Door Fifteen

By piercingwings

880 44 20

Ordinary people do ordinary things, right? Or maybe that was what I wanted to be classified as; ordinary. I a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

15 1 0
By piercingwings

Chapter 13

Most people would have already passed out, but apparently I'm not normal. I didn't fight as I lay in Jeremy's arms. He wasn't going to be letting me get away this time, I knew that much. My body was entirely limp and even if I tried, I couldn't budge.

"Darling, if you would have just listened, you wouldn't be in such a painful state," he sighs deeply.

I just make a groan in reply. I didn't even have the will to talk, let alone talk to someone who I wanted to be worlds away from. He didn't sound as anger as he did earlier, but I could hint something. Disappointment, most likely.

"You know, I should be mad at you, but I just can't be. Consider yourself lucky," he shakes his head.

It was drizzling slightly, which was probably making my appearance worse than it already was. Every step he took only added to my pain. The reason as to why he was still walking was because he used his super speed to get here.

Why he didn't just call for someone to pick us up, who knows? The thing I wanted most though was to just fall asleep; yeah, like that would happen.

Now that I think about it, where is Phoenix? Probably annoyed that they found me; great, I had to deal with him. I was regretting ever going in that gas station. And where was that suitcase?

"You had the whole palace in a ruckus! Honestly, I didn't know what to do. Phoenix wasn't cooperating either; he's been moody ever since you left."

I gave him a look, "Even worse than before," he shrugs, "I can't figure out why."

He started rambling, so after a whole I just tuned him out. He was acting like a teenage girl; it was a bit amusing. It was hard to concentrate with all this pain though. I guess I never realized how bad it was until he found me.

"...and he; wait, are you even listening?" I heard him snap at me; ugh, his temper was over the top.

I just gave him a slight nod. He sighed and continued to talk. Why was he even talking to me? It didn't make sense; maybe he needed someone to talk to? I don't know and honestly don't care.

"I called a guard to pick us up, not too far ahead. We need to get a medic immediately, because this is pretty serious," he sternly told me.

He got that look in his eye, which made me almost obliviously flinch. I wanted to fall asleep, so I wouldn't have to see his angry expressions. It was all too much, at least at the moment.

"You're just making this worse for you. You do realize that you're going to be on guard watch twenty-four seven, right? You aren't leaving my sights anytime soon," I almost groaned aloud at his comment.

Great, just great. He was going to go even further and over the top; just lovely. I really did just make this worse on me. I mentally rolled my eyes; I couldn't even care anymore.

"Is this her?" I heard an unknown voice ponder from in front of us.

I lifted my head to see who it was. A white limo awaited our arrival, and also a guy. His voice had a playfulness that I couldn't quite comprehend. Like all the other people here, he was also good looking. He looked a little older than me though.

"Yes," the king stressed, "this is her," I closed my eyes shut tightly at his words.

I heard a startled gasp come out of the person's mouth. Guess he saw the condition I was in.

"This needs to be treated right away! Her wounds look infected," I was kind of surprised to hear that he actually sounded concerned for me.

I pictured Jeremy nodding his head, "I know, I know. Anyways, Sylvia; meet your body guard," I snapped my eyes open.

This guy, was going to be my body guard? Sure he was a little fit, okay maybe a lot but still. From the looks of it, he seemed to be the teasing type. This was going to be interesting, goodness. He was older than me; maybe in his mid-twenties.

"You chose me?" I knew from this guy's voice that he was shocked, "Thank you, I honestly can't thank you enough!"

I don't know why he would want to be my body guard so badly, but I guess I'll never know. I did want to at least know his name though, since I would be stuck with him.

"Thorin, you know that you're my best worker," he reassured him.

At least I now knew his name. I did admire it though; it was very close to one of my favorite super heroes. Did I also come up with all of their names? If I imagined all of this, I would have surely come up with their names. Knowing me, I wouldn't just pick out a plain name for them.

