Divergent High: College Life

By annaeliza247

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➽Sequel to Divergent High. I suggest that you read the first one before you read this. ➽It's been two years s... More

hey guys!


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By annaeliza247

Winter break started yesterday, and that's when Tobias and I flew home.

We're going to go visit Zeke and Shauna with Uriah and Marlene, and then meet up with everyone else to get dinner.

I took a shower this morning when I got out of bed, but I didn't feel like totally getting dressed and ready for the day then, so I just put on shorts and a t-shirt. I also threw my halfway towel dried into a messy bun.

I get up from the bed and walk into my closet to get dressed. I change into a black lace bralette,American Eagle ripped jeggings, an olive green t-shirt, warm socks, and Uggs. I walk back into my room to do my hair and makeup. I take ten minutes to curl my hair, and then for makeup I put on foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, blush, and liquid lipstick. I put on a layered arrow necklace, a white Lokai bracelet, a gold bracelet, a white and gold watch, arrow earrings, and a bunch of gold rings.

"How do I look?" I ask Tobias after I spin around in my twisty chair.

He looks up from his laptop, smiles, and responds, "Stunning, as usual."

I smile and get up from the chair, kicking off my Uggs and laying on my side next to Tobias and putting my arm around his torso as he puts his around me.

We stay on the bed for a little over an hour, until the clock turns to 4:30, and we get up to leave. I slide my Uggs back on and walk downstairs while holding Tobias's hand. I grab my black Colombia coat off the coat rack and put it on before slinging my cross body purse over my shoulder.

We go outside to the car, careful not to slip on any ice or anything. It's not snowing now, but it's supposed to later. There's also like a foot of snow on the ground, and it's literally freezing out here.

We get in the car and Tobias starts it since he's driving, and I turn on the heat and butt warmers. Thank goodness for butt warmers. Tobias waits for the car to warm up before zooming off to Zeke and Shauna's apartment.

We get to the parking building surprisingly quickly, and park on the third floor. It doesn't take too long to actually get to their apartment, and when we get inside we see that Uriah and Marlene are already there.

We hug everyone and then I go sit on the couch next to Shauna.

"How ya doin Shaun?" I ask with a small smile on my face.

"Better. It still hurts though," she says and nods a little. "I'm moving on, I really am, I'm eating again, but... It hurts because I know he should be here right now, in my arms, with all of you guys crowding around him wanting to hold him too. That's what hurts."

"I know, Shaun, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, it's no ones fault. It just wasn't meant to be."

I don't know how to respond to that, so I just change the subject, "Are you going out with us tonight? We're going to the burger place!" The burger place is a burger restaurant downtown that we always go to, and none of us actually know the name of it, so we just call it, 'the burger place'. Glorious, right?

"No, not tonight. I already ate and I'm pretty tired."

"Okay. Well, tomorrow I think we were going to go to the trampoline place. Do you want to go with us then?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. That sounds fun."

"Great, so we'll see you tomorrow then," I say and hug her before standing up and walking towards Tobias, Zeke, Uriah and Marlene. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah. Is Shauna not coming?" Marlene asks as we walk out the door.

"No," Zeke and I say at the same time.

"She says she's tired," I finish off.

The five of us then took the elevator to the ground floor and walked to the burger place.

Christina, Will, and Lynn were already there. We said hi and hugged each other before sitting down.

The owner, Ralph, walks over to our table then, greeting us all with an energetic, "Hey!" Ralph is from New Jersey, a few years ago, I think he got tired of it there, so he moved his family and his business to Chicago. He has a very, very strong accent.

"Ralph!" We exclaim in unison.

"How's it goin'?"

"Good," I answer, and everyone nods and says the same.

"Where's Shauna?

"She didn't feel like coming tonight," Zeke says.

"Ahh, Zeke. That's too bad, tell her I'm sorry, will ya?"

"Thanks," he nods a little. "I will."

"Alright. Well, how about the burgers? Same as usual?"

"Same as usual," we answer again in unison.

"You guys really need to stop doing that, it freaks me out."

We laugh and say, "Thanks Ralph!" all at once. He shakes his head and starts walking back to the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he says.
♤  ♤  ♤  ♤  ♤

The next day, I got up, took a shower, and got dressed in PINK leggings, a white 'in tees we trust' t-shirt, and Uggs. I just put on foundation, concealer, mascara, and Burt's Bees lip balm for makeup, and since I didn't wash my
hair because I did yesterday and it's still curly, I throw it up into a ponytail.

When I get downstairs, I find Tobias sitting on a stool at the island and eating a bowl of cereal. I get two blueberry Eggo waffles out of the freezer and put them in the toaster.

Tobias pulls the stool next to him out from under the bar, and I sit on it before reaching over and kissing him.

"Good morning," I say.


"Are you excited for the trampoline park?"

"Hell yeah," he replies, making me laugh.

My Eggos are ready a couple minutes later, so I take them out of the toaster, put them on a plate, cut them up, and drench them in syrup.

"I didn't know we had Eggos!" Tobias whines when I sit back down.

"If ya snooze ya lose," I simply say.

"I was down here first."

"Oh right," I laugh and he joins.

"Where's Natalie and Andrew?" he asks when we calm back down and I give him a bite.

"New York, no, Boston, no... I don't know, I can't keep track anymore. They're running all over the place."

"I know. Do they still not know about Caleb and Amanda?"

"They do now. He told them when he came home for Thanksgiving. I know they're happy about it, I think they're just upset with him for not telling them earlier."

"Are they still excited though?"

"Oh yeah, totally. They're super excited. Another daughter and grandkids? They can't wait."

"Do you they'll push Caleb and Amanda to have an actual wedding?"

"Yeah, I think Amanda's mom and dad are doing the same thing. They want her to have a big white wedding."

"That's good to know. Ready?" He asks as I finish off the last of my waffles.

"Yeah, I just need to brush my teeth." I put my plate in the sink and run upstairs into the bathroom to brush my teeth and Tobias follows me.

We arrive at the trampoline park a half an hour later, and everyone is already there, waiting for us.

I take off my boots and put them in one of the cubby things along with my jacket and Tobias does the same. One of the employees then takes us back to where the trampolines are and sets us free.

I'm glad we chose today to come, because school's not out yet for Christmas break and there's almost no one here.

We bounce around for two hours, and then we go to a dodgeball trampoline. We did girls against boys, and Shauna and Lynn are the last ones in against Uriah.

Lynn gets out so it's just Shauna vs. Uriah.  We all cheer and laugh when shauna gets him out with a little dinky throw.

We play a few more times after that, and then go to Zeke and Shauna's for lunch.
𖠢  𖠢  𖠢  𖠢  𖠢
A/N: hola! Guys, this is so weird... I'm a quarter through the school year and it feels like it's been like 2 weeks! It's crazy! Well.... not much going on with me right now, so I'll keep this short and sweet
Luv ya!❤️😘

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