One Painter * WATTY AWARDS 20...


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No cliche! I guarrante you have never read this before!. No school, no gorgeous hunk teenager, romance limite... More

One Painter * WATTY AWARDS 2012*
That's My TOWEL!

Detectives Carter & Kyle

172 19 6

I don't know what to say but I guess thanks is in order, Not as much votes as I planned , but probably because it was the start and people didn't understand it or something, but people who did comment and vote THANKS and people who did those things & added to their library! THANKS SO MUCH!!! =)

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for.... by the way, yes it is supposed to be in bold, I think it looks better this way? Your thoughts!? Sure.

"So how was the meeting with Patrick?" She asked as she pulled away from the Plaza Hotel, and pulled onto the main street towards out apartment.

"Oh it was great! He said ‘Hi’ by the way," I remarked sarcastically, and she smirked. Her wavy, messy blonde hair was pulled into a high pony tail, and her ocean blue eyes sparkled with amusement. She was indeed my best friend and I would be nothing but blind without her. I'm sure she'd say the same thing, while in emotional tears on her 'special days'...

"Oh, really? I'm surprised he even remembers me," she inquired surprised and I reminded her, "Remembered, sweetie, remembered."

She laughed along with me and pulled into the now vacant loft, parking right next to the stairs, she turned off the engine and grabbed her suitcase.

"Leave the message for our buddies down at NYPD?" she asked me while stepping out of the car and I nodded before coughing a bit. She swung around and searched through her hand bag.

"Kay, what are you doing?" "I'm fine, it was just a cough," I reassured her and she rolled her eyes before chucking a small purple vile at me. I began walking again and we trudged up the first flight stairs, while chatting about our neighbor the cat killer.

"Seriously who would kill cats? They are so... feisty!" I argued and she agreed with me, "I know, right? What the fuck! I love cats!"

I nodded and grinned at her like a total freak, which made her flinch back and stare at me with fear in her eyes.

"What are you looking at?" She asked and I shrugged and replied sweetly, "The most gorgeous, amazing friend ever."

That made her bolt up the stairs, her long skinny legs hitting each step for a second then off to the next, I chased after her to the second top floor and tackled her.

"GET OFF ME!" She screeched in my ear and I flinched making her smirk.

"OH HELL NO!" I screamed at her and slapped her stomach fiercely which made her scream


I stopped after about 10 and lifted up her shirt too see red hand marks on her flat creamy stomach, she looked at her stomach in horror and I laughed so hard.

"Ouchy, I got a boo," She whined as I stood up, I quickly pulled her up and we walked through the exit door too our level. It was an old apartment building but we had renovated our apartment into making it bigger than 2 apartments put together when the owner mysteriously 'passed on' and left everything to us. At least that was what we wrote in the will.

I shoved my key in the whole and with a flick of my wrist it snapped open, I yawned as we stumbled in the gorgeous light apartment. The crème and white covered walls alighted with the sun light which bounced off the sleek furniture we had purchased at American Furniture Warehouse.

2 white goddess lounges were placed in the centre room with a clear glass table in the middle.

The adjoining kitchen had a stainless steel fridge, cupboards, stove and oven plus the utensils around the kitchen and the pans hanging from the light. We didn't have a TV just small secret room where our computers and personal stuff was kept.

Behind a mirror was a switch that opened up the back on the pantry which led to our 'bat cave' which was the most awesome place in the whole entire world.

My room was to the right near the rear end of the apartment and Kathy’s room was near the kitchen. Kathy went behind the mirror and flicked the switch while taking her shoes off. The rush of air was released and the door clacked open.

I walked over to the pantry which was lined with junk food and around 3 actual fruit packets.

I stepped into the small place and which used to be a janitors closet next to us but we covered it with bricks and deleted records about it ever being there.

You can never be too careful. I gently put my suitcase in the safe and clicked the clock which snapped with a 4 number combo pin, that only Kathy and I knew.

She came in after me and turned on her computers while pushing on her glasses.

I watched her log into all 3 of them as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl.

"Want any food?" I asked raising my voice a bit so she could hear me and she replied back distractedly “No, I had some food in a cafe down the street"

"What did you have?" I bubbled while grabbing the coco puffs and pouring a heap into the bowl before pouring the milk in.

"An egg muffin, it was delish."

I grabbed a spoon and walked into the room with the bowl in my other hand; Kathy sat there trying to get a signal on the camera I had planted in the room with a live feed.

I placed my bowl on the computer desk and Kathy screeched, "No food near my babies!"

I gave her an amused glance and touched the computer screen like an ape or a caveman looking at something unknown to them.

"Pretty lights" I said amazed and Kathy slapped my hand away while she typed in random numbers. My hand kept going up the screen and she just kept slapping it away.

I spooned the coco puffs into my mouth, loving the smooth but crunchy chocolate taste erupts in my mouth.

"GOT IT!" Kathy screamed which made me jump but she was intently staring at the screen.

"Jesus Christ, Put it up on the big screen and turn the volume up" I spat in alert and she smirked at me before kissing me on the cheek.

"Going onto the big screen... right now," she slowly asserted then clicked a button which made the image go on this projector thing on the white screen.

The screen showed my crime scene, crawling with police and tape not to mention the old coroner with the gloves on checking out the body.

"I love the drawing!" Kathy giggled and I joined her. That was pretty smart of me I gratified myself.

"Where’s the good stuff?" I asked her and she shrugged out "Maybe there late?"

