Because You're Mine

By itsshewhowrites

4.6K 494 495

Completed (11.12.17) --------------- It hurts, really, to not have a lasting happiness in your life. Somethi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Valentine's Day Special: Part 1)
Chapter 32 (Valentine's Day Special: part 2)
Chapter 33 (Valentine's Day Special: part 3)
Chapter 34 (Valentine's Day Special: part 4)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 4

135 13 36
By itsshewhowrites

I still cannot believe that I told off Chris Wild. It feels like I did him a good courtesy, but also feels like I'll be getting it back.

"Jasmine, wait up!" A familiar voice called out to me. I stop and turn around to see one of the mountains walking towards me.

I wonder what he wants?

"Uh, hey. Did you wanted to tell me something?" I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and said, "Like you don't know. I was there while you were telling off my friend, Chris. I guess you didn't notice because of my new look. But I must say, it was hilarious! By the way, I'm Mason if you didn't recognize."

Oh. My. God.

He's Mason?!

Mason is Chris's best friend! How worse can this day get? He was standing right behind Chris, laughing with two other gorgeous guys.

I'm such an idiot. I didn't even recognize Mason.

I think I should ask him who those other two walking mountains were.

"Walking Mountains, Mount Everest, what else do you have in mind?" He smirks. I roll my eyes at him while releasing a small smile. I was about to walk away from him to meet Austin, but I stopped when he said, "If you're wondering who the other two guys are, they're Bryan and Avery."

This walking mountain read my mind in just a flash.

And where they hell is Cheryl? She was with me when the walking mountains were causing a snowstorm down the hall. I'm gonna kill her when I see her. She left me with that intolerant jerky face, Chris.

It's sure been forever since I saw him though. The last time I saw him was in September last year, and now it's summer. I heard from my dad that he was attending my school. But I never really paid much attention to his appearance and personality.


"Seriously? You shut Chris Wild's mouth?" Jessica surprisingly says as she took a big bite from her subway.

"If you want evidence, then ask one of the walking mountains," I stated, sounding annoyed.

Just then I see Cheryl walking towards us, and I give her the 'I'll-kill-you' look. She gives me a small smile meaning that she was sorry, but you know me. I'm not forgiving her for leaving me with Mount Everest all alone.

"Cherry, where were you?! You left me alone with that jackass, Chris! " I growled at her.

"I kindly stepped back so that I won't be seen by those guys whom you call walking mountains, and then I got lost in the crowd. Don't worry though. I heard every little part. It was too good. I was even following you but then I got a call from your Mom saying that I'm coming to your house because my Mom is at work, and she'll be home at around 8, so therefore, I'm having dinner at your house. Maybe also a sleepover." She said.

If that's the case, then I'll give her another chance. "Fine," I groan. "But if you're coming to my house tonight, then I'm taking your phone away and we both are going to watch the 'Walking Dead', okay?" I ordered.

She was still thinking for a few minutes, then she nodded.

"Uh, Jasmine? I wanted to um talk to you about...something important. I'm waiting for you by the Bistro." Said Austin as he got up, put his belongings inside his backpack, and walked out of the cafeteria.

"What's up with you two?" Asked my guy friend, Alex.

"Um, nothing," I reply.

"Are sure it's nothing? I can see the look on both of your faces and you, right now, are blushing. Seriously, tell us what's up. Any problems? Anything particular or different?" Asked my other guy friend, Dave.

"Guys, I promise to tell you everything when I get back from my talk with Austin," I say as I get up and start walking as fast as I could towards the Bistro to meet Austin.

"The guys were being detectives and asking tons of questions so I had to tell them that I'll talk to them when I'm done talking with you and-"

"Don't you ever get tired of talking this much?" He asked, cutting me off. I shake my head. He chuckles and says, "I guess you'll never change. But I wanted to talk to you in private so that we can talk about something important."

"Okay, what is it?" I question.

"I think it's time for me to ask you this question. Care to go out on a date with me this Friday Ms. Mare?"

"Sure. I have nothing useful to do anyways." I shrug.

"Great." He smiles. "Now, we should tell everyone else about us, otherwise your cousin won't pity me."

Every time when Austin messes up or forgets to tell us something, Cheryl beats the shit out of him and basically makes him realize his mistake.

I laugh and say, " Yeah, I suppose we can tell them."

Austin slowly walked towards me, and I was moving back each step. He stops and says, "They can wait." He again starts walking towards me and I'm stepping back, but then I bump into a flat surface. I turn around to see the wall behind me and realize I cannot escape from Austin.

Beauty trapped by the beast who soon turns into a prince.

He places both hands on either side of me, making sure I don't run off like Cinderella. We just look at each other like there was nobody watching us.

"What's on your mind, shortcut?" He grins.

"Shut up." I murmur.

"Nope. I like short girls." I can feel him smile as his 6'3" self-was bending down to match my 5'4" (I'm no longer wearing heels) and I was on my tippy toes.

Even though he was a bad boy, he thinks that I changed him in every way. He always used to hook up with girls, but when he met me, it changed.

Before he didn't like to open up with people. He was always so aggressive and did a business with a guy named Colter.

I've known him since freshman year, which seems like forever, and he has changed a lot.

He stopped working for Colter last year just because he was fed up with it and he didn't enjoy doing forbidden things. It was hard for to stop working for him, and we went through much more situations back then, but I supported him in every way and helped get out of the mess.

I form a slight smile and say, "Are you going to keep staring at me?"

He smiles back, comes closer to me and I close my eyes to let him kiss me since that's what I think he is going to do. My heart was racing at full speed and I was super nervous for this.

But he plants a kiss on my forehead and says, "I have a whole life to do that."


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