WOLF BOND (book one of the bo...

By taytay9919

9.8K 239 23

Leila isn't your typical she-wolf. She's abused at her pack something Horrid. The only thing she can think ab... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Wolf bond- chapter three
Wolf bond- chapter four
Wolf bond- chapter five
Wolf bond- chapter six
Wolf bond- chapter seven
Wolf bond- chapter nine
Wolf bond- chapter ten
Wolf bond- chapter eleven
Wolf bond- chapter twelve
Wolf bond- chapter thirteen
Wolf bond-Chapter fourteen
Wolf bond-chapter fifteen
Wolf bond-chapter sixteen
Wolf bond- Chapter seventeen
Wolf bond- Epilogue

Wolf bond- chapter eight

451 10 0
By taytay9919


Chapter eight

Miscarriage.. Every mother hates that word, scratch that. Every girl hates that word.

It means they had a baby but lost it. A tragedy. Misfortune. You feel awful just hearing it, let a lone it happening to you.

Pain.. That's what you feel first, pain for you loosing your baby. Then longing for the baby you could have had. Then depression. You go into this state of horror. Of feeling awful, of hating everyone and everything. Even your self. You hate your mate, and start to block out the people you cared for. Not wanting to loose them but not wanting them. You stay in bed as days past.

I've lost count of the days. I want to think five? Dylan comes in everyday, trying to get me to eat, or speak, but I've become mute.

What pains me the most is that I didn't even know for sure I wanted the baby, and now it's dead.

I lay in bed all day, never speaking, or moving, except going to the bathroom. I don't like food at the moment and I've lost about three pounds.

"We can try again baby, no need to fret." Dylan assures, but I see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice, he wanted that baby. Badly. And I wasn't able to provide.

I just watch him, never speaking until finally he comes in, looking like a wreck, and whispers "Leila, I'm dying inside without you talking to me, please. Please. Speak. Please baby." I still don't. But then Liam comes in.

"Enough moping around Leila get your ass out of bed, the whole pack is in devastation, and needing there luna, but where is she? Hiding from her problems, like a pup. Your a luna now, show some pride and let your pack know everything is fine, it's not fair for them to go around completely upset, because there heir die- uh I mean left to a better place, and there Luna's got her thumb up her ass!" He yells

"How do you think I feel!" I yell for the first time "I feel awful! My baby is dead! Dead Liam!"

"Yeah? How do you think I feel? My nephew or niece died. How do you think the pack feels? Or Dylan?"

"I don't care! There not the ones that lost the baby!!"

"Dylan lost it the same as you!" He yells.

"It wasn't inside him."

"Listen to yourself Leila! Your only thinking of yourself! The pack cares about you, Dylan and that baby! But it died! There all as upset as you!" He yells anger running through his words.

"F*ck you! My baby died!" I start to cry.

"Your using it as an excuse Leila! And you know it. I get that your baby has died but you need to help your pack ... Luna." He taunts.

"DYLAN!" I yell and sob.

He runs in "what? What's wrong?" His eyes linger on Liam, "what did you do?"

"I simply told her to get off her ass, and help her depressed pack." Liam explains making me yell.

"Out." Dylan yells at Liam and he hops out of the room chuckling.

"Your speaking?" Dylan observes

"Yes." I mumble

"Listen I'm sorry Leila. About Liam, about our baby, about me. I'm a screw up, I know. I'm so sorry."

"Your not a screw up" I mutter. "What's wrong with our pack?"

"There all in depression, since the heir died, and your depressed. They need you babe."

"I know. Let's go." I shrug.

"Uh, maybe you should clean up first."

I look down at myself, my clothes stink, my hairs matted and I look sickly..

"Fine, as soon as I get cleaned up, we will go."

I peal my clothes off myself, and avoiding the mirror I get in the shower, cleaning my matted hair. Then putting on makeup.

"Let's go baby." Dylan says kissing my cheek and we walk outside.. Ready to face my fears..

"My mate, your luna, has come to talk to you. Please listen and treat her with respect as you would me. Thankyou." Dylan says, smiling as he grabs me by my hand and pulls me up there. It's silent as I start to speak.

"Hello, I've wanted to talk to you all about the.. Uh incident.. I'm sure you've all heard just recently we've lost the heir to the pack. It's devastating, I know. But it's not the end of the world. We will move on. You are all strong. There will be a new heir. Hopefully. We will all get better, time heals all wounds, Thats what they say, and I fully believe it. I'm truly sorry this happened. I loved the baby while I had it. I still love it." I say.

One of the girls raise there hands and yell "what would the names of been?"

"A girl would be named Carter, the boy Liam." I reply.

They all give little pain cries but I've done my job. My pack can move on now. And I'm better.

It's been a week now, things are going ok. Except Dylan wants me to take a blood test, I literally hate needles. The things I do for love though, I tell ya.

"I don't want to!" I growl.

"Babe please have a blood test? Just to make sure everything's good."

"Noooo!" I pout, crossing my arms.





He kisses me deeply



The needle pricked my arm and I held my breath turning blue, "breath Leila." The doc says.

When were done we go home I listen to 'when you let her go.' I love that song I also love 'compass.' There some of my favorites.

"I love you Leila, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I love you to Dylan."

"No matter what the doctor says, we will be fine, I just can't loose you again."

"And you won't." I reply feeling sad.

We finally get home and I lay on the couch as Dylan goes into his office. I fall asleep shortly after that.

'Beep beep beep beep.'

I grab the phone "hello?" I grumble

"Yes luna, this is doctor replaf. I'm calling on behave of the blood work?"

"Oh yes?" I say.

"The tests have discovered that......your perfectly fine. And can have more children!"

I hang up after that and run to Dylan's office not knocking I slam open the door and stop as Dylan goes "Leila? What's wrong?"

I run to him and jump onto his lap giving him a passionate kiss, I pull back "nothing's wrong, I can have more kids."

He smirks and carries me to our bedroom.

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