A Child At Heart...

By Karasaekano

6K 383 172


So...Is She Like...My Adult...Child?
My Goal Is To Change You...
You Are...Different...
Who is...What Does...Huh?
Back To The Way Things Were.
The Old Practice.

Picking One Out...

1.3K 63 20
By Karasaekano

3rd Person POV

Dwight Walker woke up and wiped his face as he sat on the edge of his beautiful modern bed with satin sheets. He has gotten a new job working in APS (Adult Protection Services). He had no other option but to take that job, since he had no other choice. He used to be a mailman, but his boss saw that he wasn't happy and he got his cousin to recommend Terrence to being in APS. He starts today, and he figured that this was a joke. It took a couple months for them to run a background check and make sure he was liable to look after an adult. He really didn't want to have to watch over an emotionally deranged adult but he needed the money. Today they were giving him choices of an adult to take care of. He got up and showered and then he put on a suit. He slicked back his hair and then he left out the door when he got a call from his ex bosses cousin that gave him the job. He got in his car and he drove up to the building. He looked at the huge building and he took a deep breath as he walked in. "Alright dwight, just walk in and get a strange person and bam, paid thousands weekly." he said to himself as he walked to the front doors.

He went inside and his ex bosses cousin came up to him. His name was Rick. "Hey Dwight how are you? It's your first day on the job so as we walk I can explain some things." said rick shaking dwights hand as he nodded and walked next to him. "So here at APS, we take the urgent care for having the responsibility of unique adults. Unique as in adults with disorders that make them careless towards themselves, adults who have low self esteem, drug addiction, helpless disorders and more. Those are all situations to where they need supervision, and who else would better provide that supervision than adults?" he said as Dwight looked around as adults that looked young walking out with older people. They held their hands and some had severe disabilities. "You have the decision to pick what adult you will like to supervise. You'll supervise them just as you would with an elderly, some without the need to be bathed and changed into undergarments. This is one of our departments.." Said rick to Dwight as he showed him a hallway. Each room had a patient in them and a card on the outside that had facts about them on it. Each room was decorated how they wanted it and it was clear glass that they could see through. Dwight saw one with a young looking man it in, almost to seem to be about 18, sitting in a corner of a room with black carpet and black and red striped walls. He sat on the floor with his legs crossed and he seemed to be whiepering something. "This is Patrick. He's severely depressed, negative, and he sadly as you can say isn't into religion.." Said rick. "You mean he's worshipping the- "yes.." Said rick as he sighed. "Uh...I think I'll pass.." Said Dwight as they went to the next glass. They saw a young woman with blond hair and she was running around the room nonstop and randomly screaming. "This is Hannah, she's a bit...gone in the head. Severe mental disorder..almost making her psychotic...she's a great singer though.." Said rick. "Sorry...I'll pass.." Said Dwight. Rick shrugged and they walked down the hall more. As rick talked, Dwight looked at the other patients. He saw one in a room full of paint smearing it on the walls quickly. She slipped and dropped a can of paint. It exploded and went all on the ceiling and covering up the glass entirely. She had on a onesie and her hair was in pigtails. "Uh...who is this?" Asked Dwight. "Oh um...this is halloway, cookie halloway.... She doesn't want us to say her real name..she's says it's not really her. This one's not particually up...her disorder may be a bit to complicating for some caregivers. She has as they say "Peter Pan Syndrome". Which is saying she is unable to grow up and act like an adult...she has the mind of a 6 year old. She doesn't take responsibility as you could see." Said rick. As the pink paint slid down off of the glass, cookie stood there smiling and making an embarrassed face as she smiled at them. She walked up to the glass and she traced out 'hi' with her finger and she made an area for her face to show. She smiled and waved at them. Dwight waved back showing a slight grin. He read the personality card for her and it said:


•Has 'Peter Pan Syndrome'

•Height: 5'5

•Ethnicity: African American

•Hair Color: Black

•Hair Length: Medium

•Very Sweet



•Extremely Sensitive

•Severly Bratty


Be Aware: SHE. IS. A. HANDFUL.

