Young Justice: Wonder and Sup...

By NinjagoKaila

72.6K 1.4K 305

She wasn't just and ordinary girl. Her father was Superman, and she joins the Young Justice team with her bes... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Happy New Year
Beneath and Bloodlines
Summit and Endgame


1.9K 52 9
By NinjagoKaila


"Recognized, Supergirl B-02." Audrey stepped out from the Zeta Tubes and saw everyone standing in the hangar tunnel.

Conner, M'Gann named him isn't that sweet!? His last name is Kent. Ha! Take that dad!! Conner Kent, M'Gann, and Aqualad watched Kid Flash fix Conner's bike.

"Socket wrench, thank you sweet thing!" Kid said as M'Gann levitated the wrench to him. He set the wrench down and noticed me coming up.

"Hey Supergirl!" Kid waved. I waved back, and the others turned, "Hi guys!" I said.

I took a seat on the other side of the bike and starting working on it too.

"Torque Wrench." Kid said.

"I have been meaning to ask, have any of you been having trouble juggling school with the team?" Aqualad asked.

"No." Conner said.

"Juggling is just one of my many talents. Socket wrench." Wally said.

"You have talents? Wow. And no, I am doing fine." I said. Wally glared at me. He knew full well that I was teasing him.

"Daily cheerleading practice has presented a challenge. Oh but my first loyalty is always to the team. This team, not the Bumblebee's." M'Gann said.

"Artemis starts school today, do you think she will have trouble maintaining her loyalties?" Aqualad asked. Oh Aqualad, she is not the mole.

"No, I think Artemis will do just fine. It's kid over here who I'm worried about." I say.

Kid glares at me again, "Nah, she'll manage alright." He said.

Is he actually being nice? Spoke to soon.

"I mean how much more hostile and annoying can---"

Suddenly an explosion threw us all back. I landed on the ground next to someone but I couldn't tell who. Once the smoke cleared I stood up and flew into the air. I looked around and saw water crash onto Wally and Superboy.

"Wally! Superboy!" I shouted. I heard something behind me and I dodged just in time to see a fireball sail past me. What the heck!? I look down and saw M'Gann and Aqualad get trapped in a fire cage.

"No!" I shout. I fly over to them.

"Supergirl! Get out of the cave!" Aqualad shouts as I approach. M'Gann is already unconscious. Aqualad sweating.

"No! I have to get you two out!" I say. I stand up and Aqualad shouts, "Supergirl look out!"

Alarmed I turn and something hard hits my torso. Immense pain fills my body and I collapse to the ground. About a few feet away is a chunk of Kryptonite.

"No." I say trying to stand. A red foot comes in my vision and kicks the Kryptonite closer to me. It rolls near my stomach and I start to shiver a little. My breathing becomes labored and slow. I thought I was going to pass out but Aqualad reached a hand through the cage and knocked the green rock away. His hand retracted and was burned a little.

"Go. Get- help." He said. I nodded and shakily stood.

The two intruders were busy elsewhere so I took my leave. I ran even though it hurt so much, I made it to the hallway and climbed into an air vent. I have to find a way out. To get help. I was to sore to move so I sat down and brought my legs to my chest and put my arms around them. I put my head against the vent wall and breathed in and out.

After a few deep inhales and exhales I continued to go find help. I found an exit to the vent and jumped out. I found myself in front of the zeta tubes, and ran behind a pillar. Who knows who is attacking.

"Robin, B01." The computer announced.

No! Robin walked through the zeta beam and I tackled Robin out of the way as a fireball hit where Robin was just at. We rolled and stood in attacking positions. Thank goodness I have some strength returning. But I can't fly yet.

"What is attacking?!" Robin yelled throwing birdarangs into the smoke.

"I don't know!" I shout dodging a fireball.

"Artemis B07."

"Artemis look out!" Robin and I shout in unison. She dodges a fireball and shoots an arrow into the smoke.

"What are we fighting!" She yells.

"Don't know, but we're sitting ducks near these zeta tubes. The three of us ran down the hall towards the exit but a wave of water comes crashing towards us.

"Or not." Robin said as the wave crashed into us.

We floated underwater and hit a wall before the water drained. We immediately stood back up and started running again. Behind us a fire tornado materialized. Again, What the heck!?! Robin tried contacting the team, "They can't help. They were taken down!" i yelled.

Robin and Artemis quickly took the surprise off their face and ran again. We ran for the showers and shut the glass door to block to fire. We quickly turned on all of the showers and stood in the middle of the room.

"Robin to BatCave, override RG4!" Robin yelled into his earpiece. Nothing happened.

"Cave calling Justice League, H-O-J slash watchtower. B-0-1 priority ray!" Robin tried again.

"At least the water is helping." I say. The room begins to shake and tiles pop off the wall. Water leaks and the shower heads elxplode. The room starts to fill up with water.

