Solo Act (Norminah)

By oohhshesbroken

151K 4.7K 2.6K

Dinah Jane Hansen is one of the biggest superstars in Hollywood. She is getting ready to head out on her big... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Part 1
Chapter 21: Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaper 25

Chapter 9

6.5K 193 99
By oohhshesbroken

It's been a month since they left the states. They have arranged to stay a few extra days in each new country to do some sightseeing. It is amazing to be a part of such a diverse world. Each country seems to have its own rhythm they move to. So how can they pass up on an opportunity to explore them?

In that time Dinah and Normani have gone on a few more dates. Their still taking things slow, Dinah's previous relationship moved at warp speed and she was not going to make that same mistake twice. If this last month has been any indication of the future of their relationship, she is going to do everything she can to make sure it lasts. She finds herself more and more enchanted with the brunette every day. Dinah was falling and falling fast. She has always been someone who jumped in full force but for the first time she is more scared she will do something wrong rather than getting hurt herself. Every moment she is not busy working she spends with Normani.

Normani has been on an airplane many times before, but flying with Dinah Jane Hansen is a completely different experience. Only the best is good enough for someone of her statues. Yes she only gets the best, but Dinah always remains humble. She is not one to flaunt her cash. One of the many things Normani loves about the singer. Ah love, her word of choice to describe everything Dinah related. She knows it's way too early to have those kind of thoughts, but when you know... you know.

Walking into the hotel everyone is tired from a long flight and just ready to take a shower and go to bed. Apparently for some people over tired means talking nonstop.

"Did you know South Africa holds the record for the most official languages with 11? The most widely spoken language is Afrikaans but there is also English, isiZulu, isiXhosa..." At each new destination Charli always seems to have an endless amount of 'interesting facts'.

"I wish I could tell you to 'shut the hell up' in 11 different languages." Elizabeth complains, flicking a cookie wrapper at the backup singer.

"Thank you Charli, but I think we will stick with English." Dinah pats her on the shoulder and walks over to receptionist where Normani is standing.

"Welcome to the Protea Hotel, I'm Steven and how can I help you today?" The young man behind the counter greets them.

"Hey, I have reservations under Diana Jones."Normani replies with a smile.

"Seriously?" Dinah asks referring to the brunette's choice of name.

Normani just shrugs her shoulders. "What I'm not going to use your real name?"

"Yes, but that's the best you can come up with?"

"Fine, next time I'll use your whole name." Dinah's eyes widen in terror.

"You wouldn't?" Normani just gives her an evil smirk.

The young man behind the counter hands them their keys and also a box coated in postages stamps. "This arrived for you this morning."

Dinah takes the box confused. "Thank you."

When they arrive in Dinah's room Normani's curiosity can't take it anymore. She picks up the box from the coffee table. Stickers saying fragile and handle with care cover the box.

"What do you think it is?" She asks tipping the box from side to side, the box is a little heavy. She brings it to her ear, listening for any sound as she lightly shakes it.

"I have no idea." Dinah sees the brunette examining the box for any clues of what can be inside. "Maybe its spiders." Dinah teases.

Normani drops the box on the couch and takes a step back. "I-I don't like spiders." She keeps her eyes on the box for any movement.

"Mani I'm just joking, who would send me a box of spiders anyway?" Seeing the flustered look on the brunette's  face.

"Someone who wants to scare you to death." The words are out of her mouth before she can think, her mind immediately going back to the flowers Dinah received in New York.

"Um, okay." Dinah picks up the box from the couch.

"Maybe we shouldn't open it." Suddenly feeling very anxious about what might be in the box.

"Relax, no one is trying to kill me." Dinah opens the box, Normani holds her breath. There is mess of bubble wrap and pacing peanuts, Dinah pulls out little plastic bottles. She hands it over to Normani.

"Perfume samples?" That's the last thing she imagined would be inside. Spiders, a bomb or even a crazed Jack-In-The-Box but not perfume samples.

"That's right Kehlani has been talking about me signing with a perfume house to get my own signature fragrance."

"You're getting your own perfume?" Normani asks excitedly.

"Apparently." Dinah pulls out more little bottles.

