My Hero...

By Hollygal

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this is about a talented teen girl who falls for a dark and handsome lad that has two sides to him .... when... More

Chapter 2: Death of my life...

chapter 1

22 0 2
By Hollygal

 The ground feels wet and soggy. As I lie here on the grass, the mud crawls up me slowly... I feel sick and dizzy. Someone is touching my hand... but who? Suddenly it's all silent ... a blur. I see him. Who is he? I'm sure I know him from somewhere! Is he really my hero and did he really save my life.....

My name is Scarlett Hatcher and I am 17 years old and it all started when me and my friends went on a night out in secret. No one knew where we were or where we was going. There was about 6 of us and we went into this town called shocklebury. I was worried incase we got lost because we had never gone this far out of our village before. I was unsure if we had made the right decision about coming into this town and we didnt know how to get back. All the girls decided to go into this pub, but I thought that we should of been thinking of getting home somehow. So, we went into this pub where there was drunks all over the place and smoke everywhere from the toxic fumes of foul cigarettes. The girls crowded by the bar where as I hovered over looking for a seat, but there was not one in sight. It was loud and soon got louder. By now, hours had passed and the girls were drunk and I was still sobar, and all I could see was more smoke drifting over in my direction. I couldnt really breathe with the taste of smoke in my mouth and people screaming and laughing, so I decided to take a step out into the fresh air. As I took a deep breath of fresh air, my eye caught a reflection in the window. The reflection took a shape of a dark and handsome male, smiling in my direction. I looked over and there he was, actually staring at me and then came over. My heart started to race but I was also nervous, I was panicking about what to say. Just act normal scarlett, talk clear and act dumb. ACT DUMB! what am I thinking. no, act normal and talk from the heart. He stood by me looking deep into my eyes and giving the look of determination to win me over.

He smiled and said "excuse me but you caught my eye from a distance and couldnt resist not saying hello."

 I gave a slight smile and replied "e..ermm hi and well thanks and you look nice yourself." I didnt know what else to say and I must of gave the impression that I was some sort of idiot. my words were jumbled up and he gave a simple sentence without it being mumbled. He acted positively to what I replied with and asked for my number. I gave it him and we just got talking about each other. I found out his name and it's sooo nice, his name is jayden. He was 19, 2 years older than me but I was going to forget the age because to me age is just a number. It was like he understood my life and what I had been through. the girls came out the pub stumbling everywhere, and I quickly ran over to them in my gigantic heels, nearly tripping over onto my face but it was luckly I kept my balance. I had to take a second glance and he held his hands in a phone shape by his ear. I shook my head to say okay and carried on walking, holding most of the girls up straight. somehow we got home safe but I dont remeber how, which was weird but I was glad to be home for sure. I couldnt get his image out of my mind and just kept looking at his number over and over, a million times...

couple of weeks later, me and jayden were meeting up after that night. It was like a miracle was sent from heaven. I had called him the morning after to ask him what actually happened that night and he explained to me. It was like I had knew him for years but just didn't realise. We were like the next big thing in the world, that's what we thought anyway. Me and jayden went to town and went to the cinemas to see each other and he treated me like his princess. I had never been treated like a princess before as I've never had parents to look up to. My dad use to beat my mum up when I was little, but I never really got on with him anyway. My mum left because of my dad and told me that he would never hurt me. My dad has never hurt me in my whole life... EVER!! But soon left me at the age of 12 to defend myself against the world. I've not had my family to back me up either as they live far away from me. I told jayden all about not having family and thats why I'm defensive to people.  He understood my problems and said that he would always look after me... no matter what. We spent most of the summer together as he didn't want to leave me by myself. jayden took me everywhere and called me his girl! And he was my boy! Everywhere we went, people would look at us with a sparkle in their eye. It was like people understood our relationship and how we belonged with each other. We held hands everywhere and people smiled everytime they walked past. Me and jayden were definitely an item for sure. We both had dreams that we wanted to achieve, mine was to help children with disabilities and jayden's was to overcome his fears. But his biggest goal was to become a professional music artist. I loved listening to jayden mix with his music and he loved watching me smile to it. jayden took me out one evening to a club and We met up with a few mates. We all ended up going to a nightclub in town, just off the edge of newsfolk. Me and jayden entered the nightclub and headed straight to the dance floor, where the disco lights searched for people out in the crowd. jayden and his mates escaped out of the crowd to the bar, and I stayed in the middle of the dancefloor and waited for him to return. He brought back shots for us all to neck back and we all got drunk .... I think. Thats all I could remeber of that night but it was good fun!

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