Cute Justin Bieber Imagines

By dreamingmrbieber

57.9K 832 54

This book contain cute imagines which I have wrote about Justin Bieber. There's two different writers imagine... More

Catch Me If You Can
The First Words
The First Date
Texting (Cute Versio)
Turned On Of Studying
Little Sister Named Y/N
Messing Up With Lyrics
Life With Pregnant Woman
The Rule Breakers
Hope and Liquorice
In The Safe Zone
One Dance
Fun Fair Trip With Bestie
Stay Away From Them
Photo Albums
Congratulations, Y/N!
Pancakes and Dirty Fingers
"How To Fix A Broken Heart"
The Red Days
Your Eyes
From Unluck to Something Better
You're A Monster
Wherever Future Leads Us

Foreign Girl

1.4K 31 3
By dreamingmrbieber

It was Thursday, 10:00AM when unfamiliar, a pretty short looking girl walked over me and my best friend Khalil to ask a question. "Salut! Pourriez-vous me dire où est le bureau du principal? (Hey! Could you tell, where is the principal's office?)" she asked tenderly and picked up her eye glasses better over her nose. We looked each others confused and then the girl who was still waiting for us to answer her question

"Excuse me? Do you speak English?" Khalil got finally a question out of his mouth but he didn't reach the connection with her. It felt like there would have been a huge wall between us. "Je.. tu.. vi es.." I thought back the French classes which I had taken in the middle school but my skills had rusted a bit since I haven't had a situation to use it. But seemly I should have

She looked us asking still a few seconds before she turned other way and went ask help with other students which gave that information to her which she needed. "Why you didn't answered her anything, dumbass?" Khalil groaned and punched me against my rib. "Why you didn't?" I sent his own question back to him

"Don't worry man because I will. That girl was so hot" he said and made me roll my eyes. He was right, she looked hot, hotter than any of those girls from our class actually

We moved to our English class and sat on our seats. We grabbed our books from our backpacks before our teacher walked inside the class with a familiar looking girl by her side. "Good morning, class! We have a little guest here, Y/N. She's our new exchange student from France" she told and smiled for us and then gave a one for Y/N. So that was her name, Y/N. Y/N, I rolled her name in my mouth. It sounded good, Y/N. "You can go sit next to.." "Me!" we yelled in unison with Khalil and Mrs. Daniels gave us both a confused look

"Samantha" she finished her sentence and turned back on her laptop where she opened the material of today's class. "Open your book from page 67.." she told and started teach us

"Do you speak English, Y/N.." Samantha was asking before Khalil decided interrupt her. "No, she doesn't" he told and got a confused gaze from her classmate. "And how do you know?" she raised her eyebrows asking before she turned back to Y/N. "Because she didn't talk to me" I felt want to correct him, she talked to US but I decided let it slide

"Well that's not new. I mean you're maybe the most annoying guy in this whole school that it's just good if someone is clever to stay away from you" she smirked and I'd have wanted to start laugh but I contained myself. Samantha's comment was a big hit for Khalil but he would be fine and forget it pretty soon

"Same to you, Sam. I'd ever hang out with slut like you who has slept with almost all teachers of us to get better grades" or then he would be paying back like that. Samantha went in red and let her head fall down. "Yeah, just like that. Shut your mouth before you'll let out anything else back" Khalil chuckled and smirked for Y/N who looked to be totally outsider of our thing

When the school ended I drove back home, did my homework and ate some lasagne which my mom had made. After that I went watch some TV and when I closed it, the clock showed already almost 8PM

I moved to my room changed clothes and laid on my unmade bed. I opened Whatsapp and noticed that someone has added a new people to our group chat. My heart took a few extra beats when I realized who it was

Y/N looked so good in her profile picture that I'd have almost liked to save that picture to my phone and watch it when I.. okay maybe we won't go in more accurate details

When it was 9PM, I decided close my phone and try go to bed. I pulled the blanket over my body and aslept with thought of Y/N and I walking hand by hand in the streets while people would stare us. Thought of Y/N being my girlfriend

"She told me yesterday that she's not interested on anyone right now" I told as serious as I could when we were walking to our first lesson today with Khalil. "But you also told that she doesn't speak English so how that happened, man. Stop speaking bullshit!" Khalil rolled his eyes for me and I felt how my little plan to get Y/N by my side started break piece by piece

Yeah, I had decided that this morning while I was drinking coffee and eating my breakfast. I had more charm than Khalil so it would be easy to win her if he's only competitor. I had a few secret weapons

