A Bet With The Devils

By Pam-The-Lamb

2M 92.5K 48K

Highest-ranking in Humor; #1 "They all eventually end up falling" Alex adds and I smirk. "Not me" "Are you... More

Fuck Those Who Put Us Down - TW: Fatphobia
Chapter 1: Masks, Sex, and Pranks
Chapter 2: Making A Deal With Satan's Three Children
Chapter 3: If You Attack A Women's Pride All Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 4: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 5: Dillweed Goes Boom Boom
Chapter 6: Late Night Adventures And The Destruction of Property
Chapter 7: Oh, My Bad, I Guess She's A Nice Bitch
Chapter 8: She Wanted My Big Oversized Log For Her Bonfire
Chapter 9: The Slut, The Grass Ass, And What The Hell Was That?
Chapter 10: An Intelligent Sexy Hot Piece of Meat, For Me? Yes Please!
Chapter 11: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass Part 2
Chapter 12: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Didn't Kiss Him, That's On You
Chapter 13: Ass Kicking, Pink Wearing, Parent Cussing Girlfriend
Chapter 14: In A Moment Of Distress Cover It Up With Your Girly Mess
Chapter 16: Damn You Heart, Why Can't You Just Choose Already?
Chapter 17: I Should Wax Away My Hair Legs To Forget My Problems Like Mick Does
Chapter 18: Boy, You Ain't Got Nothing On Gale
Chapter 19: I'll Make It Officially Official After I Kick Your Ass
Chapter 20: If Revenge Darkens My Heart, Then Call Me Rumpelstiltskin
Chapter 21: Oh My God Elliana, You Can't Just Ask People Why They Snort Cocaine
Chapter 22: Meow, Meow, Meow, More Like Shut Up You Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 23: You're Just As Dark And Twisty As Meredith Grey
Chapter 24: Bad Boy? More like Momma's Boy!
Chapter 25: If I Die Please Give All My Worthless Belongings To Marge Simpson
Chapter 26: It's True, Red Heads Have No Soul!
Chapter 27: I Have A Suprise For You. . . It's Poop!
Chapter 28: If There Was Someone Selling Drugs In​ This Place, Weed Know
Chapter 29:Dear, Life When I asked If My Day Could Get Worse, I Was Being. . .
Chapter 30: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Wanna Punch You In The Face. Oops
Chapter 31: Take Notes Boys Gale Is Back In Lady Town
Chapter 32: I Dont Want To Say I Told You So, Just Kidding, I Told You So!
Chapter 33: One Punch In the Face Definitely Keeps The Red Head Away
Chapter 34: I Was Beat Up By A Gang Of Evil Dwarfs While Hanging On For Food
Chapter 35: He Likes Perveted Men Who Visit DirtyGirls.Com
Chapter 36: Elliana Sat On A Wall, Elliana Had A Great Fall, All . . .
Chapter 37: Oh, You're Sorry? I'm Sorry Too, For Not Giving A Shit!
Chapter 38: And I Thought Dora Was The Only One Who Created Awkward Silences
Chapter 39: Snow White Has The Look Of A Princess, But The Attitude Of A Bad Ass
Chapter 40: Don't Hate The Player Bitches, Hate The Game
Epilogue: Goodbye Egotistical Grass asses From This Alien Looking Creature
Bonus: I'm Not Like A Regular President. I'm A Cool Bad Boy President

Chapter 15: My Bad, I Didn't Mean To Kiss You There

50.8K 2.3K 1.2K
By Pam-The-Lamb

Feel free to point out any spelling, grammar, or spacing errors. I would really appreciate it and will fix them right away :)


Ch15: My Bad, I Didn't Mean To Kiss You There

"Kitten," he says as soon as he opens the door.

"Her name was Lilo," I find myself saying as I stare into his deep green eyes.

He quickly catches on and steps aside making room for me to walk in. He's currently wearing a white v-neck shirt with some grey sweats and no shoes.

His room is exactly the same as it was the last time I saw it except he has papers all over the floor with his computer on, a website about the War Of 1812 in display.

He's working on the project.

"I found one more source," he says as he picks up some of the papers on the floor. "I was just working on that and some English homework."

"When do you sleep?" I ask as he neatly puts his paper inside a folder.

"Whenever I finish doing my work," he answers. "Usually it's around two or three in the morning, sometimes earlier."

"Why do you get home so late?" I try asking casually, but I know that for some reason this is a touchy subject.

I mean, Josh nor Alex will talk about it.

"Why do you want to know?" He avoids the question and I give him a confused look.

I was right, it is a touchy subject.

"Why do you avoid the question?" I ask and he glares at me.

"Why did you come into my room?" He smirks, a victorious look on his face.