"Enough chatting, we need to get her to the medic room," Jeremy ordered; I knew he only cared because I was the 'future' queen.

Yeah, good luck with that buddy. The sound of shoes hitting on the ground neared me. My eyes shot open when I felt myself being placed in the other guy's arms.

I would have protested, but like I thought earlier, I was too exhausted. Thorin placed me in the backseat gently. Trust me though, I was holding in a scream. I'm guessing the reason as to why I was feeling all of this pain was because I had such a strong will to get away from the palace.

Jeremy got in on the other side, speedily buckling his seat belt. I felt the car jolt forward; guess it was time to go. I wanted the car ride to take forever, but I guess luck wasn't on my side today.

The car came to a stop, almost shocking me. The ride was oddly short, but I knew we were here. Thorin opened Jeremy's door and helped him out. I held in a snort; it looked ridiculous!

"Keep those pretty eyes open; we don't want you falling asleep," Thorin picked me up in his arms for the second time, teasing me.

From what I could tell, they were going to have me stay awake while they take out all of my thorns. Maybe I should have just stayed here in the first place. All I did was cause trouble for myself and it wasn't going to help me in the end. Plus, it wasn't worth all this pain.

I felt restless as we entered the palace. It was hard to not want to move around, because I was having trouble staying still. I let out a huge sigh, making sure that he had heard. When I glanced around the palace, I was surprised.

Tons of people were scattered around, bustling about like crazy. I raised my eyebrows as I stared at the scene in front of me. Had this been caused all because of me, or was it something else? I would have to find out later, if I remembered.

"Sylvia!" I heard the voice of the last person I wanted to hear, clone Elisha.

I still didn't know if she told the king I knew about her or not, so I still had to act like she was my best friend. It still stung that I was lied to, but I would have to get over it if I was going to survive here. I held in a sigh as she came into sight.

"I can't believe you; you would run away without taking your best friend with you," she glared, but I knew it wasn't for the reason she was stating.

I guess she didn't tell Jeremy that I knew of her not being my actual best friend. Clone Elisha was probably regretting even telling me in the first place. Then again, she really didn't have a choice because I wouldn't give her one.

"We have to get her to the medic room, Elisha. She can talk to you later," there was sternness in his voice that kind of shocked me.

He also sounded like he actually cared; I knew he was going to surprise me more and more every day. I let out a squeak of surprise when he started to run down the halls, brushing past people. Many of them made noises of annoyance.

I shut my eyes, feeling sick. I was relieved when we had stopped. He glided inside of a one sided glass door, letting it slam behind us. I knew we were now in the medical room, mostly because of the IV and other medical supplies that were in here.

I heard a startled girly gasp, "Put her in the bed, we need to take out the thorns!" She ordered frantically.

As much as I didn't want to think about Phoenix, he came to my mind anyway. Where was he at and what was he doing? Did he even care that I was back or was he sulking in his room? I wouldn't doubt it if he was. He was such a coldhearted person that seemed to not have a caring bone in his body.

Where was the king? He disappeared after we had gotten in the palace, but at the time I thought nothing of it. Maybe he was informing Phoenix that I was back. Why did my mind always go back to him? Maybe it was because we were practically destined to be together.

"Love, this might hurt a bit, just a warning." I hadn't even realized that I was now in the bed.

It wasn't the best bed in the world, but it wasn't the worst. My back had started to hurt after all those days of sleeping on the ground. Even though the grass was soft, that didn't mean the dirt was. I'm sure I smelled lovely too.

"I'll check up on you later, troublemaker," Thorin winked at me, slipping out of the door silently.

If he was going to keep teasing me, he would be the death of me. My eyes snapped down to my arm when I felt a harsh poke. I cringed in pain, giving the lady a glare.

"Hey, I told you it was going to hurt," she defended herself.

I didn't move, but kept my eyes on her. She could have at least told me that she was going to put the dumb IV in. She turned her back to me, getting the supplies ready on a metal table. I seriously felt like crap though; who wouldn't?

