Philophobia || Shin Soukoku

By atsushi-kozo

43.5K 1.5K 3.5K

Philophobia: The fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. The risk is usually when a person has confr... More



3.3K 130 439
By atsushi-kozo

Oh boy oh boy another chapter!!

{Akutagawa's POV}



What's with him?

Making me regret my life choices..

I curled up pathetically, completely covered in a heap of blankets and pillows. Can you blame me? It was warm and calming. I didn't need this on my weekends, though. Every time I so much as see Nakajima, he stays on my mind for hours, let alone catching the bastard staring!? Unacceptable.

It was weird... he didn't look hateful; he always looks hatefully at me! That is if he has the audacity to look at me at all.

Because he does hate me, and I can see why. At this point, who doesn't?

It's not my fault that I was blessed with a grade A backhand.

Your fault for using it on that innocent, precious boy who did nothing wrong.

He did do something wrong though!

And that is..?


He exists to make you gay.

Mission accomplished, that little bastard.

So you admit it?


I let out a long groan into the many layers of bedding surrounding me. I stuck my hand out of the pile, my hand flailing in search of my phone. Once I'd grabbed it, I continued to fish around for my headphones.

It was a weird habit, to make playlists whenever I'm stressed. I probably had, what, forty-something playlists, either out of boredom, necessity, or stress.

I pulled the electronics into my blanket mound and continued to plug in my headphones and put them on.

I turned on my phone and opened my music, thinking of what kind of playlist was necessary right now.


Second Boys Will Be First Choice - The Brobecks
Give 'em Hell, Kid - My Chemical Romance
Nearly Witches - Panic! At the Disco


The entire "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" album.

Guess who's an emo piece of shit?

This boy right here.The playlist continued in the same sort of pattern. It was pretty great, not the best I've done, but it worked.

I pressed shuffle, ready to deafen myself out of sheer boredom.

"Shit!" I flinched, my headphones fell halfway off if my head. The volume was way too high. I turned it down by a lot and ended up resting my head losing consciousness to the sounds.

I guess I was just that tired after seeing Nakajima.


The sound made every fiber of his being shiver.

There was a pulsing sound, much like a heartbeat; there was sharp breathing.

All he saw was a tiled floor.

All he heard were gasps and whispered conversations.

All he felt was a strange feeling, almost alike to that of nausea.

Was it.. embarrassment?



Not quite.

There were colored splotches moving before his eyes, like a light show mixed with a migraine.

-Time Skip-

The class bell rang loudly, startling a few students. Those few included Nakajima, who was half asleep before the sound. I scooped up my abundance of papers and a few books, setting out for my locker. I nearly tripped over a few feet on my way, and I glared at the people who surely meant it.

I knew they didn't like me, and the feeling was mutual. Either that or they already had their cliques and groups.

After setting my stuff in my locker, I pushed by the sea of people, a lot of which were either purposely elbowing people to push through or were just intimidating enough to carve a path by looking at people.

Despite popular belief, in these parts, I'm at the bottom.

I'm a freshman, garbage, the lowest of the low.

All the second and third years think that we're trash. And they're not wrong. Well, at least for this hell of a school.

Before I knew it I was in the locker room, still breathing a bit heavily from the previous stampede. I trudged to my gym locker with annoyance lacing every step.

While I was unlocking it, I glanced to my left to see Nakajima, who'd somehow gotten here far before me, obviously self-conscious and even more obviously half naked.

I paused for a couple seconds to stare, but not long enough for anyone to notice.



I'm not gay

Well you sure aren't straight

Get out.


I gripped casually at the bottom rim of my shirt, quickly tugging it off and throwing a dark blue t-shirt over my head. Deciding I was too lazy to change my pants right now, I tossed my normal shirt in my locker and shut it, locking it afterwards.

With a small sigh, I took a split second glance at Nakajima, then turned around and continued to walk out of the locker room and up the stairs to the gymnasium.

I hated this class.


I feel like that was decent?

Just wanted to say, my friend keeps telling me to kill someone in this and I- no. Never. They deserve only love.

But yeah! Life's been kinda... eh. So I hope you guys have been better. Have a nice day/night/whatever time of day!

- Carter

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