Without You (James Franco Fan...

By thefrancofics

54.2K 453 85

The one where they're both too stubborn to admit that they're still in love. Inspired by the songs "Without Y... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI - Part I
Chapter VI - Part II
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter X
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14

Chapter IX

2.5K 22 2
By thefrancofics

(A/N): So I'm really bad at updating on here and I'm really sorry about that, I'm just so used to doing this on tumblr and I keep forgetting that this story is even on here. Usually my friend (who writes the Dave Franco story) is the one who does this for me >.<


James' POV

Scarlett hovered above me, a smirk plastered on her face as she moved an ice cube down my stomach towards the hem of my briefs. Reaching down, I tossed the ice cube away and grabbed her arms, rolling us so that I was on top.

After I removed her shirt, I gasped in horror at the sight of multiple circular, dark purple bruises on her body.

“I’m not that ugly, wow…” Scarlett grumbled, grabbing her shirt from my hands. 

“What? Why would you ever think that I think you’re ugly?”

“Well you aren’t int—-“

“—-We can have this argument later,” I cut her off, knowing she wouldn’t stop once she was started. “More importantly, who gave you those?”

“Gave me what?” Scarlett asked, looking down at her stomach. Eyes widening, she began to laugh before she reached forward and pulled me back on top of her by the collar of my shirt. 

“I went paint balling with Jay,” She giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck, “What, you thought someone beat me up?”

I relaxed and began kissing her neck so she wouldn’t see how embarrassed I was. Right now, I did not need to be turned off by my embarrassment. It had been a while since I had Scarlett to myself and or hotel suite to my own for that matter. Both my assistant and my stylist were on the constant come and go considering I have a lot to do whilst in LA for the next month.

“You are a pain in the ass,” I said against her skin.

Scarlett scoffed, “Look who’s talking.”

I smiled and ignored her comment as I continued to place kisses on her body.

“So paint ball with Jay eh? You two getting real close?” I asked, softly nibbling at her skin. The change to a less delicate action along with my question elicited a strange sound from Scarlett, a mixture of both a contented sigh and a laugh. She rolled her eyes and began lightly scratching my back, knowing that it would usually shut me up. If it weren’t for my overwhelming curiosity, then normally, it would have worked.

I leaned back on my elbow and gently ran my hand along her the insides of her thighs all the while maintaining eye contact with her. Dipping back down, I whispered into her ear.

“Seth told me you two kissed.”

“I kissed him on the cheek, that’s how I greet or part ways with people. That’s all we did.”

Ignoring her statement, I slid my hand up her shirt and unclipped her bra, “I’m not convinced.”

“Even if I was cuddling up to Jay; what is it to you?” Scarlett inquired.

I hummed in amusement whilst tossing her bra over my shoulder, “Well, his fiancée just left him and he’s been doing it tough. As your friend, I wouldn’t want you to be the rebound girl, now would I?”

Scarlett gasped. “Is that your twisted way of saying that you care about me?” She cackled, pinching my ass.

I pulled a face at her in surprise at her bold gesture, “Did you just..?

Ignoring me, she continued her struggle to keep her composure and refrain from laughing. “That’s adorable Franco, it really is,” She said teased, “You have my sex life in your best interest.”

I smiled down at her, putting on my Franco charm mixed with an enticing, low voice. “Well, he wouldn’t know how to—” I paused, pressing my hips against hers to let her know just how turned on I was, “—excite you, like I do.”

Scarlett’s brows were raised. “Oh, and you’re the expert at that?”

“When it comes to you? Yes.” I beamed down at her.

“I doubt it.”

I knew she’d say anything to disagree, so I kept teasing her just for the fun of it.

“Does he know that you like it when someone does this?” I asked, kissing her on the spot behind her ear. “Or this?” I kissed her collarbones. “Does he say your name the way I do when you’re ab—”

“—It’s not like that,” Scarlett interjected, “We’re just friends.”

“Mhm,” I nodded.

“Believe it, Franco.”

“We’re just friends,” I mused, placing a lot of emphasis on the ‘just friends’ part.

Scarlett pushed me up and straddled my lap, “We’re a different type of just friends.”

“Define different?” I asked.

“Nope,” Scarlett said, planting a kiss on my lips, “If I did, it would stroke your ego.”

I laughed, grabbing her hand and resting it on the waistband of my briefs.

“You can stroke something else if that’s too much for you,” I winked.

