A problem shared is a problem...

By claraalonso_fans_

3.1K 72 63

This story is about Angie and making a tough decision and while making that decision she remembers her past a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 part 2
Chapter 3 Thoughts
Chapter 4 IT'S NOTHING!!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 "You Seem To Make Her Happy "
Chapter 7 House or Mansion
Chapter 8 Birthday and the past
Chapter 9 Fransisco and trip
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

207 6 0
By claraalonso_fans_

I couldn't bring my self to tell her so I left before anyone noticed. A few days have passed since then and violetta won't stop asking what I wanted to talk to her about that day but I keep avoiding that subject.

Today I got to the studio later than usual because my alarm didn't go off. When I entered the teacher lounge Pablo and Jeremiah were talking but then Pablo saw me so before he could say anything I did.

"Pablo I know Im late, but my alarm didn't go off and I'm really but really sorry it won't happen again I swear" I said

"It's alright Angie just don't let it happen again" he said as he left the room that was just weird.

"Uuhh" I said in confusion

"I know he's been actions weird all morning long" said Jeremiah

"Do you know what's up with him?" I asked

"No I though you did" he said

"Nope, I don't" i said

"Well, sorry have to go I have a class with Gregorio. Wish me luck" he said

"Luck" I said with a laugh as he left.

Right after he had left I recurved a call from France the same number from last time.


"Have you made a decision yet Ms." he asked

"I'm sorry, but I haven't, but I'll let you know as soon as I have one for you" I explained

"Alright then Ms. Carrara but please let as know as soon as you have your decision" he said and he hung up.

End call*

Time skip-

I decided to go to the park and think for a bit. I thought of what has happened just this past year and let me say a lot has changed for me this past year for starters I got my niece back so do I really want to lose her again. As I was thinking Someone sat next to me, but I completely ignored it as I was deep in thoughts. I couldn't decide about what the right decision would be. I have so many reasons to say yes but to also say no.

1- German he just keeps hurting me ,that's a point for leaving

2- but I just got violetta back after so many years

3- but also then this is my DREAM JOB when would this ever happen again

4- but the studio is also having financial problems at the moment and I can't just leave at times like these.

5- all my friends and family are here in Argentina.

As I was in the middle of my thought I got interrupted by someone asking if I was alright and I knew the voice sounded familiar so I turned around to see it was and to my surprise it was German.

"I'm alright just thinking about some things" I explained

"Okay, so what are you thinking about" he asked

"Not to sound rude but since when do you care and to be totally honest it's non of your business" I said

"I'm sorry I just wanted to help" he said

"I'm sorry, but I have to go " I said as I left

Time skip-

Once again I was in the teacher lounge thinking about this job offer. But as I was thinking the saying my dad used to always say popped into my head "a Problem shared is a problems halved"

"Oh god how much I miss you dad you wouldn't know how much I need you by my side right now to tell me that everything will get better" I said out loud without thinking and without noticing someone was there.

"Angie" said Jeremiah as he snapped me back to reality.

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you alright you were thinking out loud about your father" he explained

"I'm fine I was thinking about a saying my dad used to always say and it just made me think about him" I explained

"May I hear the saying" he asked

Germans POV
I came into the teachers lounge when I heard angie thinking about her father out loud. She was saying about how she needs him to tell her that everything will be alrighty I felt bad for her because it must have been rough to grow up without a dad. He past away when she was just 10 years old and to be honest angie has never talked about her father this is the first time I have heard her talk about him. All I knew about her and her father was that they were very close and it was tough for her when he passed away. 

Angie" I said To snapped her back to reality.

"Yes?" She asked

"Are you alright you were thinking out loud about your father" i explained

"I'm fine I was thinking about a saying my dad used to always say and it just made me think about him" She explained quite sad

"May I hear the saying" i asked

"Yh it was "A problem shared is a problem halved" she said

"That's nice, but why are you think of this one?" I asked

"I'm just having some personal problem and I don't know quite what to do and this saying just makes me happy" she said

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to you could always come talk to me" I told her

"Thank you Jeremiah, you're such a great friend" she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry" she said as she realized what she did. It was funny she got shy it was cute.

"Angie don't worry about it it's fine" I said

"Okay" she said Pablo then came into the room

"Angie could we talk in my office please" he said

"Sure Pablo" She said

"Okay I'll wait in my office for you" he said as he headed out.

"I better go before he gets mad at me again" she said as she went out to meet up with Pablo.

Angies POV

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I entered Pablos office.

"I just wanted to ask if you've made a decision yet about that job offer you got" he asked

"No I haven't" I said

"Okay, well let me know when you do because if you say yes I have to start looking for your replacement" he said

"Don't worry I will let you know as soon as I do, but to be honest I don't know what the right decision is" I said

"Angie just follow what ever your heart tells you to do, don't let me or anyone else stop you from what you truly want to do" he said

"Thanks for the advice Pablo I've missed my best friend" I said with a laugh as I hugged him.

"He never left you know that" he said laughing

"Well you know what I meant" I said Also laughing

"Wait so have you told violetta yet?l he asked

"Sadly no I haven't" I said

"Angie you have to tell her the truth about what going on with you" he said

" Pablo I know that" I said rolling my eyes

"If you say so, but we will talk later I have a class to go teach" he said as he left

"Okaaaaaay" I said yelling so he could hear me.

"Angie why are you screaming" asked violetta as I came out of Pablos office.

" I was talking to Pablo that's why" I explained

"Okay then, so are you going to tell me what you were going to tell me the other day you came to my house?" She asked

Violetta's POV

Angies been acting weird lately so I decided to ask why. A couple days ago she went over to my house according to my dad she came to tell me something really important but he didn't know what about. So as I saw angie today come out of Pablos office screaming okay j asked why she was screaming and about what she was going to tell me the other day.

" I was talking to Pablo that's why" She explained

"Okay then, so are you going to tell me what you were going to tell me the other day you came to my house?" I asked because she's just been avoiding that question.

"And don't you dare tell me you have to go angie" I said quite serious so she knew I wasn't kidding around.


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