The Price of an Alphas bite (...

By JRG915

1.4K 104 24

Sequel to Blood is thicker than Water Two months since Stiles was taken from us... Two months he's been in a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Authors Note!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

206 14 6
By JRG915

The following Friday
Beacon Hills Lacrosse Team just defeated Ravenmont school and will be entering the playoffs.
Locker room post game
Scott and Liam joining rest of pack after speaking with coach.

"Nice job Scott!" Liam cheered as he high fived his alpha. 

"Thanks.  Not that big of a deal though."  He turned to his locker, grabbing a towel and shower bag.

"How can you say that?  This is like the first time since sophomore year that we've made it to playoffs without a monster attacking a game?!"  Jackson called as Scott walked into the shower hall. 

"Jackson, you were one of those monsters." Isaac teased. 

Jackson turned bright red and turned away.  "Shut up."  He pouted.

"Ah yes.  You were the wolf who became a Kanima, correct?" Void tilted his head.  Jackson just cleared his throat, putting on his shirt. 

"Uh... yup."  Jackson chuckled.  "But in my defense I didn't have any control over myself." He held up a finger. 

"Hey not to be too friendly to the thousand year old demon in the room but good playing tonight Void." Liam patted Void on the back and headed to the shower hall.

"Nogitsune."  Void corrected, questionably looking at Liam.  Then couldn't help but shed a small smile.  "But....thank you Liam." 

Liam nodded and walked away. 

"So," Jackson began, "you guys all going to the bonfire at the Den tonight?"

"Stop calling it that!" Isaac threw a towel over the lockers, smacking Jacksons arm. 

Jackson shrugged.  "Why can't we call Lydias lake house the Den.  It's where a coyote, banshee, half kanima and two werewolves live."  And werewolves spend most of their time there."

"I like it!" Liam called from the showers.  The sound of the water from the two shower heads echoing. 

"Me too!" Scott added. 

"Don't encourage him!" Isaac yelled.

"Sorry babe!" Scott replied.

"Oh lighten up!" Jackson laughed. Tossing a towel at Isaac.

"Wait, what the hell is a half Kanima?" Void asked.  Not making eye contact with anyone.  He continued to stare into Stiles' locker while he changed. 

"Cuyber voluntarily became a Kanima for the enhanced healing and speed to help hunt Luke. He doesn't have the venom or strength of one though.  And it made it a little harder to control under the full moon."

"Oh is that all?" Void chuckled. "Why not have the Tukk, Amory, return him to his wolf state?"

"It's not a spell they can just 'undo'. It took a super moon to cast it and it will take a super moon to remove it. There's one in two months though so that'll work out."

"And they lived happily ever after." Void turned toward the exit.

"Are you comin...." Jackson went to ask void about the bonfire but before he could finish asking the question the Nogitsune turned to shadows and vanished at the door.  "Never mind then."  Jackson looked around and could sense the looks his pack was giving him for almost inviting Void.  He thought for a second and shook his head.  "Sorry guys.  It's just hard sometimes to remember that he's not a friend.  Or a part of the pack.  It's just...."

"He sounds, looks and smells just like Stiles?" Liam finished.

"Yeah."  Jackson sighed.  "So you guys going?"

"Nope." Scott walked out of the shower, just a towel around his tan and toned waste, his defined v-line running down.  He walked right up to a fully dressed Isaac and connected their lips before parting.  "I have plans tonight with my boyfriend."

"Really?" Isaac cocked an eyebrow.  "Where?"

"It's a surprise."  Scott grabbed his clothes and began to get dressed.

"I'm going to the Den." Liam smiled.  "If Stiles finds out I've just been pouting the whole time he's asleep, he'll kill me."


The Den
9:30 pm
Malia, Amory, Lydia, and Cuyber sit around the bonfire, waiting for Liam and Jackson. 

"So any progress on the Stiles front?" Malia asked Amory.  The both of them sitting on a throw rug by the fire.  Malia was working on toasting a marshmallow for a good fifteen minutes to make it perfect.

"Kind of.  Zach might have found a spell that will let him condense two spells into one."  Amory smiled. 

"I don't speak witch."  Malia said sarcastically. 

"Oh." Amory winked, just before Malias marshmallow burst into flame.  "Aw man, you were working on that for like 15 minutes!"  She faked sympathy.  "What a shame."

"Hey!" Malia shouted.  "You did that on purpose!"  The two of them laughed. 

Lydia did a obviously fake mini clearing of her throat. "So.... wanna inform the class on how the spell will work?"

"Oh yeah." Amory chuckled.  "So the spell will hopefully condense the curse but on the both of them to just Lucas.  Therefore freeing Stiles from the coma."

"But they'll still be linked?" Cuyber asked.  "So if anyone that hates Lucas finds out that Stiles is his Achilles heel...."

"Stiles will be a target." Lydia finished his thought. 

Near the town line
Scott and Isaac

"So where are we going for these 'plans'?" Isaac smiled. He leaned over and reached his hand across the center console of Stiles' jeep, Roscoe, to hold Scotts hand.

"It's a surprise." Scott winked.

"Okayyy. Do I at least get a hint?" Isaac batted his eyelashes, with a mach innocence. Scott rolled his eyes at the adorable beta and turned back to the road.

"You'll see." he chuckled. Just as the car passed the 'Welcome to Beacon Hill County' sign Scott turned the wheel, steering the car onto the side of the road where a second car was also pulled over.