And just on scene the door opened to see to guys in suits. My jaw dropped at how strikingly handsome these cops were. I looked at Kathy and her expression was the same.

"YUMMY!" she squealed scooting closer to the screen and I grinned.

"They must of upgraded their merchandise, get all info you can pull of them," I told her and she nodded before tapping the screen to take digital photos of the two boys.

The first one had shaggy light brown hair with dazzling blue/grey eyes that I could die looking at them, his body was tan and his strong jaw line showed his sullen look so much better than it should have.

He was really fit by the looks of his arms and flat stomach and I had half a mind to grab my fake I.D and go over there and just lift up the shirt.

The second had blond spiked hair with brown streaks through it and his mystifying green/brown eyes that were sparked with annoyance. His face was grim and his angular chin showed off his light tan and fit body.

They looked like models, why are they wasting their time being cops?

"Who are you?" the coroner asked confused and I joined that club plus paid the intuition.

"I'm Detective Carter and this," he quickly gestured to the guy behind him, "is Detective Kyle"

Detective Kyle just nodded at him and the coroner began his report.

"Ok well, he has only 3 wounds of entry; one at the cheek plus another at the stomach"

"Where's the third?" Detective Kyle's smooth deep voice asked and the coroner coughed before concluding "The mouth."

I smirked and gave Kay a high five.

They all looked at the body and the mouth seemed perfectly fine, in return made them very confused and Coroner explained "The first injury was the cheek, cut by a slim blade coated with the 'Painters' poison which is incurable.”

"That’s what you think" I song rhymed while Kathy snickered.

The coroner continued "The second was poison injected in the mouth but inside normally there would be poison specs on the back of the through but the uvula is clean which means the only possible explanation is the poison was injected with a kiss"

"A kiss?" Carter interrupted and Coroner nodded before finishing "But the wound that killed him was the poison coated stab to his stomach" she pointed to the bloody wound.

"What's the victim’s name?" Kyle asked and Coroner handed him a wallet.

"Patrick Cocomahn"

I laughed so hard at his name and nearly cried. Kathy joined in and we calmed down like 3 minutes.

"What’s on the tape?" Kyle asked picking up the tape recorder with his gloved hands, and pressed the play button.

They all flinched at Patrick’s screams and listened intently to my rhyme, which made me grin.

"I made up that one!" Kathy shrieked gleefully, and I gave her the thumbs up.

"Have we made contact?" Carter asked and Coroner nodded.

"Kay, put on the microphone," I instructed and she gave me a microphone before setting everything up.

She nodded to me and I held the microphone up to my mouth.

"Well of course you have made contact with me silly," I twanged my voice and everybody gasped.

"Everybody out!" Kyle ordered and people scrambled in different directions.

When everybody left, Carter spoke up, "So you’re the infamous 'Painter'

“You bet your cute little heart I am," I twanged and he grimaced.

"I'm Carter and this is my partner Kyle."


"So you’re Texan?"

"Actually I'm a little bit posh," I replied in a British tone and Kathy giggled.

"So why did you kill Patrick Cocomahn?" Kyle asked

"Sweetie have you heard his last name, I did that precious boy a favour"

"So he was close to you?"

"Of course, I don't paint a person willy-nilly, that’s just unkind and unjust."

"So killing somebody close to you is better?" Carter said profiling me.

"Yes sire, have you met Tiffany yet?"


"Yes, the victims girlfriend; I would consider starting there."

"Thanks for the tip," Kyle cockily said never losing his cold appeal.

"You’re so welcome!" I squealed.

"Nice riddle."

"Oh thanks I got it from a famous poet."

"Oh, really? Which one?"

"Kathy Piles, her work is just amazing!"

I nodded to Kathy and she began making websites, face book and all that other junk.

"Do you think she will be pleased that you used her poem for such cruel work?"

"I think she will be happy about it, so Carter and Kyle, you’re new to my city?"

"Yes, transferred in from Chicago."

"Well here's how things run around here, crack my riddle by the time I give it too you; you save a less than innocent life and if you catch the riddle 3 times," I informed before taking a huge risk, "I will turn myself in willingly."

"Wow, you seem sure of yourself," he stated.

"Of course sweetie pie, I am a smart girl"

"I have no doubt about it" Carter said and I smirked

"What’s the time?" Kyle asked

"3 days from now, another life while be lost; to the painters hand. Time is a never ending wonderland clock."

They wrote it down and I thanked them, "Thanks so much for your time boys, don't fantasize about me too much.... Toodaloo."

"WAIT!" Kyle yelled


"You’re a brunette right?" He asked and I smirked.

"Yes why?"

"I've got a thing for brunettes"

"Tut. Tut. Tut. Flirting with a super villain? Not exactly the best idea."

I used my hand to cut the mike and Kathy did.

"First we will check out this Kathy Piles, see if she knows the victim or has any info."

"Seems she's really popular over the Internet, so here's her address," Kyle said showing him the phone and they left the apartment which was now once again squirming with cops.

"Let’s get ready for our visitors" I said standing up with the now empty bowl.

Kathy turned off her monitors and we walked out of the 'bat cave.'

DONE! You like? Vote then! You don’t? DON’T VOTE! Comments are fine for ever body!

By the way I added the batman song because I couldn't think of any other song to fit this chappie! COMMENT.VOTE! NEXT CHAPTER IS TO PAINT FOR!

Dolly Jaro

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