The Full Moon Experience

By BBClock

124 13 4

Having known Stiles and Scott since she was a toddler, Emilia Livingston joins the boys on the night they sea... More

Moments to Be Remembered
Hunted Forest
Sniffing Out Clues
Chasing My Own Tail
First Line
Party Crashers
Teenage Angst
Old Wounds Run Deep
Dream Worthy
Dramatic Beginings
Wolfy Senses...
Pride Before Peace
Not So Happily Ever After


3 0 0
By BBClock

Pretty soon, Homecoming was right around the corner. I knew that the girls where going to make me come with to go dress shopping. Allison was going with Scott, and Lydia had Jackson. Stiles was considering finally asking out Sophia after a month of awkward flirting and texting.

"Just ask here Stiles. She likes you. I know for a fact that you like her. So get it over with!" I was getting annoyed with Stiles pussyfooting around the subject.

"But what if she says no?"

"She won't! Just man up and ask her." I walked farther down the hall and was stopped by a senior guy.

"Hey, you are Emilia Livingston right?"

"I am. And you are?" He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I am Lance Hemingway."

"Like the author?" I smiled as I shook his hand.

"Yeah, most people make that joke. I was wondering if you wanted to go to Homecoming with me? My little brother Jake says that you are quite the interesting girl."

"You are Jake's brother?"

"So you do know him. I have seen you around school and lately you have really come into your own. That confidence is sexy." I flushed a bit at the compliment. My thoughts went to Derek. If he wasn't going to take me seriously then why not take the compliments from a guy who likes what he sees in me.

"How about a date first? I would like to know the guy I might go to homecoming with." He smiled and nodded.

"How about tomorrow night? I know it is a Wednesday, but I am not busy."

"That sounds great. How about you pick me up around six and we can go get some dinner. Something casual?" His smile grew.

"That I can do. I will need your number and address so I can know where to pick you up." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and handed him a new contact page. He did the same with his phone and I typed in my name, number, and address. I smiled at him and he grinned back. "So I will see you tomorrow night."

"Later Lance." I continued down the hall to my last class before lunch. As soon as it was over I rushed to the normal table my friends used for lunch. Lydia and Allison were already making plans about dress shopping.

"Finally, Em, do you have a dress for the dance yet?" Allison asked me.

"No, I don't but you know that I am not a fan of dresses." I was still staying well within my comfort zone on that front.

"Please! It will be fun. And you can't go to the dance without one."

"Fine. I might need one since I might have a date." The girls smiled.

"Who?" Both of them asked at the same time. Just then Sophia sat down with her tray next to Stiles.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked.

"Emilia might have a date to the dance." Allison was excited.

"Really? Who?" Sophia smiled.

"Lance Hemingway." The girls all smiled. Both Scott and Stiles looked shocked. They were more than likely thinking about Derek.

"Like Jake's older brother? He is so sexy!" Sophia was practically bouncing with energy.

"He really is." Allison smiled as she spoke. Scott looked offended. "First off Scott, I did not say he was hotter than you, and second I may be in a relationship, but I am not blind." Scott blushed and bowed his head. Due to Allison being his first girlfriend he didn't know the rules yet.

Stiles was shaking his head. "Stiles, I think you had a question for Sophia?" I was trying to shift focus from me.

"You do?" Sophia smiled at Stiles. Stiles got a panicked look on his face. I nudged him under the table and gave him a pointed look.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?" I smiled at him encouragingly. Sophia's eyes lit up and she smiled.

"Really? I would love to." She was practically vibrating with excitement. "So Allison, Lydia, and Em? Could I join you guys for dress shopping?" We all nodded and Sophia smiled.

"Now, are we going tonight or tomorrow?" Allison turned to Lydia as she spoke. Lydia thought about it for a moment and then nodded.

"I am thinking tomorrow. Jackson and I have movie plans tonight." I remembered when I was supposed to be with Lance.

"I can't tomorrow. Lance and I are going to dinner." The girls shared a look.

"We all have last period free, so we can leave early and head to the mall. We could even get you an outfit for your date." Lydia was sporting a look of determination.

"Fine, as long as you don't shove your nose where it doesn't belong." I reached down for my phone when it went off. It was Lance. He was texting me.

Lance: You really do look incredible today

Me: And you are an incredible flirt, thank you

I smiled at his text. I looked up and saw him sitting with his friends at a table across the lunch room. He smiled and waved at me. I could feel the blush creeping up my neck. Nothing like the heat I felt with Derek but it was nice.

Once school was finally over I drove back home and I parked my truck in the driveway. I got out and went to the side of the house for the hose. My truck needed a bath since I was pretty sure someone had thrown mud at it. Might have just been the girl that I told off a week before. She really would have to get better revenge tactics.

I took off my nice shirt and got on my coveralls that I used to work on my truck. Normally stored in the garage, it was pretty easy to find them and put them on. The hose was turned on and I pressed the lever for the spray nozzle and aimed for my truck.

The shine returned to the beautiful red paint quickly. I was distracted with washing my truck so I didn't see Derek walk up behind me. Even my hearing wasn't any help. His hand touched my shoulder and it felt like I was struck by lightning.

Whirling around, I faced him with what I am sure was a shocked look on my face. I still had my hand wrapped around the lever for the spray nozzle. Derek was very quickly soaked. "Oh shit! I am so sorry!" I let go of the nozzle and dropped the hose.

Derek gave me a heated look and shook his hands to get rid of some of the water. "I thought you would have heard me."

"And you thought wrong. You were the one who snuck up on me." I took a few steps back from him and placed my hand on my hip. "Why are you here?"

"I came to tell you that I went to see Peter. He is still comatose and I am not sure if he is faking. I will be keeping an eye on him. I thought you may want to know because as the alpha who bit you he would have some power over you. That is if he actually is the alpha."

"Believe me or not, I don't care. I know what I saw. Laura called him Peter. Now if you are done being rude, you can leave."

"Rude? Me? You are the one who sprayed me with the hose!"

"You snuck up on me! I am not responsible for you scaring the living bejeezus out of me."

"A wolf should be aware of their surroundings at all times!"

"And as a newly bitten wolf you should know that my abilities are still settling in. You are just an asshole."

"And you are just a tease! I can't believe I was paired up by the Great Lupa with such an indignant, know-it-all."

"The Great Lupa? You know what, never mind. I don't understand you! It was like we were born on two different planets. First you run away from me, then you hold me with so much heat that I could combust. And then you act like I am toxic to the touch. I am done! I have a date tomorrow, and I am going to have the time of my life. He is even going to take me to the homecoming dance. So, suck it Derek Hale!" I remained looking at him only long enough to catch the pain on his face.

I walked away and inside. I was not going to let the look on his face ruin what gumption I had gained. I was going to do my best to not let him ruin my new-found sense of freedom.


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