I thought we were friends til...

By iregretmypast

9.7K 187 41

Jacob and Olivia (Liv) Uley have been best friends since fourth grade. They were in a fight about the Pack be... More

I thought we were friends til the End
"Liv, I miss you." "Yeah, I miss you too."
Truth or Dare, etc.
Stupid Leech
II have to go
A note
Screw Life... And its mom
I'm coming home
To hell and back
Pain without Love

Second chances are for losers, but fifth are not.

741 16 2
By iregretmypast

I stood frozen as everyone just crowded around me. They realized something was up, and then they noticed me staring at Jacob. Alicia said, "It's okay, Livvey. You don't have to talk to him."

I said, "Oh, I want to talk to him! I guess there was no point of coming out of the woods after all."

Jacob said, "Liv, there was a point. I missed you."

I glared at him and said lividly, "You missed me? That's all I get? I expected to see a depressed Jacob, and I was going to forgive, because then you'd see how much pain you put me through. Now, you're with the leeche's slut. I should've known."

His eyes opened wide as Bella flinched. He hissed, "She left them this time."

I shrugged and said, "Cool story brahh."

He glared at me and I said, "I think I might just spend the night here and then off to the woods it is for me again. I was only gone for three months, how much of that have you been with Bella?"

He looked away. I said, "I asked you a damn question. Answer it."

He said, "Fine, I will. I got together with her two days after you left."

I said, "Don't I feel special? You were sad for two days, and then you moved on. Jesus Christ, Jacob! How could you do this to me? Do you really want to feel my pain? Or for me to leave again?"

He said, "Now you know how I feel."

I snarled, "The only reason I left was because of you. Everything else was fine. Then you said I love you, Bella to me! The pain was so emense, I felt like you'd took a knife and stabbed me through my heart."

He made a gapeing face, trying to make words appear, but he looked like a fish gasping for water. I grabbed Embry and Alicia, and ran upstairs to my old room. I opened the door and slammed it shut after those two came in. Jacob was running up the stairs and slammed into my door. I sank againist it and locked it. He said, "Liv, I'm sorry. I love you so much, please. I wish that she never kissed me, and she kept telling me to move on. And soon I believed her. I just missed you, and I wasn't self, without you..."

I walked away and onto my bed, and curled up into Embry's arms. He held me close as I stained his shirt with my tears. He stroked my hair as Alicia rubbed my back. He said, "He doesn't realize what he has, Liv. You're the best prize out there. You're funny, beautiful, athletic, have a nice tan, nice fashion sense, lovable, adorable, you know cars, and you're a man's dream. He's too stupid tp see what's right in front of him. Liv," He gulped, "I've always loved you. So much. But you were imprinted with Jake."

I saw Alicia sneak out the room, and kick something on the floor in front of my door. I said, "Em, I've always had a thing for you, but the imprint..."

He grinned and said, "We're going to make Jacob jealous. And we'll make it work, trust me."

I smiled as he rocked me in his strong arms. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I laughed as he said, "well, let's go tell everyone that you're staying."

I nodded and he scooped me up. He set me on my feet and grabbed my hand. It was warm and calloused and it felt nice. He led me out of my room, and Jacob was sitting againist the wall. He said, "Liv, wait! Please!"

He grabbed my ankle and I toppled forward into Embry's arms. He caught me and said, "Gotcha." Then he kissed my cheek and I saw Jacob start shaking. I said, "DOn't get your tightie whities in a twist."

Embry laughed and brought me downstairs. Everyone looked waruily. I said, "I'm fine, and I'm staying."

Sam walked over to me and squeezed me and said, "I missed you, Lil Sis. Sorry about Crap Face up there."

Bella said, "You're talking about my boyfriend."

I sneered, "Shurt up, Bella. Your boyfriend just proclaimed his love to me, so you can suck it."

Her face got hurt as she called, "Jacob! I want to leave!"

I muttered, "Yeah, we all want you to, too."

She said, "I heard that."

I shrugged and said, "So? I honestly don't care so go hop off a cliff. AGAIN."

Her face flushed scarlet. I grinned as she stormed out of the house. Embry crossed over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him. He grinned and Jacob came stomping down the stairs. He saw us together, smiling and growled, "Keep your damn hands off my imprint."

I snickered, "So you care now?"

He said, "Liv, I've always cared about you."

Embry said, "She's my girlfriend, I can touch her however I want. I wasn't stupid like you. I caught when I could. Unlike you. I actually realized she was perfect."