"I think it's a really good idea." Dinah gives her a raised eyebrow. "All the big stars have one. You should invest in your brand, your Dinah Jane Hansen brand."

"I'm a singer not a pair of sneakers."

"You should totally start your own clothing line. You could sell shirts, jeans, jackets and accessories. Maybe handbags or jewellery and shoes! You need to sell shoes." Normani was just about to vibrate out of her skin with excitement.

"Mani calm down, I'm not even sure I want the perfume."

"What? No, you are totally getting the perfume." She takes the box from Dinah.

After unpacking Dinah and Normani are relaxing on the couch. Dinah has her head on the brunette's lap. Dinah is busy enjoying the bowl of popcorn they made for their movie date, but Normani didn't so much as glanced at the TV she is too busy smelling all the different perfume samples.

"I think the perfume should smell like Dinah." She states after smelling yet another sample.

"Do you mean like bottle my sweat?" Dinah scrunches up her nose at the idea.

"No, they could use it clone you or put some voodoo curse on you."

"Then what does Dinah smell like?" She asks poking the brunette in her side making her squirm.

Normani thinks about it  for a moment, she takes a hold of Dinah's wrist pulling it over her nose. "A warm summer's day at the beach, a light breeze running through your hair. The sound off children laughing in the waves. With taste of sweet lemonade on your lips." Normani stares off into space as she describes it to Dinah.

"That was very descriptive... and not at all helpful. You really are a kid at heart, you still have that crazy imagination." Dinah feeds Normani a piece of popcorn and is rewarded with a kiss on her nose.

"How about this one?"

"No! That smells like depression and the tears of small children." Dinah waves her hand in front of her nose.

"Yeah, I'm the one with the crazy imagination." Normani rolls her eyes at the singer.

Dinah's phone starts to ring, she looks at the caller id. "It's Ally." Normani pauses the movie and Callie sits up. "Hey Ally."

"I'm going to go look around in the gift shop." Normani whispers. Dinah nods and the brunette gives her a quick kiss before leaving her to talk to her friend in private. Before leaving the room she grabs her tour jacket, Kehlani insists that they all wear it. She calls it 'free publicity'.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be. So, things are good between you two?"

"Great actually, she is so amazing Ally." She can't help the smile on her face every time she talks or even just thinking about her. "Everything is perfect." Ally doesn't miss the slight drop in the singer's voice.

"What's wrong?"

Dinah sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "It's just this whole Camila thing feels like a ticking time bomb, ready to go off at anytime and ruin everything. I know I have to break up with Camila, because there is no way I'm ending things with Normani. But I'm just scared what that might do to my new acting career."

"Why do you have to break up with Camila? It's nobody's business who you are dating. Let everyone think your dating that horndog. Normani is your assistant, no one is going to start asking questions if you do everything together."

"You really think I should lie?" Dinah really isn't comfortable about lying.

"Yes, it's not like it will change anything. But talk to Normani first, see how she feels about everything."

"I'm afraid she would feel like I'm trying to hide her, like she's not good enough because she's not someone famous. But I don't want to hide her, I want to walk down the street holding her hand. I want to kiss her without having to look around to see if anyone is watching."

"Boy, she's got you hooked."

"She's got me hook line and sinker."


Walking around the gift shop Normani picks up some souvenirs. She stops by the reception, picking up the tickets and backstage passes they will need for tomorrow night. There are also a few boxes of posters and other novelties that Kehlani send ahead of time. Deciding to get some fresh air she steps out of the hotel.

The air is a little chilly but the sun on her skin warms her instantly. Just a few feet away from her she sees a little girl talking to her mom, pointing at a poster of Dinah. She can see by what they wear on their clothes that they have seen better days even if they are dressed in what she is sure it's their Sunday best. Their shoes are well broken in, the mother is carrying a heavy grocery bag that Normani can only assume is to bare the essentials.

"Mommy, look she's really here! Can we please go? Please, please, please?" She begs jumping up and down her pigtails flying wild in the air.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but that show is very expensive and probably been sold out for weeks." The little girl hangs her head, and nods weakly. The woman takes out her wallet and looks at the few coins she has left. "Hey, what do you say we go get you an ice cream?" Normani just felt an undeniable pull towards the small girl.

