It's Not Your Choice

By Human_Persons

154 0 0

Adam. Has the YouTube fame. Has friends. A great job. Meets a girl. They fall in love. But something makes he... More

Year One
Year two
Year three
Year four
Year five
Year Six


5 0 0
By Human_Persons

Mason (Didn't see this coming. )

I woke up alone. Where's Dad. I get up and put on my shoes. Then get out of the tent. I see the one tent with Red and Barney I smile. I see mommy and dad. I run to Dad "Dad"I yelled. He smiled and turned to me. I jumped to him and he caught me. Dave never did that.

"How did you sleep baby"Mommy said. "Good"I said. "Want some bacon "she said. I nodded. Dad sent me down. I see Jess. "Is Julia awake"I ask. "No. she's is still asleep "She said. I nodded.

"And so is my lazy husband and son"she added. Mommy laughed. Mommy hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. "Mommy"I say. "Whats wrong"Dad asked. "She gave me eggs. "I said."eggs are so good"dad said. "No. baby birds and killed. "I said. He laughed.

"Hey it's ok. They take the ones with the baby bird already dead. And leave the ones that still have them"he said. "Are you sure"I ask. He nodded. "Watch"he grabbed a plate and took some eggs.

He took a bite. "Yum"he said. I laughed. I looked at my plate. I smiled and took a bite. "Yummy"I said. He laughed. "See buddy. They are good"he said. I smiled.

"Good morning idiots and Mason"Max said. I laughed. "Max. Please. He literally just got out of the "Everyone is a idiot phase. "Mommy paused. "I don't need him back into it"she added.

I finished my food. "Can I go for a walk"I asked Dad. "Blake"Dad looked at mommy. "Go with Dad"she said. Dad nodded. He got up and we went off.

When we got little ways away. I see a little spot with water and rocks and flowers. I smile. I run to it. I pick up and rock and throw it in the water.

"Want me to teach you how to skip a rock"Dad asked. I nodded.

After I saw then leave I pulled my hair in a pony tail and sat down. "So. Since Adams gone and Mason. What's up with Dave"Max asked. "Fine. He is in Utah right now getting a house"I said. "Hasn't hit you "Jess said. "Jess"I said. "Blake"Em said. "Three weeks ago. Came home drunk. Thank goodness Mason was asleep "I said.

"Why are you still with him"Max asked. "Don't say he was there. Adam didn't know"Jess said. "I don't know. I hate him"I said. "So do I"Mason said. "Mason"I stood up. "I ran ahead of Dad. "He said. He handed me a purple flower and ran to em.

"Hey"Adam said. ".."I sat down. "Ok. So Max. Ross still asleep "Adam asked. "I'm gonna go wake him up. Mason come help"Max said. Mason smiled and they ran to Ross's tent.

"So any plans today"I asked. "The lake. Fishing swimming. "Adam said. I nodded. "Hope you can teach"I said.

"Teach what"he asked. "Mason to swim. "I said.

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