Too Fat Too Bad (Book 2) COMP...

By DraeaNashai

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Keyah & Nova are back after 6 years and life is much different for them. Nova's killing the strip club scene... More

And they're back
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Ch. 4

607 24 4
By DraeaNashai

*2 weeks later*


"So what you think about it, baybeh?"

"I'm interested to know what you think as well..Keyah you and Nova both agree that things started going downhill between you guys when y'all moved into the newer bigger house.

Now I'm not saying that moving back into the place you guys fell in love the second time is gonna fix everything at once.

But in my experience revisiting past things and places that once made you happy helps most of my couples rediscover that lost love."

"No Doctor Santana I'm agreeing with this exercise I'm just really reminiscing in my head about all of the fun times we had in that house..but at the same time we have some bad memories there too."

"You mind telling me about those bad memories?"

"The first incident was work related on my part.. He had been back in my life for a few months and umm..Chris hooked me up with this new artist.

Nova told me from jump that he didn't have a good feeling about her because he knew her from before he met me. Well I ignored his feelings and it ended up being a situation where she was unstable and went crazy on us.

Well after getting a little more information about her past, I developed a soft spot for her and tried to be there for her..she ended up being hospitalized and we went to visit her one day, got there and found out that she had checked herself out..

Then we got home she was there, she had broke sum it up she shot me..

... I guess I feel like I ignored his feelings completely and I ended up putting me him and our daughter in danger."

"You have a caring nature and I can understand developing a soft spot for a person in need.. Nova do you mind telling us how that situation made you feel?"

"Umm at the time I felt like she had the mindset that I had just came back into her life, she was working making her own money.. it was her house ... Ion know man.. Do we really gotta rehash that situation ?"

"In order to get to a better place we gotta go through all the bad. I told you guys that we were gonna have to revisit some ugly places in these sessions.. Tell me what it is that you fear visiting this particular incident?"

"Its not so much a fear.. I just don't wanna go home after this and we be further apart than we are now..I don't want her to feel like I blame her for nothing by telling her how I really felt in these situations cause nothing is her fault nothing she did led me to cheat."

"This process is gonna get uncomfortable at times, I'll admit but I can make you this promise.

In these uncomfortable session I'll give you guys cool down exercises to do with each other so that you don't take anything from our sessions home with you.. Is that a deal ?"

"Yeah I guess I can do that.. I just felt at that time that she was still moving like I wasn't in the picture... I'm not saying it like she was overlooking me but a lot of decisions was made off her, only..

I just think about that day she got shot.. We kinda argued about it a little because I felt like she was too invested in that girl, that the care and concern she was showing her was gone come back and bite her.. I didn't know it was gone be her getting shot but I felt it was gone be something..

Then I think about..what if she woulda had our daughter inside with her at the time.. I thank God that she wasn't hurt too bad but..."

"Go ahead and finish it Nova.. It has to be said out loud."

"If she would have listened to me and respected how I felt then she wouldn't have gotten hurt at all."

"How do you that you've admitted how you really felt?"

"To be real I feel like shit... I don't want my wife to hurt no more man.. She's had a whole lot of hurt done to her for a person who's never hurt nobody.. Me saying that out loud don't make me feel no better... She was in that mind set because of me fucking up the first time...

I was gone for 9 months that time, she was living and making decisions as a single woman it was my own fault for fucking up the first time that had her acting like she was when this incident happened."

"I didn't get you to say that out loud to make you feel better, Keyah needed to hear that and now that she has she can now speak freely and honest about what she just heard."

"Nova baby I didn't realize I was acting like that but now that I've heard it I can see what you mean.. The day of the incident , when we went to the hospital I made up my mind before we even got home that I was done dealing with Sia .. I knew in that moment at the hospital when they told me she checked herself out that you were right.

Hell everybody was right, I was too nice and me being too nice caused that, and it came back and bit me in the ass like everybody said it would.. I didn't wanna admit to you that you was right but I accepted that you were right..

I put us all in danger by dealing with a person I knew was unstable and I did think about the what ifs.. Those 9 months on my own gave me a lot of time to find myself and even tho we got back together I didn't fully grasp the fact that I wasn't on my own anymore.

You came back and was doing everything to make life easier for me when it came down to my career and Sophie so easy that I forgot outside of that, that you were my equal..

I was treating you like an assistant instead of my husband and for that I'm sorry."

"Nova how do you feel about that?"

"It means.. I like that you apologized but baybeh it's cool cause I know you didn't look at it like that.."

"Thank you."

"As time goes on the weight on each of your shoulders will become lighter and the tension will be none existent..

You guys are the only couple that I've had in my office that's not at each other's throats.. I can tell there's still a lot of love between you two.. He's adamant about protecting your feelings..he's wiped every tear that you've cried in the office and y'all are sitting next to one another holding hands..

Those are all sure signs that you guys will come out of this together.. We have 15 more minutes left so I wanna give you guys your cool down exercise, is that okay?"