"I speak French a bit if you don't remember" I let out which was actually true but I'd ever be able to talk with girl. "Oh c'mon, you can't even introduce yourself in French" he chuckled but it cut in short. "Je m'appelle Justin" I spelled in perfect French and grinned

"That shows nothing. She will be on my arms before you'll ven notice" he growled low. "Well good luck to then getting a connection with her" I acted hurt even inside I'd have wanted laugh to him. His chances against me were trifling but I decided give him one. In the end of the day he was still my best friend

About week later:

"Bonjour, mon frère" Khalil tapped me on my shoulder and grinned. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked and looked his outfit. He looked.. different

He was wearing a tight black jeans, a while shirt and black beret. "You look like a gay, man" I chuckled and pushed his beret off his head. He sighed and grabbed it from the floor and put it back to his head. "It's called fashion" he commented and I bursted in laugh

"What the hell, Khalil?? Oh my lord, stop before I'll die in my laughter, please" I begged but his serious face didn't lose a bit yet. "It's fashion" he repeated and sat on his place finally when our teacher came in the class. "Yeah but why, why you decided to start wear that gay stuff just now? It's embarrassing" I checked his clothes again and almost felt like puking

"Because girls like it, especially one girl" he winked before he turned his gaze on the front where our biology teacher was writing something on the board. And then the pieces inside my head started get in right places. He was trying to be like those boys in France, where Y/N was coming. I had already started hate my best friend a bit. Why he couldn't just give up like he always did?

We left the class together and went get next ones to our lockers. "Do you have history next?" I tried ask as politely as possible even inside me I was nothing but that. He looked me and shook his head and showed his books, French books. My suprised and a bit annoyed face made him smirk. He had gotten what he wanted

"Je.. j'ai pris.. quelques cours de Francais (I have took some French courses)" his accent sucked and I didn't even understood what did he said something about French studying I guess. He was hitting with big bullets against me and I'll lose if I don't start do anything and quick. I had totally lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear when the bell rang

"I should be going, I don't wanna miss that class" he wawed the French book in front of my face. I would have just wanted punch him right in the face on that moment. I don't know why but I still wanted. "Au revoir, pot de colle! (bye, sucker!)" he yelled for me before he disappeared in the class. He was really trying to get that girl to himself but I couldn't let that happen. I have to find some way to impress that girl before Khalil did but how

I made my way to chemitry class. I couldn't concentrate on the topic of our lesson when I was thinking how childish I might look a like in front of everyone while fighting a girl with my best friend. I chuckled to my thoughts and how stupid I felt myself but there was a reason to that stupidness, Y/N

It was a lunch time and I was sitting in the small table alone. Khalil was sitting with his "new friends" and laughing with them. I heard how they talk about their upcoming exam and how they should study together

Khalil wasn't like that type of student, he hated studying if it was necessary but these days he had became one of those nerds from our school. I had lost my best friend to nerds

Maybe I should let him have her, it wouldn't be so big deal though because he wouldn't ever actually get contact with her. He wouldn't have enough energy or interest to go through all those French classes from our school that was a only sure thing I knew about him

"Je peux m'assoir ici? (Can I sit here?)" I heard a quiet voice next to me. I turned my head toward it and met those familiar face in front of me, Y/N. It was her. I nodded even I still didn't reach her question but I thought that she meant that place next to me. She sat down and smiled shyly

"Quel est ton nom? (What's your name?)" I got out of my mouth finally after a few awkward minutes. "Y-Y/N" she shuttered and looked me suprised. "Je ne savais pas que tu parlais Francais aussi (I didn't know that you can speak French too)" she said and blushed a bit. "Un petit peu (a little bit) " I chuckled scratched back of my neck awkwardly. A long silence between us before she opened her mouth

"Qu'as-tu comme cours après? (What class you have next)" she asked and I tried connect pieces together to understand her question. "Uhm.. I'm.. je.. shit!" I cursed under my breath. She giggled. It felt almost embarrassing when she did that in front of me. My confidence had totally disappered on that moment like my chances to have a good conversation with her but then she opened her mouth

"It's okay, handsome" her sudden English words made my eyes widen. "So you speak English? Damn, now I feel stupid.." I covered my face and made her giggle even harder. "No no, don't feel. I'm sorry that I made you think that way. It was just fun to see how people react on that if I act like I'd not speak nothing but French"

Finally I was able to laugh back too and a few seconds we just stared each other laughing. "Will you keep my secret? Because I'd still like to continue this" she tilted her head and after a few seconds thinking I nodded. "Yeah, sure" I mumbled when I still felt a bit embarrassed myself

