Slowly Falling in Love (Starc...

By Neygu753

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Will Star is the one will slowly falling in love with Marco? Or Marco will be the one slowly falling in love... More

Chapter 1: Where's Your Wand?
Chapter 2: I'm Still Magical
Chapter 3: Do You Like Marco?
-Chapter 4: Let's see the future
Chapter 5: You Are Gonna Be Cinderella
Chapter 6: Something Dumb
Chapter 7: Betrayal Plan.
Chapter 8: I need to tell you something very important.
Chapter 9: Questions That I Want To Know The Answer.
Chapter 10: Wayward Princess.
Chapter 11: The Broken Hearted Show Up
Chapter 12: I'm Just Jealous
Chapter 13: Goodbye Earth
Chapter 14: Reverse The Time
Chapter 15: A Little Weird
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 1 (Clean The Lie)
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 2 (Love Is A Powerful Magic)
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 3 (Truth Or Dare With A Twist)
Chapter 17: Best Friends To The End (Bad End)
Chapter 17: We Love Each Other (Good End)
Chapter 17: Slowly Falling In Love (REAL ENDING)

Chapter 16: Last Visit Part 4 (Last Kisses?)

571 40 18
By Neygu753

Star's Pov

I woke up by the sun rays from the window pane hit my eyes. I got up and stretched my body. I looked to the right corner of the room and found a sleeping Marco laying on the big mattress on the floor we all slept on.

This is it Star. You need to tell him or you'll break his heart again much worse than before.

I stand up on my feet and walk towards Marco avoiding the other sleeping persons. I safely succeed and shake Marco's body.

"What is it Star?" He asked still half asleep.

"Let's walk outside. I need to tell you something" I said to him. He nodded and got up.

We walk out of the house and start walking. We were silent at first but he broke it.

"So what is it you need to say?" He asked.

My face frown, afraid of telling him. I open my mouth but no words came out.

"Hey don't frown, you can tell me everything" he said smiling.

I'm sorry for ruining your precious smiles. I thought.

"I'm gonna be married" I said quickly.

"What? But to whom?" He asked turning his smile to anger.

"To a prince from another dimension called Aquilla. My mother forced me to, I don't want to but I can't do anything. It's just I want her to be proud at me atleast to the thing she always wanted." I said about to cry. "I first thought when I first arrived here that you'll understand that I can't stay here because I'm not a human"

"I also thought I'll understand but I just can't. I can't understand that we can't be together" he said with a low voice.

"I really want to be with you" I said stopping at my track, he also did.

"I want to be with you too" he said hugging me tight. "I love you Star"

"I love you Marco" I said with tears starting to fall down. He rubbed my back.

"Let's go back now, maybe they're all awake. They might look for us" I said wiping my tears away. He then let me go.

"Yeah, they might think weirder things to us" he said making me laugh. We started walking back.

"Yeah. Do you think this is a proper goodbye? I mean is this better than last time?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think yes. I mean it's proper than last time but the pain is still the same"

"I'm sorry even that words are not enough to heal"

"Don't mention it"

We got back talking about random things. We enter the house finding that everyone's faces are down.

"What happened here?" Marco asked.

"I told them B-fly, about Nick" Pony said.

"And we kind of heard your conversation" Stephanie said showing a speaker like device.

"I attached a mini microphone on Marco last night because I thought he'll do something embarrassing but just to hear your conversation" Janna said.

"We're very sorry my son and Star" Mr. Rafael said.

"Hey, I don't want to see sad faces" I said forcing a smile.

"Star, I can talk to Nicholas if you want. Wait! I know you'll never let me so I'll just go" Pony said hopping to another dimension.

"It's not necessary Po-" I said to Pony but the portal closed. "It's really sad to know that there are things you can't change" I said with my head down.

Silence filled the atmosphere but it got broken by a couple knocks on the door. We all stared at it wondering who might it be. Mrs. Angie open it revealing my parents. Wait! My parents?

"Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?" I ask confusingly.

"We're sorry to bother but can we talked with the Diaz family?" My mother said formally.

"Sure Queen Butterfly" Mrs. Angie said opening the door widely letting my parents in.

"If you guys wouldn't mind we want it to be private" My dad said acting formal to.

The rest of us went outside with confusions on our faces. I sat down on the sidewalk and Janna joined me.

"Are you feeling fine Star?" She asked with worried face.

"Yes. Maybe Not. I don't know" I said hugging my legs.

"It's gonna be fine Star. Just don't think about it too much. Everyone's trying a way to make you happy."

"But doesn't it sounds selfish? I mean you guys are trying so hard just for me that will make me selfish"

"It's not selfish, we're doing it because we want to pay back"

"Thanks but I'm not feeling comfortable with it"

"What do you mean?"