"What the...?." Isaac leaned forward in his seat. His eyes glowing an icy blue. He emitted a low growl as he stared at the figure leaning against the trunk of the other parked car. "Scott, what the hell is going on?" he turned to his alpha.

The tall blond boy with the deep ocean blue eyes stood by himself beside the black Tiburon sports car that used to belong to Luke. He wore a thin black fabric coat over a dark blue v-neck.

"Ready, boys?" Donnie winked, knowing the two wolves could hear him.

"Scott." Isaac spoke, his jaw clenched.

"Yeah?" Scott sighed, knowing he had a lot of explaining to do.

"If this is your idea of a threesome, it's not funny."

"That's not funny." Scott laughed. "Donnie contacted me a few nights ago. Apparently a werewolf went around Ravenmont and bit about a dozen teenagers. A couple of them are still going through their process of turning into werewolves.

"Ravenmont, like twenty-five minutes from your house, Ravenmont?"

"Yep. There are two in the hospital having negative reactions to the bite. Two more are in the woods nearby and they need to be found and helped."

"Wait? That only leaves four out of twelve accounted for?"

"Nope because the others are dead." Donnie was next to Scotts window now. His ability to mask his scent along with his enhanced venom wolf speed allowed him to sneak up quickly without being seen.  Isaac remember Donnie, Luke's right hand that had helped in his endeavors but turned on him when he realized he would be turning against the whole Raeve family. "The alpha that turned them has been hunting the wolves and absorbing their power."

"So we're getting involved because of our never doubted morals or because it's close to Beacon Hills?" Isaacs sigh was soaked in sarcasm.

"Those contribute but they're not the real reason." Scott sighed. He ran his hand down his face.

"Then why?" Isaac asked, now actually intrigued.

"The alpha who's killing these kids... Rumor has it that his name is Deucalion."

"Not to ruin your dramatic reveal but an actual date would be extremely welcome before you become single."

The Den
Girls by the fire

"Ow!" Amory grabbed her side.  Collapsing onto it.  "Ow!!" She continued to scream. 

"What's wrong?" Lydia jumped up.  She crouched beside Malia, both of them looking at the now ready eyed girl. 

"I don't know!  It just hurts! It hurts so much!" She began to cry. 

"Cuyber!"  Lydia screamed toward the house where the guys were supposed to be making drinks.  "Cuyber what's wrong!?" She cried.

Not ten seconds later, Liam, Jackson, and Cuyber were sprinting out of the house to Amory.  The skin around her eyes began to grow dark, like they were being bruised. 

"I don't know." He leaned down.  "It's like something's sapping her life force away?" Cuyber rolled Amory onto her back.  "Amory?  Where's Zach?  Can you hear me?  Where's Zach?" 

Amory gasped for air and convulsed from pain.  The veins in her neck looking like they could implode at any moment.   

"Amory!" Lydia held her hand.  "Where is Zach so he can heal you?!" 

Amory couldn't speak but looked to Cuyber and quickly grabbed his hand.  The moment she held both Lydia and Cuybers hands, the three of them vanished into smoke. 

"What the??" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Cuyber!" Jackson hit the ground where his boyfriend just knelt.  "Where'd they go?!" He screamed.


Zach and Amorys back yard

"AND BY USE OF THIS MAGIC RITE, fuse their poison to the one with whom I share blood!"  Zach chanted.  His eyes nearly all red with blood magic.  Scarlet red veins crawling up his neck and arms.  An emerald fire, ten feet tall raged before him.   "FREE THE INNOCENT FROM HIS SLEEP!" 

"Zach?" Cuyber spoke.  Him and the girls just teleporting behind him. Lydia stayed by Amorys side, trying to calm the pain. "Dude! What are you doing?!"  Zach turned to Cuyber, a bloody tear falling down his cheek.  He turned back to the fire to resumed his spell. 

"This spell will nearly kill Amory. I needed to borrow her power.  Now I'm doing what I need to...". Zach exhaled.  "AND TAKE ONE OF THREE REMAINING LUNARNI SOULS TO FREE THEM OF THE LINK THAT TETHERS TWO HEARTS!"

"No!" Cuyber screamed, jumping at Zach but it was too late.  The fire dropped to nothing and an opposing blast threw them all back. 

Zach's body dropped, hitting the ground with a loud 'thud.' Cuyber and Lydia both thrown back far enough to hit the house. Amorys body was thrown aside like theirs, still squirming from pain in midair.

Lydia opened her eyes and winced with pain. She was laying there, absorbing and attempting to process what had just happened when she heard a low moan.

"Wha...." the voice moaned again. Lydia immediately lifted her head and looked toward the firepit.

"Are those?" Lydia leaned up.  Staring at two bodies not earlier seen beyond the flame. 

Stiles and Luke laid side by side.  The excess smoke from the flame blurring their visibility but they were still easy enough to see. 

A large black mist rose from Stiles' throat, arching his back while exiting his body. The mysterious substance rose and soared through the air, entering Luke's body.

Luke's body shuddered for a moment before calming back to his comatose state. Then before anyone could move, a quick flash went off between the two boys.

"Stiles??" Lydia rolled onto her stomach before pushing off the ground.

Stiles' body stirred for a moment before finally he sat up and looked at his friend. A warm smile spread across his face.


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