"Excuse me I don't mean to interrupt." Normani steps closer to the mother and daughter. "My name is Normani Hamilton, I couldn't help but see you looking at the poster. So, I was wondering if you already have tickets to the show?" She asks not wanting them to think she has been eavesdropping on their entire conversation.

"Oh, no. We were just looking. My daughter is a big fan."

"Her biggest fan." The little girl says proudly.

"Well, then this is your lucky day. I happen to be a close personal friend of Dinah." She turns her upper body a little to show her the tour jacket. "And I have these extra tickets and I have no idea who to give them to. Do you think you know someone who would want them?" She kneels down next to the little girl and pulls out two extra tickets.

The little girl nods so fast Normani is afraid she might get whiplash. "Me!"

"You? I really don't want to burden you by having to take these tickets from me."

"I can take them!"

"Okay, but only if it's okay with your mom?" Normani says giving them her best dimple smile.

The little girl looks up at her mom pleading. The mom was still a little skeptical about a stranger just trying to hand her little girl free tickets. "Really it's okay. There are always a few extra tickets just in case." In reality there was only one extra ticket and Normani would be giving up her own seat. Figuring that she could always watch Dinah from backstage, if it meant that the little girl could meet her idol.

"I guess we can take the tickets." The little girl almost jumps out of skin. Normani hands the mom the tickets and two VIP passes. The mother mouths 'thank you' as Normani walks back into the hotel.


Dinah has scheduled a rehearsal before the show, with everything going on working her mind at overtime she has been feeling a little off. To round it all off her sister has been calling her nonstop. Saying she was sorry and ask if they could talk but the last thing she needed right now is some more sister drama.

"Okay, we have narrowed it down to the top four. Dinah come pick one." Normani calls her over. Tim and Rob have their sleeves pulled up to their elbows and a very grumpy look on their faces. "Okay this is Example A." She pulls Tim's right arm up so Dinah can smell his arm.

"You sprayed my bodyguards with perfume samples?"

"Everyone else is busy and they were just standing here." She states like it's the most logical thing ever.

"You didn't have to spray anyone."

"No, you need to smell what it would smell like on an actual person." Dinah steps closer to whisper in her ear.

"Your evil, but I like it." She gives her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Can you two stop playing kissy face so I can go take a shower?" Tim asks annoyed.

When Dinah is done smelling her bodyguards, they both hurry off to the bathroom to erase all the evidence.

"How on earth did you get them to do that?"

"I can be very persuasive." She says proud.

"Aren't you suppose to use your powers for good instead of evil?"

"Nah, I like living on the edge." Normani says as she wraps her arms around the singer's waist form behind.

"You where that little cute brunette girl on the playground who got all the boys to give her their cookies weren't you?"

"It was chocolate milk actually." Normani says with a smirk.


The meet and greet is always Dinah's favorite part, getting to meet the actual people who are making her career what it is not just a bunch of statistics but actual faces. A little girl and her mother steps up to her for their turn. They seemed different than the usual fans at the meet and greet, it looks like they are feeling out of place. Where everyone else was taking photos and exploring everything, they seemed almost afraid to touch anything.

"Hello there and what is your name?" She asks as she leans down to talk to the little girl directly.

"Maria, this is my mommy."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you both. I'm really glad you came to my show." The little girl is glowing being able to meet the singer.

"The nice lady gave us ticket to see you sing."

"What lady?" Dinah asks confused.

"That nice lady." She points over at Normani who is standing on the other side of the room. Dinah should have figured the nice lady would be the brunette.

"She saw Maria looking at the poster and just gave her tickets and VIP passes." Dinah knew very well that meant Normani had to give up her own ticket in the process as well.

"That sounds like her. She is pretty awesome." The brunette looked over at her, suddenly a little nervous that Dinah might be mad that she gave her tickets away. She makes her way over to the two familiar faces.

"Hi guys, I'm glad you made it." The little girl wraps her arms around Normani's legs.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"Yes, thank you Normani." The mom adds.

When they leave Dinah pulls Normani out of the busy room into the empty storage closet.