"Because I don't usually need help and I don't like dramas. It's just- it's not me. I don't want this sadness on my face, I'm an energetic girl. I'm always focusing on having fun"

"You're right, it is not you" Jackie said sitting beside me.

"But why'd you agree on it?" Stephanie asked sitting beside Janna.

"Because of my mother, I want her to be happy" I said leaning my head on my knees.

"Have you tried to talked to your mother about it?" Stephanie asked again I just shake my head in reply.

"Well there's your answer, talk to your mother" Ferguson pipe up.

"I don't want to ruin her happiness" I response.

"Star, nothing's gonna lose in trying" Alfonso said.

"You're right, I'll give it a shot" I said standing up and walking towards the house. I can feel their smiles.

I slowly open the door and peek inside.I just only saw the Diaz family.  I open the door wide.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"They just left" Marco said.

"Oh. What did they  said to you guys?" I asked in curiosity.

"They just said that it's a secret" Mr Rafael said.

"Guys, were able to come in now" I called the rest. They quickly enter the house.

"So did you talk to your mom?" Jackie asked.

"No, they already left" I answered. There faces turned sad again. "Come on let's forget the problem and have a wonderful breakfast shall we?" I said finally made a smile across my lips.

They all reply with  beautiful smiles. We all approach the table and attack the delicious pancakes.

"So what did you guys talked with Star's parents?" Alfonso asked the question I asked earlier.

"It's something secret and they invited us to Star's wedding" Mrs. Angie said while giving the invitation cards.

I suddenly choke and get everyone's attention. They got silent but I continuously choke. Marco immediately gave me a glass of water and I drank it.

"You just got silent when someone got choke" I said kinda piss off and cross my arms. We just all laugh.

After breakfast Alfonso and Ferguson said their goodbyes because Alfonso have a meeting and Ferguson have a date with Hope.

Marco help his mother in the house chore and Mr Rafael is in the backyard craving woods.

Me, Janna, Jackie and Stephanie are in the living room talking random stuffs.

"So Janna you become an agent and your mission is to capture Stephanie?" I asked in amusement.

"Yeah, I wasn't planning to but the government was impressed of how good I am" Janna said.

"Yes you are good but too bad you didn't succeed" Stephanie pipe up.

"I know. It's actually easy to capture you but I was actually having fun in the agency so I didn't" Janna said.

"Is that the truth or not?"

"Okay guys let's not fight" I cut them off. "So Jackie, how about you?" I ask.

"I did a lot of things. I've become the skateboarding champion, and my part time job is a reporter" Jackie said.

"Wow, you guys are awesome" I said.

"How about you Star?" Jackie passing the question.

"Well just some boring stuffs like learning more things about being a miserable queen, meeting disgusting prince, secretly running away at midnight to fight monsters with my awesome father and training some magical stuff with my mother" I stated.

"Wow" they said in unison.

"Well, I need to go now guys bye" Jackie said and walk out the door.

"She can actually report something about you Star. A magical princess from another dimension visit Earth" Janna said.

"That will make her life uneasy here. Government will get interest and experiment on her" Stephanie said.

"Stephanie! Janna! Can I use your help" Mrs Angie said.

Both stand up and approach Mrs Angie. Marco came near me and I smile at him.

"Do you want to go out?" Marco asked I nodded and stand up. We both walk out the house.

When we are walking peacefully, I noticed Marco being nervous.

"Marco, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Umm, can I. Well if you like, can I hold your hand?" He said blushing hard.

I simply grab and intersect his hand with mine.

"You don't have to ask because you can" I said smiling at him and he smile back.

"I missed your smiles" he said out of nowhere that made me blush.

"Well I missed all of you" I reply and we both giggle.

"Have you heard of the Ferris wheel?" Marco asked.

"Ferris wheel? No, I think its a weapon" I said.

"No Star. Its not a weapon, its a ride. Well, do you want to ride it?" He said.

"Of course because I trust you" I said a bit excited.

He quickly drag me to a noisy place with colorful tents and fun games. We stopped in front of a giant wheel that I believed called the Ferris wheel.

Marco came closer to the man by the machine. Marco summon me to get near him and I did. A cart-looking stop in front of us and we enter it. We were slowly going up to the sky and I keep looking at the ground.

"Wow Marco, this thing is awesome!" I exclaim like a kid.

"I know you'll like it" Marco said with a sweet smile.

"So why'd you bring me here?" I ask. I'm sure he didn't brought me here just to ride this wheel. It must mean something.

"Its just because we haven't gone into a date" he nervously said.

