Glittery Sparks

By Bubblegum_Pink

59 8 3

"I saw glittery sparks whenever I looked at him, but that all went away long ago" Christene Becotte always kn... More

Glittery Sparks

59 8 3
By Bubblegum_Pink

"I saw glittery sparks whenever I looked at him, but that all went away long ago"



I looked at the clock on my phone and it read, 10:00pm. Ty was supposed to meet me here at seven, but he never showed. I've called and texted him so many times, and he's never replied. My whole outfit was soaked from the storm that was going on, and my arms had hail bruises all over them. I quickly called my brother, Derek. He answer with a simple, "Hello." As soon as he answered, I told him that Ty never turned up. I could tell that he was angry. Five minutes later, my brother came and picked me up, his eyes full of hatred, his dislike Derek muttered curses for the whole drive while I just stayed quiet, that was until I saw Ty, my boyfriend holding hands with some girl. I quickly told Derek to stop the car, he gave me a confused look but stopped his cherry red Ferrari none the less. "Derek, Ty over there with some girl," I sob. My brothers eyes turn into angry slits as he hopped out of his car. "Don't go and confront him!." "Your boyfriend is cheating on you, and you don't want to do anything about it?" he shouts. I immediately look away, trying to think about something I could have said or even done to Ty that would have made him do this. Nothing came to my mind.


Special Thank You to @AllTheUnSpokenWords for editing!

And @IvoryStars for the amazing cover!

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