My Highland Heart (On Hold/Ed...

By AJSkinner

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Lady Alexandra Stewart was once a happy and adventurist tomboy, much to her older sister Ainsley’s dismay, bu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Two

4.1K 139 3
By AJSkinner

“Good Gavin,” Alex praised the young solider before her as their swords came together to meet. “Now brin’ it round under me sword without leavin’ ye front undefended.”

Gavin started to make his move but hesitated – that was when Alex made her move – turning her body slightly to push his off balance just enough that he fell, allow her to go for the kill by bringing her sword to his neck causing him to freeze.

“Ye can no hesitate yer move cause your opponent will not.” Alex took his hand to help him back up. “Now let us try that again.”

“ME LADY!” the screech from Megan caused Alex to stop her advancement allowing Gavin to take full advantage of her distraction to push now her off balance and making the same move she had just shown him.  A loud “ooff” sound escaped Alex's lips as she landed hard on her backside.

“OH MY! ME LADY!” Megan screeched again as she ran to her lady's side.

“S-sorry m-me L-Lady,” Gavin stated immediately lowering his sword to extend a hand to help Alex up.

“I am fine,” she quickly stated standing up on her own. As Megan began brushing Alex off, she took the moment to catch her breath.

“Ye’re no fine as yer braies have been ripped open in the back and ye will now have another bruise on yer backside in the morn, if not by this evenin’, which yer father has instructed me to make sure ye attend and dressed for yer guests.”

“Guests?” Alex asked once she removed the helmet allowing her braid to escape while Meg was still trying to clean her off.

“Aye, twas what yer father wished to speak to ye about at this morn fast. The three MacTavishs arrived today for their visit and a special evenin’ meal has been planned to welcome them.”

Just then Alex looked up towards the great hall windows and caught the very men Megan had just spoke about all looking down at her. She could not see their faces clearly as they were too far away, but could tell by the stiffness in one’s stance which one was Kieron. He had always been protective of her and it is clear he was concerned for her well being after witnessing her blunder with Gavin. No sooner did the thought pass her mind did the three move away from the windows, no doubt to finish eating and speaking with her father.

The feeling of something being tied around her waist returned Alex's attention to Meg. “What yer doin’ to me now?”

“I told ye, yer braies have been ripped, so we must return to yer chamber so I may mend them,” Meg explained as to why Alex was now wearing an apron backwards around her waist to hide anything from being seen by the number of soldiers currently training in the courtyard.

Alex could feel the heat on her face and hoped no one noticed it except her maid. “Gentleman, I will be takin’ me leave, but I want ye to keep up yer trainin’ by workin’ together and I will review what was learned on the morrow,” she announced while allowing Meg to escort her back to the room.

Once they were safely back Alex immediately started to undress, first by removing Meg’s damn apron from her waist, but came to a stop as a knock on her chamber door was heard. Thinking it was just a servant, she waved Meg away telling her to continue getting out clean clothes as she walked over and opened the door herself. However, she was not expecting to see Sir Kieron MacTavish standing there in her doorway.

“Sir Kieron, what an unexpected surprise,” Alex stated. “Do ye wish to come in?” She knew he may not since it was not proper for a young maiden to host any man besides her father in her chamber, but Meg was there also so she felt it would be perfectly fine this one time. After all, it was not like she did not know the man - they had been friends for as long as she could remember. Besides it was not like they were betrothed or anything of that nature.

“Nay Alexandra, I just came to see if ye where no injured when ye fell,” he replied. She may not be able to see his hands as they were behind his back, but could tell by the muscles in his arms that he was ringing them around as if he was nervous about something.

“As I stated to everyone in the courtyard, I am fine.” Alex then turned to move back into the room to remove her boots when she heard both a gasp and growl before her maid started to retie the apron around her waist.

“Yer no fine as ye’ve been cut!” Kieron was now next to her as he started to scan the rest of her body obviously looking for any other injuries. Once none where found he turned his attention to Megan. “Go now to fetch a bath for yer lady and send for the nursemaid to look at her cut.”

Megan looked at Kieron and then to Alex for permission. Once given a small nod, Meg replied, “Aye Sir,” while running out the room to do as she was told which now left the two alone.

Alex started to move again so she could sit in one of the chairs to remove her boots but was stopped by a strong hand on her forearm. Looking down to that hand and then up to the face it belonged to, she saw Kieron’s green eyes staring at her full of both concern and anger.

“What do ye think ye were doin’ in the courtyard trainin’ with the men?” He asked as his eyes flashed brightly.

She tried to pull her arm from his grasp but it only caused him to tighten his hold which in turn caused Alex to wince in pain. Kieron immediately let go and his eyes quickly changed to remorse as he ran his hand through his hair.

Suddenly Alex wanted that hand to be her own, running through his dark thick shinny hair and without thinking she lifted hers towards his face. As soon as her fingers reached him she felt warmth running through her body. Kieron must have felt it too as they both froze and just stared at each other. The feeling of fingers and now the warmth of two hands on either side of her face caused Alex to notice that his face was now moving closer towards her own. He lightly brushed his lips over hers as if to seek permission, and when she did not pull away he pressed his lips down with more pressure this time. Alex found her hands moving again to wrap around Kieron’s neck as fear filled her head that he would stop and so she quickly tightened her hold.

It was the sound of several set of feet and voices that forced the two to stop and pull apart, but it did not stop them from a continual stare at one another.

“Me Lady, I’m sorry it took so long but I had trouble findin’ the nursemaid as she was attendin’ a birth in the village. She shall be up about time yer done with bathin’ and have a look of that cut,” Megan rambled on as she and the others enter the room with a tub and buckets of both hot and cold water.

But Alex did not respond to her as she was still locked on staring at Kieron. What just happened? What does this mean? Did it mean anything? It did to her, but did it to Kieron?

The sound of Kieron clearing of a throat finally pulled her from those thoughts. “I will take my leave so ye may bathe and attend to yer cut. I will see ye at this evenin’ meal,” he stated just before turning and leaving the room.

Again Alex found herself still frozen in place with no words as she watched him leave.

“Me Lady?”

Turning towards Meg, who was now the only one left in the room as the other maids finished filling the tub and went on their way. “Im sorry Meg, what is it?”

“Yer bath me lady, ‘tis ready. Do ye need me help?”

Alex started to say, “nay” but then she suddenly had the need to make sure she was properly washed as well as her hair, so asked Meg to stay. No sooner was she done with her bath, the nursemaid arrived to attend to the cut. Thankfully it was not deep nor did it require any stitching, but Alex would require the need to sit on something soft for the next few days due to its location. The nursemaid then gave Alex something to be placed in her mead to help with her discomfort and was instructed to rest.

Staying on her stomach as Meg brushed her hair and then started to place it in a braid, stating that it would allow her to take it out once dry before dinner leaving it in soft waves, Alex found her eyes growing heavy and soon allowed the darkness to take her.

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