Finding love without wanting...

Oleh perfectpinkcess

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Aubree or Bree Evans is an 17 year senior in high school who also happens to be a mom to a 3 year old little... Lebih Banyak

Chapter:1 Next time I have a kid I'll make sure its ugly
Chapter: 2 Mr.Noah Gold and his million dollar smile
Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old
Chapter 4: Your asking for my advice?
Chapter 5: Will you clean my car?
Chapter 6: Twilight and seeing something special.
Chapter 7: Liars and slutty disney characters.
Chapter 9: Food fights, forgiveness and Kidnapping
Chapter 10:Day before thanksgiving

Chapter 8: Truth, Pasts and Home Tests

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Oleh perfectpinkcess

Noah's P.O.V

I'm walking down the hall on monday morning looking for Bree since I'm really worried about her since she hasn't picked up any of my calls or answered any of my texts. We still haven't talked about our kiss or the fight between her and her friends which I'm still really confused about.

I had such a great time with her and Ember on halloween, god she has such a funny kid. People ask me why I'm so into Bree and the truth is I wasn't sure at first when she walked into that English class laughing with Kylie I just knew that she was someone I was supposed to meet. She is soo beautiful with her long brown hair and her deep blue eyes.

I find the fact she is bearly five foot two adorable, the way is with Ember is amazing she is an amazing mom and over all I respect the hell out of her for the fact she has been through so much.

I think I'm on my way to falling in love with Aubree Evans and her little Ember who has to be the funniest three year old ever. These are the reasons I'm completely infatuated right now with Bree Evans.

I look every where and can't find her she must have stayed home, I'll try her cell again. I take out my phone and dial her number it goes straight to voice mail.

I sigh and contine to walk to class when I'm stopped by a sad looking Brooke.

"Hey Noah "She say.

"Hi Brooke, can I do something for you"I ask a little confused.

"Em..yeah actually me, Kylie and the guys need you do us a favour" she says staring at her feet.

"Look I can hardly get her to talk to me let along get her to talk to you"I say honestly.

"We get that it's just we need you to look out for her make sure she doesn't do something she will regrets"Brooke shuffles her feet.

"What"I'm genuinly confused which seems to happen very often lately.

"Look I can't tell you why but we really need you to look for her alright" Seh basically begs.

"Brooke you can tell me"I say concerned at this point.

"We are all she has"She says.

"Yeah I get that"I try to finish before I'm cut off.

"No you don't, she dosen't know her mom, Her dad left and she has no siblings, she has nobody but us and now without us all she has is a little girl who depends on Bree for everything, so now I need for her to have you"She explains.

"Brooke she has me"I reasure.

"Good"She breathes with unsureity.

"Brooke?"I ask.

"Yeah"She answers before she can walk away.

"I can't make sure she dosen't do something if I don't know what that something is"I say.

"It's not rocket science make sure she dosen't harm herself,drink or take drugs" She spits out annoyed at my question.

"Why would it hurt her so much if she she got a little drunk she told me she has before"I say realising that be a little stupid, jesus I realise I sound a little stupid I swear I'm not I'm just a olittle put off guard here.

"It would harm her alright"She says a bit agressive.

"Brooke stop with going around with words tell me what going on or what secret your keeping, just tell me the truth"I plead.

 She thinks about it.

"Fine but bree is going to be even more mad at me for this "She says tense.


"Bree's an alcholic"She blurts out.

I'm worried she yelled to loud then I realise everyone is in class.

"What she is only seventeen"I ask asa it doesn't make any sence.

"It started when we went into middle school and her dad stopped hiring nannys thinking she was old enough to take care of herself"She started.

"Yeah I know that she started drinking and smoking"I say.

"And taking pot nearly everyday until she got pregnant"She stopped for a second."We all did it so we weren't that worried but when she got pregnant it's like switch was on in our brains we realised we were idiots"She breathes with tears filling  her eyes.

"It's okay, continue"I say.

"Well she stoped the drinking and drugs while she was pregnant so we all did not really just for her we just didn't want to we felt done with it,except Bree even though she was the pregnant one she had the hardest time with not doing it, we didn't worry becuase we were stupid thirteen year olds thinking she would get over it by the end of the pregnancy." She is now full on crying

"So what happened"I ask all most afraid.