"Or not." Robin says. I use my super strength, or what I have if it, and punch a hole in the wall. The water and us spill into another hallway. We stand up and run to the kitchen.

"We need to get lost." Robin said. I look around but I couldn't think. I was too frantic.

"The air vent!" Artemis shouts.

"Good idea, go!" Robin says. Artemis and and I open the vent above the stove and we climb in.

"What are you doing?" Artemis shouts to Robin, who hasn't followed.

"Downloading cave blueprints, could come in--" Robin stopped talking when we heard metal footsteps.

"Go!" Robin whisper shouted. We climbed in and started crawling.we turned a corner just in time for a fire last to shoot past us.

"That was close!" I whisper shouted.

"Take the first right." Robin said looking at his computer. We went right.

"There should be a vent cover right in front of you. Artemis uncovered it and jumped in it. I followed with Robin behind me. We landed in the mechanical/maintenance room and we ran down the stairs and heard an explosion behind us. We turned and saw a woman standing in the flames. We turned around and ran behind some machines. But they were beeping madly and the green bar was turning red. It was going to explode!

"That's not good!" Robin says. We run and duck behind another machine.

"There should be another access tunnel." Robin said.

"You mean this one?" Artemis asks standing over an open vent.

"Yes, go!" I say. We jump in and Robin puts a small bomb on the machine to make sure nothing can follow us. We start to crawl again and Robin stops.

"Hold on." He said prying off the cover for an outlet. He hooks his computer to it and,

"Downloading cave security footage." Robin said. I don't need to see, I already knew what happened. I sat against a wall and rested. I heard what previously happened. It was right before the explosion. M'Gann, Conner, Kaldur, Wally, and I were by Conner's bike.

"What happened?!" Artemis yelled after the cameras were taken out.

"Explosion took out the camera, I'll try to find another angle." Robin said. I'm sure this is the part where we all got taken down.

"That's it. All four are dead." Robin said. Artemis gave him a look.

"The cameras! I'm sure the others are fine." Robin said.

"They're not." I say. Robin looks over to me.

"How did you escape?" He asks.

"Kaldur reaches over and knocked the Kryptonite away. I was able to run to the zeta tubes." I say quietly.

"If you hadn't come, I would have died." Robin said giving me a small smile.

"It's not over yet." I say sadly. Robin frowns.

"We will make it out. All of us." He says Ina serious tone. Robin quickly finds a route to the hangar and we are off again.

We now find ourselves in the library and we are looking for a entrance to a secret tunnel. Cliché much? Yeah. We hear metal footsteps and we hide behind a book shelf.

"Artemis, Supergirl, Robin." A voice said. It sounded like Red Tornado.

"It's RT!!" Artemis said running out from behind the book shelf. She quickly stopped seeing it wasn't him. The RT lookalike threw water at us and Robin and I tackled Artemis out of the way.

"Yes on the red, no on the Tornado!" Robin said as we jumped up onto the shelves. The woman came from behind a wall and she was also robotic. We ran and ducked behind one again. Robin searched and found a book. He pulls it and a secret door opens. We run in and hear books glean collapse against the now closed door. We run down the path and Artemis says,

"Did you know Tornado had-- siblings?" Artemis asks.

"No." Robin says. We were about to turn the corner when Artemis yanks on our capes.

"So now what? Red Tornado is one of the power houses of the League. How are we supposed to take down two of him!?" Artemis exclaims.

"They do seem pretty user unfriendly." Robin says smirking a little.

She gets a little mad, "Don't joke! They--"

"Attention Robin, Attention Artemis and Supergirl. You have exactly ten minutes to surrender or the lives of your teammates will be extinguished." The guy robot says over the cave intercom. The three of us looked at each other, worried.

"8 minutes." The robot said. We were once again running to find somewhere. "We can access the hangar from here!" Robin said. We look back and a bunch of water comes crashing towards us. Again. "Or not!" Robin says as we turn and start to run again. "Will you please stop saying that!" Artemis says. The water crashes and we are under. Robin and I pull out small oxygen masks and put then in our mouths. Artemis has never had a reason to be underwater so she didn't have one. Robin took a deep breath and out his in her mouth. Artemis was suddenly yanked back by the robot and I swam and started punching him, he let go of Artmeis but in his hand was Kryptonite. Oh no. He grabbed my arm and the rock stung and my vision went black.

Robin's POV:
Artemis, Supergirl, and I swam up and found ourselves in the hangar. It was almost filled with water.

"Look out!" KF yelled from somewhere. We dove underwater to avoid the fireblast. We swam up next to Kid Flash and Superboy who were incased in hardened metal.

"Supergirl, can you--" I turn around and start panicking.

"Supergirl!?" I say.

"The robots brought her in unconscious. Then threw her down next to Kaldur and Mgann." Wally said worried.

