My Lovely Nightmare (ouat pet...

By s0medaybelievers

115K 2.7K 833


My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
I. Love. You.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Sorry :(
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part 15

My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)

8.1K 221 135
By s0medaybelievers

I quickly turned around to face the one and only, Peter Pan. The way he was looking at me gave me a cold sweat on the back of my neck. There was so much hatred in his glare, I had to escape.

I tried to punch him but he caught my fist. I just stared at him while he held my fist smirking. Without thinking I knocked his feet out from under him, his back hitting the ground.

I ran following the path Tink told me to take, where was she anyways, she wasn't answering me.

I couldn't breathe, I had to stop. I was going to cry, I felt fear and pain. I put my forearm on a tree trunk resting my forehead on my arm.

I was breathing through my mouth as sweat ran down the side of my face and a tear escaped. I felt my stomach drop, I knew Pan was there.

"What do you want from me?" I asked my breath shaking and quiet.

He didn't answer. I turned to where I thought he was, he wasn't there.

Before I was able to do anything Peter was behind me in an instant. His large hand over my mouth and his arm wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest.

"Too bad I can't tell you the answer to that question" he whispered into my ear.

A tear rolled down my face, just his voice scared me.

"And if you ever pull something like that again" he tightened his grip on me "lets just say that little heart of yours that's beating a mile a minute right now, won't be beating anymore".

He took his hand off me, grabbing my arm. His grip was extremely tight as he pulled me along the path. Before we entered the camp we heard a blood curtailing scream. Peter let go of me looking around.

I ran to the camp to see Tink. Her eyes clutched shut. Pain was seen in her pale face, I could see the moon light reflecting off the sweat gathering on he forehead.

A lost boys was grabbing her giant wings, a wing in each hand. Tink screamed out in pain again as another lost boy kicked her in the stomach, once, twice.

"Stop!" I screamed running towards them as Tink was punched in the face, sending her face to the side.

A lost boy held me back, I turned around punching him in the jaw. I ran towards the guy who was punching and kicking Tink. Before he was able to react I slapped him throwing him off guard. I then kneed him in the crotch and threw him to the ground.

The guy holding Tink was way to fast. He punched me in the jaw, I went to punch him but he grabbed my arm twisting it. I screamed squeezing my eyes shut as pain shot through my shoulder.

I wasn't able to punch him considering he was holding my good arm. Taking my other elbow I forced it up his face. The lost boy losing his grip on me and stumbling to the side.

"Run Tink!" I yell.

Tink runs to a path disappearing into the dense forest of Neverland.

I run as fast as I can grabbing the collar of the lost boy running after Tink.

"Go after her and I will make sure you're on the ground begging for mercy" I spat into his ear pulling him back to where everyone else is.

I stood in the center of Pans camp thing breathing heavily and looking down.

I heard a laugh and looked up to see Pan smirking and slow clapping. I took my sword putting it up to his neck and pushing him against the tree.

"What the hell was that for?" I spat at him.

"Same for you" he said looking down at me.

"Why did you do that? what did she do to deserve that" I asked.

"She was helping you" he said glaring at me, his tone made me go from furious to scared.

"So" I said "didn't give you the right to practically TEAR OFF HER WINGS AND BREAK HER RIB CAGE!" I yelled pushing my sword even harder against his neck, my face inches from his.

He leaned his head back, still looking at me with his mouth parted and his tongue touching the bottom of his top right molar.

"You've got fire, I like fire".

He pushed me off him, walking with his back towards me before turning around.

"Besides we need you".

I didn't dare ask why, I just stood there.

"Alright boys" yelled Peter "see you in the morning".

All the lost boys started to walk towards their tents, so I started to walk towards mine.

"Ah ah" said Peter, I turned around to see him standing there arms crossed. "You're sleeping with me, can't have you running away now can we" said Peter raising an eye brow.

"I'm not going in there with you" I protested.

"Kristie" he said walking towards me.

"Okay" I groaned.

"I need pajamas" I said entering the large tent.

"You could just take all that off" said Peter pointing at me, I glared at him.

"They're over there" he said nodding his head towards the pajamas I was wearing when he kidnaped me.

"Turn around" I commanded him.

"Why" he asked.

"I need to change" I said holding up my pjs with a 'duh' look on my face.

"So he replied smirking, ok this bitch is getting on my last nerve.

"Peter just turn around" I groaned.

"I love it when you say my name" he said turning around.

I rolled my eyes while turning around so my back was to his.

"Nice ass" I heard Peter say while I was putting in my shorts, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I turned around to see him already facing me.

We both got into bed keeping our distances. He was facing me.

"Blue is my favorite color" he said smirking.

That was the color of my bra and underwear. I turned over so I wasn't facing him.

"Goodnight Peter" I said smiling.

"Goodnight Kristie" he replied.

I woke up breathing heavily. Sweat covered my body and I was shaking.

"Kristie, Kristie are you okay?" Asked Peter.

I got out of bed standing in the middle of the room fear still coursing through my body. I had a dream about the day my dad came home drunk. Punching and kicking my brother and I until the neighbors called the cops concerned about all the screaming. Clips of Tink being beat and the expression on her face after every punch was played through my dream.

"It's okay Kristie it was just a bad dream" said Peter before taking me into a big warm hug.

"No it wasn't" I cried into his shoulder "it was real".

Well this was kinda short sorry guys :(

Lots more updates coming soon!! Ohhhhhhh some Kristie/Peter action BUT HEY this ain't no sappy love story lots more drama, action, characters and plot twist coming soon 😊😊 hopefully I will update again either Friday or Saturday (of this week)


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