Just A Dream (completed)

By cali1girl

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The story of how James and Jenna met and how their relationship began. When James met Jenna at that meet and... More

the night they met
The Day They Meet Again
The Day James Asked For A Date
The Night Of Their First Date
The Day They Became A Couple
The Day Their Secret Got Out
author's note
Chapter 7: The Day Jenna's Life Started Changing
Chapter 8: The Day Jenna Was Popular For A Day
Chapter 9: The Day Of Their One Month Anniversary
Chapter 10: The Night They Had A Big Time Christmas
Chapter 11: The First Day Of A New Year
Chapter 12: The Day Of Their First Valentines Day
Chapter 13: The Day That Their Love Was Approved
Chapter 15: The Day After The Disaster
Chapter 16: The Night Of The Pop Tiger Awards
Chapter 17: The Night Of Their Perfect Prom
Chapter 18: The Night Of Jenna's Graduation
Chapter 19: The Day Jenna Moved Into Her Dorm
Chapter 20: The Day James Showed His Broken Heart
Chapter 21: The Night Of Their First Argument
Chapter 22: The Night Before Their First Anniversary
Chapter 23: The Night James Got His Feelings Hurt
Chapter 24: The Day Jenna Took Care Of James
Chapter 25: The Night They Went To A Big Time Party
Chapter 26: The Day Jenna Defended The Guys
Chapter 27: The Day They Left For The Big Time Tour
Chapter 28: The Day The Tour Began
Chapter 29: The Night James Showed His Insecurity
Chapter 30: The Night They Spent In Rio
Chapter 31: The Night They Spent In Vegas
Chapter 32: The Day Jenna Gave In
Chapter 33: The Night They Went Home
Chapter 34: The Night They Threw A Big Time Party
Chapter 35: The Day Of Their Second Anniversary
Chapter 36: The Day Of Both Love and Loneliness
Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama
Chapter 38: The Day Of Their Big Time Beach Day
Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together
Chapter 40: The Day James Asked A Special Question
Chapter 41: The Day They Made The Announcement
Chapter 42: A Day Of Planning The Big Time Wedding
Chapter 43: A Day Of Paparazzi And Wedding Plans
Chapter 44: The Day James Got A Surprising Call
Chapter 45: The Day They Found Their Perfect Home
Chapter 46: The night of Jenna's Bachelorette Party
Chapter 47: The Day They Said I Do
Chapter 48: The Night They Celebrated Their Marriage
Chapter 49: The First Day Of Their Honeymoon
author's note
Chapter 50: The Day They Got A Special Surprise
Chapter 51: The Day Their Surprise Was Confirmed
Chapter 52: One Day In Her Third Month
Chapter 53: A Day Of Mood Swings Gone Wild
Chapter 54: The Day Jo Returned To The Palm Woods
WARNING: Very angsty ending (Be prepared!)
Chapter 56: The Day Everything Changed
Chapter 57: A Day Of Grieving
Chapter 58: The Day They All Said Goodbye
Chapter 59: The Day They Returned To Their Hometown
Chapter 60: The Day James Started To Move On
Authors Note

Chapter 14: The Night Of The Big Prom Disaster

111 2 0
By cali1girl

Prom night is an important part of senior year. That's why James is going to make Jenna's prom night really special. He bought a new tux, he's got a corsage that will go perfectly with Jenna's dress (Sky blue halter style,) and he's taking her out to dinner afterwards. Lacey, Marcus, Brian, and his date, Alaina, will be joining them. Throughout the prom, James and Jenna are going to dance, talk, and maybe sneak a few kisses. The teachers are kind of weird about PDA. Jenna says they will reprimand any couple that is seen kissing in the hallways. But nothing will happen as long as they don't get caught.

"Man, do you realize how many psycho fangirls will be after you?" Kendall says as he watches James fix his hair. He's all for James wanting to be Jenna's prom date, but it seems pretty risky if you ask him. James is known as the "face" of BTR and girls are completely in love with him. If he goes out in public with no security, he's gonna get trampled. Kendall isn't trying to be controlling. He's just trying to protect his friend.

"Everyone already knows that I'm coming and I think the principal warned the students to not bother me." James says, putting his lucky comb in the pocket of his blazer. He looks at himself with satisfaction, then walks to the kitchen and grabs Jenna's corsage. Kendall is being paranoid. Usually, Logan's the paranoid one, but Kendall seems convinced that James is going cause a riot by going to this prom. But it's true that the principal warned the students. James has never met Principal Hart personally, but the woman means business and the students know it. Most of them either respect her or are just plain afraid of her.

"They're a bunch of high school students!" Kendall argues. "They don't listen!"

"Goodbye, Kendall." James says, closing the door.

He and Jenna have been even more inseparable since her parents finally approved their relationship. Sometimes James goes over to their house and Jenna helps him with his homework. He's not exactly a perfect student, so he needs all the help he can get. Logan would help him, but the Big Time Brain has homework of his own. Anyway, James is happy that he and Jenna can be more open about their relationship. Mr. Harper doesn't even say anything when they hug, kiss, or say "I love you."

