Bad Reputation - Lauren/You

By A_Hot_Mess

92.3K 3.4K 377

Lauren/You. Based on my imagine 'Bad Reputation'. More

A/N Happy Holidays
A/N: New Book!
Y'all For Real


4.6K 219 20
By A_Hot_Mess

Your POV (Friday)

"Well, well, well, Y/N grew some balls, and asked Lauren out." Eddie chuckled.

"I never asked her out."

"You guys aren't dating?" Eli asked.

"No, why?"

"Everyone is saying you are." Ron replied.

"Whatever I don't really care." The three boys went their ways while I getting stuff out of my locker. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You and Lauren. That is hot, we should have a threesome." Drake basically drooled. I took a fist full of his shirt, and slamed him up against the lockers.

"You're fucking disgusting. You don't know how to treat a woman. When I heard what you did to Lauren I wanted to pound your face in. So don't give me another reason to kick your ass."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." I pushed him to the floor.

"Miss Badass now I see." I rolled my eyes hearing the girl speak.

"What do you want Jill?"

"Just want to know if you and Lauren are really dating. I mean would be such a shame if I were to have missed out on having you." She smirked, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Yes we are. Now get the fuck off of me." She removed herself from me.

"Alrighty Y/LN, but you could do so much better." Jill walked away obviously trying to flaunt her ass. Gross.

Lunch Bell

The first few class periods were pretty uneventful.

"Dude everyone is still talking about you and Lauren." Ron told me.

"And?" They looked at me in a shocked face.

"Why the hell are you three bozos looking at me like that?"

"No reason." Eddie smiled. Lauren sat down next to me.

"Hey Lauren." She smiled. It isn't  a real smiled either. I just let it slide, and would ask her when we get home. I walked her to class after lunch, and went off to my class. School was out for the weekend. Lauren went to her room instantly.

"Lauren?" I knocked on her door. I heard sniffling.

"Laur don't cry." Her door opened, and she stood before me with bloodshot eyes, and red tipped nose. I took her to lie in bed.

"What's wrong?" I caressed the back of her hand with my thumb.

"My parents." She cried.

"Your parents what?" I asked gently.

"It's the anniversary of their death." I pulled her closer, and kissed her forehead. Her sobs were loud. My heart ached badly. It felt has if my heart was trying to rip itself inside out. Lauren's crying stopped. I put her chin between my index finger, and thumb. Making her eyes leveled with mine. I just stared into her eyes as she did mine. The air around us felt calming. I kissed her forehead letting my lips linger for a few seconds.

"I want to talk about it, but the pain from the memories hurt me so much." A few stray tears cascaded down her face.

"Take your time. I won't rush you one bit." She lips twitched into a small smile.

"Ok so here's the story..."


I was five years old. Had a loving mother, and father. My dad worked while my mom was at home taking care of me. She was pregnate at the time, and I was so excited to become a big sister. My parents took me to my grandma, and grandpa's house. That's the last I saw them. I don't know where they were going or why. They told me that they would be back in a few days. Well days turned into weeks. I remember hearing my grandma cry. My grandpa was the one that told me my parents weren't coming back home. The funeral came, but there was no bodies. I was little, and confused. I didn't think that they were really gone. A month after that my grandpa had a stoke, and passed away. My grandma was the only family I had left. She didn't hang into long after. Then I was in fostercare. It was many years later till I found out what actually happened to my parents. They were on a cruise ship, and there were three terrorist. They blew up the whole ship. Killing every person on the ship.

End of flashback

Lauren began crying again. I just squeezed her tight, reassuring her that she is safe.

"You're the first person that I ever told." She sniffled.

"I'm glad you told me Lauren. I want you to know that you can tell me anything. Anything no matter what it maybe."


Chapter seven! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Lauren😣😢😭!


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