotte asks once she releases me.

I roll my eyes at her, "There IS no deal with Darcy, and you'd know that if you were ever in school."

Charlotte laughs, "My dad likes impromptu overseas trips, what can I say? Beijiing was lovely by the way, thanks for asking."

I wince, "Sorry Char, it's been a busy couple of weeks, I haven't had time to think, let alone connect with friends, it's nothing personal, I swear."

Charlotte nods understandingly, "So I hear. Apparently you've decided to rejoin the lacrosse team- are you sure you want to open that can of worms?"

I understand Char's concern; she was there for me when last year's debacle unraveled and she had a front row seat to my self-combustion afterwards. Many a night was spent crying on Charlotte's shoulder, ranting about mean girls in between mouthfuls of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I would be more surprised if Charlotte didn't object to me being on the team again.

"Relax Char," I sigh, "There's no way I'm going to get a spot on the team."

Charlotte looks shocked, "What on earth are you talking about? You're the literal shit when it comes to lacrosse."

I laugh, squeezing Charlotte's hand gratefully, "Unfortunately my skills are irrelevant when Isobel is involved, plus she's got a new co-captain who might hate me even more than she does."

Charlotte's eyes widen, "Seriously? How is that even possible?"

I shrug, "What can I say, I'm a real people-person."

Charlotte gives me a look, "You are a wonderful human Isabel Bennett, do NOT let a couple of vapid queen bees convince you otherwise." 

I smile, pulling my friend in for another quick hug, "Love you a milli Char, we'll catch up more at lunch, ok?"

"Sounds good Lil Iz, I'll be waiting at our usual table," she replies, sending me a brief wave before hustling off to vector calculus. The girl is basically a math wizard, and while she may not seem like it, she could math the pants off of anyone on Wallstreet.

Darcy is noticeably absent from calculus and I can't help but be a little disappointed. For whatever reason I really wanted to see him today. I guess I was just curious to see if his kindness during tryouts would extend past the weekend. Caroline spends class glaring daggers at me but I've got other things occupying my attention; the roster is supposed to be sent out by ten and calc ends at 9:15. It's possible that the email will be sent by then and I'm freaking out. I'm so engrossed in my thoughts that I barely register the bell ring. The sound of chairs screeching and papers rustling snaps me out of it and I quickly grab my phone from my bag. I bite my lip nervously as I wait for the screen to load and I can feel my palms begin to grow slick with sweat. My inbox finally loads and at the top of the feed is an email from PrepLacrosse. I click on it with shaky fingers and take a deep breath. The JV roster is first and I'm pleased to see Lydia's name near the top- she'll be over the moon. As I reach the Varsity roster, I close my eyes and send up a silent prayer. I guess I want to be on the team more than I realized. I just need a release; the stress of my mother, school, and Darcy has been weighing me down and being out on the field would be a fantastic way to get rid of that stress for a little while. I scroll through the roster, unsurprised to see Isobel and Caroline's names at the top, followed by a list of names that I recognize from last year- it looks like no one new made the team. I keep scrolling and I'm almost towards the bottom when I see it- my name. I'm on the roster, number 22. Holy shit. I'm not sure how or why I got on the team, but I'm not going to question it. I pump my fist in the air and let out a loud, "YES!" Jacobs sends me a questioning look and I mumble a quick apology before escaping into the hallway.

People are milling about and I spot a few girls from tryouts opening the email. I see some tears and some smiles. I feel sorry for the girls who didn't make the team, it's so unnecessary to make cuts. I've long advocated for another team for beginners and people still learning the sport. Our town is a lacrosse oriented community and it wouldn't be difficult to dig up an ex college player to come coach part time. It's not as though Austen Prep doesn't have the money and there's certainly interest. The main obstacle is Isobel, who, tyrant that she is, doesn't want to get rid of cuts. She loves how exclusive the team is and even more than that she loves having the power to decide who gets on the team and who doesn't- she's sadistic that way.

My phone buzzes and a text from Jane pops up- "Good job my lovely sis- I knew you'd make it :)" I smile at the sweet message, a surge of joy replacing the dread from earlier. I can't wait to play again. My phone buzzes again and this time I have two messages and an invitation to join a groupme called, "Varsity Bitches." I roll my eyes but swallow my pride and accept the invitation. I go to my unread messages and the first one is from Charlotte, congratulating me on getting onto the team and the next message is from an unknown number reading, "Congratulations Izzy, I'm so pleased for you." I frown, baffled as to who would text me about tryouts. I send back a quick text saying, "Who is this?" and throw my phone into my bag. Hopefully by next period I'll have a response.

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