Dwight raised an eyebrow as he read the card completely zoned out while rick spoke about her. "I'll take her." He said. "What? Are you sure man...she really is a handful." Said rick. "Positive." Said dwight. Rick sighed and buzzed a red button next to the glass. "Carla, halloway is going home today." Said rick. In about 2 minutes, two nurses came and they opened the paint covered doors into cookies room and went inside. They grabbed her and they walked her down the hall. "We'll get her cleaned up for you.." Said the nurses as cookie almost slipped. Dwight nodded and sighed. "You'll take good care of her right? You've set her up a room and everything?" Asked rick. Dwight nodded. He was planning on adopting a woman, and he had to set up her room as soon as they told him that he passed the background check. He was just in this for the money, he was going to take care of this woman for how long he needs to and he gets to get paid in the process, easy money. He waited in the waiting room as they got her ready. Once they called him and she came out, she had her arms crossed and was slightly frowning. She was wearing a pink short poofy dress with her hair in a high pony tail with a pink ribbon.

Dwight did a head nod at her and she looked away. He looked confused and just shook it off ignoring it. "Alright...here she is. I just need you to sign the papers an we need to go over some things.." Said rick and dwight nodded. They took cookie over to a chair and she sat down. Dwight signed the adoption papers and then rick took the papers and then spoke to him. "We have some rules. This is strictly ONLY for care giving. There is no intimacy to be allowed. No sex, and no anger towards her. I understand that you may be getting a bit frustrated with her, but do not result in physical contact And do not make fun of her for her disorder. It literally prevents her from believing and realizing that she is an actual grown woman." He told him and he nodded. Dwight nodded. "Are you absolutely sure you can handle her?" Asked rick cautiously. "Pfft. I'm great at taking care of my nieces and nephews, how hard can a grown woman be?" He asked chuckling...

Dwight and cookie sat in silence as he drove down the street. He glared at her from time it time and she just sat there with her arms crossed and having her eyes fixed on the road ahead. He cleared his throat and sighed. "Uh...are you hungry?" He asked her. She shook her head. "Uh..are you sure?" He asked her and she nodded. "Do you even talk?" He asked her and she nodded. "Then what's wrong?" He asked her. "You're a stranger." She told him and he slightly nodded. "Well I guess I'll introduce myself. My name is dwight walker, I'm 34...and that's all there is to really know about me..how old are you?" He asked her. "6." She said plainly. He wanted to say 'you're not 6, you're a grown woman and you know it', but rick said to let her believe whatever she wants. "Oh..that's a...cool age I guess." He told her. He went over a bump and she let out a small giggle. Once he went over a lot she slightly laughed. Dwight raised an eyebrow and she stopped laughing...

They made it his house and he got out of the car and opened the door for her. "This...is your house?" She asked him and he nodded. They went inside and the first thing she did was scream and giggle at the echo. Dwight covered his ears and groaned. He showed her the room that she was sleeping in and she smiled. It was painted pink with a bed that had pink sheets. "I uh...hope you don't mind it-" he was cut off by her squealing and just long right on the bed and starting to hop. She giggled as she did so. "Uh..I'm guessing that's a yes." He said. She stopped as she panted and sat down. "You have my permission for me to be nice to you.." She told him. "I needed your permission?" he asked her and she nodded. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Well.." he said shrugging and walking off downstairs. He went into the kitchen and he grabbed himself a piece of chocolate cake and as it at he watched TV. He was just getting into it when cookie leaped onto the couch smiling brightly and making him jump and nearly drop it. "Goddam- "I'm hungry!" she shouted and he covered his ear. "Uh..ok..well what do you want?" he asked her. She kept smiling and glared back and forth from the cake to him. "No, you're not eating cake. You didn't even eat any food." he told her. "Please!" she asked him. "Uh, no." he told her. She pouted and she grabbed his plate and took it. "Hey! What are you doing?!" he asked her as she ran off and he went after her. She went up the stairs and she held it over the top floor. "I'll drop it!" he shouted. "You wouldn't." he told her and she grinned...

She ate as she sat across from him smiling. He sat there shaking his head with his arms crossed.