"What!?" I yell. How did I not notice!? I'm so stupid!

"Kaldur! How's Mgann!?" Superboy shouted.

"And Supergirl!" I add.

"They both are breathing. They are unconscious. But I don't think we can survive much longer." Kaldur says. The fire robot fires at us and we dive under again. We run on the stairs and are trapped. Artemis loads am arrow and aims it at Fire Lady. And I aim at Water Guy.

"Distract her!" I shout. Artemis fires her arrow and I throw a Birdarang. We dive into the water and we swim for it. We find another vent and swim through it. We climb up and are in the vents above the hangar.

"6 minutes."

"What do we do now!?" Artemis says.

"We save them. That's how it works." I say a little harshly.

"Maybe that's how it's supposed to work but those robots already took out our SuperPowered friends!" Artemis said raising her voice.

"You seem distraught." I said.

"Distraught! M'Gann and Supergirl are dying. We have no powers. And I'm almost out of arrows. Of course I'm distraught!" Artemis yells.

"We'll get traught or get dead!" I say turning around and starting to crawl again.

"How can you be so calm?" Artemis asks.

"Practice. I've been doing this since I was nine." I said keeping my head forward.

"What good is that now? What chance do we have against unrelenting machines?!" Artemis exclaims. Machines. What a minute! Machines!!

"Duh! They're machines! And one electromagnetic pulse can take out any machine within range." I say.

"Great! I hope you have an EMP emitter in that belt if yours cuz I certainly don't have any in my Quiver." Artemis says.

"I'm fresh out. But I'm betting we can make one. What do ya say KF? Doable?" I ask into my earpiece. I threw a Birdarang back in the hangar and it landed next to KF.

"Totally doable!" Kid said.

"5 minutes."

"You know, if you had more time." Kid said.

Soon we busted open a vent cover and we were in the Medical Lab.

"Med lab, x-ray machine. You'll find a small vacuum tube called a vircator that converts high energy pulses. Reprogram the unit's microwave conversion from x-rays to EMP's with a cascading energy vector directed outward." Kid Flash explained as I took out a tube from the X-ray machine.

"A ripple affect! Like dropping a stone in a pond." I exclaim.

"A stone with 10 to the twelfth power of wattage, yeah." Kid Flash says.

"So I'll need to hook it up to the caves main generator." I say.

"Which is where?" Artemis asks.

We are once again in the hangar and I swing from where we are hiding to the generator. I hook the device to the generator and notice it needs a piece of metal to complete it. "The circuits incomplete. I need something like a piece of metal or-" "Robin look out!!" Artemis yells. I didn't have time to react because a huge wave of water crashed onto me and I struggled to stay awake. My lungs burned for air and I blacked out.

Supergirl's POV
When I came too I saw the robots collapse. Artemis was standing over me holding out her hand. I smiled and took it. I stood up.

"Kaldur! How's M'Gann!?" Superboy yelled.

"She breathes. What of Robin?" Kaldur asks.

"Robin?" I ask looking around. I see him on the ground unconscious. I run over to him and kneel next to him. His hair messed up from the water. His wrist computer sparking. I gently place a hand on his torso and he starts to cough up water.

"He's breathing too!" I say sighing with relief. He smiles at me then looks at Artemis.

"Way to get traught." He said. Artemis smiles.

We are all now gathered by Wally and Conner. Artemis has a laser cannon in hand and is trying to it them free.

"Oh would you just hurry and cut us free already?!" Kid says impatiently.

"It's not working. EMP shuts down all machines, remember?" Artemis says.

"All machines present at the time." A voice says. We all look to see Red Tornado.

"What has occurred?" RT asked.

"We had a visit from your family." Robin says.

"Your extremely nasty family." I say.

"I was not aware that I had relations." RT says.

"Where have you been?" Conner asked.

"Monitor duty on the watch tower. When it became clear that cave communications were down. I attempted to investigate. But your zeta tubes were also nonfunctional." RT said walking over to the robots. He bent down.

"I transported to Providence and proceeded from there." RT said. Sphere, who had been smashed into the wall, whirred to life and jumped from the wall.

"Hey boy." Conner said. The laser cannon suddenly fired into a random direction.

"The pulse is worn off!" KF and Robin exclaimed in unison. We all turned to the robots and suddenly Red Tornado started sucking the air from the mountain. M'Gann, and Kaldur were the first ones to fall unconscious. Robin then fell. I couldn't breath! I soon collapsed next to Robin and once again I blacked out.

I woke up to see my dad. He helped me up.

"Uh. I so need to stop blacking out." I said. Dad smiled a little then went to go wake up Artemis. When she was awake Superman turned to her.

"What happened here?" He asked.

"What happened? The reds happened!" Artemis exclaimed angrily.

"Wait! Where are they?!" Artemis asked.

Robin turned to her. "All three of them. Gone."  

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