"Well Ember was born, and things got crazy. Bree ran away for like three days at a time drinking, doing more pot she was a mess it went on for months. she did't pull herslf together fully for about six months"  She said shaking

"Then her dad moved away, she got emancipated and she had to take care of a baby all just being a freshman in high school. It changed us all we put shit I mean freshman is terrible for everyone but seriously I felt like nine months was nine. We were put though the ringer, especially Bree, I mean having a baby, moving out and having a servere case of post partum depression is too much for a grown woman let alone a fourteen year old girl who's parents basically abandoned her"She finished.

"Wow"Is all I could muster up after that story.

"Now do you undrstand why we are all so close I mean we have gone through everything together and come out the other end, we gone through a pregnancy, cheating, post partum depression and an alcholic who child might have been taken away from her because she is was so afraid to turn in to her mother she did, We are all a family and if Bree breaks down because of us we would never forgive ourselves so please make sure that dosen't happen"She pleads before turning around and walking away.

I stand there shell shocked no wonder they are so protective of her she has gone through some of the hardest challenges anyone can face. That must be what she meant when she said relapse to Ben when Ember was sick I know I was supposed to be gone when that happened but I thought I left my phone there so I went back  to check I heard them yelling and hid so they won't hear me I was confused for a while but I let it go and now I know.

I check my phone and no word from Bree, now that I heard that story I'm worried I look around and everyone is still in class, I go for the door and leave the school I mean what ever they do to me I don't care if I can help Bree in any way I will.

I race to my car get in and start to drive to Bree's Apartment.


Bree's P.O.V

Don't do it, Aubree please don't do it.

I repeat in my head for as long as it take for the bottle of vodka on the table along with the packet of cigarettes to not not tempted me.

I don't know why I bought them all I could think of all weekend was you ruined them, you took there teenage years, they will never forgive you. the sencible part of me dosen't want top believe it but every other part of me does, I just want teh pain to stop.

I stopped going to AA meetings three months ago before senior year things were getting to hectic my friends are pushing me to go back and after this I'm going to have to since I obviously need it.

I have pictures of Ember first six months of life and I look kigh in nearly all of them I hate that this is what my daughter wills see when she understands with being high is.

I hate that this was my sweet innocent baby girls first part of life if it weren't for Ben she would have been put in to foster care.

I hear a knock at the door and get up to see who it is, I'm shocked when I see Noah. I open the door.

"Noah, what are you doing here"I ask as he steps into my apartment.

"I came to make sure your alright"He says breatheless.

He looks around the room and spots the cigarettes and vodka on the table and turn to me.

"Bree you didn't"He turns to me with disappoint flashing his eyes.

"Didn't What"I ask confused. Does he know?

"Drink after what nearly three years sober"He nearly yells.

"How did you know about that"I ask shocked as how he knew, I bet Talia told him someone was bound to everyone in this small town knew.

"Brooke asked me to make sure you were alright and I made her tell me why"He admits walking toward the couch.

"They told you, they flipping told you Oh my god they really must be incrediblely mad at me if they told you my greatest shame, the thing I hate most about myself, the reason I will always no matter how hard I try am going to be a terrible mother"I yell pacing around the room.

"Bree"He says to me foloowing me around the room.

I ignore him still pacing

"Bree listen to me"He yells holding me in place, I have never seen this side of Noah before.

"I'm glad they told me because if they didn't I wouldn't have come over and you would have drunken that bottle of vodka and you may have lost yourself and I wasn't about to lose you after finding you"He explains almost as if he was hurt by the fact I bought some vodka.

I stare at him he has a stern expression on his face, his blue eyes stare into mine his arms hold me in place as if he thinks about to run off, he stand over me with his six foot frame if you saw us you would be shocked thinking he was hurting me but really I felt safe calmer.

I run my arms around his waist and hug him tight and start crying not even knowing I was holding a cry in. I sink to the floor and start hestrically crying into Noah chest he holds me tight never let go until about five minutes passes and we get up and sit on the floor in front of my coffe table.

"I'm sorry didn't mean to get you all wet from my tears"I say as soon as I compossed myself.

"It's fine but I would like an explaination as to why you have a bottle of vodka in your apartment" He says.

"Ohh that"I say.

"Yeah that"Noah mimmics me.

"Well I wanted the voices in my head to stop"I say realising that sounded really werid.

"Voices"He asks.

"Yeah I keep going over the fight in my head and it's telling me that I ruined my friends life"I mutter.

"They really care about you Bree"He tries to reassure me.