"I'm sorry, it's just I saw them and the little girl really wanted to see the show and figured I have the tickets and I can always see you perform on the monitors and..." Dinah cuts off her rambling with a kiss.

"You are amazing." She gives her another quick kiss. "I have to get back before the crowd starts to riot." Leaving the closet she wonders to herself how anyone can be so close to perfect.

If Normani knew she would react like that she should have started giving her tickets away long ago.


After the concert they set off to the Kruger National Park, the largest game reserve in Africa. They even booked into one of the many five start lodges in the park to spend a night or two. Everyone is excited hoping to each to see all of the animals. Everyone is listening to the guide explain a few facts and statistics about the animals and the park.

Victoria and Elizabeth are openly flirting with the handsome tour guide in his safari uniform. Dinah turns around looking for the brunette, finding her bent over looking at chickens.

"Seriously? We are in a nature reserve that houses the Big Five and you are more interested in the chickens?"

"What, I have a weird thing for chickens. Oh do you think we are going to see giraffes, I really want to see one! They are my favorite animal."

"Maybe, but we will never know if you keep standing around looking at chickens." Normani grabs her hand the join the rest of the group.

"Giraffes huh? What happened to butterflies?"

"They are in a separate category."

"There are categories?"

"Oh Dinah Jane you have so much to learn."

They saw all different kind of animals, zebras, rhinos, buffalo en a few cheetahs but no giraffes unfortunately. The highlight was when they saw a herd of around 60 elephants crossing the river. The sound of their enormous feet crushing everything under it and their trumpeting echoing through the air.

Normani has turned in her seat to get a better look, her back now towards Dinah. The singer wraps her arms around her waist pulling her closer to her and rests her head on the brunette's shoulder as they look at them.

"Dj look at the baby elephant isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen?"

"Nope, but it's a close second." She says as she places a kiss on the brunette's temple.

"You really are a smooth talker aren't you?" Normani chuckles while trying to hide her flustered face.

"Hey, it worked on you didn't it?" Dinah replied with a smirk.

Normani takes out her phone to take photos of the baby elephant, but also a few of her and Dinah.

Arriving at the lodge, everyone is still amped up from the safari.

"Okay guys so, I'll take this room, you can kill each other over who gets what room. Oh and we are two beds short so two of you guys have to sleep in the living room on the pull out couches."

Normani steps closer to Dinah. "I could always share with you then there is one more bed for someone else?"

"Nice try but no. Now get your cute butt to your room." Dinah slaps her behind. Normani mumbles something about taking it slow sucks as she walks to her room.

There is a long discussion over who gets what bed, finally everyone ends up with a place to sleep leaving Tim and Rob on the pull out couches in the living room. Unfortunately that meant Shawn and Ashlee have to share the remaining double bed.

Both of them just stare at the bed, covered in tiny pillows and flowery patterns on the blanket. Ashlee looks over at Shawn trying to lighten the mood. "So, do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?"

Normani is busy getting settled in her new room. She would much rather share a room with Dinah, but they are still taking it slow. Her phone starts dancing on the dresser as it vibrates.

"Hi Lani, already regretting not joining us on tour?" There is no reply, Normani drops her shirt on her bed sensing the mood of the conversation.

"Normani we have received another note from the stalker. I emailed it to you."

Normani feels sinking feeling in stomach. She quickly pulls her laptop closer and opens the email. It's a photo of the note.

Roses are red, violets are blue. There is no escape no matter how far you flew.

"Kehlani, I thought you had this under control?"

"I'm doing whatever I can. I talked to Rob and Tim they have been briefed on the situation. We also got in touch with the security guard who delivery the flowers, he said it was a woman who send the flowers."

"A woman? Did he get a good look at her?" A slight glimmer of hope in her voice.

"No, he had his hands full trying to control the fans. He just remembers it was a woman."

Normani takes a closer look at the note. "Kehlani, this was sent to her house not her fan mail. Her house! This isn't someone looking for attention." The whole situation just taking a turn for the worst.

"Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt Dinah ?"

"No, everyone loves her." She pushes her laptop away and start pacing the small room.

