Kidnapped By The Mafia Leader

By Magnifiicent_Beauty

3.9M 21.1K 6.1K

"Trust no one but yourself..." A thought process of the girl who's been hurt and betrayed by the people she's... More

|Kidnapped by the Mafia Leader|
|Cast list|
{Chapter 2}

{Chapter 1}

234K 6K 1.9K
By Magnifiicent_Beauty


"Hey, last day as a high schooler, wouldn't recommend being late."

The view of my older brother I see straight in front of my face, looking me straight in my eyes, waking me up in the process.

"What the hell do you mean bry? I still have another thirty minutes left to sleep," I say turning around to the other side, away from my brother and sinking deeper into the bed.

"Umm, sorry to burst your non-existent bubble Ash but it's seven in the morning." My brother says while chuckling. I quickly open my eyes and jolt out of my bed in a swift move of my blankets.

"Oh my God Bryson! Why couldn't you have started with that?! I only have twelve minutes before the bus gets here." I say while cleaning the glasses I had on my side table and putting them on my face, before running into my bathroom to get ready.

Thank God I always set my clothes out the night before school, or else I'd be screwed.

"Hey, I'm not your alarm clock Ash! So don't expect this to roll into your first day of college!" Bryson says before walking out of my room, hearing the door shut as he walks out, making me scoff at his remark.


After putting on my makeup and brushing my hair in a speedy quick fashion, I take a second look in the mirror. What I see is a light brown skin with brown eyes, but with glasses over them, staring at me in the mirror. I take a sigh at the sight of myself in the mirror.

"This is going to be a long last day."


"Hey Ash. Anything new in your life? Any boys? Have you heard the rumor about how some students got caught having sex in the guys bathroom. Oh an-"

"Hold up Debby. One thing at a time," I say to my best friend Debby, cutting her off from her rambling. If you weren't able to tell already, she's quite the talker.

"Oh, sorry. Then I have another one... It's our last day being seniors!" She says screaming and laughing around as she forcefully spins me around, making us probably look like idiots in the hallway as I laugh with her until finally stopping.

"Okay, okay, dizzy," is all I say as I wrap my hands around my head still giggling with her, making her do the same, " Yeah, sorry."

"It's okay, you're my best friend, so I'll let you off easy this time." I say in a playful tone, getting an eye-roll from her in response, "Always so dramatic." Starting to walk to our last time in first period.

"So, about this whole 'Caught having sex in the restroom' rumor." I say in a knowing tone before cocking an eyebrow.


"STUDENTS, DON'T FORGET TO KEEP READIN-" Our teacher tries to say, but kids start to scramble out of the classroom before she gets to finish.

"Poor Ms Lance, she can never be taken seriously. Though if you ask me, it's probably due to ego being bigger than her ass," Deb says in a fake dramatic tone, making me try to be serious as I gave her a scolding look.

"Deb, that's rude," I say, trying to sound serious but a smirk shows a bit due to the suppression of laughter bubbling up through my chest. She only groans in response rolling her eyes, "Ash, you are truly a boring spastic fart."

Getting defensive, I scoff before adjusting my backpack strap more onto my shoulder. I felt a bit self conscious at the comment, so I couldn't help but unconsciously flatten my frizzy light brown hair.

"I am not." She only giggles as she burns slightly into me, playing around to show that I shouldn't take it seriously.

"Really? Name one time you've done anything out of your comfort zone."

Thinking for a hot second, I come up with nothing, "uh, it's been a long day, and I'm not good under pressure."

With another small chuckle from her, it makes me realize how much of a 'spaz' I actually am. With my long frizzy light brown hair and not-so blemish free face, I'm far from a girl that looked perfect, but that never mattered to me.

Unlike most high school students, I preferred to keep to myself, probably why I talked to mostly calculus nerds my whole four years of being here.

"Told you, Ash, it's just a part of your character, but you know what?" She starts before stepping right in front of me, her envious blue eyes and perfect blemish free face smiling right at me. "It's what makes you you, and that's why you're my best friend. You've just graduated and been accepted into one of the most Ivy League Colleges known in America, perk up!"

I knew she was right, and I was happy about graduating, but it was the fear of growing up that I was fearful more than anything else. It's the fact that I'm finally going to get a taste of adulthood when leaving, and I don't know if I'm going to feel one hundred percent comfortable with that.

A second later, she hugs me before starting to walk away, waving away as her in her short volleyball shorts and tank top fades away in my vision, "I'll text you after Soccer practice, last one, better enjoy it! Love you!"

About to respond to her, I couldn't before my phone makes a buzzing sound—emphasizing I got a text. Taking my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it to see that I got a text from my mom.

MOMMA BEAR: Hey sweetie, can't pick you up. Work duties. Ask brother.

"Shit," was literally all I could say.

My mom is absolutely unreasonable at times like these. She's knows for a fact and a half that my brother has never and will never be considerate enough to get away from his weed-smoking PlayStation-playing friends, long enough to pick me up from school.

These are times I wish I had an actual father figure in my life...

Shaking my head to rid the stupid irrelevant thoughts, I put my mind back on the problem at hand.

Well, now what? I think to myself before getting an idea. It was something my brother's done before when coming home from school, but only because he thought it'd be funny to do something crazy.

But wait, this could actually be a two in one thing. This was something that could set a straight record of good behavior not so straight. I could actually do something that isn't like me, and do it to prove a point. And not just to Debbie, but to me as well.

"I mean, it's risky, but what are the chances of something actually bad happening right?" I whisper to myself before walking towards the street.


My heart pounding as I clench my sweaty palms into themselves. I was actually doing this.

Actually doing this... I was actually doing something out of my comfort zone!

'Or safety zone' I whispered softly to myself as I finally made it to the sidewalk of the road.

"Here goes nothing."

I feel my hair blow from the speed of traffic flowing beside me. My palms are still sweaty from the anxiety of what may happen to me if I get into a car with a serial rapist or something of the sort.

I start to stand there for five minutes, but then five minutes turn into ten. Ten into fifteen and fifteen into twenty. Until finally twenty minutes on the mark, a grey Mercedes pulls up to the side of me and opens the car door, but not enough for me to see inside, only enough to signal for me to get in.

I hesitate at first, something feeling a little uneasy about all this, but pushing the good voice in my head aside, I just end up giving in and getting into the car.

"Thanks for the ride. I had no way of getting back to my house an-" I start to say as I get into the car, but am quickly cut off when I hear a gun cock right by my ear.

Fuck, I knew this was gonna be a mistake. I quickly thought to myself.

This isn't real. This isn't happening.

Bright hazel eyes, muscular and intimidating man in a suit and slicked back black hair with the gun in his hand begins to smirk.

"Oh gattina, if only you didn't get into this car," The man says in an thick Italian accent before stepping on the gas.


A/N If you guys are unfamiliar, this book was my first book EVER written on Wattpad, and I'm slowly going to rewrite it... but that's the thing, I'm not going to do too much to it because to be quite honest, I loved this book and want others to read it because of what it use to be.

So the chapters will get longer, but only through time. You'll see.

Love ya guys! Keep reading!

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