
By JohnnyWolf

7K 346 300

White. It is such a pretty color, a pretty thing to die looking at, He thought as he looked at the sky. He ha... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

4.3K 182 240
By JohnnyWolf

That smell. That luscious smell. He knew it. He knew what it was. He knew he needed it. His ice blue eyes snapped open and stared into nothing but white. Why did he need it..? He struggled, clawing through his thoughts in agony, searching for the name of the beautiful smell upon his nose at that moment. It was only a light scent, yet seductive enough to send shivers of life through his exhausted body. His cold body. He had never been so cold before, so frozen.. only once. 

When was that? When..I was so cold..? His thoughts surged through his slow moving mind once again, trying to recall the feeling of his body and very soul being numb, frozen without feeling, but he couldn't. Those memories would not come forth to him. 

'Blood.' blood...he forced his senses to work, sniffing the air once more. He could smell it now without the unknowing clogging his mind. He knew what that seductive smell was. The seductive scent that overpowered his entire body. But an even more seductive and easy power to give into racked his body. Exhaustion. Fatigue. Along with not recalling ever being so cold, he did not at all recall ever being so weak, so helpless. He closed his eyes again, silently willing himself to get up from the icy land of white beneath him; begging his body to listen to his mind.  

Get up. Get up. Get up. Get. Up. With slow and steady pain, his body finally listened. Starting with his ice covered finger tips, to his hands, then to his back and legs. Carefully, and gingerly he stood up, using the little strength within his famished body left. He stood straight and let out a sigh that racked his dry throat.  

He smelled the blood again. More of it. There was more. Something was hurt. Bleeding. His body burned with hunger, yelling at him to find the delicious source. His savior. He would die if he didn't get to that source soon. Even then he might die anyway, he knew this, he knew it well. He was beyond his limits as he staggered forward, only to moan and land in the snow once more.

He lay there in the wet snow for some time before finally opening his bright and tired blue eyes. Whether it had been seconds, minutes, or near hours before he opened them again it couldnt matter anymore; the smell that would have saved his life was no longer in the freezing wind. It was gone. Hope vanished, first in his mind, then deep into his soul. He knew he was going to die. Die slowly in the cold. It didnt bother him much. If he had the strength he would have welcomed death with open arms. He let out a long sigh. Slowly he moved his cold arms and forced his numb hands to touch the frozen ground and applied pressure. Painfully, he turned himself over onto his back. 

White. It is such a pretty color, a pretty thing to die looking at, He thought as he looked at the sky. He had always been associated with such dark, wicked colors. Scary colors. Such as black. He personally did not like that color; black. It reminded him of the darkness he had spent most of his life in. Ironically, he did not love the dark, not as the others did. Darkness was a ruthless force that overtook ones mind and filled it with meainingless, imaginary things. It was ironic to him, that a being that is supposed to be an imaginary part of such darkness was afraid of it. That is why he liked the white. It was bright, and colorless, yet filled with everything. You could fill a white page with anything, just as you could paint a white sky any color. You couldnt do that in the dark, or with the color black. He stared at the nothingness of white some more then closed his eyes. Entering the feared darkness once more. Perhaps it is better to die seeing something you are familiar to, he thought then chuckled out loud to himself. He chuckled some more, letting it all slip through his two pale lips. He was going to die. Be in darkness forever. Thats where he would go in the afterlife, to a field of nothing but darkness, his fears. His chuckles turned into loud, hysterical laughs that he could no longer control. Everything he had held back for so long ran away from him and burst into laughter. He didnt care if by chance an animal of some sort happened to hear him. He knew nothing was out here in the plain white. Nothing at all. Except himself, and he was glad for it. Death would be an easy thing. The darkness after would be harder.

His mind trailed off along with his laughter. Fear gripped him, very deep into the core of his body, but he brushed it aside. Eternity in darkness could wait until death took him. For now he could enjoy the beautful white sky he had never seen before. 