"So, there have been no arguments or anything."

"No," Normani pauses. "Except, she and Naki had a fall out."

"Funaki Hansen? Her sister?"

"Yes, but I don't think her own sister would be crazy enough to want to kill her. Besides she has been trying to apologize to Dinah for some time now."

"I'll have someone look into it just in case."

"Thank you Kehlani , please keep my updated."

"Of course." Normani falls into her bed exhausted. She has been having trouble sleeping for a couple of nights now.

Later that evening after the troops have been fed, they all gathered around the living room. Currently the group is playing poker with a bag of Oreos and candy bars. Dinah and Normani are happy just to observe the back and forth bickering as they listen to the night live outside.

Normani is curled up at the singer's side, Dinah is running a hand up and down the brunette's back loving the little shivers going through her body when she hits her ticklish spots. Normani has her arms wrapped around Dinah's waist almost scared of letting her go. Normani can't remember time she has been this happy simply by being around someone.

When Dinah is near her there is no one else in the room. She could spend forever curled up her in her arms, feeling the warmth of your body against hers. A little of the singer is just too much, she wants everything.

"Hey, you okay. You seem distracted." Dinah senses the brunette's mind at work.

"I'm perfect. Just happy to be here with you." She pulls Dinah even closer. The singer places a kiss on her head.

"Me too."

Finally after endless rounds of poker everyone heads in their own directions for the night. Everyone goes straight to sleep, everyone except the blonde.

Normani slowly moves around the two sleeping figures rubbing her leg where she hit the dining room table, she makes her way over to the big window. She points her tiny flashlight out the window trying to see outside.

"Mani what are you doing?" The brunette almost jumps out of her skin.

"Shit! Dinaaah, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She places her hand over her racing heart, when she hears it again. "Don't you hear them, lions? Freakin' Simba is outside our door!"

"That's because we are in the middle of a game reserve. Come on go back to bed their outside they can't hurt you." Dinah tries, scratching her tired head.

"What if they open the door?"

The singer stops the motion of her hand. "I have heard about monkeys opening doors but never a lion."

"What if they chew through the door?" She's not giving up on a simple technicality.

"Tim is sleeping on the couch they will get him first. While they are distracted we can make a run for it." A sleepy chuckle falls from her mouth.

"It's not funny." Normani stomps her left foot on the floor in frustration.

"Actually it kind of is. Come on let's get you back to bed it's been a long day."

"But I'm scared." She pouts, when all else fails it's time to bring out the pout.

Dinah rubs her hands over her face. "Fine, you can sleep in my room. I'll protect you from the man eating creatures outside."

"Thanks." Normani quickly runs past the singer into her room, smiling to herself she knew it would work.

A hour or two later Dinah hears the faint sounds of someone talking, figuring it's just her sleeping mind playing tricks on her or animal sounds from outside. She just rolls over and tries to go back to sleep. But then the talking starts again. Finally forcing her eyes open she sees the blonde rolling around in her sleep.

"I'm sorry... Jilly..."

Jilly, who is Jilly? She has never heard her mention a Jilly before. Normani was starting to get more and more restless. Moving on instinct she wraps her arms around the brunette pulling her closer to her. Normani fights back from her hold, but then starts to relax into Dinah's arms.

Normani buries her face in Dinah's chest still her mumbling turning into to soft moans as she continues to sleep. Dinah pulls her even closer to her, trying to shelter her from her bad dream. "Shh its okay. I'm here." After a few moments Normani's body relaxes as she returns to her peaceful dreams. Dinah never letting go of the brunette as she hums softly to her.

This is the second time it's happened and Dinah is sure it has happened many times before. Dinah knows that Normani is a very guarded person, she puts up walls around her, but Dinah is determined to break through those walls.


Early the next morning Normani is pulled from her sleep, when someone places a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Mani, baby wake up." A voice whispers

"No, I don't wanna." She pulls the pillow over her head, trying to block out the bright sunlight that is now invading the room.

"Normani, you have to come see this. You're not going to believe it." Dinah takes her hand and starts pulling the sleeping beauty out of the bed. Normani reluctantly gets up groaning all the way Dinah is pulling her to the window.