"I know that or eles they would not have but up with me for the last eleven years still doesn't mean I ruined any chance they had at a normal teenage life"I explain.

"Bree why do you think they called you to pick them up from the police station"He asked.

"Because I'm less scary then their parents when they found out"I say truthfully.

"No because they trust you, you are all a family  I have never met people who have gone through more shit together then you guys do. You guys are in a fight every family has them you just can't forget who you are for the mean time. Don't let a fight destroy you, your stronger than that"Noah states.

"Can I tell you something and you won't let it go to your head"I ask.

"Can't make any promises"He says.

"I'll tell you anyway, you are the first person to ever make me see things clearly"I say.

"Can I tell you something"He asks.


"No matter how hard it gets I vow to never stop to try make you see things clearly"He tells me.

"Thanks for coming Noah"I say as we sit on the ground.

"My pleasure"he says.

We sit there staring in to space when Noah notices the pictures on the coffe table.

"Hey what are these"He asks picking up the pictures.

"Baby pictures of Ember"I mummble as he look through them.

"Look at you"He laughs at this one picture of my holding Ember in the hospital bed.

"What were you thinking while they were taking this picture"He asks.

"Jesus she looks like an alien"I laugh.

"Really"He bursts out laughing.

"Yeah she was small, red, wrinkley and had a werid cone shaped head"I justify

He continues looking at other photos when he finds my least favourite photo.

"Wow" he looks at the photo it's me and Ember her in my arms, held at arms length, her crying and me laughing.

"I came home from getting high and Ben was at my house with a screaming Ember he gave her to me so he could look for some formula and instead of comforting her I laughed and hed her at arms lengthe so she wouldn't cry on me. Ben took this photo to show I was an unfit mother just incase I ever tried to take her away, another reason I got emanipated."I say explaining the photo.

We sit there in silence as he digest the infromation I just gave him. He put the pictures down and wraps his arms around my shoulder and I'm pressed against his chest. I stay there for a moment soaking in the warmth and safety I felt.

"Thanks for coming to check on me Noah"I sigh into his chest.

"Your welcome"He says back.

we break our hug and sit in more silence, but it was comfortable.

"Hey are you hunger I could make us something"I ask.

"Sure"He smiles

we walk across my apartment to the kitchen, I was shopping yesterdayso I was pretty stocked up on food, well for what I could afford. He look adround my cupboards and sees a make ypour own lasange kit.

"Let make this"He suggests.

"Ember will love that when she gets home for preschool"I answer.

"So lets get to work, Do you have cheesy garlic bread"He asks.

"I do actually"I say looking in my freezer for it.

We start to make the lasange I first cook the meat first so we don't get food poisoning and Noah read the instrutions.

"You I have made this before, I can do it without the instrution" I laugh at him reading the instrutions out loud.

"Well sorry"He sassys back to me.

"Yeah when you live by your self you perfect easy dishes really quickly ,espically when you have toddler who is a very picky eater"I say still cooking the meat.

"Really, like how picky"He asks.

"Like it took me three months to convince her to try cauliflower and then she spit it out on the counter, on top of my math homework"I say and he starts laugh.

"It isn't funny try explaining to a teacher my kid spit on my homework"I start to laugh with him.

"I bet she never heard that one before"He says.

"No she did not"I say try to stop my laughter.

"Your a great mom"He compliments.

"Really even after you heard my story and seen that picture"I ask

"Making a few mistakes dosen't make you a bad mom   its what you learn from them taht makes you a great one"He say smiling as I finsh the meat.

"Wait speaking of being a mom does your know your here"I asked panicked.

"Yep I texted her on the way here"He say reasurring me.

"And she was okay with it"I puzzle.

"Ah ha she loves you and Ember and is okay with me doing anything to help plus my brothers have done way worse" he admits.

"Good because if Ember skipped school and didn't tell me I would die of worry"I say.

We finish putting together the lasange and put in the oven and start cleaning the kitchen.

"You know I've had pot before"He admits.

"Really"I ask shocked.

"Yep I was fourteen"He says.

"Fourteen what that almost as young as me"I say.

"Well I did it by accident"He say shyly.

"I have to hear this story"I say jumping on the counter waiting to hear this story.

"Well my brothers were sixteen and eighteen and decide they wanted to try some pot, so they got some off they're friends and decided to make pot brownies"He starts.

"Alright continue"I say.