She ate the whole thing and got cake on a part of her dress. Dwight sighed and got up. "Come on. We need to go get you clothes." he told her and she gasped in happiness and she ran to the door Before him. He got her in the car and she started acting all wild and screaming in the backseat. "I shouldn't have given any sugar to her." he said to himself shaking his head...

They went to the mall and he went in the women's section. "Ok, stay with me. Don't go anywhere and don't touch anything, ok?" he asked her. She stuck out her tongue at him and he groaned. He turned away and picked up a slim fitting dress. "Ok what about thi-" he was cut off by cookie being gone and nowhere around him. "Damn it..cookie!" he called out as he searched for her. He didn't find her in any of the clothes aisles..

Cookie giggled as she jumped on the beds in the store. "This is so fun!" she shouted. "Ma'am you need to get down! You cannot jump on beds like that!" shouted a worker. "No!" shouted cookie crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue at the woman. The woman raised an eyebrow as cookie hopped down by being distracted by the candy aisle. "Oooh! Candy!" she shouted running. She started to open candy packages and eating the contents. She ate and ate and she sat on the floor as her stomach hurt. "What is wrong with that woman? No adult should be acting like a child." said two women in the next aisle. Cookie sat up when she heard that and she pouted...

Cookie! Cookie where are you!" shouted Dwight as he searched. "Coo-" he was interrupted by seeing cookie sitting in a candy aisle looking sadded. He walked over to her and took the candy out of her hand. "I don't think you should be eating candy.
What's the problem?" he asked her. "Nothing.." she said as she got up. "C-can we go home now?" she asked him. "Sure..but I need to know your size.." he told her. "8..in kids." she told him smiling and skipping away and he groaned. "Well try these on.." he told her. She crossed her arms and pouted. "No!" she told him. Dwight froze. "Did you seriously just say no?" he asked and she nodded and stomped her feet. "Well this is new..".he said shaking his head. "Can you go into the changing room and put on this dress?"he asked her. "No!" she shouted. "Ugh...I'll get you candy." he told her. "What kind?" she asked him smiling. "Uh..I don't know, chocolate?" he asked her. She then started jumping up in happiness. "I love CHOCOLATE!" she shouted at the top of her lungs and Dwight shushed her. "You have to be quiet..there now go put this on.." he said to her and she smiled and grabbed the clothes skipping off. "Ugh it's already my first day and it's so rough.." he said rubbing his face. He felt something land on him and it was cookie. "Hi!" she shouted and he put her down and rubbed his ears. She was in the dress and she shoved him the messy pink one. "Ok let's go home now!" she shouted and she ran away. "Wait! We need to pay for it!" he shouted running after her.

She ran to the front and he grabbed her arm. "We need to pay!" he told her and groaned and rolled her eyes. They paid for the dress and got back in the car. She sat in the front seat and she ate a hersheys bar. "Now can you please not mess that up?" he asked her. "Ok!" she said happily. They went home and once he opened the door for her she ran inside. She ran to his room and jumped in the bed. "No! Get down what are you doing!" he shouted. "You can't be jumping in my bed!" he shouted and she continued. "You're not the boss of me!" she shouted. "Well by the signing of those papers I am!" he shouted and she stopped and pouted. She got up and stormed to her room and he groaned and laid on the bed face first. "Finally I can rela- ow!" he shouted. He felt something jump on his back. "Can you read me a bedtime story!?" she asked him. "Uh...no?" he said and she groaned and started pounding him on his back. "Story!" she shouted. "Fine." said Dwight as she giggled and fell over to his side of the bed. "Uh...ok I'm just going to freestyle this.." he said to her and she smiled. "Uh...there was this dude...and he uh- look I'm not good at these." he told her and she smiled. "It's ok...I can probably sleep knowing you're here.." she told him. Her voice was high and happy. "Uh...you're sleeping in here?" he asked her. "Can I! Can i!?" she shouted jumping on him. "Ok fine!" he said and she stopped. She smiled and squeezed him tightly as she laid on his chest. "This...might not be that bad.." he said to himself as he watched her sleep.


Guys Tell Me What You Think! It'll Get Better And Leave Suggestions For The Next Chapter!

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