Once he makes it through the lobby and out to the parking garage, he finds the Big Time Rush mobile. He gets into the vehicle and puts the key in the ignition. Once he is out on the street, he turns the radio on. He smiles when the station starts playing "The City Is Ours." Oh, how that song fits this particular night. Him, Jenna, music, and dancing. Maybe he should request this song to the DJ. He made Jenna listen to the entire BTR album with him and she picked "The City Is Ours" as one of her favorites.

"Hello, Hollywood Gardens." He murmurs when he sees the neighborhood. He drives through the entrance and finally finds himself parked in front of Jenna's house. He grabs her corsage and gets out of the car, eagerly walking to the porch. He takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell, hoping that all goes well. If anything goes wrong, he might have to lock himself in his room for the next several weeks.

"Hey, James!" Chris says. "Jenna will be out in a moment."

James follows her into the living room and he anxiously waits for his girlfriend. Finally, he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. He looks toward the staircase and sees Jenna walking down the stairs with her dress, her makeup (Not too much, just some eyeliner, mascara, and light pink lipgloss,) her hairstyle (Curled, left down, ending just below her shoulders.) She looks like a princess. Every girl should look and feel like a princess on their prom night, and Jenna has definitely managed to pull that off.

"Okay, I'm ready!" She smiles.

"Not before your mother and sister get some pictures." Will says, handing his camera to Mandy. James wraps his arm around Jenna's waist, letting Chris and Mrs. Harper take as many pictures as they like. He smiles even more when Jenna kisses his cheek, letting her mom and sister snap a few pictures of her doing so. She squeezes his waist and smiles when James kisses the top of her head.

"Jay, the limo is gonna pick us up, remember?" She tells him. "So you can leave your car here. After the prom, we're gonna go out to eat."

"Kay." James says, jumping when he hears a horn honking outside. He rolls his eyes as someone, probably Lacey, keeps making the loud and obnoxious noise that is probably disturbing the whole neighborhood.

"We better get going." Jenna says, grabbing James's hand.

"Not before I give you this." James smiles, putting the corsage around her left wrist. Then they say goodbye to the rest of the family and head out to the limo. The driver opens the door for them and they get inside, frowning when they see Lacey leaning over the drivers seat, pressing the horn. Brian rubs his temples, then pulls her back.

"PROM NIGHT!" Lacey shouts out the window.

"LACEY!" The other teens, except Marcus, yell in unison.

"Sorry that she's so loud." Jenna says, kissing James.

"Wow, I'm sitting in the same limo as James Diamond." Alaina smiles dreamily, not noticing that Brian is rolling his eyes. Jenna gives her a weird look, already deciding that she doesn't trust that girl. She's obviously a James fan and, while Jenna doesn't want to be an overly jealous girlfriend, it's hard not to be. She's gonna have to keep an eye out for girls that try to bother him. He's her boyfriend and she does not want to lose him to one of his fans. She loves him too much to let anyone take him away from her.

Lincoln High School's gym is all decked out for prom. Lilac colored streamers with white and lilac colored baloons are attached to the walls and many of the chairs have a balloon or two attached to the back. The tables are covered with white table clothes and they have lilac colored flowers in vases as centerpieces. Teachers and students are all over the place, but it's not too crowded. James is really enjoying the music that they're playing. "Yeah" by Usher is the current song blaring through the speakers.

He knows that a few students are watching him and he gives them a friendly wave, then takes Jenna's hand and leads her over to a table. She surprises him with a kiss and they ignore the exclamations of "awww," "how cute!" and "That lucky little..." Well, you know. Anyway, all they're focused on is having a great time together. Speaking of a good time, they haven't hit the dance floor yet. Jenna said that she doesn't know how to dance, but James promised that he would show her. She insists that she'll end up falling on her face, but that won't stop him from sharing a dance with his girl.

"Come on." He says, forcing her to stand up.

"Jay, where are we going?" Jenna asks while glancing at Lacey, who shrugs in response.

"The dance floor." James grins.

"Jay, I can't dance!" Jenna protests. But it's too late. She and James are soon on the dance floor, so all she can do is roll with it. She wraps her arms around his neck, while his own arms wrap around her waist. From the corner of her eye, she sees Anna, Layla, and Amanda watching them, which kind of scares her. She tightens her arms around James, hoping that he'll protect her from the mean girls.

James kisses her cheek, but she is barely paying attention. She frowns as Anna whispers something to her two followers, then begins walking toward James and Jenna. She flips her hair and smirks as she walks over to them.

"Jenna, that is such a lovely dress." She says, feigning sweetness.

"Thanks." Jenna says, thinking that Anna is genuinely being nice.

"The whole world should see it." Anna says thoughtfully. "It's that amazing."

She snaps her fingers and a few paparazzi come out from under the bleachers, snapping pictures of Jenna.

James and Jenna can't believe that Anna invited paparazzi to the prom! There aren't suppose to be anyone taking pictures, except for the photographer that was hired to take the prom pictures. Why did she invite them anyway?

"It's too bad about that tear." Anna says as Jenna starts to walk away. She steps on the edge of the dress, causing it to rip as Jenna falls down.

