Hybrid House

By GinnyJeanLovegood14

121 5 23

Ally Weasley finally got her Hogwarts letter earlier today. You might think she woke up today to birds chirpi... More

The Letter

Diagon Ally

21 1 1
By GinnyJeanLovegood14

Hermione sat in the drivers side, the left of course. Ron still didn't have his license so he just sat like nothing was happening.
Ally was squished in between Rose and Hugo, slowly loosing her breath. When they got to Diagon Ally, they all got out one by one.
"I know where to go, Mum." Rose says, "See you later!"
Rose walks off to do her own thing as Ally goes inside. She gasps and smiles, looking around at everything.
"I know, it's exiting!" Hugo says, his voice unusually high and squeaky.
"Madam Malkins first." Hermione says, marching to the shop.
Ally's POV:
I follow Mum and Dad as they go to the first shop, I step inside and look around. I turn to Rosalinda and smile, wrapping her in a hug. "Rose!"
"Long time no see!" Rosalinda smiles, releasing me from the hug.
Draco walks up and looks the other way, "Weasley. Come on Rosalinda, Scorpius, lets go."
Rose was pulled away by her father, slowly. I waved and frowned before they measured me. I get my robes and walk to the next shop, probably one of my favorites.

Olivanders Wand Shop
I walk into the shop and look at it in amazement. Olivander (Auto Correct, I swear!) looks up at Hugo and I. "Step up, young lady."
I walk up and he measures my arm, "Mhhm."
"Dragon Heart String, 11 inches, oak wood." He says, I flick it and it shocks the desk.
"No, No." He says, "Ivy, 12 1/2 inches, Holly wood."
I swish this time and the same thing happens, except it zaps Hugo. I see Olivander get frustrated, "Kneazle Whisker, 14 1/2 inches, Maple wood."
I swish it and to my surprise, an orb glows around it and I shoot it up to the light, it turns on.
"Perfect!" He says, packing it up. "It's your wand, your responsibility."
   I nod and after a few shops, Mum taps me on the shoulder. "How about the Magical Menagerie?"
      I smile and open my eyes again, I run to the sign and open the door. I hear screeching and cats meowing.
  "Pick one, and then we are all getting a family owl." Mum and Dad say, happily.
   I go over to the cats first, I see a Ginger and White one that looks 6-7 months old. "Mum, I want this one."

I smile and walk over to another, "Mum please!"
  She sighs, "Fine!"

    We go to the Owl Emporium and wind up getting a speckled brown owl named Lenixn.
   I decided to name my cats Duke and Duchess.... how unique
No, it's not unique!

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