Past Comes Back

By allmytomorrows

77.9K 1.3K 172

NCIS:los angeles!! What will happen when Kensi past comes back. Will it bite her in the ass? Or will it be t... More

Past comes back
P2: First Kiss
P3: Miss. Jones
P4: girl and the house
P5: The unspeakable
P6: Settling in
P7: Sparks fly
P8: Love, followers & Zoe
P9: Truth about Toby
P10: Sofia and Jack
P11: The Finding
P12: Trip to the Hospital
P13: The Wait
Authors note
P14: Kensi & sofia talk
P15: Home time
P17: First Real Talk
P18: First Day Back
P19: Talk To Hetty
P20: Did She Say That ?
P21: Test? I Dont Like Tests
P22: New For A While
P23: Little Girls Diary
P24: Fight ? ! ?
P25: The Beach!
P26: Just My Luck
P27: Its Tomorrow, I Forgot
P28: Like Being On TV
Authors Note
P29: Dad Moad Activated
Not A Chapter But Read!
P30: Allways Makes Me Smile
Authors Note
P31: Guys Night Out
P32: Confession & Authors Note
P33: So Cute
P34: Densi Date
P35: Pancakes & Beach
P36: Another Day Another Case
Random One-Shot
Authors Note
Tell Me About Her
P37: Dead Men Tell No Tails
P38: Bored !
Author's Note
P39: Early Morning Magic

P16: Bigger on the inside

1.8K 30 7
By allmytomorrows

the only charecter i own is Sofia. any of the others are property of CBS television studios-NCIS:Los Angeles --- when i say soph or sophi its just a shortened way to say Sofia --

Deeks pov;

i wake up in the morning to monty licking my face! " morning boy " i say as i stroke him. i get up put some tracky bottoms and a t-shirt on. i smell something unusual so i walk into the kitchen. but i see something i did not think i would see. Sofia had put plates and cutlery on the table and was standing over cooking something that smelt amazing. " sit down deeks, i made you breakfast " she says not even turning around. " how did you know i was hear ? you've been spending too much time with hetty." i say as i sit at the tabl. " Monty , your foods done " she says then puts his bowl on the floor with bacon in it. she then picks up the pan of the cooker and puts whats in it on my plate. " its a omlet, i didnt know what you liked in it. so it has Bacon, Saussage, Cheese, Peppers and well egge oviously. " she says with a little smile. " it smells delicious Soph. you didnt have to do this. " i say as i tuck in. " i was up and i like to cook. " she pauses. " and its kind of a sorry for lieing to you before and not telling you who i was." she says as she puts bacon and scrambled egg onto her plate.i have a mouth full of food so i just nod telling her its ok. then she sits down and starts to eat.

after we finish eating i clear up the plates and start towas up. " deeks ?" sofia says as she sits on the work top next to the sink. " can we stop of at a little house before you drop me off at my moms please ? i need to get some things to were" " wait you have more than one house?" i ask in surprise.i mean i know the person who adopted her was rich but how rich are they exactually. " yeah there is a house in every state and one in every country. Jhon, whoadopted me, knew every thing about me being with ncis and that onday i may leave to be with my actuallfamily again. and he said that when i dogo, he will still put money in a account for me every week and i am able to use any house i like when ever i like. because he knows that i will always help him out the best i can when he gets into trouble next. which knowing him will be soon. and hetty helps him too because if she ever needs inside info on a drug cartel or something all she has to do is ask. and that i was with Zoe his biological daughter through everything in her life and i never let anything happen to her. so he says he ows me for that. but im just happy to have him there when ever i need because he knows he can come to me if he ever needs anything." she says as she gets up and gets a drink. i had told her to help her self to anything she wants because she keeped asking me if she could have things, she maybe rich and spoilt but she has the manners that no other teenager would have. " how much money do you have exactually ?" im ceorious to know how loaded she actually is. " are we talling in general or just in dollars?" she asks as she takes a sip fro her drink. " your kidding right?" i ask. " no. lets just say me and Zoe are in the top 15 richest Billionares " she says. " Billionares?" i say amazed. she laughs " yes deeks billionares but im not stupid. i dont walk around spending all my momey. mainly because it would talk a while but i dont need big flashy things, that just draws attention to you. so you just treat your self, lots. and the ones that you are close too really like their presents." she says then walks off into her bedroom. i finish the washing up just as she comes back out dresed in the same cloths as yesterday. she get the tv controle and sits on the sofa with momty and starts to watch tv so i go and get changed.

(20 mins later)

Me, Sofia and Monty are all in the car going to this other house so sophi can get some cloths. sophi has persuaded me to let her take monty with her. i didnt really mind tho becasue i knew kensi love monty and would have no prooblem with him being there. " its the next left then the first driveway" sophi says giving me directions to her other house.

i pull up to the house and she jumps strait out and runs up with monty. the house isnt as big as the one that got blaw up but i would be really happy if i could aford a place like this. shophi stops to wait for me, i soon catch her up. " dont you need a key to get into the house?" i ask as we get up to the clearly locked door. " yep i have my key " she says with a wink. she then places her thum on the flat part of the slightly rounded door handle. then a red line apears on the handle and scans her thum. the door opens " well come back miss. Blye " a voice says. she walks in saying " dont worry its just jerry, he is like siri but for the house not for a iphone. anything you need to know just call his name then ask. its rerally fun, but it is really like siri so its kind of stupid. im gona go pack a bag. feel free to look around" she says then bounces off up the stairs, monty close on her heals. so im left stood there in this small hall way with 3 doors and a stair case. i decide to go be noisey, afterall she said i could. i chose to go in the first door closest to the front door. i walk into what seems to be a small room like a study or a office but turns out to be a massine hall full of old books and newspapers. there has to be over a 500 of them. i carry on looking around. i stumble across a very modern kitchen. i keep walking through a different door. then i come accross a home cenima. its massive. then i walk down a few stairs and find a indoor pool and steem room. i walk around the rest of the house. after about 10 minuets of me looking around this house which seems like the tardis because it really is smaller on the outside. i find my self back at the bottom of the stairs where i started. just as i get there Sophi and Monty come walking down the stairs, well sophi walks ,monty kind or runs and bounces down them. sophi had a not small but not big bag in her hand. its the size you would take if you were going away for a long weekend to a mystery location. so it would be big enough to fit spare and diffrent cloths in. " this house is like something out of a si-if film2 i say as she comes down the last 4 steps. " how so ?" she asks. " it looks like a normal house on the outside but is like massive on the inside. you should paint it blue then you can be the doctor2 i said with a laugh. the found that comment really funny. " come on then short stuf lets get going or i will be late for work" i call her that because she is smaller than me, she just rolled her eyes and walked out the door. im going to call her that now, like how i call kensi fern.

after about 7 minuets we arive at kensi's house. monty starts to get all happy knowing where we are. but sofia has no longer got that happy little smile on her face, she looks as if she saw a ghost. lets just hope everything goes ok.

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