Life After Pain

By diggys__bae_

94.7K 3.1K 401

Sequel To 'Trying To Love Again (A Diggy Simmons And Yn FanFic)'. More

Life After Pain
So, We Meet Again
Meeting Up
So What Happens Next?
The Couples (Short Chapter)
Not What I Expected: Part 1
Not What I Expected: Part 2
Moving Day
Chicago Tribune
Recruit #1
Recruit #2
Short Chapter
The Return
"Like You're Saying Goodbye"
Saving Daniel

You Did What?!

4.6K 163 29
By diggys__bae_

Tammy's POV

I've been really depressed lately since Justin's been locked up. I mean, he tried to kill Yn, I understand that. But that's still my twin brother and is love him with all of my heart.

It was after hours in the hospital. I was there sorting through paperwork. I started to cry a little bit as I looked at the picture of Justin and I on my desk. It's been there every since I started working at the hospital, but no one ever really notices it.

I heard footsteps walking around. I glanced up. "Who's there?" I asked. Nobody answered. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Then, I heard footsteps again. That's when I started to freak out. "Who the hell is out there?" No one responded.

Then, my door opened. A guy in all black and a mask on came through my door. What the hell?!

I fell to the floor and crawled into a ball. "I don't have any money, I swear! Please don't hurt me!"

He just stood there. "Damn, I'm not going to hurt you!"

I sat up slowly. "You're not?"

He shook his head. "Although I will if I need to."

I sat back at my desk. "Then, what can I do for you?"

"It's not what you can do for me, it's what I can do for you."

I was confused. "Huh?"

He ignored my question. He sat across from me and picked up the picture of Justin and I. "I bet you miss Justin, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Things have been pretty hard for me. It's just the fact that I've helped take care of him all his life and now look where he's at." I wiped a tear from my face.

He nodded. "Understandable, Tamina."

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot about you, Tamina. Like, your address, your favorite color, obviously your workplace, and the fact that you probably want to get back at Yn since she's the reason that you're twin brother is in jail."

I remained silent. "Well, yeah, but it's partly his fault, too. He stopped taking his medicine despite how crazy he gets. And I'm sure she wasn't cheating on him and he was just assuming things."

He sighed. "Do you or do you not want to get back at her?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't. I can't just blame her because it wasn't just her fault. He's lucky Yn didn't press charges!"

He nodded and was about to walk out. "Wait" I said. There was just something I needed to know. He stopped and turned his attention toward me. "Who are you?"

He chuckled and started walking out of the door.

I started drinking the alcohol I had on my desk and then started contradicting myself and thinking about how mad I was at Yn and how much I hated her. I even thought it was all her fault. I took a deep breath. "Wait!" I said. He turned his attention back to me. "Maybe..... maybe I do want to help."

He chuckled again. "Well then, welcome to the team." Team? He outstretched his hand and I shook it.

Minnie's POV

"Yes! Yes!" Corahn screamed and threw the remote down.

I sucked my teeth. "Nuh-uh, bae! You cheated!"

He smirked. "Don't be a sore loser, babe."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he started laughing. "I'm not a sore loser. You're just a cheater!"

He laughed even harder. "I didn't even cheat, babe. You just suck."

"Shut up" I said playfully. I threw a pillow at him but he caught it and threw it back. "Ouch! Dammit Corahn you broke my nail!"

He started laughing again. "Then stop throwing pillows. Then I won't have to throw them back."

"I know one thing I'm not throwing back tonight."

"What are-" he stopped mid-sentence with a blank look on his face. I started laughing so hard. "Bae, you just jokin', right?"

I got up and walked toward our bedroom door. "Maybe, maybe not."

He licked his lips and followed me.

Diggy POV

*The Next Morning*

Woah! Last night was..... amazing. I got up and looked at Yn. Damn, she was knocked out! I guess she wasn't ready for TDD. 😏😏😏

I got up and got a call from my mom.


"Hey mom. Wassup."

"Dig, I'm so proud of you!"

I was confused. "Why, what's going on?"

"It's just the fact that your song, 'Mama Said' has all your Jetsetters going crazy! I just couldn't be happier."

"You're not gonna cry are you?" I asked, hearing the tears in her voice.

"Yeah but I'm trying not too. I just wanted to call and tell you that. I'm so proud of you and I love you, son."

I smiled. "I love you too, mom. Bye."


I was washing the dishes when I heard a loud thud. I ran upstairs to check on DJ, but he was still asleep. So, I went into the bedroom and checked on Yn, who was on the ground.

I started laughing. "Can't stand after last night?" I joked and started laughing even harder.

She glared at me. "Diggy, shut the fuck up and help me up."

I laughed again. "Nah, I gotta take a picture of this" I said, getting my phone out of my pocket.

"Diggy, you better not!" she said.

I laughed and snapped the picture. "This is gonna be my new screensaver."

"Ha ha, very funny" she said sarcastically. "Now that you've had you're laugh can you help me up?"

I laughed as she grabbed her phone and I carried her bridal style into the bathroom. I ran a hot bubble bath with Epsom salt for her and helped her get in. Then, I lit a few candles.

