Summer School (a bvb fanfic)

By ToxicWolftheKilljoy

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Summer School (a bvb fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 16

975 21 6
By ToxicWolftheKilljoy

Tony's POV

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Waiting for the doctor was almost painful. When he finally came out, I had to wake Ash up, then we gathered around him to hear the news. I could feel my heart in my throat as the doctor finally spoke.

"So here's the news about your friend." He began. "She's going to make it-- barely." There was a collective sigh of relief. "She's going to need to stay here for about a half a day once she wakes up, then admitted to the mental hospital down the street for a month-"

"We can't do that. We don't live here, we're in the middle of a trip." I explained.

"Oh? What trip?" He asked suspiciously. I could tell he didn't believe me, and I got the urge to punch him. I kept my cool though, since anger wouldn't exactly help my case.

"Warped tour. You ever heard of it? We're two of the bands that play, and we had to get left behind because of this. I can even show you my ID, which is a California ID." The doctor just nodded.

"In that case, you'll need to watch her closely for the rest of your trip, and when you get home, she at least needs to see a therapist, if not-"

"Yeah, we get it." I snapped.

"Alright. She should be awake in the next couple hours, once she wakes up, you'll be free to visit her." The doctor finished, then walked out.

Kei's POV

I heard a beeping sound, and tried to open my eyes to turn it off, but was practically blinded by the bright white lights. I closed my eyes again and groaned. Why was it so bright? And where was that beeping coming from?! I tried opening my eyes again, this time letting them adjust to the bright light.

I looked around and saw a hospital room. I survived? I pressed the nurse button to let them know I was awake, and waited. Soon, nurses were surrounding me, checking my vitals and such, or whatever. I waited patiently until one of them actually talked to me.

"So, how do you feel?" She asked.

"Hm, drowsy, but I feel fine."

"Do you know why you're here?"

Tears filled my eyes as I nodded. Weirdly enough, I was glad I was alive. "Are my friends here?" I asked.

"Yes, do you want them to see you?"

I thought about it. Did I want them to see me? How would I face them after what I tried to do? Would they hate me? Would they care? Still, I nodded. I didn't want the nurse thinking there was something wrong. She went out, and soon returned with all of Pierce the Veil and Black Veil Brides. I tried to blink the tears back as I saw their faces. Most of them had tears in their eyes, or looked like they had just finished crying.

"G-guys, I-"

"Oh my god, Kei!" Jake rushed forward first, cutting me off. He fell to his knees at my bedside. "God, this is all my fault, I'm so sorry.."

"No, Jake. Don't blame yourself. It was my fault, and mine only. I'm just glad you're here.. I'm sorry for over reacting about the club. I should've let you explain."

"It's okay." Jake stood up, and one by one, each of the guys said hi, giving me hugs and telling me how glad and relieved they were that I was alive.

"Kei." Andy called, just as I was finishing up with Jinxx. "Austin's on the phone. He has Alan, Kellin, and Oli on speaker. You wanna talk?"

I nodded and took the phone. "A-Austin?" I said.

"Kei, thank god you're okay!" He sounded like he was crying, and more tears threatened to spill over.

"Guys, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have worried you like that, I shouldn't have tried that."

"Kei, don't get down on yourself like that." Oli spoke. "I know what it feels like, to hate your life, and yourself that much. I'm really glad you made it, we all are. Just, please promise you'll never try again."

"I-I promise, Oli."

"Kei! Once you guys get here, I have a surpise for you, okay?" Alan said, swiping the phone from Oli.

I chuckled and wiped away my tears. "I look forward to it."

"Here, hand me the phone." I heard Kellin mutter. "Kei? So how do you feel?"

"I feel okay. I'm a bit drowsy, and Ash tells me that I'm basically being babied for the rest of tour, but I guess that's okay. I'm really glad you all care so much, I really am. Speaking of, where's Matty? I sent him a message, too, does he know I'm okay?"

"He knows, he's playing a show right now. He said he'd call you once he was done."

"Okay." I looked over as a nurse came in. "Well, another nurse is here, so I guess I should hang up. I love you guys, I can't wait to see you again. Thanks for the call."

They all said goodbye, and I hung up and looked at the nurse. "Okay, so Mr. Purdy here tells me he's run you through what's going to happen? He's going to be in charge of your anxiety and sleeping medicine from now on, and we highly recommend that when you're done with this trip, you be admitted to a mental hospital for at least a month."

My eyes widened at the nurse's words. Ash had never mentioned a mental hospital! "Uh, y-yeah, o-of course." I stuttered.

"Good. Grab your clothes, and you're free to go." I nodded and Tony handed me my clothes. I quickly got dressed, and soon I was on the Black Veil Brides bus, on the way back to warped tour.

"Ash! You never told me anything about a mental hospital!!" I yelled.

"Woah, woah, I have very good reason for not telling you! I'm not sending you there. Screw that shit, you don't need it. If you're willing to get better, then maybe a therapist would do, but I'm not sending you there. Those places make me uncomfortable, and no friend of mine is going through that." He explained.

"Oh. Well, good. Because I'm really actually terrified of mental hospitals.." I let out a nervous chuckle. "So, when do we get back to warped tour?"

