Zelink: Princess Bride

By Sunshinehappygirl81

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When Link left Hyrule after the Twilight Invasion, he left Princess Zelda with a broken heart. He promised he... More

Chapter One: A New Beginning
Chapter Two: Confessions
Chapter Three: Never Love Again
Chapter Four: A Lost Hope
Chapter Five: Conspiracy
Chapter Six: The Plan Set In Action
Chapter Seven: Lake Hylia
Chapter Eight: Pursuit
Chapter Nine: Cotom
Chapter Ten: The Duel
Chapter Eleven: Ralo
Chapter Twelve: Sumo Wrestling
Chapter Fourteen: Faron Woods
Chapter Fifteen: Gone
Chapter Sixteen: First Experiment
Chapter Seventeen: The "Death" of the Hero
Chapter Eighteen: Finding the Man in Black
Chapter Nineteen: Renado, the Miracle Man
Chapter Twenty: Unbreakable
Chapter Twenty-one: Storming the Castle
Chapter Twenty-two: Wedding Crasher
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen: Revealed

2.1K 58 100
By Sunshinehappygirl81

The man in black came to a halt. Right in front of him was a man with white hair held a curved, short sword up to Zelda's neck. Her eyes were covered by a blind fold, not aware that the man in black was in their presence.

They sat on a rock, as if they were waiting for the man in black to come along. Separating them was another rock with two silver goblets full of milk.

"Keep moving buddy, and she dies," the man snarled, still holding the sword to Zelda's neck.

The man in black laughed, "That's a great way to start a conversation. But maybe you should tell me your name."


"Sounds familiar. Like I've heard it in a different life time", the man in black stated.

Ghirahim glared at him. If looks could kill, the man in black would already be dead. "Why do you want to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen?"

The man in black's eyes narrowed, "I wouldn't say 'kidnap', more like save. You're planning on killing her, aren't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Ghirahim started, "Now, I've figured we aren't that equal when it comes to fighting, due to the fact I've been fighting with this sword ever since--"

"I seriously doubt that."

Ghirahim yelled, "I WASN'T FINISHED!! I mean...I'm still talking. I've decided the wisest way to kill each other is to out smart each other."

The man in black sat down in front of the milk filled goblets, and pulled out a small vile of clear liquid and unscrewed the top. He handed it to Ghirahim, "Smell, but don't inhale."

"I don't smell a thing."

The man in black explained, "It's Skulltula posion, has no smell nor taste. But it is one of the most deadly poisons known to our kind." He gestured to the goblets, "May I?"

Ghirahim nodded and the man in black took the vile of Skulltula posion. He turned away from Ghirahim. When he turned back he placed the goblets back on rock, "I poured the vile in one of the cups. Now you guess what cup it's in."

Ghirahim started laughing, "That's the oldest trick in the book! You think that I'm going to fall for that?!"

"Whatever do you mean?" The man in black said in a sarcastic tone.

"I know that I can't drink the cup in front of me, if you're a man that would place the cup with the posion away from himself as possible. But you're not so I can't drink the cup in front of you. What's that?!", Ghirahim pointed behind the man in black.

He turned around, "What?" As the man in black tried to look for whatever Ghirahim saw, Ghirahim switched the cups.

The man in black turned back around to face Ghirahim and raised his cup, "Let's test your theory". With that they emptied the cups.

"You were wrong," the man in black stated.

"No," Ghirahim laughed, "I switched the cups when you weren't looking!" For about half a minute he laughed hysterically, to suddenly collapse dead.

The man in black walked around the body, and untied the blindfold that blinded Zelda. "Who are you--"

"No time for questions," The man in black said hastily. He took Zelda's hand and helped her up. He started to run pulling Zelda along with him.

The sun was starting to rise over the horizon. The man in black led Zelda by the rist, and sprinted across the cliffs. He turned there direction back to Faron Woods, in the West.

He stopped, "Catch your breath, Princess."

Zelda gasped for air, "How could you run that distance?"

"I do it a lot."

"Who are you, and what do you want?!"

The man in black raised his hand, in response Zelda closed her eyes and flinched waiting for his hand to come down on her cheek.

"Princess," He started in a serious tone, "Next time I will give no warning. Now it's time to keep moving."

Zelda looked at him, "Are you a pirate."

"I am a lot of things. A pirate is one of them."

Zelda's eyes widened. Pirates supposedly killed Link, there are very few pirates in Hyrule now days. Could this be a pirate that killed Link?

Her eyes narrowed, "Do you recall ever killing a man in a green tunic?"

The man in black thought for a moment, "That guy?! I really liked his tunic, good taste. Are you wondering if he died well?"

"So it's true, you killed him," Zelda screamed at him, "How dare you?!"

"I remember his finally words, something about the Princess. To think he was in love with you."

"Whats that supposed to mean?!"

The man in black was about to awnser when he heard the pounding of horse hoofs, he looked up your see where it was coming from. While he was occupied Zelda pushed him down the steep slope down to Faron Woods.

"You could die for all I care!" She bellowed.

"AS YOU WISH!" The man in black screamed as he fell down the hill.

Zelda knew from the start what that meant, "Link." With that she went after him, down the hill.

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