"Its fine with me."

"Yeah me too."

"Okay I want both of you to stand up and face each other and hold each other's hands."

"Okay I want you both to look deep into each other's eyes."

"Nova tell Keyah how you're feeling in this moment.."

"Okay.. Umm right now this reminds me of our second wedding.. That day I stood in this exact position looking you in your eyes seeing all the the love u had for me still, that even through my worse you still loved me and still wanted to be my wife..

I saw all the fun we had I saw all the fun we was gonna have.."

"Keyah I see a smile on your face tell me what you're feeling right now."

"It reminds me of the same day..I stood there and got lost in his eyes..I saw the man I loved and the man that wanted to love me so bad that he was trying his best to change for me.. I saw the fun too and I also saw the days he wouldn't get it all right that in his heart no matter what ever happen he wouldn't ever stop loving me.

I accepted that day that no matter what ever was to come about, I would never stop loving him."

"That's good you guys.. What I want both of y'all to hold on to through all of this is that despite the pain you both have, y'all still have the purist form of love for one another there is to have.. In marriage there's ups and there are downs, the downs can either make you or break you..

Keep the good memories close to your heart and remember this.. Y'all have made it through the worse part. Can y'all do that?"

"I will."

"I will too."

This therapy thing is pretty dope I feel that it's working and it is bringing us back together.. I stood here in the middle of the floor holding Keyah's hands I couldn't help but smile.. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her tightly...I let her go then kissed her forehead.

"That's beautiful.. Next session we will pick back up where we left off in the mean time I got some homework for y'all to take home."

Me and Keyah sat back down beside each other waiting to hear what this homework assignment was.

"I actually have two things I want y'all to do.. The first thing is the living situation.. I want you guys to go home and come up with a solution, with you guys either starting over in a new home, trying to fix it in the newer house or if you guys are gonna go back to where it began.. Figure out what's best for your family as a whole and when we meet Friday tell me what you came up with.. Can you do that?"

"We'll have a decision by Friday."

"Good, this is the real assignment and it's a fun one.. Date night, get dressed up and go OUT on a date none of that at home date stuff.. Go out together and enjoy a evening of romance and fun with each other.. When you leave here today I want you guys to leave all the problems here with me, don't think about nothing else about tonight and you two enjoying each other in this night.

Then Friday when we meet back here you can tell me how this date went, how you felt and what you learned from it.. Sounds good?"

"... Yeah it sounds good, that's something we haven't done in a very long time."

"Yeah I think I got the perfect date night too..

"You guys don't need me lol y'all got the tools y'all need to get through this.. that don't mean to stop coming to your sessions now..  we gotta complete this."

Our therapist a real fool..I didn't know how I was gone like this therapy thing but he's made it super comfortable for us.. This is only our fourth session and I see the progress I feel it.

"Nah we gone finish the program for sure doc.. Thank you."

"Well y'all kids get out of here and I'll see you at the end of the week..good luck."

Me and Keyah left out our session.. I walked her to her side and held the door while she got in I closed the door then went to my side getting in and pulling off.

"You okay?"

Keyah asked as I pulled into traffic.. I pulled up to a red light and stopped and looked over at her smiling.

"I am, are you?"

"Yeah I'm good I think this is working."

"I know it is.."

"So what are we gonna do for this homework assignment?"

"Is it okay if I plan it ?"

"Yeah..I think I'd like that."

"Thank you. You got anything else you gotta do today?"

"No my schedule is pretty much clear for the rest of the month."

"You wanna stop at that ice cream shop up the street and talk about the house thing over ice cream?"

"Yeah we can do that."

I reached over and grabbed her hand into mine holding it while I drove to the ice cream shop.. She began rubbing her thumb on my hand..something she did when she was content..

I pulled up to the ice cream shop parking and turning the car off and looked over at her.

"I love you ma."

"I love you too."

She said then we leaned into each other and kissed...a long hard passionate kiss.

We pulled away and just sat there looking at each other.

"Come on let's go get this ice cream."

I said getting out walking to her side opening the door for her.

We walked inside up to the counter to order.

"You know what you want?"

I asked.

"Yeah.. Just let me have two scoops of vanilla with caramel and fudge with nuts and bananas."

"Lol you just want a banana split?"

"Lol yeah that'll work."

"I'll just get a large one and we can share it, cool?"


She smiled.. I gave the girl our order then we found us a seat... We sat there quiet for a minute til I spoke.

"Soooo about this house situation.. What do you think we should do?"

"Honestly I would rather us just go look for and totally new house and get rid of both.. Fresh new start completely."

"I agree.. I'm already working on selling most of my cars."

"Which ones are you gonna keep?"

"Both of the old schools the bmw and rover."

"I figured those would be your picks lol.."

"Yeah so we can start looking for a house together me you and the week."

"Sophie will be happy to do that cause she hates the house we're in now."