She sat back and closed her eyes. "Wow, this feels great. Thanks, baby."

I nodded. "You're welcome, bae. Imma go check on DJ then finish washing dishes. You wanna go somewhere today?"

She thought about. "Let's go to the carnival then out to eat."

"Cool. Five Guys okay?"

She shrugged. "Yeah."

I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I went to wake up DJ.

"DJ, come on lil man its time to wake up." I shook him a little bit.

"Really? What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up" I joked.

He sighed and slowly sat up. "I'm going to go take a shower and brush my teeth." he said as he got up from his bed.

I went downstairs to finish cleaning the kitchen. After awhile, I heard Yn calling me.


"Yeah" I yelled back up the stairs.

"I'm ready to get out but I still can't stand up!"

I laughed. "Okay, I'll be right up." I finished up the last of the dishes and ran back upstairs to help Yn. I wrapped the towel around her and helped her out since she already let the water out. I carried her into our room and found her underclothes, a blue cami and pink and blue shorts, and her pink flats.

She examined herself in the outfit after she lotioned it and put it on. "Wow, you're really not all that bad at matching stuff for me. Maybe you should pick my clothes all the time" she said while giggling.

I started laughing. "Thanks, but I doubt if I'll agree to do that. I mean, I didn't even wanna do it now but I had to since I'm the reason you can't stand. It's okay though, I'll teach you how to walk again."

We both started laughing. "Shut up!" she said while playfully throwing a pillow at me.
I smiled as I caught it and threw it back on the bed. She put the last of her clothes on. I turned around and then she hopped on my back unexpectedly. I started laughing and carried her downstairs. She giggled the whole time like a kid at the candy store.

"You have no idea about how much you sound like a little kid about to get on a roller coaster right now will all that giggling" I smiled as I sat her on the couch.

She started laughing. "Yeah, you're one funny negro, you know that right?"

"Yepp" I said as I went back into the kitchen to put all of the dishes away. When I was done, I went back into the living room to sit with Yn. I sat next to her and she immediately flipped herself onto of me so that she was in a straddle position on my lap.

"Woah, woah, woah" I said with a smile. "What's going on here?"

She giggled. "Just thought I'd tease you a little bit."

Yn's POV

I started grinding on him and then after a while I laughed uncontrollably. It was obvious he had no idea why, but that made it even funnier. I kept laughing.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Ummm... I think TDD is ready to play" I said as I pointed down to the huge boner he had in his pants.

"Oh shit! Dammit Yn!" he said as he realized that he was hard. He ran upstairs. I laughed even harder.

"Mommy, why is daddy running?" DJ asked with a confused look on his face as he walked downstairs.

"He has to talk to his... um...friend and needed a private place to do it in" I told him as I continued to laugh harder and harder.

He looked at me with a confused look. "I'm pretty confused, but I guess I should just drop the whole topic."

I started laughing. "I promise you don't talk like other four year olds!"

He was about to say something when Diggy came downstairs. He had changed his clothes and came down glaring at me. I laughed.

"You okay, baby?"

He smiled and hit me playfully. "Shut up big head. Come on you guys."

We followed him out to the car. We all hopped in and buckled up.

"Bae, I need to ask you something."

I looked over at Diggy. "Is everything okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, everything's great. I was just wondering if you would want to be featured on a song with me for the album."

I looked at him in shock. "Really? Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Positive. I remember four years ago when you, Tay, & Min sung for me, Corahn and Nate. You have talent, Yn. Why waste it?"

I thought about it for a second and nodded with a huge smile on my face. "Of course I'll be on your album. Thanks so much baby."

I leaned in and kissed him. We stopped when we heard DJ giggling in the backseat. We both looked back at him and smiled. Its actually pretty nice to have family time, just the three of us.

That thought didn't last very long. As soon as we arrived, the paparazzi ambushed us with pictures and questions.

I had to be cordial with them and be as respectful as I could. Being Diggy's girlfriend means that I have many girls of different ages that look up to me, even if I'm not on his album yet. So many girls send me comments of love telling me I'm "beautiful" or "gorgeous" or their "role model".

"You guys, this is our family day. How would you feel if we interrupted a family day you all were having?"

They all looked around and mumbled to each other. No one in specific spoke up. Then, I came up with an idea.

"Tell you what, you guys can take pictures of us if you want to, just not every single second. However, you can't ambush us with questions. This way, we're all happy. Okay?"

They all nodded and walked away. I turned around and looked at Diggy. He gave me an approving nod. I smiled, grabbed his and DJ's hand, and started walking toward the ticket booth.

Minnie's POV

"Corahn, come here!"

He rushed into the room. "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath. "Someone just called me. I don't know who it was, but I could hear them breathing. Weird right?"

He nodded with a concerned look on his face. "No caller ID?"

I shook my head. "It was a private number. Should we be worried?"

He didn't answer. He just looked down, trying to process everything. He looked back at me. "Nate told me the same thing happened to him. Taylor picked up the phone and could hear someone breathing, but no one spoke up.."

I sat on the bed. "Let's just forget about it. Can we go to the movies? I'm bored."

He nodded. "Sure, what do you want to see?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. We can see what's playing when we get there. Come on."

