Thorns of Angels

By MelonDiaries

29.2K 1.4K 134

UNEDITED. It took Claire Atwood four years to go back home. But not for the purpose of visiting the only fami... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight


725 42 1
By MelonDiaries

A/N: Here's a chapter to cool you down from last chapter's dark tone. And believe me, even I've gotten depressed writing it. *shudder* I hope it was all worth it. Thanks for reading everyone. I appreciate it. Much love, Mel.


I hadn't realized I missed having a job until I stood in Blue Bay café as a waitress. Not all of my time in New York had been a waste. Four years in the service industry, I picked up a few tricks in memorizing a menu and dealing with people. The first thirty minutes in the job Sandra had me sit in the sidelines, familiarizing the menu. And then for another hour, she got me serving a few customers who were there for breakfast. She'd been beside me, nearly breathing by my neck through it.

After observing and seeing my capabilities first hand, she ultimately allowed me to work and breath by myself. When morning rush hour was over, she briefed me on my allotted breaks throughout the shift. But all employees needed to be present during morning and noon rush hour. Being the first day, introduction was ensued. I hadn't wrapped my head around the names of the kitchen crew but I was acquainted with my fellow waitress. We were only three in total, excluding Sandra who helped from time to time.

Manning the door on weekday in the morning shift was Vicky. She was the veteran in the job from the other waitress. She'd been working for Sandra for nearly ten year after working as a waitress in Las Vegas. I wasn't sure if that was a joke or not from how they were all secretly smiling. And the other one was Lynn; she was a fresh high school graduate. She put off college for another year and decided to work instead.

After they've all established who I am by what the people in town thought of me, I decided to keep the perception rather than telling them who I was. It was better to be the daughter of once divorced kindergarten teacher and stepdaughter of a sheriff than what I had in mind. The girl had who run away, the drunkard's daughter, the abuser's lover, the slut, the whore, and the disgrace.

Once the second waved of customer came through the door for lunch, I was able to fall into a rhythm. I handed them their menus, got their order, served the meal, all of which I had done with a smile on my face. I had been good at pretending. And understanding the reason why, my heart clinched at the truth behind it.

Half way through the lunch hour, I've got the visit I knew was happening that day. Of course he'd be there. He was the first person I told when I've gotten the job. As Vicky sat them down in my area, I stopped midstride when I saw he wasn't by himself and wearing his uniform. How could he be working after his shift last night?

I took a moment to gather my wits before entertaining my new set of customers. Reaching their table, I already had a smile in place and the menu in my hand.

"Good afternoon, how are you today officers?" I greeted and peered over his two other companions, Devin and John. I'm glad Royce wasn't with them. These two I can handle.

Rather than answering, I watched in surprise as David slid out of the booth and grabbed my arm. He then tugged me towards the couch and gestured for me to sit. When I hadn't responded, he sighed and verbally ordered me. "Sit down, Claire."

A bit startled and annoyed, I stood my ground and glared at him.

"If you don't want people to get a good look on your arm..." he threatened softly.

I went rigid and glanced at his two colleagues, who were studying us in confusion. When I looked back at him, I huffed one last time in a sign of defiance before following his command.

Once I was seated, he sat back down beside me. It took me a second to realize he still had his hand on my arm until he tugged the edge of my long sleeved cardigan up, slowing the scars.

"What are you...?"

"I see there aren't any fresh wound here, expect the ones you did last morning." He interjected and pulled down the fabric, letting go of my arm.

I pursed my lips and didn't comment. Before I could find my words to speak again, he beat me to it.

"How's first day of work?"

I arched my eyebrow, a bit taken aback at how quick his mood changed.

"It's... Uhm... It's good. How was work?" I gestured at his uniform for emphasis.

"I'm no longer taking the night shift, thank god for that –"

The two officers, who we've completely ignored, finally spoke up. "So are you two dating now?" It was John.

David and I turned at the same time and watched the two in horror. I did while David stared at him in warning.

"Does the Sheriff even know about this?" Devin added before we could reply and gestured between us for exaggeration.

"Guys. We're related..."