He's right, why did I come in here?

"I don't know," I exhale taking a seat besides his bed on the ground.

"You said her name was Lilo," he sits next me. "I thought that was your mom."

"No," I shake my head. "I lied so you guys wouldn't find out."

"So it was her birthday that day?" He asks and I nod.

"She use to love getting balloons," I speak "on her birthday. The brighter and more extravagant the balloon was the better."

"Is that why you came," he questions "to California?"

"My parents sent me," I answer trying my best to fight back tears.

The last time I talked to them was on Lilo's birthday.

It's like they abandoned me here after she died.

Maybe I wasn't as good as child as she was and they felt like they didn't need me anymore. After all the only good thing in their life was gone.

I was just there. Taking up space, right?

"Why?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I thought it was to help me," I reply honesty "but now I don't know."

"Why do you say that?"

"I haven't talked to them in days," I answer a tear escaping my eyes. "They avoid my calls, don't answer my text messages and when they do answer all they tell me is that they're too busy to talk. . . .I feel like they sent me to get rid of me."

"That's not true," he argues. "I'm sure your parents care."

"They don't," I exhale. "If they did they wouldn't be acting like this. They wouldn't have sent me so far away and ignore me."

"What does she look like?" He asks probably trying to change the subject. I quickly unlock my phone and open an image of her.

"Her hair is just like mine," I smile showing him the picture. "Dark brown and she also has big brown eyes. She's taller and a lot thinner than I am. I don't think we look that alike "

"Are you kidding me?" Vinny looks at me. "You guys are almost practically twins. The similarities are actually kind of crazy."

Dang, do we look that alike?

I never thought so.

What if my parents did?

What if that's why they sent me away?

Because I remind them of what they lost.

That's why they don't want me.

"Kitten," Vincent looks at me noticing my panful expression. "Are you okay?"

"I remind them of her," I cry not being able to fight the tears and pain I'm currently feeling.


I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my door.

"What?" I yell shoving my head under my pillow.

I was determined to stay home today.

"Get up," I hear Pipper's voice. "You have fifteen minutes to get ready."

"I'm staying home today," I answer.

"Are you dying?" He asks and I groan.

"No," I reply while getting up from bed.

"Then get up," he exclaims and I throw my pillow at the door.

"I am up pooper," I exclaim back and I can hear him chuckle.

Why is he such a pain?

Wait, why is he so early?

He never gets here until it's right about time to leave.

He's here twenty minutes early.

"Why are you here so early?" I ask while grabbing a black romper out of my closet.

"What do you mean?" He asks. "I'm always here around this time."

"No you're not," I change my clothes and shove on some black flats. "Who called you?"

"The devil boy," he replies and I quickly brush my hair into a messy ponytail.

"Which devil boy?" I ask before going into the restroom and washing my mouth and face.

"Are you almost ready?" He knocks again and I roll my eyes before opening the door.

"I'm ready," I say. "So which devil boy called you?"

"I was threatened into secrecy," he walks off towards the stairs and I give him a confused look.

"You're not going to tell me," I gasp and he shakes his head.

"I like living," he jokes. "If I tell you I'll die."

"I won't say you told me," I whine. "I'll be discreet."

"No you won't," he shakes his head. "You suck at being discreet."

"I've managed to hide Lilo," I argue back and he chuckles.

"Good point," he nods "but I'm still not telling you."

"Fine," I stick my tongue out at him. "Don't tell me."


"So how did it make you feel?" Victor asks and I shrug.

"It made me feel," I stop and think.

How did it make me feel?

Last night after I started crying Vincent simply sat next to me and let me lean into his chest. Of course, once I'd composed myself I told him not to say anything to anyone and walked out.

I know, I'm a big fat jerk face.

But I can't help and hate feeling like people feel sorry for me.

"Bad," I finish my sentence. "I felt terrible after talking to him and you wanna know why?"

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I realized why I'm here," I say tears forming at the edge of my eyes and I blink harshly to push them back.

"Tell me then, why are you here?"

"I look like her," I explain. "Me and Lilo look alike."

"Okay," he nods and I groan.

"Don't you get it," I exhale. "My parents can't look or talk to me because I remind them of her. I remind them of my dead sister and so they shoved me in a plane and sent me away."

"That's not true," he shakes his head. "What you need is to remember that you said goodbye to your sister and let go."

I suddenly remember the fact that my parents unplugged Lilo without me.

"That's the thing," I exclaim. "I didn't get to say goodbye. My parents unplugged her without even telling me as if what I felt didn't matter."

"You need to let these feelings you have inside you go," Victor speaks kindly and it's as if his tone of voice pushes some sort of button inside of me because I become enraged.

