His Baby: The sequel

By jewel_louise

99.4K 2.6K 1.6K

...Alex just glares at me without responding. I slam the rest of my clothes into the bag. "I'm leaving." I de... More

Chapter 1: The answer

"Get in": Part one

47.3K 1.2K 825
By jewel_louise

***Eve's POV***

A soft smile rest on my lips as I hold my hand up to the light and gently twirl the new sparkling ring around on my finger. The ceiling fan twirling frantically above and Alex's hum are the only things that can be heard in the large dimly lit room.

I look up when a gentle tap on one of my inner thighs catches my attention. Questioning Blue eyes captures my gaze from between my legs where the love of my life lies. "How long are you going to stay down there?" I ask jokingly.

Alex wiggles his eyebrows, "I am just resting but to answer your question....all night. What is on your mind Schätzchen?" His large hands continues to trace lazy circles on the glistening skin of one of my thighs while he lays propped up on the other. I yank my leg away from his hand and laugh, "No the hell you are not! I won't be able to walk in the morning! Besides I was wondering something..."

He sighs out and crawls closer until he is towering over me. Even with his serious expression, laughter still sparkles in his eyes. He probably thinks I want to talk about the fact that I still want to go back to work....which I do...but I am smart enough to save that hot topic for another day. No, I don't want to mess up the beautiful night we are having so far. A giggle leaves my lips as he begins to pepper kisses all over my face. " Tell me Schätzchen" He growls out against my neck causing a shiver to rake my body from head to toe.

"Ummm okay well remember the day that you woke up in the hospital and told me about that crazy dream you had of your father?" I hesitantly ask. I am not sure how Alex feels about it now. He has never mentioned it since that day. It's something that I couldn't stop thinking about with how cryptic and weird the message was.

Alex's face immediately shuts down and all playful banter he once had a few seconds before leaves him. Just as he usually does whenever his father is mentioned. It's honestly both sad and appalling how someone who is dead and has been long gone still have so much control over his emotions.

Alex is such a strong individual in the general sense of things despite the past few months. Very little outside of his family and business effects him emotionally...but whenever his past is brought up, he clamps up and becomes this robot who barely utters one or two words in avoiding discussion of his childhood and parents. He doesn't even mentions Emma's name anymore. He just grunts and walks away whenever she is even brought up.

I know even though they did not have a relationship to speak of before the shooting the act of its betrayal must have hurt him either way. Alex sighs heavily and moves off of me and sits up next to me at the head board. "Yes babe I remember."

I shift to face him, both of us naked but so comfortable around each other it doesn't even matter. As exhausted as I am, I still can't help but run my eyes over his body. My face grows warm when I notice the cocky smirk on my love's face as he watches me watch him. Shaking my head, I go back to the topic at hand, "I know that you don't want to talk about it but I just want to know if you are looking into the matter of the locker? It's so crazy how you could remember all those details said in the dream, I mean it makes you wonder if any of it_"

Alex waves me off with a frown, "It was just a dream. That is it. It was only a dream."

"But ever since that day, you have been having these crazy nightmares. Dreams that you don't even want to talk about with me. I don't know... it just seems weirdly connected somehow baby. What if it's real? Not your nightmares but the locker dream?"

His eyebrow raises, "No it's not and why would I tell you about my night terrors? There is no sense in getting you riled up as well..." He sighs out heavily and throws his hands up, "You know what? Why don't you look into it?"

Excited I jump forward, "Really?!" to be honest, I have wanted to look into it myself but out of respect and the fact that it was really none of my business, I stayed out of it.

Alex grins over at me, "Yes but only call around about it first okay? Don't do anything without telling me. I am only allowing this shit because I want you to see that it's really nothing. Annnnd if it gets you off of my back about going back to work and keeps you distracted for a bit then why not?"

"And if it's really something?" I ask unable to keep my own grin off of my face. Alex shrugs and grabs me closer to him, "Then I will take care of it. Okay?" I only nod my head back in return already distracted with the feel of his hot damp hard body covering mine and with where I am going to start out in the mysterious adventure.


***Eve's POV***  ~Two days later~

The music is thumping in the car and I can't help but laugh out loud as I sing along. I love old school 90s music. "Eve what you know about this kind of music?" Jason shouts out playfully over the radio.

I cut my eyes and grin over at him, "What? I use to jam out to Montell Jordan all the time back in high school!"

"Aaaaah shit girl! I knew I liked you when we first met. They don't make music like this anymore." Jason calls over while rocking to the beat.

