The Madness

By DeceptedAngel1

231 11 4

Alice is just a normal girl. Well, what she sees as normal. Until one day, she went to the house on the top o... More

Chapter 1: The key
Chapter 2: The door
Chapter 3: Wonderland
Chapter 5: Long Lost Siblings
Chapter 6: Cheshire Cat
Chapter 7: I won't leave you said.
Chapter 8: Stupid mazes
Chapter 9: Jason Collins
Chapter 10: The end of it?
Chapter 11: Shit hits the fan
Chapter 12: The Red Queen
Chapter 13: Can I go home yet?
Chapter 14: Fuck you all

Chapter 4: The caterpillar

28 2 0
By DeceptedAngel1

I was running. From the Oculous Gouger.I saw my mom. and then I saw my dad. Wait, I have a dad? He was tall, with glowing green eyes and black hair. He looked like Captain America. Only, Goth. He was running from the same thing. So was my mom. Then I woke up. I sat up and slammed my head on something. I bit through my lip again. I howled in pain. Then I heard voices.
"Oh, we just stitched that up too."
" Well stitch it up again, we don't want her to bleed out." They sounded like little girls. Like little little girls. Then I heard the rabbits voice.
"Alice? Alice? Can you hear me?"
I nodded "Mhm." That's when I realized I couldn't open my mouth. And I couldn't see.I was blindfolded. "Okay she is responsive. Alice, what did you dream?"
Was he stupid? Then I remembered the telepathy shit.
" My mom, dad, and I were all running for the Oculous Gouger. Only, I didn't know I had a dad."

"Ah, your father. He is here, right next to you."
" I didn't know I had a father."
"He is here. Would you like to see him?"
"Yes, please."
The blindfold was lifted off my face. And I saw the same person from my dream. Tall, black hair, glowing green eyes, The goth Captain America. He smiled.
"Alice. I haven't seen you since you were a baby." I just stared. I couldn't talk. So he continued to.

"Alice, I had to leave you and your mother. Because your mother was abusive towards me and your little brother and sister." Wait, I have a little brother and sister?
"I couldn't take you because she won you over in the case. I'm sorry I had to leave. And you didn't get to know me." I looked down. And I saw mice with needles. It took me a second to realize that they were stitching up my lip, and in that second, I jumped.
"Hey! We're trying to work here. Please don't move!"
"Sorry! Sorry." Could they heard me?
"Aaaand done." The small voice of a mouse said. " You can now speak again." That was the rabbit this time.
"Dad? A-are you really my dad?"
"Yes. Of course I am. I see you got your mothers blonde hair and my green eyes." My mom has blonde hair? God damn so many questions. So much stuff I don't know. Wait.
"Where's Constance?" Everyone glanced back from each other and then back to me. Finally the smallest mouse spoke up.
" Constance is resting. Would you like to speak with her?"
"Yes, please, I have to tell her and ask her so many things."
"Come this way." The rabbit grabbed my hand and led me through some vines. They grabbed me.
"Don't struggle or they'll drop you. They will take you to Constance." I went limp. I relaxed. And then I found myself in a room. And sitting in the corner of the room, was a woman. But it wasn't Constance.It was a beautiful woman. With red hair and blue eyes. She said something.
"Alice! How great to see you again. I see you got my note." She looked sad, and a dark glow formed around her.
" I'm sure you saw what I'd hoped you wouldn't have seen."
"What would that be?" I said, honestly thinking I knew the answer.
"Your mother." She didn't have to say the rest, I already knew.
"Yeah, I did." I don't know why, but I started to cry. Constance came down to hug me.
"It's okay, Alice. She is in a better place now." It wasn't true, she was in Hell.
"She is not, she is in Hell. And it's my fault." I was sobbing. And I couldn't stop.
"Oh no Alice, She didn't go there. She is here, but you have to find her. The Oculous Gouger took her. And you have to find her." I heard this, and damn near passed out. I saw my mom dead, how did that shit happen and she is alive? I asked myself so many questions that I needed the answer to. I got up and walked to the vines. So did Constance. They took us back to the rabbit and the mice, and my dad. The rabbit ran up to us and told us something about a caterpillar named Absolum. What ever it was, I wasn't paying attention. I took out my phone. I surprisingly had reception. I put on my music. I listened to Eminem, then Slipknot, then Flyleaf. And then I put my playlist on shuffle. I stopped. My eyes widened. My music was glitching. All I caught were certain words. And those words were...


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