JAcob growled, "I've known she was perfect. SHe's funy, in her own way, usually sarcastic or corny. She's cocky and she pushes me 'til I can't be pushed anymore, a nd I love that. I love how when she doesn't sleep, she gets bags and still looks hot. I love how she'll piss me off and then turn me on.  I love how she drives me insane sometimes, and others she keeps me sane.

"I love how she knows cars more then I do and she fixes mine. I love how she can be a brat and selfish. I love how she looks in her jean shorts, and how she know how to push my buttons. SHe'll tease me and she tells me when I 'm wrong and makles me fix it. I love how she is brave and took on a bloodsucker by herself.

" I love how she pouts, she juts out her bottom lip, and it looks sexy. I love how adorable she is and how she helps me pick out an outift. I love how she's almost always there for me."

I stood there stunned and then I recovered and shot back, "Dude, that's my life story right there."

JAcob laughed as Embry said, "It's obvious you were made for eachother. You guys have my blessing."

I smiled and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, Em."

He shrugged and said, "I think that I'll be fine. We'll always be bestfriends."

I nodded and he ran outside.  Everyone left and headed to the living room. Jacob stared at me, and he said, "So how about a second chance?"

I scoffed, "Second chances are for losers. And haven't you had like four and counting?"

He said, "Then how about a fifth chance?"

I brought a finger to my chin and said, "Hmm.. you gotta catch me first."

I bolted up the stairs as he shouted, "You're trapped."

I ran into my room and climbed out the window and up the tree. I climbed onto the house and I heard him cuss and say, "Where'd she go? WTF?"

I laughed and I heard him run across my room and he pokedhis head out the window. He grinned as he climbed up and said, "I caught you, my sexy imprint."

I laughed and said, "Okay, Mister Five Chances. But if you so much as step a toe out of line, there won't be a sixth chance. Kapeesh?"

He grinned and said, "Yup. Now, I have to end things with Bella? She said she was going to go over to the Cullens."

My phone buzzed and it was from Edward.

Edward: Tell Jacob to get his ass over here.

Olivia: Sure thing. Mind if I come?

A minute later came his reply.

Edward: Sure, I have not seen you in a while. I have missed you.

I said, "Jacob, we gotta go to the Cullen's now."

He said, "Why?"

I shrugged and said, "Well, you can break up with Bella, there."

He nodded and said, "So I can be with you." He smiled as I grinned.

We went back into my room and he helped me off the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine aroung his neck. We stared into eachother's eyes for what seemed like ages and then I said, "We have to go."

He nodded and I left my room with him trailing behind me. I headed towards the living room and beckoned Sam towards me. I said, "Jake and I have to go speak with the Cullen's. I know I have patrol but I can do it with him when I get back."

Sam nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back and walked out onto the porch. JAcob followed me and I said, "We drive, or we run?"

He said, "We run."

I nodded and walked off the porch and into the forest. I said, "Jacob, I'm sorry about leaving. I just had too."

He nodded and ran behind a tree. He phased as I stripped down and he came out from behind the tree just as I was pulling my bra off. His wolf eyes popped out of his head, and I hissed, "Go back behind the tree." He slowly turned around as I phased. He was thinking about me naked.

I blushed and thougt, "If you ever think about me like that in front of me, I just might kill you."

He thought, "Sorry, Miss Uley."

I barked out a low laugh and took off for the trees. He was right behind me and I thought, "Race you to the big white house."

He thought, "You're so on."

I took off and then I heard him behind me. I surged forward and the trees blurred into a green flob.  Then the stink hit me, and I hearly toppled over. He surged in front of me, and I thought, "OUch, help me, Jake."

He automatically turned around and laid next to me. He thought, "What's wrong?"

I shot up  and sprinted towards the house, thinking, "My imprint's a total sucker."

He barked a low laugh as I did a victory dance. He ran back into the woods to phase and I phased behind a tree. I pulled on my clothes quickly and walked back to the driveway, where Jake was waiting. He took my hand and I shook it off and said, "Not now. You're still with Bella, remember?"

He cussed asI walked up thebig steps towards the house and knocked on the door twice. The stench of them made me want to phase, and puke at the same time. Edward ansered, "HElo, Olivia. Hi, mongrel, I would like a few words with you outside."

I gulped and said, "Hey, uh, we are outside, so just say it."

Edward spoke in clipped, livid tones, "Bella's depressed. Because of you, mongrel. YOu proclaiming your love to Olivia."

Jacob looked shocked. His eyes were wide open, and so was his mouth.

I said, "That's all?"

He nodded and said, "Yes. "

Jacob said, "Well, she's my imprint."

I said, "Just let's talk to Bella."

He nodded and we journied into the house.

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