"You are so right." I agree. We both must look like some crazy fools to the other drivers as we dance and sing at the top of our lungs through the city. Lately Jason has been taking over my training sessions at the gym because Alex has been caught up with work. Of course I would much rather have Alex train me but Jason is a great substitute. Plus he is so much more fun and less strict when it comes to training. Most training sessions with Alex feels like I am in boot camp with him standing over me wearing a blank firm expression as he barks orders at me to do this or that. But with Jason, he turns up the radio and tv and we just have fun with it and half the time I forget that I am even in a serious training session. By the end of our sessions I have did the exact amount of work if not more then what I usually do with Alex.

After the music dies down, I reach over and turn down the radio and go back to our previous conversation at hand before the old hit song came on. "Back to the conversation we were having earlier, Jason I don't see what's the problem? You said it yourself that you don't believe it's nothing !" I beg facing him. I really need Jason in my corner for this locker investigation. If Jason agrees to accompany me to a few places then I know Alex wouldn't be bothered with me going into a potentially bad set up.

Jason whips his head around from watching the road as he navigates us from the gym, one of his large beautiful black eyebrows fly up high on his forehead in a arch. The classical 'bitch what?' Look plays full out in his expression as he stares at me with his mouth wide open and with his silent response I instantly burst out laughing.

"What the hell_girl have you lost your damn mind?! That shit is creepy as hell. Yeah... so what I don't believe it's nothing? Just because I don't believe in  Bloody Mary doesn't mean I carry my black ass up in the bathroom and say her damn name three times in the dark! That shit is spooky as hell. Not to mention the 666 numbers for a locker? Shiiiiiiiiit....Nah I am good."

I roll my eyes and pout. Jason rolls his own eyes in return to mock me and grumble out, "Yeah just because you are giving me that 'Olivia look' doesn't mean I am going to agree to do it either. You ever pay attention to all of those scary movie thrillers? Ever noticed that black people rarely be in those? You know why? Because we don't put are nose in some spooky ass shit like that. Hell You of all people should know better. I expect this kind of shit from Alex's crazy ass not you."

Another giggle escapes my lips before I whine out again, "Jason come on! You aren't the least bit curious? You know Alex will not allow for me to go to some of those places I would need to go to if you don't come along. You said it yourself Alex has been caught up in business a lot lately. You don't want me going by myself do you? It probably dangerous..."

He frowns and turns back to the road with a sigh, "yeah yeah you would try to bribe me that way. Just make the call and we will see how everything goes alright?"

My squeal of excitement in the next few seconds causing him to jump. "Gurrrl if you don't stop that shit." he snapped over in forced seriousness even though his eyes told a different story. This is why I love and consider Jason to be such a good friend. Regardless of how stupid Alex and I may sound with random crazy schemes, he does really have our backs at the end of the day.

Yesterday I called the California's Delmar race track and found out from one of the new receptionist that they did indeed have lockers or to be more specific "safety boxes" that are under 24/7 security. The lockers are reserved for only their elite members who come and go throughout the year depending on the race season.

When I asked about the specifics numbering of the lockers thats when the young man started getting antsy and he quickly told me that the lockers are numbered between 1-3000. They have members owning lockers anywhere from 30 years to one season. He quickly followed up with telling me that he couldn't reveal any ownership information pertaining to the lockers.

Knowing that he wasn't going to give me anymore information, I quickly ended the call and called an old family member who is more like a beloved honorary grandfather to me.  William Fox aka Willie was my grandfather's best friend for over 40 years. They both met as teenagers on the streets of New York sharing a common interest in Horse racing. Willie loved the horses and my grandfather loved the glitz and glam of betting and mingling with the upperclass of the day.

Growing up, Willie was a constant figure in my life even though he called California home for most of the year and we often traveled to visit him in California and vice versa for him. I can vividly still remember his hunched back, spicy cologne, and wrinkled hands that looked like gnarled raisins. It was so good to call him and catch up on old times yesterday. I had forgotten how much I missed him. Being careful not to reveal too much information, I asked Willie about the lockers and explained that my fiancé found some information about a locker down in Delmar where his father may have had a connection with.

Fortunately for me Willie is close to the secretary working in that particular office and agreed to get more information before hanging up. It didn't take long for Willie to call me back and he hesitantly told me that he wasn't able to get too much information on the locker either but his friend did tell me the name of the owner of the locker. To my surprised he didn't say 'Hurst' as a last name of the person in which I was expecting. He said the locker was owned by a team called the Blood horse corporation.

