Just A Dream (completed)

By cali1girl

6.3K 87 8

The story of how James and Jenna met and how their relationship began. When James met Jenna at that meet and... More

the night they met
The Day They Meet Again
The Day James Asked For A Date
The Night Of Their First Date
The Day They Became A Couple
The Day Their Secret Got Out
author's note
Chapter 7: The Day Jenna's Life Started Changing
Chapter 8: The Day Jenna Was Popular For A Day
Chapter 9: The Day Of Their One Month Anniversary
Chapter 10: The Night They Had A Big Time Christmas
Chapter 11: The First Day Of A New Year
Chapter 12: The Day Of Their First Valentines Day
Chapter 13: The Day That Their Love Was Approved
Chapter 14: The Night Of The Big Prom Disaster
Chapter 15: The Day After The Disaster
Chapter 16: The Night Of The Pop Tiger Awards
Chapter 17: The Night Of Their Perfect Prom
Chapter 18: The Night Of Jenna's Graduation
Chapter 19: The Day Jenna Moved Into Her Dorm
Chapter 20: The Day James Showed His Broken Heart
Chapter 21: The Night Of Their First Argument
Chapter 22: The Night Before Their First Anniversary
Chapter 23: The Night James Got His Feelings Hurt
Chapter 24: The Day Jenna Took Care Of James
Chapter 25: The Night They Went To A Big Time Party
Chapter 26: The Day Jenna Defended The Guys
Chapter 27: The Day They Left For The Big Time Tour
Chapter 28: The Day The Tour Began
Chapter 29: The Night James Showed His Insecurity
Chapter 30: The Night They Spent In Rio
Chapter 31: The Night They Spent In Vegas
Chapter 32: The Day Jenna Gave In
Chapter 33: The Night They Went Home
Chapter 34: The Night They Threw A Big Time Party
Chapter 35: The Day Of Their Second Anniversary
Chapter 36: The Day Of Both Love and Loneliness
Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama
Chapter 38: The Day Of Their Big Time Beach Day
Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together
Chapter 40: The Day James Asked A Special Question
Chapter 41: The Day They Made The Announcement
Chapter 42: A Day Of Planning The Big Time Wedding
Chapter 44: The Day James Got A Surprising Call
Chapter 45: The Day They Found Their Perfect Home
Chapter 46: The night of Jenna's Bachelorette Party
Chapter 47: The Day They Said I Do
Chapter 48: The Night They Celebrated Their Marriage
Chapter 49: The First Day Of Their Honeymoon
author's note
Chapter 50: The Day They Got A Special Surprise
Chapter 51: The Day Their Surprise Was Confirmed
Chapter 52: One Day In Her Third Month
Chapter 53: A Day Of Mood Swings Gone Wild
Chapter 54: The Day Jo Returned To The Palm Woods
WARNING: Very angsty ending (Be prepared!)
Chapter 56: The Day Everything Changed
Chapter 57: A Day Of Grieving
Chapter 58: The Day They All Said Goodbye
Chapter 59: The Day They Returned To Their Hometown
Chapter 60: The Day James Started To Move On
Authors Note

Chapter 43: A Day Of Paparazzi And Wedding Plans

69 1 0
By cali1girl

"James, stand behind the beautiful bride to be and put your arms around her waist!" Marcos Del Posey, their photographer, exclaims. "And kiss her cheek!"

James does as he is told, giving Jenna a tight squeeze and kissing her right cheek, while Marcos snaps away. They're taking their official engagement photos at the beach, the beautiful ocean in the background. It's gonna look great on the wedding program. They're also gonna have a table with the guest book and a few framed photos. When the guest enter the reception area, they can sign their name on the guest book. James and Jenna plan on sending out Thank You cards after the wedding, so they need to know everyone that came to the wedding.

"Beautiful!" Marcos says proudly, wildly snapping pictures of the couple. Then he stops for a moment and looks at the pictures on his digital camera. Jenna turns her head so she can see James, smiling at him. He kisses her on the lips, jumping when he sees a camera flash. Marcos must have taken a picture of the kiss. At least it'll be natural and real, rather than posed.

"You need to cut your hair." Jenna tells him, playing with his hair.

"It's still short!" James laughs, kissing her nose.

"But it's getting shaggy." Jenna says, pushing his bangs away from his forehead. With every affectionate moment between them, Marcos snaps a picture. They laugh, amused by his enthusiasm. He also directed the music video for "The City Is Ours." Since then, he has started directing videos for other performers. Before he directed the Big Time Rush video, he was just a photographer for magazines, but the video really helped his career. After looking at other possible photographers, James and Jenna finally decided on Marcos.

"I love you." Jenna giggles, kissing his cheek.

"Marcos, did you get all the shots we need?" James asks, leading Jenna over to the photographer.

"Yes!" Marcos nods. "Would you like to look at them?"

"Sure." James says as he and Jenna look over the photographer's shoulder. Marcos shows them each photo and their smiles become happier with each one. One of their favorites is the one where James is sitting on the sand with his legs stretched out in front of him, while Jenna sits on his lap with her arms around his neck and her nose touching his. It gives the impression that they are about to kiss. All of the photos are very sweet and romantic.

