I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren m...

By armin_the_coconut

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this is a modern love story between Levi Ackerman and Eren Jaeger, warning Mpreg! More

Chapter 1: doctor hanji zoe
Chapter 2: the memory
Chapter 3: your pregnant!
Chapter 4: friends and enimes
Chapter 5: texting hanji zoe
Chapter 6: it was a pleasure to meet you!
Chapter 7: the midwife.
Chapter 8: the costa cafe
Chapter 9: i should tell you a secret
Chapter 10: Are you telling the truth?
Chapter 11: you disgust me
Chapter 12: He is the father to your baby
Chapter 13: the love confession
Chapter 15: Life Or Death Situation
Chapter: 16: Levi Ackerman is a Strong man
Chapter 17: I need to tell Levi Ackerman
Chapter 18: I Will Look After you
Chapter 19: Bad Memories
Chapter 20: "A baby, to keep me"
Chapter 21: Future arrangments
Chapter 22: Moving on.
Chapter 23: Wild Thoughts
Chapter 24: Thank You
Chapter 25: Im Pregnant?
You remember my sister??

Chapter 14: its to early

11.9K 327 121
By armin_the_coconut

the brown haired teen just couldn't believe that he was kissing his first male crush, Eren's heart started to increase, but not long after they continued to kiss Levi started to feel pain in his stomach he sat up snapping his head about and glanced away stopping the kiss.

"Levi are you ok?" the brown haired  teen asked while he noticed that levi was rubbing his belly "Its just the baby kicking again.."   Levi said weakly getting to his feet and starting to loose balance; this was because his body suddenly started feeling extremely weak. The pregnant man fell backwards but luckily Eren got to his feet and quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from falling, the brown haired teen got concerned for the pregnant black haired teen, he wasn't far from giving birth,  he wasn't himself and Eren knew that... so he picked him up and took him to the front room before laying him down on the sofa.

"you're gonna be okay" Eren spoke in a reassuring voice while sitting on the sofa next to the laying down man and began to rubbing and kiss Levi's growing belly.
It kept making noise and it sounded a little like a growl "Are you hungry?" The teen asked looking at the pale teen "No...it's  probably just the baby kicking again"

"Would you like a drink of tea? After all tea is your life " Eren spoke in a playful tone while getting to his feet in a rush and walking to the kitchen, "I guess... I could do with a drink...hopefully I won't leave my drink this time" Levi said with sarcasm and laughing trough his nose he Then he sighed heavily while looking up at the ceiling; he looked fed up, he hated being ill, and what was worse he knew he had another 5 months of it and until the baby arrives

2 months passed by.....

Eren was now working full time at the cafe again meaning he didn't spend much time with his first ever boyfriend, Levi on the orther hand was alone most days and left to clean up and do jobs around the house, it was getting difficult as his belly was making it harder to crouch down and make sure his cleaning is satisfied he knew now that he only Had 3 months left to prepare his home for the new member of his family, it seemed stress him out not having eren around to give him a help in hand; and Levi knew that getting stressed about it isn't good for the baby.

Levi got to his feet after being sat down all morning and wondering into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea but all of a sudden a sharp stabbing pain seemed to appear in his low abdominal area...

"AGH..." he groaned clutching his stomach and narrowing his eyes as the pain seemed to grow more painful "SHIT...." he took a deep breath trying to ignore the pain but it seemed impossible "AGH...ha ha" he painted hard realising he had left his phone in the front room "e..Erwin shit I need  Erwin" he gritted his teeth and attempted to walk into the front room... but when he got there he collapsed to the floor in agony...

It looked like he had wet himself; but Levi knew exactly what was happening.
His water had broke...

He covered his mouth with sickness "n..no it's to early!" He began to panic reaching over to his phone and instantly calling Hanji.
She picked up and got in touch with Erwin! She talked to Levi and told him to stay calm but Levi knew that wasn't something he could do at the moment...

"H..hurts... Hanji hurry" he groaned dropping his phone on the floor and rubbing his stomach.

"Erwin! Go to Levi right away! I will go to eren!" Hanji spoke to Levi's midwife over the phone before running out of the hospital and down to the cafe Eren worked at, when she got there she ran up to the counter and looked Carla in the eyes "I need to speak with your son! It's urgent" Hanji spoke shocking erens mother "w..what's happened?"

"Please I have no time to explain" the doctor pushed her glasses up on her face and Carla turned around running to get Eren instantly! When the teenager got to Hanji he almost read her mind "t..the baby?" He breathed grabbing his coat and running out of the cafe Hanji following close behind...

"It's to early! It's to early" Eren panted as he sprinted down to Levi's house "it's to early its to early" he repeated trying not to cry... "Eren! Slow down! Everything will be okay, I promise you me and Erwin will make sure your child pulls through so stay calm"

"STAY CALM?" Eren raged halting hard and turning to face her "IT MIGHT DIE?!"

"I'm aware that your scared but honestly we have to stay calm so then Levi can have a normal birth and give the child a better chance" she hugged onto Eren "your only young, but he needs us to be strong for his sake"

To be continued..

Sorry for the slow update, I got read stuck on ideas! Please don't say anything about my story being wrong.. it's my story so yeah.
I should also point out that Levi is going into labour 3 months to early 😔 so prepare your feels for an emotional journey ☺️ what do you want the child to be called and do you want it to be a girl or boy?

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