Land Water

By sorryilikemgc

928 3 2


Deep Blue Sea
Diary Entry #1
Have a Good Day
Rotten School
I'm the Asshole
That's My Best Friend
Mathmatically Take Me Out
The Protection Plan
Least Likely Allies
The Fight for Water
Team Leaders
We're Family
Leave Him Alone
About Mason...
Meet My Mother
Safety First
First Day of School Get Together
Neighborhood Watch
My Sweet Daughter
Responsibilities and Duties
Her Death Bed
Well Then
The Plan About the Dance
New Recruits
The Explanations
The Story of Hate and Trust
Now Onto Homecoming...Dresses
And Now The Dance
What Is She?
My Girl
The Discussion
I Want To Go Home
Newly Divorced
The Painful Way
Hearing In Pairing
Family Visit
Luke's In Town
High Suspicions
To Tell You The Truth...
Night Fall
Effects of La Luna
Capture Me
My Home
Parent-Teacher Conference Day
I Met The Parents
Looking New

The Predator

18 0 0
By sorryilikemgc

(Luke's POV) The Boys Locker Room

Down this whole hallway, I keep remembering the memories that happened down here when I was in this school since my junior year. Hmm I remember that gym closet where I fucked my girlfriend, I remember the huge crack in the wall when I beat the shit out of the star basketball player because he kept messing with Ace when she was a freshman and she had to wear glasses but they kept calling her Timmy Turner (which made no sense since she didn't have buck teeth). Oh yeah, and I remember that ugly muskrat from junior year in the teacher's desk who once tried to molest his own when he was four which he proclaimed was "parenting"...oh yeah. It's Edwin Prune.

Instead of just barging in as an actual drunk after a night in the bar for too long, I just knock on the open door against the wall like how the student aid would do to catch the adult's attention and when Edwin glances up, I give him a fake smile and wave at him. His face beams up with happiness like he found some gold bar or a diamond at his front door, but oh boy aren't looks just deceiving when people meet me.

"Hey Luke, how you been?" Edwin greets as I step forward once I close the door behind me and I shake his hand.

"Oh you know, still drinking as always," I joke flatly and Edwin laughs (the asshole) and we both take a seat on the opposite sides of the desk.

Once I sit in my chair, I catch this one family picture of Edwin, when he was married to Ace, with Jace when he was younger, probably five because he never had his hair dyed until he was eleven and he was a natural brown head (yeah I know some shit about my half-nephew), and then Ace when she had brown hair and Jace never smiled in that picture. It was more of a mug shot than a family photo all because Edwin was the only one happy when that photo was taken. Ace called me that day after that picture and then she told me Edwin had beat her for not smiling in the...I'm already angry enough. No need to add more fuel to the fire at least not right now.

"So what are you doing in town? I thought you were living upstate more than the Pacific," Edwin says to me.

"Just came to visit the family---I mean stay with the family. My sister called me down here just because of some family issues. There was a creep who constantly kept following her and her kid when she moved on from this trash marriage three years ago. Have you met my sister before? She doesn't look like me much, but she does have that same medium temper that I have but she doesn't have to take drugs to drive it out. She's like my best friend," I keep shooting hints, but of course Edwin is always the slowest thinker in the world because he just shakes his head...or he's faking it.

"I hope she's okay---" Edwin shrugs.

"Why are you still around Ace, Edwin?" I interrupt him, stunning him as he stops in between his sentence and I keep staring at him. "Why are you still fucking with my little sister, man?"

"Oh Acadia's your sister. I thought you meant Ariel Cadaway because of the dirty blonde---"

"Cut the goddamn crap. How many times do you have to be told the same thing ever since you divorced her? Troy has told you, Mason's told you, I told you way before they did, then Jace told you, but you still don't get it and then I'm called to tell you the same damn thing for the fifth time, but I'm not here to talk about it with you anymore," I sigh, raising my feet up onto his desk and pulling off my leather jacket to my black t-shirt and white bandages over both of my wrists to my knuckles.

"Oh so you want to be physical now. Is that it?" Edwin asks and I glance at him, then back at the bandages, tightening them and once I tie them back, I get out of my chair and walk slowly towards the door, closing it, along with pulling down the blinds.

"You're not tougher than me, Eddy. We both know that," I put my hands into my pocket as Edwin starts cracking his knuckles and gets out of his chair after me. "but if it's a fight you want..." Edwin swings first, aiming for my ear and I catch his wrist before it could collide with the top of my head, but then I realize that my claws shoot out from my fingers once I grab his hand and I sigh. "you provoked the saying. Oh well."

His wrist still in my grasp and his other hand as another option for an attack, I pull him towards me and slam his head against the door twice, this slamming him down on his cheap one hundred dollar gray and white checkered carpet, causing him to hit the desk after. Approaching the book cases beside the desk, I start knocking them over, then grabbing the fallen books to throw them at the right side of his head and his chest. He grabs my left leg to try and yank me down, but me being buffer than him, I maul him up by his shirt and smile at him, chuckling as my fangs soon dart out of my mouth and I slam him through his desk with all his papers landing all over him. Standing over him as he rolls out from the rubble and crawls away from under me, I kick him in the gut and then his back with my big black work boot and leave him to lay on his side, moaning in absolute pain.

"Damn. You suck," I taunt him as he squeezes his stomach and then I raise him up again to slam him against the wall to look at his two black eyes and his split lip. "oh yeah. You have a class to teach after this. That sucks too, but I don't care and I don't mind repeating the same shit over and over and over again. This is a job for me, so this is normal, but I'm not going to say this again so this is going to be the last time I say this to you. If you ever touch or go around my sister ever again, I will break your goddamn spine." And I drop him on his ass, leaving him to sulk and tend to his bruises like a little bitch as I just passively grab my jacket from the floor, whistling as I put it on and putting my hands in my pockets.

"It was great getting to see you again after a couple of years. You look better than before. Alright, I'll see you later man." I wave at Edwin as he lays down on the floor, holding on to his stomach as I pull the door open and leave the room, passively and coincidentally, I pass both Red and Heston on the way out of the gym. "Hey guys."

"What the hell are you doing here, Sabanthia?" Heston questions my appearance in their territory.

"Oh I just came to pay your leader a little visit. It's been a couple of years since I've seen that asshole, you know," I shrug, explaining why I'm here and then Red steps up close to me, staring at me, deep into my eyes but he doesn't scare me.

"You don't scare me, Sabanthia. Just because you're two levels ahead of me and your nephew is almost as deadly as I am doesn't mean you're a threat to me. You can be a thorn in my side for as long as you want, but I promise you one day, I will overpower you and I'm going to be a threat to you," Red says to me with a smirk on his face and I chuckle at him.

"Good luck with that and I'm not trying to be a threat to you, so you don't need to be stepping up close to me like you're going to do something because I promise you even with your boyfriend here, I wouldn't mind separating your jaw from your skull and use it as my beer coaster. I don't like you, I don't like your face, I don't like your slut of a sister too, and I never will, but I'll get something straight with you. If you're going to hurt Blair the same way your bitches did two nights ago one more time, I will hunt you down and when I find you, you'll be destroyed. But it was nice seeing you boys again, have a good rest of the day," I conclude my threat with the two boys, passively moving through them and knocking out their shoulders as I leave the gymnasium to make my way to the clinic where Acadia is.

Hm, they seemed pretty nice and I've been pretty bipolar lately. Oh shit. Oh yeah, full moon tonight. Everything keeps fucking with me like goddamn.

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