"Look." Dinah points outside. Normani looks out the window, rubbing her sleep filled eyes trying to get them to focus.

"Wait, is that?"

"Yes, it's a giraffe." Outside a few feet from their window a giraffe is chewing on some leafs. They can see his muscles twitch on his big legs as he takes a step closer to his breakfast. His long tongue stretching out to capture more leafs, a little bird sitting on his back is happily singing his morning song.

"Wow." Normani breathes out as she places her hand on the glass

"Worth waking up for?" Dinah asks as she tugs a piece of dark hair behind Normani's ear.

"Totally worth it." She says with a big smile on her face.

Even with one of nature's great wonders outside, Dinah can't help but look at Normani. They way her eyes light up, her smile make those adorable dimples pop. In this moment Dinah knew her heart is now Normani's to have, hold or break.

Before she knew it her hand moves over the one Normani has on the glass. Normani looks at her super magic smile almost turning the singer into a puddle of goo.

"I'm never sleeping on a couch again, my back is killing me." Dinah pulls her hand away taking a few steps away from the brunette as a cranky Tim appears in the doorway. "What's going on?"

"I... um... a giraffe is outside the window." Dinah points her thumb in the direction.

"Cool." He enters the room to see, Dinah uses this as an escape route and bolts out of the room. Leaving a very confused brunette behind.

Normani is sipping on her orange juice. Dinah is on her third cup of coffee, the little sleep of the previous night starting to take its toll on her.

"Where is everyone?" Normani asks as she reads through her emails.

"There is another warthog outside they are fighting over who gets to feed him apple slices."

"They know they are not allowed to feed the animals right?"

"Yes, but if we start enforcing that rule my band will starve to death." Normani playfully nudges the singer's shoulder.

"You look a little tired, I'm sorry I woke you up last night. But you have to admit those lions are scary."

"It's okay don't worry about it, I'll be fine once the caffeine kicks in." Dinah plays with the mug between her hands nervous about her next question. "Who's Jilly?"

Orange juice comes flying out off Normani's nose. Dinah gently pats her back as she waits for her to recover. "What?"

"It's just last night, you kept saying her name in your sleep."

"Uh, it's just someone I knew back in Seattle." Dinah could see how Normani's entire body tenses up at the question. Normani knows that she should tell Dinah the truth, about Jilly, Seattle, and her nightmares. But that is her own personal demon from a life she left behind.

"Normani, you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Dinah please..." She gets up from her chair and places her glass in the sink. Taking a cloth to clean up the spilled juice.

"I know you don't like to talk about it, but I can see you're hurting."

"You can't help me Dinah, not with this." Normani almost begs to be done with this conversation, closing her eyes she tries to slow down her breathing. There only a few things that can get her rattled up and this one is at the top of the list.

"How do you know if you don't let me in?" Dinah is also now on her feet.

"It's none of your business." Normani says sharply. Her knuckles turning white from her grip on the sink.

"I just want to help you Mani."

"I'm going to say this once and I'm not going to say it again." She turns around to face the singer head on. "I'm not broken, I'm not some psychodrama. My nightmares are not some pathology you can pat yourself on the back for diagnosing."

The brunette's icy tone shook her to her core. In the entire time she has known Normani, she was nothing but perky and all smiles. "I'm not trying to psychoanalyse you, and I never said that you are broken. I care about you Normnai and I know that everyone is entitled to their own secrets. But this..." Dinah motions between the two of them " a relationship and a relationship is build on communication, if we don't talk we are going nowhere. I just want you to talk to me."

"You want to talk about secrets and relationships? Fine let's talk!" Dropping the cloth on the table and taking a step closer to Dinah. "I'm not the only one who has secrets. In fact this entire relationship is a damn secret! If it can even be called a relationship... a fling, a good time? Because as far as I know a relationship is not about hiding in the shadows. But I guess I should just be happy playing on the side lines, because the whole world knows Dinah Jane is dating Camila Cabello!"

There it is, what Dinah has been most scared of. She just looks at the brunette, her mouth is moving but nothing is coming out. The timer has run out and all she can do now is try to pick up the pieces.

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