Warmth. It flooded his body, it caressed it, making him tingle from his hands to his toes. It came as a shock to him, but not shockingly enough to make him open his eyes. Im in hell, he thought suddenly. But if this was hell why did it feel so great? And if it wasnt hell then where was he? Silently he prayed it was not hell. He had grown up thinking of hell as a very hot place, hot with black flames that blended into the blackness that was his own mind. Hell would be nothing but his greatest fear and the hottest of flames. So far this hell was definitely dark, but the heat was soothing. The tingling he felt was soothing, he did not feel it burning his lost and broken soul as he expected it to. And when you die, and pass through the gates of eternity, either left to hell or right to the divine, only your soul goes, he recalled. Not your body. He felt his body now. He was alive. Alive and warm. He scrunched up his face, feeling his pale skin tighten against his eyes and nose, he felt his smooth lips curl up and his eye lashes tickle his bottom eye lid. He was definitely not dead. Not yet at least.

Slowly, daringly, he opened his eyes. Brightness struck him and he retreated back into himself. Blinding brightness he was un used to had bounced around him. He placed a hand over his eyes and face as he tried to adjust to the different lighting. He closed one eye, then the other. Then opened one eye, then the other. He felt warm liquid form in the corner of his lids and blinked depserately to keep himself from having blurred vision.

He tensed as he looked at his surroundings. From what he could tell he was in a small building, made mostly of furs and skins. Of what the furs came from he wasnt really sure. The floor was simple, ground that had been packed solid after shoveling away feet of snow, perhaps bare handedly. In one corner was a bed made of a heap of very light colored and soft looking skins. In the other corner was a pot hanging over the top of a blazing fire. Up above the fire was a make shift hole in the patches of fur being used as a chimney he noticed. He also noted the chimney as en exit in case he was in the hands of danger. He smelled an asortment of aromas, from the boiling water in the pot to the ranges of herbs and spices he could smell hidden somewhere in the room. But what smell overcame his nose and senses the most was the luscious smell of blood. It was nearer than before now. He felt seduced, abducted, he willed himself to stand and start towards the heavy scent but surprise caught him. He was in a sort of huge white pan, filled with what had tickled his body and filled it with warmth. He stared at his pale body. He was naked, except for his single silver ring on his third left finger, the ring finger of course. 

Where are my clothes? He thought just as he realised they were piled and folded neatly on the fur made bed. He thought of getting up but decided not to. The pool of sensational warmth he was in felt so good compared to the harsh biting cold he had felt before. 

He dipped his hand in this sensation and found it was very light, very clear. Particles of it remained in the palm of his hand as he scooped it up. He stared at it intently. It burned his hand but he held it even so. He brought the particles close to his nose and sniffed it. It did not have a smell even his powerful nose could comprehend. If he were to explain it, he would simply say it smelled clear and warm. He dipped his other hand into it and left it there then dipped the other and left it. All of his fears from before left him as he sank into the wonderful creation he now lay in. It felt wonderful. He felt wonderful. It was the best thing he had felt surround his body in a long time, yet he had no idea what it was.

'You like the water huh sonny?'

His whole body jumped in surprise as the oldest human he had ever seen walked past him with a pale brown animal slung over his shoulder. He was covered head to toe in black and white furs and had his own white and brown fur growing in patches around his chin and head. The general smell of human filled his nose, then the musky, personal smell of the older male over took it. He smelled blood, probably the dead animal's.

He tensed. He felt his fingers curl out of instinct and his lips twitch in anticipation, but his mind went somewhere else. Water? I like the water? He glanced down at the particles of clear warmth surrounding him and swallowed. Then stared at the man. Daring him. 

Daring him what? He thought, questioning his own body and motives.

'Calm down kiddo. I aint tryin nothin funny.' He paused. 'What are you? A wolf? Wipe that look off your face young' un. Your lucky I found you out there.'