"I know..and since Monique ain't made no attempt to contact me in over two weeks I was wondering what you think about me filing for full custody.. I mean she dropped him off and we ain't heard from her since."

"I think it's a good is weird that we haven't heard from her .."

"Nah what's weird is that she all over social media everyday posting pictures but she won't reply to her child's text or answer his phone calls."

"At least he's with your mom and Sophie so he doesn't have to think about it.. What would you tell him if he ask why she doing all of this?"

"Hell I don't even know myself hopefully I'll have a answer when he do ask."

The girl brought over our icecream to the table and we went in..


I hissed grabbing my head.

"Brain freeze?"

"Hell yeah."

"Slow down."

She laughed causing me to laugh..we stayed there talking and laughing for about a hour then got up heading home..

*Later that night*


"Does this look okay?"

Keyah asked coming down the steps..I stood at the bottom watching her walk down smiling from ear to ear..she look really good and to see that she's nervous like it's our first date or something is cute.

"You look perfect ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready. You look nice too."

"Thank you..where your bag at?"

"Oh I forgot it, it's in the closet in our room."

"I'll go get it."

I said..then I ran back up the steps to our room grabbing her overnight bag then went back downstairs.

"I already made sure everything is locked up the driver is here waiting for us out front."

I said once I got back downstairs I held the door open letting her go out first checking her ass out in them jeans she had on.. Lol I locked up and and we got into the car leaving for the night.

"I wish I knew where we were going."

"I'll tell you about where we headed right now but that's it."


She perked up getting ready to hear what I was about to say.

"Remember a while back when we took that helicopter ride and you fell in love?"


"Well we taking another helicopter ride to where we staying tonight."

"That's so thoughtful...and the sun is setting that's gonna be beautiful."

I pecked her lips a few times and a few minutes later we were pulling up at the private airport where the helicopter was waiting there was the red carpet I requested rolled out with the pilot waiting beside holding a tray with the ace of diamond champagne I requested on it.

"Awww baby this is sweet."

She said as we came to a stop in front of the helicopter.

"You deserve it ma....Stay right here Imma come around and get you."

I got out going to the back of the suv we were in and opened it grabbing the bouquet of roses I got her out Then went to her side opening her door.

"You thought of everything this is so sweet and they're so beautiful thanks Nova."

"Its nothing..come on so you can see your beautiful sunset."

I helped her out and down the red carpet up to the helicopter..

"For you..sir, madam.."

The pilot said handing us champagne glasses..we climbed inside get comfortable and putting our earphones on..

Soon we were up in the air in the midst of of a beautiful sunset.

*In Orlando*


"Nova this was so thoughtful and well planned, thank you again."

"You're welcome ma.. I knew you would love it this walk on the beach was nice huh?"

"It really was."

"You're cold?"

"A little bit."

"You ready to go to the suite?"

"Yeah we wanna order a movie and just chill out there the rest of the night?

"Dope idea."

Nova brought us to Orlando for our date night and it's been perfect..

We had a nice helicopter ride here then we had dinner beach side and we walked the beach just talking and holding hands... Its been all positive and fun.

We were on our way into our suite for the night to watch movies.. I love this..this is how we use to enjoy one another and honestly I really missed it.

"You mind if I take a quick shower before we get comfortable?"

I asked once we were inside our suite.

"Nah go head..mama called a few times I'll call her back why you do that."

He said..

I went into the room getting some sleeping clothes out of my over night bag.. I pulled my clothes and jewelry off then put my hair up then went in the bathroom getting in the shower.

The shower heads felt amazing and the water ..omg.

After being in for a little while I opened my eyes when I felt cold air hit me..

"Is it okay if I shower with you..just to make it quick."

Nova said standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist..

"Uhh yeah it's fine."

He dropped his towel then he got in closing the door back as I continued to wash my body.. I couldn't help but to look at him his body was a work of art..from his beautiful skin complexion to all of his tattoos ..

He finally turned around facing me and it was the look that he had in his eyes that sent chills through my whole body.

He walked closer to me causing my heart to speed up.. Nova and I haven't seen each other naked nor have we had sex in over two years...and I could tell in this moment he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

He stepped closer to where he was right in my face looking down at me biting his lip.. Then he bent down kissing me...of course I kissed back.. He began rubbing all over my body turning me on even more .

"You okay?"

He asked with his lips still against mine..


"You sure you wanna do this?"

Instead of answering him with words I dropped to my knees and began giving him head.. He pulled my hair out of its ponytail and began messaging my scalp as I took in in and out of my mouth..

He grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me back up to him and started kissing me again.. He walked me backwards to the sitting area that was in the shower sitting me down..he grabbed my legs spreading them apart and began sucking and licking on my clit.

We went from the shower to the sink to the bed to the wall fuckin each other's brains out the rest of the night.

Vote & Comment pls.

Its just a filler stay wit me

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