The music stops and the room becomes silent, except for the paparazzi, who are eagerly taking pictures of Jenna's OMG moment. James is furious with Anna and the photographers. How could they do that to her? She wanted to have a perfect prom night and they had to go and ruin it for her. James isn't the one suffering from humiliation, but his heart hurts for Jenna. As Lacey and Alaina rush to help her up, James gets a good look at the embarrassment and hurt on her face. She looks around for a moment and tears slowly start to fall before she quickly exits the gym.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!" Lacey screams at Anna.

"Lacey, calm down." Brian says, grabbing her wrist. But she angrily yanks it out of his grip, storming up to Anna. She stares at the smirking girl for a moment, then does something that quickly wipes that expression of the mean girl's face. She punches Anna across the face, causing the girl to gasp in shock and fall to the floor. Layla and Amanda rush to help her up, while Lacey stands there and glares at her.

"You wanna go right now!" Anna yells at her.

"Oh, try me!" Lacey screams as she lunges. Brian and Marcus quickly grab her and hold her back, while Layla and Amanda do the same for Anna.

"James, go check on Jenna." Brian says. James obeys, rushing out of the gym in desperate search of his girlfriend. He doesn't see her in the hallway, but he gets a good hint when he hears sobs coming from the janitors closet. He reluctantly opens the door, his heart breaking when he sees Jenna on the floor, sobbing. He really hates Anna right now. She went too far tonight. If he weren't a guy, he would hit her himself, but Lacey took care of that. She'll probably get a few weeks of detention, but Anna deserves to get hit. It's about time that someone got the nerve to stand up to her. She's a bully and she has no right to treat people so badly.

"Baby?" He whispers, closing the door. He sits next to her and pulls her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

"Tonight was suppose to be perfect." Jenna sobs. "But my dress is ruined, the paparazzi have pictures of me, and everyone is gonna make fun of me."

"I'm so sorry, baby girl." James whispers, kissing her cheek. Jenna keeps sobbing as she crawls onto his lap, burying her face in his shoulder. Even though she's getting mascara all over his tux, he keeps comforting her. He rubs her back, kisses her head, anything it takes to make her feel better. He hopes that Anna gets in big trouble for what she did.

"Jay, I-I wanna go home." Jenna whimpers.

"Okay, baby." James whispers, helping her up. "We'll just watch some movies and maybe eat some popcorn. How does that sound?"

"Good." Jenna sniffles, clinging to him. He wraps his arms around her and they leave the closet, walking down the empty hallway. They look up when they hear shouts of anger. Lacey and Anna are being dragged out of the gym by a couple of teachers, while they continue yelling and screaming obscenities at each other. James laughs softly, but Jenna doesn't even give the slightest chuckle.

"I'm gonna call your parents, okay?" He whispers, dialing the Harper family's home phone. "I'm sure they'll be happy to pick us up."

"WE ARE SUING THE PAPARAZZI AND REPORTING THAT HORRID GIRL!" Will shouts. When James told them about what happened, Will was not a happy father. He wants to make sure that Anna and those paparazzi pay for what they did to his daughter. She just wanted to enjoy her senior prom and Anna had to go and ruin it for her. It's sad because prom is all Jenna has talked about for the past several weeks. It certainly didn't turn out like she planned. She bought that dress, put all that makeup on, and she was looking forward to taking James as her date. She thought they were gonna have so much fun together.

"You should." James mutters, playing with Jenna's hair. When they got home, she decided to take a nap because all the drama tired her out. She changed into her pajamas that the guys got her for Christmas and layed on the couch with James. Mr. Harper, Mrs. Harper, and Chris are just as pissed off as James is and he's glad that they feel the same way. Most of the time, they don't believe in getting physical during an altercation, but they said that they're actually glad that Lacey taught Anna a lesson.

"Jenna, we're gonna take your dress to a seamstress and we're gonna get it all fixed up, okay?" Chris says gently, rubbing her sister's back.

"She's asleep." James says softly. The paparazzi took a lot of pictures and he's sure that they'll be in the tabloids by tomorrow. He hopes that people won't give Jenna a hard time. They shouldn't, considering that they saw what Anna did. She deliberately tried to embarrass Jenna in front of their classmates and the whole world. What will Gustavo say? This involves James to. He's certain that they got pictures of him looking beyond angry and chasing after Jenna. And they'll probably twist some facts around to make the incident sound a lot worse than it really was. Well, it was pretty bad, but they'll make it sound more extreme.

"Don't people have manners?" Mandy asks, watching her daughter with worry. "It's like they have no consideration for anyone."

"We are going to sue those scumbag photographers for all they have!" Will says angrily.

"I'm right behind you." Mandy and Chris say in unison. James just nods in agreement. He's more focused on Jenna than getting payback on the people that caused all of this. Although, they do need to get what they deserve.


Wow, I wasn't even expecting this chapter to be so dramatic, but I was writing and this just came to me. So next chapter will be about the aftermath of the horrible prom incident, then the next chapter with be about the Pop Tiger Awards and the chapter after that will be the Palm Woods School prom:D

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