"No. Technically, you aren't. She's the sheriff's step-daughter, hence the word 'step', which means not biological." John argued before David finished.

"You know I can hear this conversation, right?" I addressed.

When Devin and John peered at me and smile, they were well aware of that fact. Not liking the attention, I slid the menu in the middle of table "If we're done here, I need to get back to work. And while I'm still in the mood, what will you three be having for lunch today?"

Hearing my monotonous voice, Devin and John chortled in amusement. They both took a copy each as I patted David's arm, asking him to get up. He quickly followed and gave me enough space to get out of the booth. But as I stood up, he was a good inch close to me. The back of my knee bumped on the couch while I took a step back. Thinking I've lost my balance, David abruptly grabbed my arm.

I peered up at him and found our faces were to close for comfort. My mind somehow shut down for a second at the proximity. When I heard them cleared their throat, I reacted how I usually do when getting too close with someone. I hastily moved away and brushed back my hair, even though it was tied.

"Sure, nothing is going on between you two," Devin scoffed while John snorted in agreement.

"If you don't two shut up, you're helping Royce this afternoon with the paper works." David warned as he sat back down.

Both held up their hand with a look of innocence. Even if they were teasing me a few seconds ago, I had to smile at how comical they are now. After David's threat, they stopped gave any snide comments and ordered something from the menu. I was able to get back into a work rhythm after that short intermission.

I returned to their table only to give their drinks and meal. If I wasn't needed, I steered clear from their booth. But it didn't really help. Ever time I glanced in their direction; I saw a glimpse of David looking away from my direction. A few times I actually caught him. His played it innocently with a smile before turning his gaze towards his two companions.

When I saw they were done eating their meal, I eagerly passed by the booth hinting if they'd want their bill. David being his observing self understood the subtle hint and gestured for the check. Getting their bill, my eyes peered over by the door where Vicky stood. She caught my gaze and gestured for me to serve the new group of customers. With a nod, I gathered a few menus from the counter and met the group. But when I got a good look at them, I did a double take – again.

I waited until Vicky seat them behind David's booth before approaching. My body felt like it wasn't my own. Standing by their table, I plastered the usual smile and greeted the group.

"Claire? Wha...?"

The muscle on my face stiffened while I tried to keep the smile on. I forced my eyes towards Austin, who looked startled to see me. "Hey, guys. It's been awhile." I addressed them with familiarly, not waiting for them to realize who I was.

Looking at the group was very nostalgic. It left like was I was back in the cafeteria of my old high school with the four most talked about male in my year. Their uniquely chiseled featured were a gift than a curse. Even now, studying them – including Austin – they were still smug and haughty about their overly handsome faces.

"Claire Atwood. I thought you're in the east coast." Ultimately one of them spoke up. It was Ralph, who sat on Austin ride side – ironically his right hand man throughout high school.

"Oh! Hadn't Austin told you I was back?" I confidently peered at him, arching my eyebrow.

He matched my steel gaze and kept quiet.

"So, what? You're a waitress now?" I tore my gaze away from Austin and looked over at Wayne, who sat across from him.

"I am."

"Thought you'll be some hot shot, skimpy model by now," Conan jumped in while eye raping me.

"Still a fucker, aren't you Conan?" I muttered dryly.

Stunned by the comment, his eyes trailed up from my chest area to my eyes. "What did you say?"

With much effort, I kept the smile on my face. I slid the menu to each of them, making them caught it before falling on their laps. "Here are the menus. What do you want for lunch today?"

"Are you in the menu?" Conan commented again, unfazed by my remarked a few seconds ago. This got an approving grin from his friends.

"Childish still, I see." I pointed sadly before pulling out the pen and paper to jot down their orders. "Are you having your fruit loops and milk today as well, Conan?"

That got their attention. I'm not sure what had gotten to me. Maybe it was the bubbling anger I had towards the ban of idiots who were forthcoming towards me in high school. Looking back, I was sure their words used to hurt me though not anymore. But after living through four years in hell, their usual insult had lost its effect.

"You finally got some balls, Claire." Ralph stated approvingly, which got him a stink eye from both Wayne and Conan. Even Austin found his comment unusual.