"So they made them and they decided to let them cool so they went into the other room thinking I was going to a friends house but I didn't and came home from foot ball practice and seen the brownies in the kitchen. Being a fourteen year old boy was like I have to eat them, so I had about four then like thirty mnutes later felt werid and went to the bathroom.Thats were my brothers found me laughing at myself in the mirror"He smiles at the last bit.

"What did your parents say"I ask.

"My mom and dad were furious when they came home and I was so totally stoned but my brothers explained what happened and after many hours of yelling my parents came to the agreement that my brothers were grounded for three months and I got a new vido game as a 'sorry for getting you high baby bro' present"He finishes.

"Wow so while I was getting high on purpose and abondoning my new born you were accidently getting high by eating to many pot brownies, we are so alike"I say sarcastically.

"Hey I'm no saint"He argues.

"Sure other the accidental high what eles have you done" I ask.

"I ditched school once"He boasts.

"Really when"I say in disbelief.

"Today"He mumbles.

"Ohh bad ass"I tease.

"Nobodys perfect"He says.

"You so are perfect with your million dollar and charming personality"I say not really sure why.

"Million dollar smile?"He ask so full of him self.

"You have a nice smile alright"I brush off.

"Why thank you"He says coming closure to me.

"Your welcome now come on that lasanges about to burn"I say passing him to get to oven.

"Hey remember that kiss we shared before everything went down"He ask from behind me.

"Yeah why"I ask.

"I liked it"He says.

"I did too"I whisper.

"We could more of it if you like" He teases.

"Sounds good to me"I flirt back.

I place the lasange down and turn to him. I step closer and before I knew it our lips locked.It was just as exciting and had as much passion as the first time. We finally break our kiss.

"I really liked that"I admit.

"Me too"He smiles pulling me really close to his chest, we seem to do this alot.

"Hey let watch tv as we wait for the lasange to cool down"I say pulling away.

"But I like it hot"He whined.

"Alright we will have it now, but save some for Ember so I don't have to make another meal for her later"I suggest.

"Cool"He answers while scooping some hot lasange on his plate along with so cheesy garlic bread.

"Put some on a plate for me"I ask from the island sitting getting ready to eat with Noah.

"Enjoy my creation of edible delights" He gloats.

"Your creation"I ask knowing I did most of the work.

"Fine our creation"He compromises.

"Thank you"I say satisfied.

We dig into the lasange and it was gorgeous, so was the garlic bread but it was so eay that its hard to screw up.

"Alright now that we are finished you want to watch tv now"He asks.

"Sure"I say.

"Do you have cable"He ask.

"No but I have netflix instead"I smile.

"What?"He asks confused at my state.

"I can't afford both so it was between internet or cable and I decided Internet was mopre useful"I explain.

"Oh alright netfix is better anyway because there is no commerical breaks" He says flopping down on the couch next to me and we start watching once upon a time since he had never seen it and it is one of my favourite shows.

"Wait she is snow white daughter?"He asks.

"Yeah"I laugh at his confusion.

"But she's blonde" He says pointing at Emma on the sceen.

"I know"I say continuing to laugh, when I notice the time I better go pick up Ember.

"Hey I have to get Ember want to come"I ask.

"Sure"He says getting off the couch. When we hear a knock at the door.

"Who could that be"Noah asks.

"Probally my neighbour she's having pipe troubles"I say walking to the door expecting to see my neighbour Alleah.

When I open the door Caleb, Logan, Ben and a cop are standing at my door step.

"What the hell" I say when the scene infront of me sinking.

"Bree let us in"Caleb asks assertively.

I don't know why but I let them in and get a really bad feeling about it.

"Bree we are worrid about you and your sobrity"Logan starts.

"So we are doing what you asked  us to do if we thought we needed to"Caleb continues.

"So we are drug and alchol testing you and if they are postive this cop is going to arrest you because this would be your third offence with you being found with alchol or drugs in your system"Ben finishes.

"What why would you thimk I was drunk or high"I yell.

"We have never had a fight like we did on friday"Logan explains.

"Yeah but I would never risk losing Ember and you know that"I yell hurt they would risk this on a hunch.

"Bree what a bottle of vodka doing on your coffee table"Ben ask looking at the coffe table behind me.

"I didn't drink it"I defend.

"Yeah but why do you have it"Logan asks loudly.

"I don't know  alright, I've had enough of this I'm going to pick up Ember"I exclaim trying to move past them but they stop me.