"Let them go," I scoff as I stand up. "You have no idea what I feel. I feel mad because my sister died before she should've. I feel furious because my parents tossed me away afterwards. I feel pissed off that you're sitting here trying to tell me how to deal with my life. . . I don't talk or think about Lilo because when I do all  feel is mad and she deserves so much more than that. So stop trying to tell me how I should feel."


I'm currently walking out of school as I avoid being spotted by either the devil boys or Pipper. I've been avoiding them all day.

After the talk I had with Victor I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

"Hey sweetie," I hear a voice and I turn towards it only to see a tall guy whom I immediately recognize.


"I'm not in the mood," I roll my eyes and continue walking.

"Neither am I," he growls "but I need  you to answer a few questions."

"No," I spit out as I continue walking towards the school's exit. I can feel a few people starring and I'm not sure if they're looking at me or Bratt.

"I have a job to do," he takes a hold of my arm "and your little friend Vincent isn't here to protect you right now. So either you answer some questions or-"

"Or what?" I growl taking him by surprise. "Look if I were you I'd let go of my hand and walk away. Trust me when I say I don't need anyone to defend me."

"You're adorable cupcake," he smirks as he tightens his grip on my arm and I can definitely see people starring at us. In fact a group of students have stopped around us and began whispering.

So much for avoiding people.

"Last chance," I say "let go of my arm and walk away."

I don't like fighting people, but I'll do it if I'm forced to.

"No," he shakes his head and I roll my eyes before I use my free hand to hit him directly in the center of his neck causing him to move backwards as he gags. I quickly use the opportunity to take a hold of one of his arms and twist it painfully behind his back.

"The neck thing always works," I say as he groans in pain. "So I'm going to let go now and you're going to walk away, okay?"

"Cupcake," he begins saying and I twist his arm further.

"Okay," he nods and I release him.

"Tell your little skinny friend I paid a visit," Bratt glares at me before storming off. 

What is Pipper involved in?


I unlock the front door and walk inside the house. As soon as I walk in I hear everyone gasp and I look up to see the three devil boys, Pipper, and Taylor.

"Where were you?" Pipper asks.

"Around," I say quickly making my way towards the stairs.

"Where around?" Taylor asks.

"Look," I say " I know you're worried, but I'm fine. I had a tough day and I took a walk around town that's all."

"Vanessa saw you and Bratt," Josh says a worried look on his face.

Great. Van-fucken-essa is just great.

"So," I shrug "we just talked."

"You twisting his arm," Vincent says his arms crossed over his chest "is not just talking."

"He wanted me to answer some questions," I explain trying my best make the situation sound better than it was. "I said no and he grabbed my arm so I twisted it behind his back. He said he'd leave me alone and left."

"That's all?" Vincent asks and I nod.

"That's all," I say.


"What did you want to talk about?" Pipper asks and I hold the cellphone closer to my ear.

"I'm worried about you Pipper," I say. "You go missing for a few days and come back all beat up. You say it's some old businesses partner, but that it's okay and then Bratt shows up trying to get me to talk. . .so tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing," he speaks "I don't know why Bratt would want to talk to you."

Why do I feel like he's lying?

"You promise," I tell him "that you're telling me the truth."

"I promise," he answers.

"Okay," I nod a feeling of unease in my stomach before I hang up.

"You okay?" A voice asks and I turn to see Josh standing on my doorstep shirtless.

"I don't know," I sit at the edge of my bed. "I'm worried about Pipper."

"He's a big boy," Josh sits next to me. "He knows what he's doing."

"I hope so," I lean on his shoulder. "He got out of everything and I don't want him to find himself involved again."

"I don't want you to get involved," he lifts my chin up with his hand.

"I wont," I smile looking directly into his big brown eyes and I see him look down at my small pink lips.

"Princess," he breathes "go out with me."

"What?" I ask my heart racing.

I'm going to have a heart attack right here, right now.

"Go out with me" he moves closer.

"Okay," I nod not being able to look or move away from him.

"Okay," he answers and I can feel his breath on my lips which sends shivers down my whole body.

"I'm going to kiss you," he speaks moving closer so that our noses almost touch.

"Okay," I nod and as soon as I answer I feel his lips on mine. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer to eliminate all possible space between us.

Oh Elliana, what are you doing?

As if life isn't complicated enough.

A/N: Hi everyone!!!!!! I'm back to post a very exciting chapter for all you- Josh + Elliana = Jolliana fans.

So yesterday was my birthday and what better gift than to find out that this story is #47 in Humor.

Thank you all for supporting me and leaving all those nice comments. I love you all soon much.

I'll update soon...

QOTC: is Jolliana actually a thing? Lol

Comment & Vote

Love, Pam.

November 7, 2016

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