Poems....and 3 Short Stories

By Fashion_baller23

7.2K 20 16

Basically poems I wrote and 3 short stories for my english class enjoy More

Hatred Kills, love conquers
Questioning love??? heres the answers..............
StOrMy DaYs and MoNtErEy
Forbidden Love
Mission: Cinderella
Racism...A Thing of The Past, Present, or Future?
Can a Lost Soul Return?
Love is Pain

Unfaithful Marriage

875 2 1
By Fashion_baller23

Unfaithful Marriage

"This is Kelly Giordinello, reporting to BCSB, live from Madrid, Spain. Today is the wedding of fashion design extraordinaire; Mikayla Jamel, and soccer king; Adrian Rossi. We are quite lucky, for we are the only news casting channel to get a chance for a one on one with Mikayla."

Mikayal's POV:

Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!!!! I'm 23 and getting married today. I sat back in the high chair as I watched my two bridesmaids hurry around my open, spacious dressing room. I just couldn't believe that I was getting married to my boyfriend of six years! At that moment the French photographer Jacques Benué walked in.

I decided to pose in a way that would hide my face from the camera. For I knew, that the photographer and the viewers of the photos, would immediately know how nervous I was. I stood up and walked to the stool centered in the middle of the room. I sat down and tilted my head with my eyes slightly closed in a solemn manner.

My wedding planner Ginevievé St. Louis strode into the room and it seems that at that moment, my nervousness, fears, and worries all disappeared. It was something about her persona that calmed me.

"Mikayla, dix minutes pour les cheveux, le maquillage, le toucher dress-ups », puis deux minutes pour mettre en place et nous voilà parti dans le couloir!" Mikayla, ten minutes for hair, makeup, dress touch-ups, then two minutes to set up and we're off down the aisle!

At that moment I freaked out, but remembered that I had an interview with Kelly Giordinello.

"Ginevievé, j'ai une entrevue afin d'ajouter 20 minutes pour les 12 et je serai prêt." Ginevieve, I have an interview so add 20 minutes to the 12 and I'll be ready.

I didn't know why but I had this ominous feeling that something bad was going to happen. I stood up and walked to the door signaling to my bodyguard to let Kelly in.

"This is Kelly Giordinello, coming to you live outside the dressing room of Mikayla. This will be the last time until the wedding. Our fashion design star looks gorgeous as ever, but would prefer it if she did the interview as an audio, only rather than visual and audio."

The camera man turned off the camera and handed Kelly a tape recorder.

K: Hello Mikayla, how does it feel to be 10 minutes away from being married?

M: It's a little nerve-wracking, but I'm getting married to the one I love and the one who loves me back.

K: Did you ever imagine that you'd be where you are now?

M: It was a pretty hard time back then, so no.

K: So if you're willing to tell us, about how much did your wedding cost?

M: Well, give or take a few hundred about $500,000.

K: Wow, from what I've seen I would've guessed that it was around a million, it was so luxurious!

M: Oh no! We didn't want to have such a flamboyant, costly wedding.

K: Well I wish you the best of luck for the times to come.

M: Thank you!

Kelly's POV:

Hmm, I don't know if it's my intuition, but I feel that something major is about to go down.

Mikayla's POV:

Ginevievé walked in the moment Kelly left.

"Come on, Mikayla, Jenny, Brooke, (mariée, demoiselle d'honneur, et la fille d'honneur). nous avons besoin d'aller en ligne, votre père vous attend à la porte pour vous, Mikayla." Come on, Mikayla, Jenny, Brooke, (bride, bridesmaid, and maid of honor). We need to go and line up; your dad is waiting at the doors for you Mikayla.

I took a deep breath and walked on.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining by marriage, of Mikayla Jamel & Adrian Rossi. Before we being this ceremony, I must ask does anyone object to these two getting married."

There was a deafening silence and some girl at the back of the church stood up and shouted, "I DO!!!"

I was shocked; I couldn't believe that somebody would object to us getting married.

"Ok, young lady, will you please come here?"

As she came into view I recognized who the person was...it was my arch nemesis Samantha Skyler. I stepped back to let her pass, but she turned towards Adrian, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. I probably would have slapped her if Adrian hadn't reacted. I pushed her off him and without saying a word, slapped Adrian across his face.


"What was that for?"

A bitter laugh escaped my throat, "What was that for? Are you seriously KIDDING me? I can't believe I love you! I gave up everything for you, and you know what I got? HEARTBREAK! I got heartbreak on the day I am supposed to never forget! The day in which I was supposed to get married to the one I love! Well it's over take your ring!"

I slipped the ring of my finger, and flung it across the chapel.

"Oh and as for you girl-"

"It's Samantha!"

"Ok, Samantha, I am going to give you some valuable advice. If you are a smart person, then you will leave Adrian, however if you the fame and money wanting person I think you are, then oh well!"

"Mikayla baby, nothing happened, I swear I didn't do anything!"

I could feel the tears that had previously threatened to rain down my cheeks fall now as I ran out of the church. Why, I gave up everything for him, why me?

Kelly's POV:

"This is Kelly Giordinello, reporting, about the most shocking scandal to probably ever hit Madrid, Spain. Fashion Design Extraordinaire & mogul Mikayla Jamel, was set to marry her boyfriend of 5 years and fiancé of 1, soccer king Adrian Rossi. Scandal erupted when a girl, now known as Cassi Romano, objected to the marriage, and kissed Mikayla's soon to been husband. What was surprising was that she didn't really fight or cuss, she was just straight forward. But in the video we are currently streaming to you live you can see the sadness, pain, and anger in her face. She broke down, as you can see from her running out the church, but hopefully she'll get over it. This is Kelly Giordinello, from BSCB, say goodbye, from Madrid, Spain."

A/N: I wrote this for my Creative Writing class tell me what you think

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