"They're beautiful." Jenna says softly, smiling at the pictures.

"I'll have them printed out and sent to the Palm Woods." Marcos tells them.

"Thank you so much." Jenna says as James squeezes her hand. They wave at him, Jenna grabs her purse, and they walk back to the Big Time Rush mobile.

"It has been confirmed that Big Time Rush hottie James Diamond, and his girlfriend of three years, Jenna Harper, are engaged. Mercedes Griffin, daughter of Rocque Records CEO Arthur Griffin, announced the big news on her Scuttlebutter account. Her post said "I am excited to announce that my good friends James and Jenna are getting married! So happy for them!" You may be aware that Jenna has recently been spotted with diamond ring on her left finger, sparking the engagement rumors. Looks like there's gonna be a big time wedding!"

Kendall, Carlos, and Logan look at the TV screen in disbelief. James and Jenna wanted to announce their engagement themselves! They didn't want Griffin's spoiled daughter doing it for them. They even told Griffin, Mercedes, Gustavo, and Kelly that they didn't want anyone to know yet. Well, they definitely don't need to announce it now, because Mercedes decided to do it without their permission. What a little jerk! Oh, James and Jenna are gonna be so upset when they find out...

"Hey, Mercedes said that she wouldn't tell anyone!" Carlos says, pointing at the TV. They watch as the TV shows a close up of Jenna's engagement ring. The picture was taken during James and Jenna's recent day at the mall. They weren't there for wedding purposes. They just decided that they wanted to spend the day together and apparently there were paparazzi around. Why can't celebrities get a little privacy?

"Wait, what if there's paparazzi outside?" Logan says in a panicky voice. All three boys look at each other with wide eyes before quickly rushing out the door.

"Jay, why is there paparazzi outside?" Jenna asks as they pull into the Palm Woods parking garage. There is a small group of photographers standing outside the door, obviously waiting for someone. It couldn't be because of James and Jenna, could it? They're engaged, but there's nothing else going on in their lives. They haven't been involved in any scandal, so those guys must be here for another celebrity.

James parks in his usual space and they step out of the vehicle, but they stop when the paparazzi turn around and start shouting their names.

"Congrats on your engagement!" Some of the paparazzi say as the couple rushes toward the entrance. James keeps his arm around Jenna's waist as he yanks the door open, quietly thanking the paparazzi for their congratulations before letting the door close. He frowns as he tries to figure out who could have possibly told the public about their engagement. They never told anyone and they know that their friends wouldn't do that. Who could have done it? Even Gustavo wouldn't do something like that. This is really upsetting because James and Jenna were hoping that they could be the ones to announce it.

"Who could have told them?" Jenna says with desperation.

"I don't know." James says, kissing her temple as they walk to the elevator. His eyes fill with worry as Jenna covers her face with her hands. Ugh, he hates the paparazzi some times. Jenna gets pretty emotional if things don't go exactly like she had planned. He doesn't understand why those paparazzi have to interfere with every part of a celebrities life, even their engagement!

"Hey," He whispers, pulling her hands away from her face. "It's okay!"

"No, it's not!" Jenna cries, her eyes filling with tears. "I thought we would make the official announcement, but someone else has already done it! Jay, our day is gonna be ruined! I mean, what if the paparazzi show up at the wedding! Marcos is the only photographer I want at our ceremony and reception!"

"As long as we don't reveal the location, our wedding is going to be a private celebration for us, our family, and our friends." James whispers gently, kissing her nose. "Don't cry, baby."

He wipes her tears away with his thumbs, then they walk out of the elevator. He doesn't want to see any tears on Jenna's face. He wants her to be happy and relaxed for the next four months. Planning a wedding should be fun, not stressful!

Before Jenna can open the door to apartment 2J, James grabs her hand and forces her to turn around. He kisses her forehead and strokes her cheek, looking forward to the day that he gets to see her in a wedding dress. She is gonna be a beautiful bride. Even better, she's gonna be his beautiful bride. Then she's gonna be Mrs Jenna Elizabeth Diamond. He can't wait to marry this girl.

"I'm so for getting so emotional." Jenna says, hugging his waist.

"It's okay, baby girl." James says, kissing the top of her head. Jenna pushes the door open and they enter the apartment.

"Hey, Mercedes told the media about the wedding!" Carlos blurts out.

"Well, we knew someone had told them." James growls.

Jenna feels herself becoming emotional again. It's not that she wants to keep her engagement a secret, but she doesn't want paparazzi showing up and crashing the wedding. If she walks down the aisle and she sees even one photographer that isn't Marcos Del Posey, she is gonna call the cops. Okay, that might be a little extreme, but she doesn't want uninvited guests at the wedding.

She hears the boys quietly discussing Mercedes and her betrayal, but she runs to James and Kendall's room before she can hear very much.

"Jenna? Jenna!" James calls out, following his fiancee. He enters the bedroom to find her laying face down on his bed. She looks so cute in her yellow sundress, but he's too concerned about her emotional state to really pay attention to how good she looks.