Just when I was about to ask him if he knew anymore about the corporation he apologized for having to cut the conversation short but he had to go due to one of his horses being loose. But before getting off the phone he told me that the corporation was rumored to be very corrupt and that I should steer clear of any association. I felt bad for promising to him that I will be careful and try to not get involved. But yet here I sit next to Jason intending to do the exact opposite.

So now I just have a name but nothing more. But on the bright side that is more then I had in the beginning so at least I am getting somewhere.

I haven't told Alex yet...I will tell him but I want more information first_

"Earth to Eve aka Ms. wannabe detective." Jason teases out. I pop him on the shoulder and laugh, "Sorry for spacing out like that..I was thinking about this weird corporation I found and how that could be connect_"

Jason sighs cutting me off and says with a half grin, "Eve, I seriously doubt it. You googled the name and they had some legit looking website and it seems like its just a normal run of the mill Race track corporation. You watch way too many movies about the Mob's connections to horse racing."

"Don't Hurst own a couple of Race horses?" I tease out back. He pauses and grunts out, "Okay I see  your point but that still don't mean anything."

The next few seconds in the car is silent with the both of us wrapped up in our own thoughts. Jason being Jason soon breaks the silence. "Hey Eve do me a favor and call up my baby momma for me."

I laugh knowing that he is referring to Charity. I pull out my phone but look over at him and say, "She's at work though.."

Jason raises his eyebrow again and shrugs his shoulders, "So? Just call her, I got something I want to say."

I dial Charity's cell and it rings for a bit before she answers, "Hey girl, Whats up?" her husky voice greets me.

"Hey Char! Nothing much just on my way from the Gym_"

"With your husband." Jason calls out cutting me off. I giggle and Charity snorts. "Hows work beautiful lady." he asks

"Mmmhmm. Work is okay...as okay as a pharmacy can be anyway. What you guys up to?"

"Nothing much, heading over to pick up Julian and Jason has something he wants to tell you." I snicker out. He grabs the phone from my hand and he starts singing 'You' by Jesse Powell

Charity sighs out "Oh lord." And laughs

"Charity..Next year let's call this day our anniversary
The day I put my heart in your hand
And said that it was yours to keep
From this moment on
Say that you'll always be mine
Cause girl whe I'm alone with you
There's only one thing that's on my mine
And baby it's you
The way you walk
The way you talk
The way you say my name, your smile
The way you move me
The way you soothe me
The way you sleep softly through the night
Every morning you rise and open your eyes
I just wanna be there with you baby
I just wanna be yours
From this day forth_"

"I can't stand y'all. And Jason I so can't take you serious." She laughs out cutting him off. We all chuckle and bid our goodbyes before Jason hangs up.

He shoots me a lopsided grin before saying, "Girl You think I'm playing...Charity is mine already. She just doesn't know it yet."

"Yeah, yeah" I tease out. Sirens and cop cars' lights catches my attention up ahead. There must have been over ten of them along with a fire truck.

"Shit I wonder what's going on..." Jason mumbles out as we both stare at the hurried scene before us. People are being ushered out of a building, fire fighters are dashing to and fro from their truck, and officers are shouting into walkie talkies. The smell of burning ash comes into the car and I scrunch up my face. "Damn somebody lit that shit up!" Jason shouts out.

"Crazy ass people..." I mumble as look out at the cluttered mess. Remnants of smoke continues to wine out of open windows. "Isn't that the new twenty four hour bar lounge that just opened up?" I ask and turn to Jason. He briskly nod his head looking amused.

"They either pissed somebody off or had some slack ass workers"


With the aid of an officer directing the traffic, we had to take a detour. Just as we are rounding the block, Jason phone shrills. Frowning he picks it up. Recognizing Alex's gruff voice on the other end firing away in German, I immediately know something is up. Soon Jason tosses down his phone and mutters a few curse words as he picks up speed to turn down a series of streets.

Suddenly we stop. I turn to ask him what is going on but a hard knock on the back window gets my attention. And low and behold my fiancé jumps in the back. He is wearing a typical all black outfit but not his usual business suit. Hmmm, today obviously isn't an office day for him. Looking over my shoulder in surprise, I exclaim "Alex! Baby whats_"

He leans forward in his seat and softly grab my neck from the back in a loose but firm hold before he kisses all over my jaw and lips. "Hello Schätzchen, I hope you have had a good training session. I am sorry I couldn't be there for you today."

He is so deflecting my question...

I frown and nod my head, "It's fine. Jason is an awesome teacher. But what is going on? Do you know what happened back there?" I continue to press

Jason meets Alex's gaze as well in the rear view mirror with an arched eyebrow silently asking the same thing. Alex looks back and forth between us in amusement and shakes his head. "Where is the faith? Does it look like I would have set a building on fire after shooting it out? Sweetheart even if I had something to do with it, I can't talk business with you."