"Bree were not letting you leave this apartment till you take the drug test and blow into a breathalizure to chck you breathe for alchol"Caleb explains.

"Who will pick up Ember"I ask.

"Brooke and Kylie are gone to get her"Logan tells me.

"Fine"I give in staring them with hurt eyes.

"Noah should go"Ben says loooking at Noah who has stayed silence.

"No I'm staying"Noah answers with assertiveness.

"Noah you really should go"Caleb growls at him.

"No Bree needs someone on her side"Noah fights back.

"Believe it or not we are on her side"Logan yells.

"Yeah sure looks like it"Noah says sarcastically.

"Guys stop, give me the test"I say to stop the madness.

They glare at Noah before taking out ahome drug testa nd the cop take out the breathealizure.

"Pee in this"Caleb say Giving me a small plastic cup.

"Fine"I say grapping the small plastic cuo and going into the bathroom when I notice Ben following me into the bathroom.

"What are you doing"I ask confused by him following me into the bathroom.

"It's either me or the Cop go in with you because we don't want you to add anything to the pee to tank the test" He says so serious.

"I'm not arrested yet I deserve privacy"I argue back.

"Me or the Cop, your choice"He stubbornly says.

"Alright come on, watch me pee"I say sarcactically.

We go into the bathroom and I sit on the toilet while Ben looks at the other side of the room so he dosen't look straight into my vagina.

"Done"I say handing him a pot of my urine.

I wash my hands and we go back outside where they all are. The walks up to me to test my breathe.

"Blow into the tube"The cop orders.l

I wrap my mouth around the the tube and blow.

"Clean"He yells.

The guy look relieved, Noah looks angery though.

The boys pop the chemical into my pee and test my urine for Drugs.

"Its clean"Logan says form the other side of the room.

The cop comes over to me.

"Sorry for the intrusion miss"He apologises.

"It's okay"I say to him since he was only doing his job.

The cop leaves but while he leaves, Kylie and Brooke show up with Ember she runs staright for me.

"Mommy your here"She yells running straight into my legs.

"Yeah why won't I be"I aks while picking her up to give her a hug.

"Aunt Brooke and Aunt Kylie said you may not be"She whimmpered.

This made me livid telling a three year old her mother wounldn't be there when she gets home is basically terrorising her.

"Hey baby why don't you go wash up before dinner, alright I made lasange"I say.

"Okay mommy"She says as I set her down.

"Goood girl go with Noah"I say gently as she walks in to the bathroom with Noah.

When she is in the bathroom with the door closed I turn to my 'family'.

"Bree"Caleb starts.

"No, get out of my apartment"I say quiet enough for Ember not to hear as it is a small apartment.

"Look Bree we were just"Lylie trys to start.

"No I won't look, how could you guys risk getting Ember taken away from me, You have all been there for me since I was six, you have been more of a family to me than my actually one. Kylie and Brooke you were holding my hand coaching me through my labour you were there while my life did a whole three-sixty on me and a baby poped out of me"I say starting to cry remembering how much we have gone through together has me tearing up that we have got to this stage.

"Bree we were just looking out for you"Ben chimes in.

"Calling the cops on me and watching me pee isn't looking out for me, you now what just say goodbye to Ember and get out. You know what just get out of my life and Embers"I demand.

"Bree you can't cut that little girl away from her family"Kylie says.

"Ember is the most Important thing to me in the whole world, I love her more than anything and will do anything to protect her na dif that include keeping her away from people willing to rip us apart then so be it, Ember come say good bye to your Dad and the others."I yell and she come out of the bathroom with Noah.

Ember come over to Kylie and Brooke.

"Bye Firecracker"Kylie says getting tear eyed.

"Bye auntie Ky Ky"She says.

"See ya Shorty"Brookie says also tears brimming her eyes.

"Bye auntie cookie"Ember says confused for the tears they are showing.

"Are you okay"She asks Brooke.

"Aha sweetie"Brooke says and Ember moves over to the boys.

"Bye Bye cutie"says Logan giving the little girl a hug.

"Bye"She whispers realising somthings wrong because Caleb leaves the room afarid Ember would she him cry and finally Ember moves on to Ben.

"Bye princess see you on wednesday"Ben says looking at me for confirmation and I just reply.

"Can't take her away from you"I whisper.

Then they all leave and I close the door ready for a busy night of explaining why everyone was upset tonight to Ember, If only I could.


Hope you enjoyed

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