Yn's POV

*Two Days Later*

Taylor had called Minnie and I and wanted us to meet her somewhere. We all agreed that my house would be okay. They came over at around 1:00 since they were both off of work. DJ was at school and Diggy was at the studio, so I had the whole house to myself.

We all sat down, each on a different couch. Analyzing Taylor better, maybe? Minnie and I still don't know why she wanted to meet us, but it had better be a good reason.

"So... why did you want to see us?" Minnie asked. I focused my attention on Taylor.

"You guys.... I did something terrible."

"What?" I asked. She was silent and hesitant. "Come on Tay, you can tell us anything."

She took a deep breath. "Nate and I were drunk after a party we went to. He told me to drive him somewhere. When we got there, he pulled out a gun. I was confused and drunk and I didn't know what the hell to do! I never saw him with a gun before! He walked into the house. I sat in the car and winced at the sound of gunshots. Nate ran back out and was yelling at me to drive. I was so scared" she said crying. She pulled herself back together before talking again. "Two days later, someone was on the news found shot to death from the same address that we went to."

Minnie looked at her sympathetically. "Tay, did you tell anyone else about this?"

She shook her head. "No. I can't tell anyone else about this. But that's not all..."

"What else is there?" I asked.

"Well, I kind of robbed a bank and stole money from other places, too. Including my parents..."

"You did what?!" Min and I yelled at the same time.

"You guys, I needed the money for Nate and I.."

"What did you need it for?" Minnie asked.

"Drugs.." Her voice trailed off.

"Taylor, are you out of your fucking mind?!" I yelled. This bitch is psycho!

"No, not yet at least."

"You have to tell someone" Minnie said.

"No! This isn't just anybody that were talking about, Minnie! This is Nate! The love of my life! I can't turn him in like that, and I'm damn sure not turning myself in."

"Taylor, listen to yourself! You sound fucking stupid!" I screamed while Minnie nodded.

"Oh, the girl that got pregnant at the age of sixteen has some nerve to call anyone stupid!"

"Taylor!" Minnie yelled, indicating that she had went too far.

No this bitch did not just throw that in my face. I ignored Minnie. "What, are you mad because you want kids but Nate 'isn't ready for them'?" I asked, remembering how she called me crying one time about the subject.

"Yn, you really need to shut the fuck up! You're the one that got pregnant and had to raise your son for four years alone!"

"DJ has nothing to do with this Taylor! You're just pissed because you're trying to live a fake Bonnie and Clyde fantasy with Nate. You know what, just get the fuck out of my house!"

She scoffed. "I was there for you, Yn! What happened when you ran away from home? When you needed a place to stay? A friend to talk to? Who was there? Huh? I gave you a home when you had nowhere to go or no one to go to. My parents were your parents for quite some time, too. And don't be bitter because Nate and I have been with each other for years while you and Dig are still trying to patch things up."

"How dare you talk about how much your family has done for me when you just talked about stealing from them?! And what's going on with Diggy and I doesn't have a damn thing to do with you! Taylor, I'm going to say it again. Get. The. Fuck. Out."

She shook her head. She grabbed her purse, and walked out of the door, slamming it behind her.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Minnie asked me.

"Everything" I said, now realizing the type of person that she is.

Taylor's POV

*The Same Night*

"Who is this?" I asked, realizing that it was the same person that called Nate but just kept breathing.

"Tomorrow, you and Nate meet me at an abandoned building. We know everything about what you guys have even doing lately." The man gave me the address and hung up. The number was private, so I couldn't tell who it was.

*The Next Day*

Nate and I walked into the abandoned building. I immediately spotted Tammy, Zonnique, Bahja, Breaunna, Desiree, and the guy with the mask on. Except, now, there were two of them.

"Have a seat" one of them said.

We both sat down. I looked at Nate and he squeezed my hand. We waited for someone to speak up.

"So, you've gotten our messages?" one of the masked men said.

We nodded.

"Well, tell us, what are you gonna do?" the other said.

I took a deep breath. "How much?"

"As much as you guys want. But, Diggy, Minnie, & Yn have to be here before we give it to you."

Was I really going to give up my best friends for money? This must be a sick joke. But, I have to do what I have to do. Yn, Minnie, and I haven't been on the same page anyways.

"When do you need them here?" I asked.

"ASAP" the masked men both said at the same time.

I looked over at both of them. "Who are you guys?"

"Classified information" one of them said.

I looked over at Nate. "What do you think?"

He pulled out a bag that had a rolled up blunt in it. He started smoking it, then passed it to me. I took a puff as he spoke up. "I'll do it. But I want 10 mill for it."

One of the men shrugged. "You got it. Money isn't a problem. So, are you both in?"

We both nodded.

The masked men spoke up at the same time. "Well, then, welcome to the crew."
Don't you guys just love plot twists? 😏😏😏😏Can you believe there are two masked men now?! Woah 😮😮. They'll be revealed soon enough. With a heavy heart, I'll say that the book will be ending pretty soon. 😢😭😩😩 But, it'll all be worth it. I love making you guys happy with these books.

So, what'd you guys think?

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