"We have the rest of the week to catch up to them, so basically, you're relaxing all week." Andy explained.

"Cool. Oh, where's my phone?" I asked. Jinxx took it out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Thanks." I looked through to make sure nothing was new, and soon got a call from Matty.


 One week may seem like a nice time to relax, but it's boring as fuck. I wasn't allowed on twitter because of hate, and I was never out of someone's sight. I didn't leave my bunk much, but someone was always near it. It made me a week clean of cutting, and that should be good, but I wanted to cut so bad.

We finally pulled up to the venue where everyone was, and the guys had a show to play, while Pierce the Veil had a few interviews and photoshoots, so Tony was going to take me over to hang out with OM&M since they had about two hours off. I wasn't allowed to do merch until the next site either.

"So how are you feeling?" Tony asked.

"I'm okay. I feel really crowded, but I guess that's good for me." I replied glumly.

"I'm sorry that they're so protective. I guess they're just worried. I am, too. Do you know how scared we were?"

I lowered my head. "Yeah, I know.."

I felt his arms wrap around me in a tight hug. "It's okay though, because you're alive. And, it only means we care about you. Now come on, Austin and Alan have been dying to see you." We walked the rest of the way to the bus, and knocked on the door. Aaron answered, and shouted for the guys.

"So how do you feel?" He asked. I just shrugged.

"I've been on lockdown for the past week. But I'm fine."

"Kei!!" Alan shouted. He shoved past Aaron and tackled me in a hug. "Don't you ever fucking scare us like that again!"

"Sorry." I whispered. Finally, Austin came out and pulled me out of Alan's arms and into his.

"I'm glad you're okay." He released me, and waved Tony off. "So how are you?"

"I'm good. I'm much better now." We got onto the bus and we sat down on the couch.

"Oh!! I have something for you! wait here!!!" Alan said suddenly, and ran off into the bunks.

"You're gonna love it, I promise." Austin chuckled. "So, you wanna go to any shows today? I know all the times and stuff, and we don't play til 6, so we can take you."

"I wanna see Matty, Kellin, and Oli before today's over, but I'd like to see your show." I replied. Before Austin could talk any more, Alan came back in, carrying a medium-sized box with little holes in it. He handed it to me and waited as I opened it. "Oh my gosh!!" I smiled as I saw a fluffy ginger kitten, and a fluffy black kitten.

"They were hangin' out in this box outside of a Denny's that we ate at, just a couple hours after we, uh, found out.. I heard this theory once that animals can help with, like, anxiety and depression, so maybe they could help you out a bit." Alan explained. "Plus, I know you like cats."

I gently took them both out, and kicked the box to the ground, the let them settle on my lap. "They're so precious! What're their genders?" I asked.

"They're both boys, so you don't even need to worry about kittens!" Alan chuckled.

"Hm.." I tried to think of a name as I watched them play on my lap. The ginger one kept pouncing on the black one, but only using it's front paws. Call me weird, but it reminded me a little bit of the Lucker Stomp... "The ginger one's Lucker.. And the black one is Sebring." I smiled proudly at the names.

"Sick! I love it!" Austin exclaimed.

"Thanks!" We hung out a while longer as I mindlessly pet my new kittens. I wondered how the guys would react.

"Looks like they got too tired." Alan said suddenly. I looked down to see them cuddled up together, sleeping.

"Looks like it. Hey, can we go see people now? I've been trapped on one of these stupid buses for a week, I need free time!"

"No problem. Matty should be free about now." Austin said. We got up and I decided to keep my kittens with me since we weren't going to any shows. Austin called Matty and we decided to meet at the food tent.

"Kei!!" Matty called as we walked up.

"Hey Matty."

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, I'm started to get tired of answering that.. But I'm fine and dandy. Did you see what Alan got me?" I lifted the kittens up to him. "The orange one's name is Lucker, and the black one is Sebring."

"Awe, they're so cute!" We went over and sat down at a table. "So when do you get back to doing merch? And are you still with Pierce the Veil, or are you going back to Black Veil Brides?"

I sighed. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I've been back on the Black Veil Brides bus for most of the week, but I just.. I dunno. I still don't know what Jake thinks of me, or where we stand. I mean, I broke up with him for something he didn't do, and I'm not sure if we're even going to get back together, and I just don't want to be around if it's gonna be awkward."

"Well, has it been awkward at all this week?"

"Not really, but I hid in my bunk a lot and avoided everyone except for Ash, jinxx, and Tony. And Andy a little bit. I didn't even talk to CC."

"Well, why?"

I finally took my eyes away from my lap and made eye contact with Matty. "I tried to commit suicide, Matty. I tried to take my own life. Do you know how hard it is to face anyone after I fucked up that bad? It's hard. I couldn't look anyone in the eye for the first couple days. People tried to talk to me, and it was just a couple days ago that I started having real conversations. It took a lot of courage to even come out of the bus today, but I had to since I have to be babysat now."

Matty's eyes softened. "I guess I can understand that. But ya know.. None of them are ashamed of you. I can promise you that."

I smiled softly at him, then hugged him. "Thanks, Matty."

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