He tried to calm down, but the scent of blood filled his nose. The rest was instinct. He had manners. But instinct sometimes overtake them.

'Is this water?' He blurted out, nodding towards what he was lying in.

'No duh sonny, probably saved your life that water there did. You were pretty frozen up, lucky you aint gonna have to lose a limb from bein frost biten.'

Lose a limb? Frost biten? This man spoke in so many riddles. It made his head hurt. And turned him red with embarrassment. Confusion was written all over his face. He understood the tone with which the man spoke implied that he was stupid. As if he were talking to a very young, unknowing child. But thats all he was. A young, unknowing child. Suddenly he remembered he was naked, sitting in what the man called, 'water,' and turned redder. He had never felt the eyes of someone on him while striped bare. It felt chilingly odd.

' You should probably get out of the water there kid.'

He did was he was told and slowly stood from the white pan and stepped over its edge, one foot at a time and delicately touched the surprisingly soft floor with his toes. He felt himself wobble and grabbed the side of the white pan as he tried to head towards the bed for his clothes.

'Ill get em.' Said the old man gruffly as he swiftly grabbed the neat clothes from the bed and handed them to the stranger. 'You should get some nice, ole shut eye. Does the body wonders.' Grinned the old hermit.

He put his black jeans on quickly then hobbled to the bed and sat on it. It was very soft and warm. He touched the furs, a look of curiosity spread on his face to where they had come from. What beasts the man had killed for them. He looked at the man accusingly, if he could kill beasts he could kill him. He felt his instincts to tense coming back through his body.

'Jesus kid. Relax. Im just an old geezer. Get some sleep,' he waved as he walked out of the spacy hut to the outer cold with the animal still slung over his shoulder.

His mind hit a blank. Relax..? He thought of that word. It sounded inviting, just as inviting as the soft heaping of furs below him. He scooted the furs over and climbed into the warm bed then replaced the furs over the top of his body. The masses of furs were softer then he had thought they would be, delicate and clean feeling against his body. It tickled him with delight to feel such comfort. Quickly he pulled the biggest fur up to his chin and turned onto his right side to both mold the fur to his body, and see the whole room without having to turn himself. He breathed in a huge sigh as he finally felt the weariness of so many years fade away from his body. The furs made him feel as if he had been swallowed up by a giant hair filled cave. He had never slept in such a comfortable place before. He was grateful for it, and the old man. 

Sleep would do me some good, he thought drowsily as his eye lids drooped, hiding his sky blue eyes from the beautiful world and placing him in that darkness once again. He grinned wickedly. He would make a deal with the mischevious devil himself if he went to hell. He would stay there...as long as he was given a fur made bed.

He grinned again. The darkness didnt matter anymore, he was free, free and alive. Out in the open. But how long would he be alive? The old man seemed trustworthy enough, kind and generous definitely. He had never heard of humans letting strange creatures into their homes, especially in such a remote land. Or even other strange humans actually. 

Maybe he thinks I'm a human.

He laughed at this thought. The man wasnt stupid. He was smart. Only a smart human could live in such freezing conditions and hunt such aggresive animals for food and other means. A tough one too, very tough. Millions of calculations ran through his head faster than he could count to ten; faster than a human could count to five. 

He would have killed me before if he wanted to. No sense in bringing me here just to kill me. And offering me his bed. A fleeting thought skipped through his fast paced mind. Hes just a good human. He blew the thought away from his mind like an irritating insect at such thoughts. He had to remember what he was taught. Either way, he felt trust towards the man, and in his gut he knew he was safe for the moment.

With these clear thoughts in store, the tired, sky blue eyed creature finally let his eyes completely close, and stay closed for the best sleep he had had in years.

Author note: this is my first upload to wattpad so comments, fans, and votes/likes on what you think would help me know to continue or not! Critiques or helpfulness is appreciated! Thank you :)!

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