 I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t extremely turned on her returned playfulness. There was a glimmer in her darkened eyes and a small smile twitched at the corner of her mouth. Before I could taunt her even more, she pushed me onto my back.


Scarlett’s POV

“Geez,” James huffed as I crawled back up beside him. “Let me return the favour.”

I shook my head whilst I gathered my clothes. Even though James insisted that his assistant and his stylist weren’t going to be back for another hour, I knew better. Given their professions, they’re obviously punctual women. Knowing how hopeless James is on his own – which he’ll never admit to anyone since he has too much pride – then they’ll definitely be back within the hour. I didn’t want those poor women walking in on anything.

 “Consider that an apology.”

“For what exactly?” James asked.

“I’ve been avoiding you these past few days,” I reluctantly admitted, “You’re too nice to me James.”

Sitting up, James rested his back against the headboard of the bed and gave me a smile. It wasn’t like his usual, charming almost flirtatious smile that cast a spell upon anyone that saw it. It was a genuine smile, perhaps even shy. Or maybe I was just reading into his intricately portrayed emotions. 

After all, he is an actor on top of being a naturally complex man.

“I have a Q and A interview tonight,” He says, “I’d like you to come along.”

“Um, are you sure?”

“Scarlett, if I didn’t want you there I wouldn’t be asking.”

“Okay,” I shrugged, “I mean, what’s better than listening to James Franco talk about himself for an hour or so?”

James smirked, “Not much, not for you anyway. You have no friends.”


I found myself zoning out of the Q and A session, only ever paying full attention when someone asked in-depth question, or one I didn’t already know the answer to. There’s no doubt that he’s already received a vast majority of the questions he was asked, but still, watching James interact with his fans really amazed me.

He dealt with them so patiently and politely, constructing long, thoughtful responses to their questions. Whenever he spoke about art, his eyes lit up and he would use more hand gestures to place emphasis on his words. Whilst his public persona still reflected the James I know, he was very much a different person and it made me feel rather peculiar. Nevertheless, sitting in the crowd amongst all his fans gave me a different perspective on James.

After the session was over, James was still held back by the press and a few fans requesting for photos or autographs respectively. I made a mental note to never let my band become famous enough to the point where we’d be required to do something like this, because there would be no way I could handle it. It would drive me insane. I just don’t have the patience.

“So, did you enjoy it?” James asked once we were seated in a secluded area in a small café.

I nodded, “Got a bit bored here and there but it was interesting.”

James chuckled softly. “It was no paintball, but I needed you there today. Thanks for coming, it really means a lot.”

“It’s no problem James.”

I watched as he pursed his lips, pulling a thoughtful expression. When the waitress came over, he almost didn’t notice her because he was so lost in his own world. She was doing her best to grab his attention, no doubt recognizing who he was. She pushed her chest out and completely ignored my existence at first.

“We’ll take two chocolate milkshakes, thanks,” I announced, clearing my throat to get her attention. The waitress spun around and gave me a faux smile, writing the order down on her notepad before walking off. Not wanting to disrupt his thoughts, or break our comfortable silence I decided to amuse myself by reading the blurb of the book James carried with him.

When the snobby waitress arrived with our order, he snapped out of his reverie and flashed her a polite smile, which surely would have made her all bubbly on the inside.

“I just don’t want you to think that I’m just sticking around for the benefits,” James confessed, after taking a long sip from his drink. “We didn’t exactly agree on anything or set any grounds rules, but if you ever want to, like, ‘break off’ this whole benefits thing just let me know, okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable around me.”

“I’m cool with it,” I said as I moved my straw up and down, mixing the cream with the milk. “You’re one of the few people I’m entirely comfortable to be around. That’s why I enjoy having sex with you. It’s simple really.”

“Right,” James agreed. “I’m not worried about when, what, how and all that sort of stuff.”

“It’s not easy to find someone you can sleep whilst maintain a friendship without it either crumbling or turning into a relationship,” I shrugged.

“True,” James acknowledged, folding his arms, “I’m not ready to settle down. Whenever I do this sort of thing with other women they get too emotionally attached and want a relationship. You’re different.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, taking the final sip of my milkshake before standing up to leave. “It’s because I don’t put up with your shit.”

Just as I turned to leave, James grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?”

“Honestly? I need a break from you,” I laughed, slipping out of his grasp. “I’ll see you soon.”

“What about the bill?” 

“Consider it payment for hiring me as your pillar of moral support, asshole,” I called out over my shoulder.

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