"Baby," He says softly, laying next to her. He strokes her hair, trying to get her attention. "I know we didn't get to make the announcement ourselves, but I don't think it really matters. Either way, people know that we're engaged. Besides, I think we just need to focus on how happy we are. We're gonna have a perfect wedding day, a wonderful honeymoon, and a great marriage. Let's not let this one incident ruin our fun."

"Why are you so good at making people feel better?" Jenna says quietly.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Shut up!" Jenna laughs.

"Feel better now?" James asks her.

"Yeah." Jenna says, snuggling up to him.


Mercedes was busy admiring her appearance in her full length mirror when her dad's angry voice interrupts her. She groans under her breath and exits her very large bedroom. Her dad is not angry person, but he sounds pretty pissed off right now. Could it have something to do with her announcing James and Jenna's engagement on Scuttlebutter? Her bad! Well, actually, she feels no regret at all. But no one needs to know that. Half the stars in Hollywood look sweet on camera and are a pain behind the scenes. It's not like Mercedes is doing anything unusual. Besides, James and Jenna should already know that nothing stays secret in Hollywood.

"Yeah, daddy?" She asks in confusion, peering over the railing across from her room. It overlooks the small lobby in their mansion.

"You told the whole world about James and Jenna's wedding!" Griffin says while motioning for Mercedes to come downstairs. She sighs as she walks down the stairs, proceeding to follow her father into the living room. She sits on the black leather couch, looking bored as she examines her perfectly manicured fingernails.

"I didn't know I doing anything wrong." She says apologetically.

"Mercedes, they made us promise that we wouldn't tell anyone!" Griffin scolds. "But you did it anyway!"

"Daddy, I forgot!" Mercedes says desperately.

"Oh, you forgot? It seems like you "forget" a lot of things." Griffin tells her. "Rumor when rumors about Kylie Jenner and Cody Simpson dating started floating around? You decided to "confirm" it, even though you knew that it wasn't true. What about when Jett and Jennifer started dating? Weren't you the one that told US Weekly?"

"Well, yeah, but I-"

"Mercedes, you need to learn how to keep a secret." Griffin says, shaking his head. "You obviously have no respect for people's privacy, so you're grounded for a month."

"Daddy!" Mercedes whines.

"You're grounded and that's final." Griffin says sternly before leaving the room.

Mercedes stays on the couch and crosses her arms, pouting. She can keep a secret. She just chooses not to! There's a big difference! Really, Mercedes has kept secrets before, but there are some secrets that are just waiting to be revealed.

"Oh, sue me." She mutters quietly.

"Gabby, can you believe this?" Lacey says in disbelief as she holds the newest issue of US Weekly. She just got a glimpse of the new article about James and Jenna's engagement. She's pretty sure that the bride and groom wanted it to be a secret for a while longer, but Mercedes had to go and blab to the press. Really, that girl can be so stupid some times. Or did she do it on purpose? It could go either way. There's a possibility that she just didn't think, but she also could have done it just to be mean.

"What is it?" Gabby asks, looking over Lacey's shoulder. "Oh my gosh!"

"Mercedes told all of Hollywood about the wedding." Lacey says, shaking her head. "How screwed up is that?"

"Really screwed up." Gabby sighs, shaking her head.

"I swear I wanna kick her-"

"No dirty words!" Gabby gasps.

"Shut up." Lacey says with a small laugh, tossing the tabloid newspaper onto her bed. She hopes that Griffin really gets after Mercedes because she really deserves it. Has Griffin heard of disciplining your kids? If he hasn't done it before, he needs to start now. Mercedes is twenty one years old and it's time for her to start acting like an adult. For Lacey, that's really saying something! After all, she's twenty one and she has a tendency to act like she's still seventeen. But she knows that parents are suppose to discipline their kids if they don't want them to turn into spoiled brats.

"What's next on the wedding planning list?" Gabby asks, grabbing the sheet of paper off Jenna's bedside table.

"So much." Lacey tells her. "She still has to find a florist, dresses for her mom and James's mom, buy invitations and Thank You cards, arrange for a ride to their hotel, hire someone to create their wedding video, and some other stuff. And it's gonna get even busier as we get closer to the wedding. In fact, we've gotta start thinking about bridal shower and bachelorette party. She'll be twenty one in May, so I was thinking that we could take her to Rain Nightclub in Las Vegas."

"That sounds so cool!" Gabby agrees.

The door opens and Jenna enters the room. She looks somewhat tired after the engagement photoshoot and the trouble with the media, but she doesn't look too bad. She could look worse. Anyway, she's wearing a really cute dress. She just looks a little stressed out.

"You okay?" Lacey asks her.

"Yeah." Jenna smiles. "Did you hear about what Mercedes did?"

"Yeah, we did." Gabby says sympathetically. "But you don't need to worry about that."

"Yeah, just focus on planning your big day." Lacey smiles.

"Thanks for the support." Jenna says cheerfully. "I think I'm gonna get ready for bed, though. After all, I have classes tomorrow."

"Good night." Lacey and Gabby say before Jenna closes the restroom door behind her.

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