Jason snorts loudly and rolls his eyes, "If experience serves me well that's exactly the sort of thing you would do. And how do you know shots where fired before the place was torched?"

Alex laughs and claps his hands but quickly turns serious before responding, "Not now Jason. We will talk later. Also I have something I want to discuss with you about Julian."

"Wait is Julian okay?! I am so confused right now." I jump in while throwing up my hands in frustration. Jason reaches over and pats my arm softly with an apologetic look, "Yes Julian is okay. Don't worry about that Eve. Alex is just being difficult as always."

I look back at my man hoping for a explanation and he just only wink and kisses at the air toward me but both men remain silent on any details. It's times like this where I hate being apart of this family. I understand their silence on business is needed for our protection in some way but damn it's annoying when they start speaking in codes or vague dialogue around me. Like why mention it at all in front of me if you aren't going to tell me?

We continue on in silence. With Jason clearly now pissed off and Alex sitting in calm smugness in the back of the car reminding me of a cat who has drank out a forbidden bowl of milk.


***Julian's POV*** ~meanwhile~

"Thank God" I grumble out as the high school bell shrills out into the hallway outside my art class signaling the end of the school day.

"Okay class don't forget the due date on your projects is tomorrow for Ancient Rome and your thesis on the art depicted throughout the culture!" Mrs. Brian shouts out over the excited students.

I roll my eyes, "Fucking waste of time. When will I ever use that shit in my career?" I growl out while pushing pass two nervous geeks. Besides I have already completed my assignment three days prior to today anyway. Jason may be a goof ball ninety eight percent of the time but he doesn't play when it comes to school. So I make sure my shit is straight so I don't have to hear from him and Alex. A sigh leaves my lips when I look through my phone notifications. Several missed calls, wattpad notifications through the roof, and texts that will most likely go unanswered by me because I hate texting.

A smile slowly form on my lips as I watch some of the snaps Jason sent me throughout the day. Why did I ever tell him about snap chat?

Rounding the corner outside in the carpool area, I post up at my usual spot. I don't bother to look around and acknowledge any of my peers walking by. Fuck them. I already stick out like a sore thumb because of my height and built and ever since Jason picked me up that one time blasting Beyoncé; everyone took one look at him and now apparently I am apart of some gang and I sell drugs.

I snort in amusement when a distracted cheerleader trips up and skitters over bumping into two students in order to avoid running into me. Seriously?...This shit is getting old.

Classical music streams out of a car that stops a few feet in front of me. The black vintage corvette with tinted windows sits idling. Hmmm. Can't be Jason....classical music isn't his vibe_

The passenger side window finally rolls down after a minute and Hurst is looking out at me with a half smile, "Get in." He gruffly commands. The thing about Hurst is even if he is smiling and laughing, he has a way of making you feel as if you absolutely have to follow whatever he tells you. They always talk about people having a wolf persona or refer to someone  as being a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' but Hurst is a fucking lion. And he doesn't bother to hide it. Jason and Alex are intimidating on their own but Hurst under normal circumstances is just plain scary. And it's not what he does or says, it's the aura he gives off. You just know not to fuck with him.

Suddenly I feel nervous. I have heard stories of Hurst. Not that I believe that he will ever put me in danger or hurt me but....he is still definitely extreme in everything that he does.

"Umm....okay." I stumble out and scramble into the passenger seat of the car. As soon as I am in, the car window rolls up and we are off...but not in the direction of Jason's house. "W-where are we going? Is Jason busy or something?"

Hurst's hair is slicked back in a low pony tail as usual for work. He still wears his dark grey tailored business suit...so that must be a good sign right? Who would do something crazy in an expensively tailored business suit? The silent older man slowly brings his hand up to whip off his shades and place them neatly in between us. Classical music continues to blare out as we ride through school traffic.

After what seemed like forever, He finally takes his eyes off of the road and look me over as if judging me on something. A stop light turns red and with that he leans over and unlocks the glove compartment in front of me. My heart seizes up in my chest as he pulls out a simple looking but deadly handgun. "Here take it. You know how to use one?"


Not totally happy with it but I didn't want you guys waiting any longer. It's brisk and short but important! The next chapter's part ( No worries I am already working on it) will be crazy!

So  if any of you guys have skimmed or skipped over any parts of this chapter then please go back and read over it. I will remind you guys once again that I am the type of author who does not shout out things so that it can be obvious. Hints and info is always placed throughout all of my text :)

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