"I'm Justin, by the way" I introduced myself to her and got a warm smile back. "Nice to meet you Justin" her white teeth showed and my cheeks heated a bit. She looked so cute when she smiled. Her hair curled over her shoulder just perfectly and her eyeglasses made her smart looking which she probably was in real too, I mean I have heard that French girls are smart. However, I didn't feel like asking is that true to her. It would be a bit thick

We made a short chat between each others, like by asking simple things to each other. I found out that for example what was her favorite color, a few things about her family and life in France. She also sounded really smart. I liked her, I thought. "Je crois que je t'aime (I think that I like you)" I almost whispered and I realized that those feelings of mine over her wasn't just in my head no more. She heard them. A big smile spread on her face and all of sudden as a suprise, I felt a soft lips against my cheek and whisper in my ear: "À plus tard, ma beau (See you later, handsome)"

"À plus tard, ma belle (See you later, beautiful)" I was able to mutter our before she disappered in the returning line to bring her plate and glass to wash. I had messed up. She wanted give me the easiest refusal, she didn't want make it harder to any of us. I finished my lunch and followed others example to leave the hall before I would miss my next class which was English

I felt sad when I walked in the class. It was full of students already and I was ready to go my place. Khalil had moved to sit next to his nerd friend and it made me even sadder because I had to sit alone nowadays. I sat on my place but soon I heard a cough next to me and startled

It was Y/N. She was sitting next to me and smiling. "You won't probably mind if I sit here, do you?" she asked and I shook my head. It was hard to not smile on that moment but I decided play it cool. No more stupid mistakes, Justin. Focus on your purpose, make her yours

Our teacher gave us some exercises and we started do them. "Seemly Ms. Y/L/N has founded a new sitting partner" our teacher smiled to us when she had stopped in front of us to wait if we would ask help. Y/N nodded lightly and smiled. "Oui, Justin est un bon gars" she told and looked over me. We went back to our work and the teacher continued her course around the class. I was totally focused on reading that I didn't even heard Y/N's quiet question

"Justin, Justin!" she hissed and finally punched me against my shoulder. I turned my head over her and looked. "What's wrong?" I asked pretty loud that almost everyones head turned over us, considering Khalil's whose eyes were almos popping off when he saw us sitting together

Y/N gave me a confused gaze and raised her eyebrows. "Excusez-moi?" she changed back to French again and I acted with her telling her that it was nothing. Khalil was still staring us with a corner of his eye. He was pissed but it made me want nothing but smirk

Class was over and we walked over the lockers. Y/N followed me and told me to behind the corner. "So what did you wanted to tell me in the class?" I asked while I was leaning against the wall. "I wanted just ask, was you serious when you told me earlier that you like me?" It took a while before I nodded. "Yes" I mumbled. ".. but it's totally fine for me if you don't like me. Like I'm just a stranger and weird boy who..-" Her lips pressed against my cheek and she giggled. "You're so cute when you talk like that" I blushed lightly and a little smile spread on my lips. "I don't think so because you're the cutest one of this whole school" I complimented her and now we both were blushing

We stood there few minutes before she took me by hand and pulled me back to hallway. "If you still think that you're the only one who like someone, you're wrong because I think I like you too, Justin" she told quietly and tightened her grip against my hand. "So there's some hope still that we would become something?" I joked and made her laugh. "Yeah, one day" she nodded but then our conversation suddenly stopped and Y/N*s grip against my hand loosened

"Well well well, who's here? Justin Bieber" Khalil stood in front of us his arms crossed against his chest. "Hi, bro! How's our French courses going?" I asked but I got only an annoyed eye roll back. "I quit, it wasn't my thing" he mumbled and checked us out from head to toes. "Did I interrupted somethin by the way?" he asked

"Not really, we were just talking about going to eatsomewhere after school with Y/N" I looked Y/N and smiled. "Really?" Khalil asked and I was able see how hard it was for him to keep his smirk away from his face. "Well, have a nice dinner then" he chuckled and started walk away. "C'mon, beautiful" I put my had over Y/N's shoulder and we started walk out of school too

We passed Khalil and I decided give the last shot to his already broken dreams. "Where you would like to go eat, baby?" I asked Y/N and nodded her to show that it was her time to come out of her core now if ever. "Do you know that little restaurant near the park. That would be great" she told and seconds later I met Khalil's stare over us. The plan was finished

I smirked over my shoulder for him and yelled: "Bonne journée.. pot de colle! (Have a nice day.. sucker!" I yelled for him and wrabbed my arm around Y/N's shoulder again to just show him that I was the winner of that game. One girl couldn't resist Justin Drew Bieber, I mean no one

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