Now that I knew more pain was going, I wasn't looking forward to it. The doors opened again and to say I wasn't pleasantly pleased would be an understatement. Phoenix stood beside his mother and father, looking overly cocky.

"I see the princess finally returned, aye?" Phoenix raised an eyebrow, almost questioning me.

Scarlett didn't seem too overly fond of seeing me, but her eyes did soften a bit when she saw the condition I was in. Phoenix, on the other hand, had an expressionless facial expression. Then I remembered that he had been ignoring me.

It's been a long time since he actually talked to me, but I didn't feel much better that he had. Jeremy still had a look of disappointment on his face; I was expecting that much. The woman returned to the bed side, with tweezers in her grasp.

"Hun, this is going to be worse," she warned me quickly, her voice hinting with nervousness.

Phoenix scoffed, "She can take it, right princess? You're a big girl?" He mocked me, not caring that his parents were watching.

Yeah, I guess he didn't like that I had ran away. Or maybe it was something else, who knows? I did want to know what was going through that thick head of his though. I hissed loudly in pain when I felt the sting. It was ten times worse than the needle.

"Take the pain, girly! This was you're doing, so don't be complaining," Phoenix pressed his lips in a thin line.

I couldn't help but to flinch away every time she picked out a thorn. When I looked up at his parents, Jeremy was fuming at his son. I don't know why he got so defensive when Phoenix insulted me, but he did.

"Goodness Phoenix, what has gotten into you? You haven't been the same ever since she," he pointed at me with a jerk, "left."

I could tell that Phoenix didn't want to talk about it, but Jeremy wasn't going to give up so soon. After a minute, I zoned out. It was pointless listening to them argue. That boy will never crease to annoy me.

"Since we're getting in control of her infections, I think it would be best if she just rest," the woman told them, not even giving me a second glimpse.

I knew what that meant; she was going to knock me out. Now that I think about it, I didn't really mind. I could use the time to get away from the world. Plus it would take away the pain for a short time.

"Thank you, Eliana. If that is what's best, then go ahead," Jeremy smiled fondly at the woman.

He seriously knew every person here, it was insane! There was no getting past him and I don't think I will be able to ever again. It was upsetting to even think about it.

"I'm glad you were found when you were. With all these thorns and infections, who would have known how much longer you would have survived," Eliana shook her head, giving an eye roll.

So far, I didn't like this girl. Who did she think she was? Yeah, she had an important role, but that doesn't mean she was all that.

"How did you end up with all these thorns, anyway?" She blinked, raising an eyebrow.

If she thought I was going to talk, she was stupid. I held in a sigh of annoyance, just wanting to be knocked out for once.

She moved about the room, dumping something into the IV. I knew it wasn't going to be much longer until I was knocked out cold. I don't really know why Phoenix was still here. Didn't he have other things to do than to watch me in disgust?

"Sylvia, you should know that I'm very disappointed in you. I don't approve of you in the least, so don't be expecting me to like you any time soon," Scarlett decided to speak up.

I just made it worse than it already was. She wasn't exactly too fond of me in the first place, and now she didn't like me at all. Then again, why did I care? Why did any of this matter to me?

Her words were the last thing I heard before slipping into dream land.


I would be lying if I said I felt okay. I felt like a truck ran over me; it was that bad. My eyes were glued shut, not that I actually wanted to open them. Even though I was kind of awake, I didn't want to be.

The only sound in the room was the sound of dripping. It startled me when I heard the door open. I breathed in deeply, trying to calm myself.

The scraping of a chair filled my ears. It stopped right on my right side. I was now more curious than ever as to who was here. It was tempting to snap my eyes open when I felt the soft touch of a hand on my cheek.

It wasn't feminine, so I knew it was a guy. The hand brushed against my cheek lightly, the person letting out a quiet sigh.

"You have no idea of what you are doing to me, do you princess?"

© piercingwings 2013


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