"Date? So humans dates are like this? Cool" I said in amusement.

I sat down properly and watch the moving view. This is so beautiful, it's like a paradise.

"This is really pretty" I said.

"It's more beautiful at night because the lights will look like a billion stars on the ground and sometimes there's a fireworks display" Marco said.

"So why didn't you bring me at night?" I ask while tilting my head.

"Your parents said you're leaving tonight."

"So this is my last visit. Its so soon" I said pouting. Suddenly Marco kiss my pouting mouth.

"Hey, why did you do that?" I complain and pout again. He kiss me again.

"You need to stop pouting if you want me to stop kissing you" He said with a flirtatious smile.

"So this is what you want? a game?" I asked while smirking.

"Yes Princess Butterfly, if you pout I'll kiss you" Marco said.

"And if you blush I'll kiss you" I said my rule.

"It's a deal but try hard"

Wait, I just took the hardest one. How can you make a boy blush? By magic? Maybe, but its cheating.

"Can I borrow your phone for a moment?" I kindly asked he gave me a confused look but gave it to me.

I search 'How to make a boy blush' and a lot of things appeared. Embarrassment, anger?, flirts, and sex appeal? What?.

I pout for not finding what I need. I cover my mouth for remembering the game.

"Hey that's not fair" Marco complain.

"Do you really want to kiss me?" I said flirtatious look.

He laugh nervously and blush. Yes! I thought to myself. I gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Bleh, you blush" I said sticking out my tongue like a kid.

"And I will blush more so I can feel more of you" he said in a sexy voice and move closer to me.

My face turn into a tomato. He slowly getting his face towards mine and I also did. Our lips press and close our eyes. We kiss longer and more passionate. We continue kissing and end up doing the French kiss.

*Ring Ring*

Bummer! My pocket mirror ring. We both stop and I pick up the mirror. I exhale before answering the call.

"Star? Where are you girl?" Pony Head asked.

"I'm in a Ferris Wheel with Marco and you kind of get in the way of something actually" I said a bit annoyed.

"Sorry girl but I need to talk to you in personal. Bye" Pony said before cutting the call.

"Come on Marco, Pony Head just returned and is looking for me." I said pulling out my dimensional scissor and open a portal to the Diaz residence.

Marco stood up and walk into the portal with me. Our visions slowly turned into the Diaz house.

We walk inside and found a problematic face on Pony whose sitting on the couch.

"What's the matter girl?" I asked sitting next to her.

"What will I response to him? I don't know what to do." Pony said so quick.

"Woah! Slow down. Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Prince Nicholas Kayter the prince of Aquilla whose going to be your groom" She answered.

"Okay its him, what happened?"

"I went to Aquilla to convince him to stop the wedding and he asked why. I told him about you guys, how you love each other but then he told me he love me out of nowhere"

Me and Marco widened our eyes. I don't know what I'll said. Will I:
A- Wow congratulations Pony Head.
B-Really? Then his your problem now not mine. Thank you.
C- Dang girl, you're on fire.
D-Do you want me to kill him instead?

I like the last choice. I was about to say it but suddenly...

"KIDS! IT'S LUNCH TIME" Mr. Rafael yell through the house.

"Sure dad!" Marco yell back. "How about let's eat first maybe Pony's mind will be clear" he said to us.

I nodded in response and Pony just walk directly to the kitchen. We follow behind and we all sat down.

Our lunch was quiet well except for Mr. Diaz's questions about random things.

Afternoon came pretty quick and still silence filled the atmosphere. Pony Head and I stayed at the living room watching the television.

"Hey Star, I'll ask this again. What will I response to him?" Pony said.

"It actually depends on you. You just need to answer the question do you also love him too?" I said my eyes still glued on the screen.

"You're right. Maybe I do" Pony mumble.

"Did you say something?" I pretended to be deaf.

"I didn't say anything" she said and I smirk.

Evening came and the Mewman Guards arrived to send us home. We're all outside the house saying last goodbyes.

"Bye Mr and Mrs Diaz. Bye Earth Turd" Pony Head wave her arm and enter the portal.

I was about to step in but I turn around and hugged Mr Rafael and Mrs Angie. They both hugged back. We let go and I hugged Marco really tight like I don't want to leave him but I had to.

Fate keeps on playing with us all and I really hate it but I hope it leads to a good one.

A/N: The next chapter is finally the ending of this fan fiction. And here's the thing:

5 votes:
I will publish the Bad End
-Best Friends To The End

10 votes:
I will publish the Good End
-Made For Each Other.

11+ votes with 5 comments of "I SHIPPED STARCO":
I will publish the Real End
-Slowly Falling In Love

Bye reader and I will wait. ;-)

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