"Dude, what the hell?" Conan grumbled.

"What? It's true. She doesn't say much before – even Austin say shit about her too."

"Shut the fuck up, Ralph." Austin commanded rashly.

Ralph's shoulder sank in defeat as he started staring at his menu in silence.

"Thanks for that tip, Ralph. I didn't know Austin talked behind my back," I pointed sarcastically, making Ralph stare up at me in confusion.

Obviously I knew they were trash talking about me. Even Amy and Jessie, the only friend I had in high school, had talked behind my back. Everyone talked. There was nothing more interesting to talk about than a girl whose life was fucked up.

Before any of them got to comment further, I spoke again. "If you aren't ready to order, I'll come back when you are."

I hadn't waited for their reply and walked away. Hearing their silence, I found myself smiling triumphantly. And here I thought hiding from my bullies would make it better. But now that I had confronted a few of them from my past, I'd never expected to feel a sense of content.

As I passed by David's table, he grabbed my hand, stopping me mid-stride. I turned and found his approving smile. He then winked, which made me blinked in wonder. I was about to say something, Devin and John interrupted, ending the moment.

"While you get our bill, could we have a glass of water please?" John spoke aloud while Devin whispered at the same time, "you did great over there." He gave two thumbs up in emphasis.

I smiled and chuckled at their reaction. As I started walking away again, I peered briefly at David, who was still looking in my direction. Knowing there saw no one watching us; I gave him an answering wink.

After giving them their bill, David paid for the meal and left me a generous tip. That got another uncharacteristic smile from me. They got up from the seat, giving Austin's group a view of the company sitting across them. The four had stopped chatting and glared in their direction.

It was obvious David, Devin and John didn't back down in the silent pissing and glaring contest. Their returned gazes were much more intimidating then the four. It was a dead giveaway from their uniform. Not a good idea to gawk at a police officer, though at least they tired.

While I watched them walked out, I saw David lingered by the door. He was chatting with Vicky, who was smiling and wrapping and arm around his shoulder like old friends. For a slightest second, I caught their gaze fall in my direction before looking away towards the door. And briefly, David leaned down to Vicky's ear as he whispered something and quickly made his way to the door.

I considered asking what David had said to her, but then my eyes caught Ralph raising his hands for my attention. Back in business mode, I confidently walked back to the group and pretended a few minutes ago I wasn't making snide annotations at them.

I jotted down their order and ignored their subtle remarks directed at me. Once I'd gotten away, I kept my distance and only took the trip in their booth to serve their meal and drinks. It was a successful as when I've served David's group until they started calling for me for pointless reasons.

"Waitress! Yoo-hoo! Can we get another beer here?" Conan boisterous gesture turned a few head from other customers sitting near them.

"You know this isn't a bar," I pointed when I got to their table.

"Of course not. Like you've been to one." His words sounded like it had a double meaning.

I was about to comment on that but decided against it. So I turned around and refilled their drinks, which were sodas. There was no alcohol in the beverage list since it was a family oriented establishment.

"Hey! Sexy! Can we get the check!" For the sixth time, they've finally asked the magic words.

As I sighed in frustration while checking them out, Sandra decisively approached me. She had looked concerned the first two times they've called me, but then upon noticing the group, she kept away. Maybe she had snapped.

"Claire. Let me take that to them." She commanded rather than offered.

In relief, I handed her the check book and watched as she stride towards their booth. There was a brief exchange between her and Austin before he handed her the money. When she walked away, the group stood up. My heart swells seeing them slowly retreated to the door. Before getting out of the diner, I caught a glimpse of their annoyed faces. Not really surprised, Conan shouted one last cuss in my direction. But I wasn't a least bit affected.

"Are you okay, Claire?" It was Sandra who asked first.

And then streams of worried question were directed to me. "You did well handling them, Claire. I would have thrown a glass of hot water in their faces." Lynn stated.

"You were great, Claire. I would have called David back, but you didn't need it." Vicky said last as she walked up to me, giving me a light back in the back.

Her words interest me the most. Was it what David whispered to her?

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